Beispiel #1
        public void OnRate()
            if (RatingHasError())

            Subject subjectToRate = teacher.subjects[subjectDropdown.value];
            string  ratings       = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < itemList.Count; i++)
                ratings += i != itemList.Count - 1 ? itemList[i].Rating + ";" : itemList[i].Rating.ToString();
            DbComment dbcomment = new DbComment()
                id           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                description  = commentInput.text,
                subjectId    =,
                studentId    =,
                teacherId    =,
                skillRatings = ratings,
                timeStamp    = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks

            FirebaseManager.Instance.PushToCloud <DbComment>(dbcomment, RateSuccess);
            _repo.AddDbModel <Comment>(dbcomment);
Beispiel #2
        private void fill_comments()
            comments_list = DbComment.get_comments_of_active_user();

                panel_comment0.Visible            = true;
                lbl_product0_name.Text            = comments_list[list_index - 1].GetProduct().GetName();
                lbl_sellername0.Text              = comments_list[list_index - 1].GetProduct().GetOwner().GetName();
                rtxtb_comment0.Text               = comments_list[list_index - 1].GetText();
                picturebox_product0.ImageLocation = comments_list[list_index - 1].GetProduct().GetImage();
            catch (Exception)
                panel_comment0.Visible = false;
                panel_comment1.Visible            = true;
                lbl_product1_name.Text            = comments_list[list_index].GetProduct().GetName();
                lbl_sellername1.Text              = comments_list[list_index].GetProduct().GetOwner().GetName();
                rtxtb_comment1.Text               = comments_list[list_index].GetText();
                picturebox_product1.ImageLocation = comments_list[list_index].GetProduct().GetImage();
            catch (Exception)
                lbl_product1_name.Text = "";
                lbl_sellername1.Text   = "";
                rtxtb_comment1.Text    = "";

                panel_comment1.Visible = false;
    public async void RemoveComment(long idComment)
        DbComment comment = await db.Conn.Table <DbComment>().Where(c => c.Id == idComment).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

        if (comment != null)
            await db.Conn.DeleteAsync(comment);
Beispiel #4
        private void fill_comments()
                comments_list = DbComment.comments_of_product(Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView_productsOfSeller.CurrentRow.Cells["ProductId"].Value));

                panel_comment0.Visible = true;
                panel_comment1.Visible = true;

                    lbl_comment0_text.Text       = comments_list[comment_list_index - 1].GetText();
                    lbl_comment0_createDate.Text = comments_list[comment_list_index - 1].GetCreateTime().ToString();

                    if (comments_list[comment_list_index - 1].GetSeller().GetId() != 0)
                        picturebox_comment0_userimage.ImageLocation = comments_list[comment_list_index - 1].GetSeller().GetImage();
                        lbl_comment0_username.Text = comments_list[comment_list_index - 1].GetSeller().GetName();
                        picturebox_comment0_userimage.ImageLocation = comments_list[comment_list_index - 1].GetCustomer().GetImage();
                        lbl_comment0_username.Text = comments_list[comment_list_index - 1].GetCustomer().GetName();
                catch (Exception)
                    panel_comment0.Visible = false;
                    lbl_comment1_text.Text       = comments_list[comment_list_index].GetText();
                    lbl_comment1_createDate.Text = comments_list[comment_list_index].GetCreateTime().ToString();

                    if (comments_list[comment_list_index].GetSeller().GetId() != 0)
                        picturebox_comment1_userimage.ImageLocation = comments_list[comment_list_index].GetSeller().GetImage();
                        lbl_comment1_username.Text = comments_list[comment_list_index].GetSeller().GetName();
                        picturebox_comment1_userimage.ImageLocation = comments_list[comment_list_index].GetCustomer().GetImage();
                        lbl_comment1_username.Text = comments_list[comment_list_index].GetCustomer().GetName();
                catch (Exception)
                    panel_comment1.Visible = false;
            catch (Exception) // bir şekilde boş dgv ye tıklarsa sorun çıkarmasın
Beispiel #5
 public static Comment ToExposed(this DbComment comment)
     return(new Comment
         Id = comment.Id,
         IdCreator = comment.IdCreator,
         IdImage = comment.IdImage,
         Message = comment.Message,
         Creator = comment.Creator == null ? null : comment.Creator.ToExposed(),
         Image = comment.Image == null ? null : comment.Image.ToExposed()
Beispiel #6
        private void btn_addComment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Comment comment = new Comment();


Beispiel #7
        public override void LoadModel(DbBase entity)
            skillRatings = new Dictionary <Skill, int>();
            DbComment comment = entity as DbComment;

            this.studentId      = comment.studentId;
            this.teacherId      = comment.teacherId;
            this.subjectId      = comment.subjectId;
            this.description    = comment.description;
            this.skillRatingIds = comment.skillRatings;
            this.timeStamp      = comment.timeStamp;
Beispiel #8
        private void fill_comments()
            comments_list = DbComment.comments_of_product(product.GetId());

            lbl_comment0_username.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            lbl_comment1_username.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                //1. yorum paneli
                if (comments_list[list_index - 1].GetSeller().GetId() != 0) //satıcı yorumu ise satıcının adını renkli bastırıcak
                    lbl_comment0_username.Text      = comments_list[list_index - 1].GetSeller().GetName();
                    lbl_comment0_username.ForeColor = Color.Salmon;
                    lbl_comment0_text.Text          = comments_list[list_index - 1].GetText();
                if (comments_list[list_index - 1].GetCustomer().GetId() != 0)
                    lbl_comment0_username.Text      = comments_list[list_index - 1].GetCustomer().GetName();
                    lbl_comment0_username.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                    lbl_comment0_text.Text          = comments_list[list_index - 1].GetText();
            catch (Exception)
                lbl_comment0_username.Text = "";
                lbl_comment0_text.Text     = "";
                //2. yorum paneli
                if (comments_list[list_index].GetSeller().GetId() != 0)
                    lbl_comment1_username.Text      = comments_list[list_index].GetSeller().GetName();
                    lbl_comment1_username.ForeColor = Color.Salmon;
                    lbl_comment1_text.Text          = comments_list[list_index].GetText();
                if (comments_list[list_index].GetCustomer().GetId() != 0)
                    lbl_comment1_username.Text      = comments_list[list_index].GetCustomer().GetName();
                    lbl_comment1_username.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                    lbl_comment1_text.Text          = comments_list[list_index].GetText();
            catch (Exception)
                lbl_comment1_username.Text = "";
                lbl_comment1_text.Text     = "";
    public async Task <long> AddComment(String vat, String comment)
        long      id   = 0;
        DateTime  date = DateTime.Now;
        DbComment dbc  = new DbComment(vat, comment, date);
        await db.Conn.InsertAsync(dbc);

        DbComment insertDbc = await db.Conn.Table <DbComment>().ElementAtAsync(await db.Conn.Table <DbComment>().CountAsync() - 1);

        if (insertDbc != null)
            id = insertDbc.Id;
    public async Task CreateOrReplace(WarehouseCreateMode mode, [CanBeNull] string schema, ILogger log)
        if (mode == CloneProd && Sf.Cfg.DbSuffix.NullOrEmpty())
            throw new(
                      "DbSuffix needs to be set when cloning a db. Typically you should set warehouse.mode to \"Branch\" in local.appcfg.json to create a dev warehouse");

        var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        schema ??= Sf.Cfg.Schema;

        var stages = new[] { DbStage, Private }.Select(type => {
            var store     = Stores.Store(type);
            var container = ((AzureBlobFileStore)store).Container;
            var sasUri    = container.GenerateSasUri(List | Read, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddYears(100));
            var name      = type switch {
                Private => "yt_private",
                DbStage => "yt_data",
                _ => throw new($"store type {type} has no stage")
            return(new { Uri = $"azure://{sasUri.Host}{sasUri.AbsolutePath}", Sas = sasUri.Query, Name = name });

        if (mode == CreateSchemaIfNotExists)
            using var dbConn = await Sf.Open(log, schema : "");

            var schemaExists = await dbConn.ExecuteScalar <bool>($"{Scope} - schema exits",
                                                                 $"select exists(select * from information_schema.schemata where catalog_name = current_database() and schema_name ilike '{schema}')");

            if (schemaExists)

        // use a non-contextual connection for creating databases/schema's
        using var conn = await Sf.Open(log, "", "");

        var db        = Sf.Cfg.DbName();
        var dbComment = new DbComment {
            Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(2),
            Email   = EnvCfg.Email

        var scripts = (mode.In(CloneProd)
        ? new[] { new Script("db copy", @$ "create or replace database {db} clone {Sf.Cfg.Db} comment='{dbComment}'") }
        : new[] {
            new Script("db create", @$ "create database if not exists {db} comment='{dbComment}'"), // don't replace
            new Script("schema", $"create schema if not exists {db}.{schema}")
                      .Concat(new Script("file formats",
                                         $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.json type = 'json'",
                                         $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.json_zst type = 'json' compression = ZSTD",
                                         $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.tsv type = 'csv' field_delimiter = '\t' validate_UTF8 = false  NULL_IF=('')",
                                         $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.tsv_header type = 'csv' field_delimiter = '\t' validate_UTF8 = false  NULL_IF=('') skip_header=1 field_optionally_enclosed_by ='\"'",
                                         $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.tsv_header_no_enclose type = 'csv' field_delimiter = '\t' validate_UTF8 = false  NULL_IF=('') skip_header=1"))
                      .Concat(stages.Select(s => new Script($"stage {s.Name}",
                                                            $"create or replace stage {db}.{schema}.{s.Name} url='{s.Uri}' credentials=(azure_sas_token='{s.Sas}') file_format=(type=json compression=gzip)"
                      .Concat(WhCfg.AdminRoles.Select(r => new Script($"init role {r}", ScriptMode.Parallel,
                                                                      $"grant all on database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                      $"grant all on schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                      $"grant all on all tables in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                      $"grant all on future tables in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                      $"grant all on all views in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                      $"grant all on future views in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                      $"grant all on all stages in database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                      $"grant all on all functions in database {db} to role {r}"
                      .Concat(WhCfg.ReadRoles.Select(r => new Script($"init role {r}", ScriptMode.Parallel,
                                                                     $"grant usage,monitor on database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                     $"grant usage, monitor on all schemas in database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                     $"grant select on future tables in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                     $"grant select on future views in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                     $"grant select on all tables in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                     $"grant select on all views in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                     $"grant usage on all stages in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                     $"grant usage on all functions in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                                     $"grant usage on all file formats in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}"

        foreach (var s in scripts)
            await s.Sqls.BlockDo <string>(q => conn.Execute(s.Name, q), s.Mode == Sequential? 1 : WhCfg.MetadataParallel);

        log.Information("Create Warehouse - {Db} created/updated in {Duration}", db, sw.Elapsed.HumanizeShort());
Beispiel #11
 public void UpdateComment(DbComment comment)
Beispiel #12
 public void CreateComment(DbComment comment)