Beispiel #1
        public AxcExt(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, ushort length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            // initialize class members from stream
            this.catMin       = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.catMax       = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.catMajor     = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.duMajor      = (DateUnit)reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.catMinor     = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.duMinor      = (DateUnit)reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.duBase       = (DateUnit)reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.catCrossDate = reader.ReadUInt16();

            ushort flags = reader.ReadUInt16();

            this.fAutoMin   = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0001);
            this.fAutoMax   = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0002);
            this.fAutoMajor = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0004);
            this.fAutoMinor = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0008);
            this.fDateAxis  = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0010);
            this.fAutoBase  = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0020);
            this.fAutoCross = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0040);
            this.fAutoDate  = Utils.BitmaskToBool(flags, 0x0080);

            // assert that the correct number of bytes has been read from the stream
            Debug.Assert(this.Offset + this.Length == this.Reader.BaseStream.Position);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a <see cref="ScaleState"/> from the specified <see cref="Axis"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">The <see cref="Axis"/> from which to collect the scale
        /// range settings.</param>
        public ScaleState(Axis axis)
            _min = axis._scale._min;
            if (double.IsNaN(_min))
                throw new ApplicationException("_min is NaN");
            _minorStep = axis._scale._minorStep;
            _majorStep = axis._scale._majorStep;
            _max       = axis._scale._max;
            _majorUnit = axis._scale._majorUnit;
            _minorUnit = axis._scale._minorUnit;

            _format = axis._scale._format;
            _mag    = axis._scale._mag;
            //this.numDec = axis.NumDec;

            _minAuto       = axis._scale._minAuto;
            _majorStepAuto = axis._scale._majorStepAuto;
            _minorStepAuto = axis._scale._minorStepAuto;
            _maxAuto       = axis._scale._maxAuto;

            _formatAuto = axis._scale._formatAuto;
            _magAuto    = axis._scale._magAuto;
Beispiel #3
 public static Offset <Date> CreateDate(FlatBufferBuilder builder,
                                        DateUnit unit = DateUnit.MILLISECOND)
     Date.AddUnit(builder, unit);
Beispiel #4
        private static void OnDateRangeChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            DateRangePicker2 dateRangePicker = (DateRangePicker2)sender;

            DateRange oldDateRange = (DateRange)e.OldValue;
            DateRange newDateRange = (DateRange)e.NewValue;

            if (DateRange.EqualsDateRange(oldDateRange, newDateRange))

            DateUnit fromDate = newDateRange.FromDate;

            dateRangePicker.FromYear  = fromDate.Year.ToString();
            dateRangePicker.FromMonth = fromDate.Month.ToString();
            dateRangePicker.FromDay   = fromDate.Day.ToString();
            DateUnit toDate = newDateRange.ToDate;

            dateRangePicker.ToYear  = toDate.Year.ToString();
            dateRangePicker.ToMonth = toDate.Month.ToString();
            dateRangePicker.ToDay   = toDate.Day.ToString();

            dateRangePicker.OnDateRangeChanged(oldDateRange, newDateRange);
Beispiel #5
 public void FillDateDownTo(DateTime dt, DateUnit value)
             value != DateUnit.Year ? dt.Month : _month,
             value != DateUnit.Year && value != DateUnit.Month ? dt.Day : _day);
     OnPropertyChanged("Year", "Month", "Day");
Beispiel #6
        public Scale(Axis ownerAxis)
            _ownerAxis = ownerAxis;

            _min       = 0.0;
            _max       = 1.0;
            _majorStep = 0.1;
            _minorStep = 0.1;
            _exponent  = 1.0;

            _minAuto       = true;
            _maxAuto       = true;
            _majorStepAuto = true;
            _minorStepAuto = true;
            _magAuto       = true;
            _formatAuto    = true;

            _isVisible         = true;
            _isMinLabelVisible = true;
            _isMaxLabelVisible = true;

            _majorUnit = DateUnit.Day;
            _minorUnit = DateUnit.Day;

            _format     = null;
            _textLabels = null;
Beispiel #7
        public void increaseUnit(DateUnit unit, int value)
            int unitLimit;

            switch (unit)
            case DateUnit.Year:
                unitLimit = Int32.MaxValue;

            case DateUnit.Day:
                unitLimit = getNumberOfDaysInMonth();

                unitLimit = dateUnitLimits[(int)unit];

            int existingValue = units[(int)unit];
            int newValue      = existingValue + value;

            if (newValue > unitLimit)
                units[(int)unit] = newValue - unitLimit;

                //Now increase the previous unit's value.
                int previousUnit = ((int)unit) - 1;
                increaseUnit((DateUnit)previousUnit, 1);
                units[(int)unit] = newValue;
Beispiel #8
    private void SpawnDate()
        if (!LevelDataManager.Instance.TryGetNPCSpawnPoint(DateSpawnPointId, out Transform spawnpoint))
            CustomLogger.Error(nameof(DateStateManager), $"Could not find spawnpoint with id \"{DateSpawnPointId}\"");
        if (!PooledObjectManager.Instance.UsePooledObject(_dateData.UnitPrefabId, out PooledObject pooledObject))
            CustomLogger.Error(nameof(DateStateManager), $"Could not retrieve pooled object with id \"{_dateData.UnitPrefabId}\"");
        DateInitializationData initData = new DateInitializationData();

        initData.OverrideUniqueId = _dateData.UnitPrefabId;
        initData.UnitData         = _dateData;
        DateUnit dateUnit = pooledObject as DateUnit;

        dateUnit.transform.position = spawnpoint.position;
        dateUnit.TargetManager.OnCurrentTargetSet += OnDateCurrentTargetSet;
        dateUnit.OnUnitDefeated += DateDefeated;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal routine to calculate a multiplier to the selected unit back to days.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unit">The unit type for which the multiplier is to be
        /// calculated</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// This is ratio of days/selected unit
        /// </returns>
        private double GetUnitMultiple(DateUnit unit)
            switch (unit)
            case DateUnit.Year:

            case DateUnit.Month:

            case DateUnit.Day:

            case DateUnit.Hour:
                return(1.0 / XDate.HoursPerDay);

            case DateUnit.Minute:
                return(1.0 / XDate.MinutesPerDay);

            case DateUnit.Second:
                return(1.0 / XDate.SecondsPerDay);

            case DateUnit.Millisecond:
                return(1.0 / XDate.MillisecondsPerDay);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unit"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        public virtual void SetFromDate(DateUnit unit, int offset)
            var chart = this.Chart;
            var index = chart.Axes.IndexOf(this);

            chart.AddScript("{0}.axes.get({1}).fromDate=Ext.Date.add(Ext.Date.clone({0}.axes.get({1}).fromDate), Ext.Date.{2}, {3});", chart.ClientID, index, unit.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), offset);
 public DateFilter(int notOlderThan, DateUnit measure)
     this.DateComparision = Nomad.Commons.DateComparision.Ignore;
     this.NotOlderThan = 1;
     this.DateMeasure = DateUnit.Day;
     this.NotOlderThan = notOlderThan;
     this.DateMeasure = measure;
     this.DateComparision = Nomad.Commons.DateComparision.NotOlderThan;
Beispiel #12
        public static string ToSimpleDate(string str)
            DateUnit dateUnit = ParseDateUnit(str);

            if (dateUnit == null)
Beispiel #13
        public DateOffset(int?offset, DateUnit unit, Func <DateTime> now = null)
            : this()
            // для тестов
            if (now != null)
                Now = now();

            SetOffset(offset, unit);
Beispiel #14
        public RepetitionSchedule(ISchedule baseSchedule, DateUnit unit, int increment)
            if (increment <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(increment));

            this.BaseSchedule = baseSchedule ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(baseSchedule));
            this.Unit         = unit;
            this.Increment    = increment;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Установка даты меняет единицу измерения и смещение на наиболее подходящие.
        /// </summary>
        public static DateOffset RoundOffsetUnitByDate(this DateOffset d, DateTime described)
            Contract.Requires(d.Year != null);

            int?     offset = null;
            DateUnit unit   = 0;

            Action setRoundedOffsetUnitMonthOrYear = () =>
                var months = DateHelper.GetTotalMonthsBetween(described, d.Year.Value, d.Month.Value);
                if (months < 12) // меньше года - месяцы
                    offset = months;
                    unit   = DateUnit.Month;
                    offset = described.Year - d.Year.Value;
                    unit   = DateUnit.Year;

            if (d.Month == null) // _ _ y (или d _ y без автообрезания)
                offset = described.Year - d.Year.Value;
                unit   = DateUnit.Year;
            else if (d.Day == null) // _ m y
            else // d m y
                var days = (described - (DateTime)d).Days;
                if (days < 7) // меньше недели - дни
                    offset = days;
                    unit   = DateUnit.Day;
                else if (days < 4 * 7) // меньше месяца - недели
                    offset = days / 7;
                    unit   = DateUnit.Week;

            return(new DateOffset(offset, unit, () => d.Now));
 public DateFilter(Nomad.Commons.DateComparision comparision, DateTime date)
     this.DateComparision = Nomad.Commons.DateComparision.Ignore;
     this.NotOlderThan = 1;
     this.DateMeasure = DateUnit.Day;
     if ((comparision < Nomad.Commons.DateComparision.On) || (comparision > Nomad.Commons.DateComparision.After))
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
     this.DateComparision = comparision;
     this.FromDate = date;
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Задает смещение и единицу.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="forceSetDateByOffsetUnit">Установка даты при задании только смещения или создании объекта.</param>
 private void SetOffset(int?offset, DateUnit unit)
     if (inSetting.CanEnter)
         using (inSetting.Enter())
             Offset = offset;
             Unit   = unit;
 public DateFilter(Nomad.Commons.DateComparision comparision, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
     this.DateComparision = Nomad.Commons.DateComparision.Ignore;
     this.NotOlderThan = 1;
     this.DateMeasure = DateUnit.Day;
     if ((comparision != Nomad.Commons.DateComparision.Between) && (comparision != Nomad.Commons.DateComparision.NotBetween))
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
     this.DateComparision = comparision;
     this.FromDate = fromDate;
     this.ToDate = toDate;
Beispiel #19
        public static DateUnit ParseDateUnit(string str)
            DateUnit dateUnit = null;

                dateUnit = DateParser.Parse(str);
            catch (Exception)
Beispiel #20
 public virtual int DisplayValue(DateTime dateTime, int index)
     DateUnit dateUnit = dateUnits[index];
     switch (dateUnit)
         case DateUnit.Day:
             return dateTime.Day;
         case DateUnit.Month:
             return dateTime.Month;
         case DateUnit.Year:
             return dateTime.Year;
     throw new WhiteAssertionException();
Beispiel #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a DateTime representing the last unit of time, such as week or month.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="current">The current date.</param>
 /// <param name="dateUnit">The date unit.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DateTime Last(this DateTime current, DateUnit dateUnit)
     switch (dateUnit)
         case DateUnit.Day:
             return current.AddDays(-1);
         case DateUnit.Week:
             return current.AddDays(-14).Next(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek);
         case DateUnit.Month:
             return current.First().AddDays(-1).First();
         case DateUnit.Year:
             return new DateTime(current.Year - 1,1,1);
     return current;
Beispiel #22
        public RepetitionSchedule(ISchedule baseSchedule, DateUnit unit, int increment)
            if (baseSchedule == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("baseSchedule");

            if (increment <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("increment");

            this.BaseSchedule = baseSchedule;
            this.Unit = unit;
            this.Increment = increment;
Beispiel #23
        public static DateUnit GetNextDateUnit(this DateUnit unit)
            switch (unit)
            case DateUnit.Day:

            case DateUnit.Week:

            case DateUnit.Month:

            case DateUnit.Year:
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a DateTime representing the current unit of time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current">The current date.</param>
        /// <param name="dateUnit">The date unit.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DateTime This(this DateTime current, DateUnit dateUnit)
            switch (dateUnit)
            case DateUnit.Day:

            case DateUnit.Week:

            case DateUnit.Month:

            case DateUnit.Year:
                return(new DateTime(current.Year, 1, 1));
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a DateTime representing the next unit of time, such as week or month
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current">The current date.</param>
        /// <param name="dateUnit">The date unit (week,month,year,day).</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DateTime Next(this DateTime current, DateUnit dateUnit)
            switch (dateUnit)
            case DateUnit.Day:

            case DateUnit.Week:

            case DateUnit.Month:

            case DateUnit.Year:
                return(new DateTime(current.Year + 1, 1, 1));
Beispiel #26
        private void AddList(Dictionary <String, FilterData> dic, DateUnit unit)
            FilterData f1 = new FilterData();
            IEnumerable <EntryData> querySet = from d in _filterData.EntryList where d.time > unit.Start && d.time < unit.End select d;

            if (querySet.Count <EntryData>() > 0)
                f1.EntryList = querySet.ToList <EntryData>();
                f1.DailyList = DataUtil.ConvertDailyList(f1.EntryList);
                //if (_type == (int)RangeType.Hourly)
                //     dic.Add(StockUtil.FormatAllTime(unit.Start, true) + "_" + StockUtil.FormatAllTime(unit.End, true), f1);
                // }
                dic.Add(StockUtil.FormatAllTime(unit.Start) + "_" + StockUtil.FormatAllTime(unit.End), f1);
                // }
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Округляет смещение.
        /// При укрупнении единицы смещение считается для полной даты с 1 вместо отсутствующих значений.
        /// </summary>
        public static int?RoundOffsetFor(this DateOffset d, DateUnit unit)
            Contract.Requires(d != null);
            Contract.Ensures(!d.IsEmpty || Contract.Result <int?>() == null);

            if (!d.Year.HasValue)

            switch (unit)
            case DateUnit.Day:
                roundedOffset = (d.Now - d.GetSortingDate()).Days;

            case DateUnit.Week:
                roundedOffset = (d.Now - d.GetSortingDate()).Days / 7;

            case DateUnit.Month:
                if (d.Month.HasValue)
                    roundedOffset = DateHelper.GetTotalMonthsBetween(d.Now, d.Year.Value, d.Month.Value);
                    roundedOffset = DateHelper.GetTotalMonthsBetween(d.Now, d.Year.Value, 1);

            case DateUnit.Year:
                roundedOffset = d.Now.Year - d.Year.Value;

                throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// The Copy Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rhs">The <see cref="ScaleState"/> object from which to copy</param>
        public ScaleState(ScaleState rhs)
            this.min       = rhs.min;
            this.step      = rhs.step;
            this.minorStep = rhs.minorStep;
            this.max       = rhs.max;
            this.majorUnit = rhs.majorUnit;
            this.minorUnit = rhs.minorUnit;

            this.scaleFormat = rhs.scaleFormat;
            this.scaleMag    = rhs.scaleMag;

            this.minAuto       = rhs.minAuto;
            this.stepAuto      = rhs.stepAuto;
            this.minorStepAuto = rhs.minorStepAuto;
            this.maxAuto       = rhs.maxAuto;

            this.scaleFormatAuto = rhs.scaleFormatAuto;
            this.scaleMagAuto    = rhs.scaleMagAuto;
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// The Copy Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rhs">The <see cref="ScaleState"/> object from which to copy</param>
        public ScaleState(ScaleState rhs)
            _min       = rhs._min;
            _majorStep = rhs._majorStep;
            _minorStep = rhs._minorStep;
            _max       = rhs._max;
            _majorUnit = rhs._majorUnit;
            _minorUnit = rhs._minorUnit;

            _format = rhs._format;
            _mag    = rhs._mag;

            _minAuto       = rhs._minAuto;
            _majorStepAuto = rhs._majorStepAuto;
            _minorStepAuto = rhs._minorStepAuto;
            _maxAuto       = rhs._maxAuto;

            _formatAuto = rhs._formatAuto;
            _magAuto    = rhs._magAuto;
Beispiel #30
        public static HealthRecordUnit ToHealthRecordUnit(this DateUnit unit)
            switch (unit)
            case DateUnit.Day:

            case DateUnit.Week:

            case DateUnit.Month:

            case DateUnit.Year:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Beispiel #31
    private static DateTime Roll(DateTime date_, int units_, DateUnit unit_, BusinessDayConvention convention_, string otCalendar_, CarbonClient client_, ThrowBehavior behavior_=ThrowBehavior.DontThrow)
        string key = getKey(date_, units_, unit_, convention_, otCalendar_);

        if (_cache.ContainsKey(key))
          return _cache[key];

        var result = client_.RollDateAsync(date_.ToNodaLocalDate(), units_, unit_, convention_, otCalendar_).Result.ToDateTime();

        _cache[key] = result;

        return result;
      catch (Exception ex_)
        Exceptions.Rethrow("Error rolling date", behavior_, ex_);
      return DateTime.MinValue;
Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Unit of DateOffset with ending for given offset.
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetUnitString(int?offset, DateUnit unit)
            if (offset == null)
                offset = 0;

            int ending = PluralsHelper.GetPluralEnding(offset.Value);

            switch (unit)
            case DateUnit.Day: return(Plurals.days[ending]);

            case DateUnit.Week: return(Plurals.weeks[ending]);

            case DateUnit.Month: return(Plurals.months[ending]);

            case DateUnit.Year: return(Plurals.years[ending]);
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("unit");
Beispiel #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a <see cref="ScaleState"/> from the specified <see cref="Axis"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">The <see cref="Axis"/> from which to collect the scale
        /// range settings.</param>
        public ScaleState(Axis axis)
            _min       = axis._scale._min;
            _minorStep = axis._scale._minorStep;
            _majorStep = axis._scale._majorStep;
            _max       = axis._scale._max;
            _majorUnit = axis._scale._majorUnit;
            _minorUnit = axis._scale._minorUnit;

            _format = axis._scale._format;
            _mag    = axis._scale._mag;
            //this.numDec = axis.NumDec;

            _minAuto       = axis._scale._minAuto;
            _majorStepAuto = axis._scale._majorStepAuto;
            _minorStepAuto = axis._scale._minorStepAuto;
            _maxAuto       = axis._scale._maxAuto;

            _formatAuto = axis._scale._formatAuto;
            _magAuto    = axis._scale._magAuto;
Beispiel #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a <see cref="ScaleState"/> from the specified <see cref="Axis"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">The <see cref="Axis"/> from which to collect the scale
        /// range settings.</param>
        public ScaleState(Axis axis)
            this.min       = axis.Min;
            this.minorStep = axis.MinorStep;
            this.step      = axis.Step;
            this.max       = axis.Max;
            this.majorUnit = axis.MajorUnit;
            this.minorUnit = axis.MinorUnit;

            this.scaleFormat = axis.ScaleFormat;
            this.scaleMag    = axis.ScaleMag;
            //this.numDec = axis.NumDec;

            this.minAuto       = axis.MinAuto;
            this.stepAuto      = axis.StepAuto;
            this.minorStepAuto = axis.MinorStepAuto;
            this.maxAuto       = axis.MaxAuto;

            this.scaleFormatAuto = axis.ScaleFormatAuto;
            this.scaleMagAuto    = axis.ScaleMagAuto;
Beispiel #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a <see cref="ScaleState"/> from the specified <see cref="Axis"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">The <see cref="Axis"/> from which to collect the scale
        /// range settings.</param>
        public ScaleState( Axis axis )
            _min = axis._scale._min;
            _minorStep = axis._scale._minorStep;
            _majorStep = axis._scale._majorStep;
            _max = axis._scale._max;
            _majorUnit = axis._scale._majorUnit;
            _minorUnit = axis._scale._minorUnit;

            _format = axis._scale._format;
            _mag = axis._scale._mag;
            //this.numDec = axis.NumDec;

            _minAuto = axis._scale._minAuto;
            _majorStepAuto = axis._scale._majorStepAuto;
            _minorStepAuto = axis._scale._minorStepAuto;
            _maxAuto = axis._scale._maxAuto;

            _formatAuto = axis._scale._formatAuto;
            _magAuto = axis._scale._magAuto;
Beispiel #36
        public Scale(Scale rhs, Axis owner)
            _ownerAxis = owner;

            _min       = rhs._min;
            _max       = rhs._max;
            _majorStep = rhs._majorStep;
            _minorStep = rhs._minorStep;
            _exponent  = rhs._exponent;
            _baseTic   = rhs._baseTic;

            _minAuto       = rhs._minAuto;
            _maxAuto       = rhs._maxAuto;
            _majorStepAuto = rhs._majorStepAuto;
            _minorStepAuto = rhs._minorStepAuto;
            _magAuto       = rhs._magAuto;
            _formatAuto    = rhs._formatAuto;

            _isMinLabelVisible = rhs._isMinLabelVisible;
            _isMaxLabelVisible = rhs._isMaxLabelVisible;

            _majorUnit = rhs._majorUnit;
            _minorUnit = rhs._minorUnit;

            _format = rhs._format;

            _align          = rhs._align;
            _alignH         = rhs._alignH;
            _alignHMaxLabel = rhs._alignHMaxLabel;
            _alignHMinLabel = rhs._alignHMinLabel;

            if (rhs._textLabels != null)
                _textLabels = (string[])rhs._textLabels.Clone();
                _textLabels = null;
Beispiel #37
        public static string ToString(DateUnit dateUnit)
            if (dateUnit == null)
            DateUnitType type = dateUnit.DateUnitType;

            if (type == DateUnitType.YearMonthDay)
            else if (type == DateUnitType.YearMonth)
            else if (type == DateUnitType.Year)
Beispiel #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic constructor -- requires that the <see cref="Scale" /> object be intialized with
        /// a pre-existing owner <see cref="Axis" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ownerAxis">The <see cref="Axis" /> object that is the owner of this
        /// <see cref="Scale" /> instance.</param>
        public Scale( Axis ownerAxis )
            _ownerAxis = ownerAxis;

            _min = 0.0;
            _max = 1.0;
            _majorStep = 0.1;
            _minorStep = 0.1;
            _exponent = 1.0;
            _mag = 0;
            _baseTic = PointPair.Missing;

            _minGrace = Default.MinGrace;
            _maxGrace = Default.MaxGrace;

            _minAuto = true;
            _maxAuto = true;
            _majorStepAuto = true;
            _minorStepAuto = true;
            _magAuto = true;
            _formatAuto = true;

            _isReverse = Default.IsReverse;
            _isUseTenPower = true;
            _isPreventLabelOverlap = true;
            _isVisible = true;
            _isSkipFirstLabel = false;
            _isSkipLastLabel = false;
            _isSkipCrossLabel = false;

            _majorUnit = DateUnit.Day;
            _minorUnit = DateUnit.Day;

            _format = null;
            _textLabels = null;

            _isLabelsInside = Default.IsLabelsInside;
            _align = Default.Align;
            _alignH = Default.AlignH;

            _fontSpec = new FontSpec(
                Default.FontFamily, Default.FontSize,
                Default.FontColor, Default.FontBold,
                Default.FontUnderline, Default.FontItalic,
                Default.FillColor, Default.FillBrush,
                Default.FillType );

            _fontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
            _labelGap = Default.LabelGap;
        private string Write68_DateUnit(DateUnit v)
            switch (v)
                case DateUnit.Day:
                    return "Day";

                case DateUnit.Week:
                    return "Week";

                case DateUnit.Month:
                    return "Month";

                case DateUnit.Year:
                    return "Year";
            long num = (long) v;
            throw base.CreateInvalidEnumValueException(num.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "Nomad.Commons.DateUnit");
 public DateTime RollDate(DateTime date_, int units_, DateUnit unit_, BusinessDayConvention conv_, string calendar_)
   return RollDate(GetClient(), date_, units_, unit_, conv_, calendar_);
Beispiel #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate a step size for a <see cref="AxisType.Date"/> scale.
        /// This method is used by <see cref="PickScale"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range">The range of data in units of days</param>
        /// <param name="targetSteps">The desired "typical" number of steps
        /// to divide the range into</param>
        /// <returns>The calculated step size for the specified data range.  Also
        /// calculates and sets the values for <see cref="MajorUnit"/>,
        /// <see cref="MinorUnit"/>, <see cref="MinorStep"/>, and
        /// <see cref="ScaleFormat"/></returns>
        protected double CalcDateStepSize( double range, double targetSteps )
            // Calculate an initial guess at step size
            double tempStep = range / targetSteps;

            if ( range > Default.RangeYearYear )
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Year;
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatYearYear;

                tempStep = Math.Ceiling( tempStep / 365.0 );
                if ( tempStep < 1.0 )
                    tempStep = 1.0;

                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Year;
                    if ( tempStep == 1.0 )
                        minorStep = 0.25;
                        minorStep = CalcStepSize( tempStep, targetSteps );
            else if ( range > Default.RangeYearMonth )
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Year;
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatYearMonth;
                tempStep = 1.0;

                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Month;
                    // Calculate the minor steps to give an estimated 4 steps
                    // per major step.
                    minorStep = Math.Ceiling( range / ( targetSteps * 3 ) / 30.0 );
                    // make sure the minorStep is 1, 2, 3, 6, or 12 months
                    if ( minorStep > 6 )
                        minorStep = 12;
                    else if ( minorStep > 3 )
                        minorStep = 6;
            else if ( range > Default.RangeMonthMonth )
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Month;
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatMonthMonth;
                tempStep = Math.Ceiling( tempStep / 30.0 );
                if ( tempStep < 1.0 )
                    tempStep = 1.0;
                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Month;
                    minorStep = 0.25;
            else if ( range > Default.RangeDayDay )
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Day;
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatDayDay;
                tempStep = Math.Ceiling( tempStep );
                if ( tempStep < 1.0 )
                    tempStep = 1.0;
                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Day;
                    minorStep = 1.0;
            else if ( range > Default.RangeDayHour )
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Day;
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatDayHour;
                tempStep = 1.0;

                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Hour;
                    // Calculate the minor steps to give an estimated 4 steps
                    // per major step.
                    minorStep = Math.Ceiling( range / ( targetSteps * 3 ) * XDate.HoursPerDay );
                    // make sure the minorStep is 1, 2, 3, 6, or 12 hours
                    if ( minorStep > 6 )
                        minorStep = 12;
                    else if ( minorStep > 3 )
                        minorStep = 6;
                    else if ( minorStep < 1 )
                        minorStep = 1;
            else if ( range > Default.RangeHourHour )
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Hour;
                tempStep = Math.Ceiling( tempStep * XDate.HoursPerDay );
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatHourHour;

                if ( tempStep > 12.0 )
                    tempStep = 24.0;
                else if ( tempStep > 6.0 )
                    tempStep = 12.0;
                else if ( tempStep > 3.0 )
                    tempStep = 6.0;
                else if ( tempStep < 1.0 )
                    tempStep = 1.0;

                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Hour;
                    minorStep = 0.25;
            else if ( range > Default.RangeHourMinute )
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Hour;
                tempStep = 1.0;
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatHourMinute;

                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Minute;
                    // Calculate the minor steps to give an estimated 4 steps
                    // per major step.
                    minorStep = Math.Ceiling( range / ( targetSteps * 3 ) * XDate.MinutesPerDay );
                    // make sure the minorStep is 1, 5, 15, or 30 minutes
                    if ( minorStep > 15.0 )
                        minorStep = 30.0;
                    else if ( minorStep > 5.0 )
                        minorStep = 15.0;
                    else if ( minorStep > 1.0 )
                        minorStep = 5.0;
                    else if ( minorStep < 1.0 )
                        minorStep = 1.0;
            else if ( range > Default.RangeMinuteMinute )
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Minute;
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatMinuteMinute;

                tempStep = Math.Ceiling( tempStep * XDate.MinutesPerDay );
                // make sure the minute step size is 1, 5, 15, or 30 minutes
                if ( tempStep > 15.0 )
                    tempStep = 30.0;
                else if ( tempStep > 5.0 )
                    tempStep = 15.0;
                else if ( tempStep > 1.0 )
                    tempStep = 5.0;
                else if ( tempStep < 1.0 )
                    tempStep = 1.0;

                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Minute;
                    minorStep = 0.25;
            else if ( range > Default.RangeMinuteSecond )
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Minute;
                tempStep = 1.0;
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatMinuteSecond;

                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Second;
                    // Calculate the minor steps to give an estimated 4 steps
                    // per major step.
                    minorStep = Math.Ceiling( range / ( targetSteps * 3 ) * XDate.SecondsPerDay );
                    // make sure the minorStep is 1, 5, 15, or 30 seconds
                    if ( minorStep > 15.0 )
                        minorStep = 30.0;
                    else if ( minorStep > 5.0 )
                        minorStep = 15.0;
                    else if ( minorStep > 1.0 )
                        minorStep = 5.0;
                    else if ( minorStep < 1.0 )
                        minorStep = 1.0;
            else // SecondSecond
                majorUnit = DateUnit.Second;
                if ( this.scaleFormatAuto )
                    this.scaleFormat = Default.FormatSecondSecond;

                tempStep = Math.Ceiling( tempStep * XDate.SecondsPerDay );
                // make sure the second step size is 1, 5, 15, or 30 seconds
                if ( tempStep > 15.0 )
                    tempStep = 30.0;
                else if ( tempStep > 5.0 )
                    tempStep = 15.0;
                else if ( tempStep > 1.0 )
                    tempStep = 5.0;
                else if ( tempStep < 1.0 )
                    tempStep = 1.0;

                if ( minorStepAuto )
                    minorUnit = DateUnit.Second;
                    minorStep = 0.25;

            return tempStep;
 public Task<LocalDate> RollDate(DateTime date, int daycount, DateUnit rollType, BusinessDayConvention convention, string calendar)
     return Carbon.GetInstance()
         .RollDateAsync(date.ToNodaLocalDate(), daycount, rollType, convention, calendar);
Beispiel #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy Constructor.  Create a new <see cref="Scale" /> object based on the specified
        /// existing one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rhs">The <see cref="Scale" /> object to be copied.</param>
        /// <param name="owner">The <see cref="Axis" /> object that will own the
        /// new instance of <see cref="Scale" /></param>
        public Scale( Scale rhs, Axis owner )
            _ownerAxis = owner;

            _min = rhs._min;
            _max = rhs._max;
            _majorStep = rhs._majorStep;
            _minorStep = rhs._minorStep;
            _exponent = rhs._exponent;
            _baseTic = rhs._baseTic;

            _minAuto = rhs._minAuto;
            _maxAuto = rhs._maxAuto;
            _majorStepAuto = rhs._majorStepAuto;
            _minorStepAuto = rhs._minorStepAuto;
            _magAuto = rhs._magAuto;
            _formatAuto = rhs._formatAuto;

            _minGrace = rhs._minGrace;
            _maxGrace = rhs._maxGrace;

            _mag = rhs._mag;

            _isUseTenPower = rhs._isUseTenPower;
            _isReverse = rhs._isReverse;
            _isPreventLabelOverlap = rhs._isPreventLabelOverlap;
            _isVisible = rhs._isVisible;
            _isSkipFirstLabel = rhs._isSkipFirstLabel;
            _isSkipLastLabel = rhs._isSkipLastLabel;
            _isSkipCrossLabel = rhs._isSkipCrossLabel;

            _majorUnit = rhs._majorUnit;
            _minorUnit = rhs._minorUnit;

            _format = rhs._format;

            _isLabelsInside = rhs._isLabelsInside;
            _align = rhs._align;
            _alignH = rhs._alignH;

            _fontSpec = (FontSpec) rhs._fontSpec.Clone();

            _labelGap = rhs._labelGap;

            if ( rhs._textLabels != null )
                _textLabels = (string[])rhs._textLabels.Clone();
                _textLabels = null;
    public static DateTime RollDate(CarbonClient client_, DateTime date_, int units_, DateUnit unit_, BusinessDayConvention conv_, string calendar_)
      var key = getDateKey(date_, units_, unit_, conv_, calendar_);

      if (_dateCache.ContainsKey(key))
        return _dateCache[key];

      var date = client_.RollDateAsync(
        date: DateConversions.ToNodaLocalDate(date_.Date),
        count: units_,
        unit: unit_,
        convention: conv_,
        calendar: calendar_).Result;

      _dateCache[key] = date.ToDateTime();

      return _dateCache[key];
Beispiel #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ScaleState"/> class. 
        /// The Copy Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rhs">
        /// The <see cref="ScaleState"/> object from which to copy
        /// </param>
        public ScaleState(ScaleState rhs)
            this._min = rhs._min;
            this._majorStep = rhs._majorStep;
            this._minorStep = rhs._minorStep;
            this._max = rhs._max;
            this._majorUnit = rhs._majorUnit;
            this._minorUnit = rhs._minorUnit;

            this._format = rhs._format;
            this._mag = rhs._mag;

            this._minAuto = rhs._minAuto;
            this._majorStepAuto = rhs._majorStepAuto;
            this._minorStepAuto = rhs._minorStepAuto;
            this._maxAuto = rhs._maxAuto;

            this._formatAuto = rhs._formatAuto;
            this._magAuto = rhs._magAuto;
    public static DateTime GetDateForward(DateTime asOf_, int unitsForward_ = 2, DateUnit du_=DateUnit.Bd, string holidayCalendar_="EUTA")
      lock (typeof(CarbonHistoricRetriever))
        var moniker = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}", asOf_, unitsForward_, du_, holidayCalendar_);

        if (_settleDAteCache.ContainsKey(moniker))
          return _settleDAteCache[moniker];

        _settleDAteCache[moniker] = DateConversions.ToDateTime(CarbonSubscriber.GetInstance().GetCarbonClientInstance().RollDateAsync(

        return _settleDAteCache[moniker];
 private static string getDateKey(DateTime date_, int units_, DateUnit unit_, BusinessDayConvention conv_, string calendar_)
   return string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}", date_.ToString("ddMMyyyy"), units_, unit_, conv_, calendar_);
Beispiel #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for deserializing objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">A <see cref="SerializationInfo"/> instance that defines the serialized data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="context">A <see cref="StreamingContext"/> instance that contains the serialized data
        /// </param>
        protected Scale( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context )
            // The schema value is just a file version parameter.  You can use it to make future versions
            // backwards compatible as new member variables are added to classes
            int sch = info.GetInt32( "schema" );

            _min = info.GetDouble( "min" );
            _max = info.GetDouble( "max" );
            _majorStep = info.GetDouble( "majorStep" );
            _minorStep = info.GetDouble( "minorStep" );
            _exponent = info.GetDouble( "exponent" );
            _baseTic = info.GetDouble( "baseTic" );

            _minAuto = info.GetBoolean( "minAuto" );
            _maxAuto = info.GetBoolean( "maxAuto" );
            _majorStepAuto = info.GetBoolean( "majorStepAuto" );
            _minorStepAuto = info.GetBoolean( "minorStepAuto" );
            _magAuto = info.GetBoolean( "magAuto" );
            _formatAuto = info.GetBoolean( "formatAuto" );

            _minGrace = info.GetDouble( "minGrace" );
            _maxGrace = info.GetDouble( "maxGrace" );

            _mag = info.GetInt32( "mag" );

            _isReverse = info.GetBoolean( "isReverse" );
            _isPreventLabelOverlap = info.GetBoolean( "isPreventLabelOverlap" );
            _isUseTenPower = info.GetBoolean( "isUseTenPower" );

            _isVisible = true;
            _isVisible = info.GetBoolean( "isVisible" );

            _isSkipFirstLabel = info.GetBoolean( "isSkipFirstLabel" );
            _isSkipLastLabel = info.GetBoolean( "isSkipLastLabel" );
            _isSkipCrossLabel = info.GetBoolean( "isSkipCrossLabel" );

            _textLabels = (string[]) info.GetValue( "textLabels", typeof(string[]) );
            _format = info.GetString( "format" );

            _majorUnit = (DateUnit) info.GetValue( "majorUnit", typeof(DateUnit) );
            _minorUnit = (DateUnit) info.GetValue( "minorUnit", typeof(DateUnit) );

            _isLabelsInside = info.GetBoolean( "isLabelsInside" );
            _align = (AlignP)info.GetValue( "align", typeof( AlignP ) );
            if ( schema >= 11 )
                _alignH = (AlignH)info.GetValue( "alignH", typeof( AlignH ) );

            _fontSpec = (FontSpec)info.GetValue( "fontSpec", typeof( FontSpec ) );
            _labelGap = info.GetSingle( "labelGap" );
 public DateFilter()
     this.DateComparision = Nomad.Commons.DateComparision.Ignore;
     this.NotOlderThan = 1;
     this.DateMeasure = DateUnit.Day;
Beispiel #50
        /// <summary>
        /// The Copy Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rhs">The <see cref="ScaleState"/> object from which to copy</param>
        public ScaleState( ScaleState rhs )
            _min = rhs._min;
            _majorStep = rhs._majorStep;
            _minorStep = rhs._minorStep;
            _max = rhs._max;
            _majorUnit = rhs._majorUnit;
            _minorUnit = rhs._minorUnit;

            _format = rhs._format;
            _mag = rhs._mag;

            _minAuto = rhs._minAuto;
            _majorStepAuto = rhs._majorStepAuto;
            _minorStepAuto = rhs._minorStepAuto;
            _maxAuto = rhs._maxAuto;

            _formatAuto = rhs._formatAuto;
            _magAuto = rhs._magAuto;
Beispiel #51
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unit"></param>
 /// <param name="offset"></param>
 public virtual void SetFromDate(DateUnit unit, int offset)
     var chart = this.Chart;
     var index = chart.Axes.IndexOf(this);
     chart.AddScript("{0}.axes.get({1}).fromDate=Ext.Date.add(Ext.Date.clone({0}.axes.get({1}).fromDate), Ext.Date.{2}, {3});", chart.ClientID, index, unit.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), offset);
Beispiel #52
		/// <summary>
		/// Internal routine to calculate a multiplier to the selected unit back to days.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="unit">The unit type for which the multiplier is to be
		/// calculated</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// This is ratio of days/selected unit
		/// </returns>
		private double GetUnitMultiple( DateUnit unit )
			switch ( unit )
				case DateUnit.Year:
					return 365.0;
				case DateUnit.Month:
					return 30.0;
				case DateUnit.Day:
					return 1.0;
				case DateUnit.Hour:
					return 1.0 / XDate.HoursPerDay;
				case DateUnit.Minute:
					return 1.0 / XDate.MinutesPerDay;
				case DateUnit.Second:
					return 1.0 / XDate.SecondsPerDay;
				case DateUnit.Millisecond:
					return 1.0 / XDate.MillisecondsPerDay;
Beispiel #53
 private static string getKey(DateTime date_, int units_, DateUnit unit_, BusinessDayConvention convention_, string otCalendar_)
   return string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}", date_, units_, unit_, convention_, otCalendar_);
Beispiel #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor for <see cref="Axis"/> that sets all axis properties
        /// to default values as defined in the <see cref="Default"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Axis()
            this.min = 0.0;
            this.max = 1.0;
            this.step = 0.1;
            this.minorStep = 0.1;

            this.minGrace = Default.MinGrace;
            this.maxGrace = Default.MaxGrace;

            this.minAuto = true;
            this.maxAuto = true;
            this.stepAuto = true;
            this.minorStepAuto = true;
            this.numDecAuto = true;
            this.scaleMagAuto = true;
            this.scaleFormatAuto = true;

            this.numDec = 0;
            this.scaleMag = 0;

            this.ticSize = Default.TicSize;
            this.minorTicSize = Default.MinorTicSize;
            this.gridDashOn = Default.GridDashOn;
            this.gridDashOff = Default.GridDashOff;
            this.gridPenWidth = Default.GridPenWidth;
            this.minorGridDashOn = Default.MinorGridDashOn;
            this.minorGridDashOff = Default.MinorGridDashOff;
            this.minorGridPenWidth = Default.MinorGridPenWidth;

            this.minSpace = Default.MinSpace;
            this.isVisible = true;
            this.isShowTitle = Default.IsShowTitle;
            this.isShowGrid = Default.IsShowGrid;
            this.isShowMinorGrid = Default.IsShowMinorGrid;
            this.isReverse = Default.IsReverse;
            this.isOmitMag = false;
            this.isTic = Default.IsTic;
            this.isInsideTic = Default.IsInsideTic;
            this.isOppositeTic = Default.IsOppositeTic;
            this.isMinorTic = Default.IsMinorTic;
            this.isMinorInsideTic = Default.IsMinorInsideTic;
            this.isMinorOppositeTic = Default.IsMinorOppositeTic;
            this.isTicsBetweenLabels = false;
            this.isUseTenPower = true;

            this.type = Default.Type;
            this.title = "";
            this.TextLabels = null;
            this.scaleFormat = null;
            this.scaleAlign = Default.ScaleAlign;

            this.majorUnit = DateUnit.Year;
            this.minorUnit = DateUnit.Year;

            this.ticPenWidth = Default.TicPenWidth;
            this.color = Default.Color;
            this.gridColor = Default.GridColor;
            this.minorGridColor = Default.MinorGridColor;

            this.titleFontSpec = new FontSpec(
                    Default.TitleFontFamily, Default.TitleFontSize,
                    Default.TitleFontColor, Default.TitleFontBold,
                    Default.TitleFontUnderline, Default.TitleFontItalic,
                    Default.TitleFillColor, Default.TitleFillBrush,
                    Default.TitleFillType );

            this.titleFontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;

            this.scaleFontSpec = new FontSpec(
                Default.ScaleFontFamily, Default.ScaleFontSize,
                Default.ScaleFontColor, Default.ScaleFontBold,
                Default.ScaleFontUnderline, Default.ScaleFontItalic,
                Default.ScaleFillColor, Default.ScaleFillBrush,
                Default.ScaleFillType );
            this.scaleFontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
Beispiel #55
        /// <summary>
        /// The Copy Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rhs">The Axis object from which to copy</param>
        public Axis( Axis rhs )
            min = rhs.Min;
            max = rhs.Max;
            step = rhs.Step;
            minorStep = rhs.MinorStep;
            minAuto = rhs.MinAuto;
            maxAuto = rhs.MaxAuto;
            stepAuto = rhs.StepAuto;
            minorStepAuto = rhs.MinorStepAuto;
            numDecAuto = rhs.NumDecAuto;
            scaleMagAuto = rhs.ScaleMagAuto;
            scaleFormatAuto = rhs.ScaleFormatAuto;

            minGrace = rhs.MinGrace;
            maxGrace = rhs.MaxGrace;

            numDec = rhs.numDec;
            scaleMag = rhs.scaleMag;
            isVisible = rhs.IsVisible;
            isShowTitle = rhs.IsShowTitle;
            isShowGrid = rhs.IsShowGrid;
            isShowMinorGrid = rhs.IsShowMinorGrid;
            isZeroLine = rhs.IsZeroLine;
            isTic = rhs.IsTic;
            isInsideTic = rhs.IsInsideTic;
            isOppositeTic = rhs.IsOppositeTic;
            isMinorTic = rhs.IsMinorTic;
            isMinorInsideTic = rhs.IsMinorInsideTic;
            isMinorOppositeTic = rhs.IsMinorOppositeTic;
            isTicsBetweenLabels = rhs.IsTicsBetweenLabels;
            isUseTenPower = rhs.IsUseTenPower;

            isReverse = rhs.IsReverse;
            isOmitMag = rhs.IsOmitMag;
            title = rhs.Title;

            type = rhs.Type;

            majorUnit = rhs.MajorUnit;
            minorUnit = rhs.MinorUnit;

            if ( rhs.TextLabels != null )
                TextLabels = (string[]) rhs.TextLabels.Clone();
                TextLabels = null;

            scaleFormat = rhs.scaleFormat;
            scaleAlign = rhs.scaleAlign;

            titleFontSpec = (FontSpec) rhs.TitleFontSpec.Clone();
            scaleFontSpec = (FontSpec) rhs.ScaleFontSpec.Clone();

            ticPenWidth = rhs.TicPenWidth;
            ticSize = rhs.TicSize;
            minorTicSize = rhs.MinorTicSize;
            gridDashOn = rhs.GridDashOn;
            gridDashOff = rhs.GridDashOff;
            gridPenWidth = rhs.GridPenWidth;
            minorGridDashOn = rhs.MinorGridDashOn;
            minorGridDashOff = rhs.MinorGridDashOff;
            minorGridPenWidth = rhs.MinorGridPenWidth;

            minSpace = rhs.MinSpace;

            color = rhs.Color;
            gridColor = rhs.GridColor;
            minorGridColor = rhs.MinorGridColor;