Beispiel #1
        // class methods
        // Reads each line where there are metrics, creates a process object and adds it to the objects collection
        public List <PidProcessGroup> GetProcessMetrics()
            // we need to keep track of blocks of metrics so that we know which metrics to group together.
            bool blockIsFirst = true;

            PidProcessGroup pidProcessGroup = new PidProcessGroup();

            List <PidProcessGroup> processes = new List <PidProcessGroup>();

            DateTimeUtility utility = new DateTimeUtility();

            string emptyLinePattern = "^\\s*$";
            string splitPattern     = "\\s+";

            Regex rgxEmptyLine = new Regex(emptyLinePattern);
            Regex rgxSplitLine = new Regex(splitPattern);
            var   rgxTime      = new Regex("^ *([0-2][0-9]:[0-2][0-9]:[0-2][0-9] ?[AaPp]?[Mm]?|[0-9]+)");

            // starting at the first line where # appears
            for (int i = 2; i <= FileContents.Count - 1;)
                if (FileContents[i].StartsWith("#"))
                    // if not the first block on first iteration, we add the complete metric group to the larger collection "processes"
                    if (!blockIsFirst)

                    // if it is first iteration, we need to check and flip it to false so that future iterations will add to larger collection "processes"
                    if (blockIsFirst)
                        blockIsFirst = false;

                    var thisProcessLine = FileContents[i + 1];

                    var match = rgxTime.Match(thisProcessLine);

                    if (!match.Success)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Invalid pidstat.perf format");

                    // reads the line timestamp, converts it from ephoc/unix time
                    string thisTimeStamp = utility.GetTimeStamp(match.Value);

                    // add the current line position to the block count array. We will use this to spin off multiple threads for processing the pid stat file
                    BlockCount.Add(i + 1);

                    // we create the process group which groups by timestamp
                    pidProcessGroup = new PidProcessGroup()
                        TimeStamp = thisTimeStamp
                // just skip empty lines and increment to the next line
                else if (rgxEmptyLine.IsMatch(FileContents[i]))
                    var line = FileContents[i];

                    var match = rgxTime.Match(line);

                    if (!match.Success)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Invalid pidstat.perf format");

                    var subline = line.Substring(match.Length);
                    // takes the value of the current line and splits on whitespace
                    string[] thisProcessLine = rgxSplitLine.Split(subline);
                    // reads the line timestamp, converts it from ephoc/unix time
                    string thisTimeStamp = utility.GetTimeStamp(match.Value);
                    // reads this line's pid
                    int thisPid = Convert.ToInt32(thisProcessLine[2]);
                    // reads this lines process name
                    string thisProcessName = thisProcessLine[thisProcessLine.Length - 1];
                    // declares a new array so that we can populate this array with metrics with array.copy
                    string[] theseMetrics = new string[MetricCount];

                    // copies the metrics from the current line to theseMetrics array. We need to do this since we split the line to get other metrics.
                    Array.Copy(thisProcessLine, 3, theseMetrics, 0, MetricCount);

                    // create a new process object and set its properties from the vairables we declared above
                    PidProcess process = new PidProcess()
                        TimeStamp   = thisTimeStamp,
                        Pid         = thisPid,
                        ProcessName = thisProcessName,
                        Metrics     = theseMetrics

                    // we need to filter out what gets collected based on the PidFilter in the config file.
                    if (ConfigValues.PidStatFilter.Count() != -1 && ConfigValues.PidStatFilter.Contains(process.ProcessName))
                        // once we are done generating the process object, we add the object to the collection of processes

                    // if there are no filters, we need to add everything
                    if (ConfigValues.PidStatFilter[0] == "" || ConfigValues.PidStatFilter[0] == "false")
                        // once we are done generating the process object, we add the object to the collection of processes

