Beispiel #1
        private static AggregationBase GetDateHistogramAggregation(string originalField, string field, string proximity, string boost, IQueryVisitorContext context)
            // NOTE: StartDate and EndDate are set in the Repositories QueryBuilderContext.
            var  start        = GetDate(context, "StartDate");
            var  end          = GetDate(context, "EndDate");
            bool isValidRange = start.HasValue && start.Value > DateTime.MinValue && end.HasValue && end.Value < DateTime.MaxValue && start.Value <= end.Value;
            var  bounds       = isValidRange ? new ExtendedBounds <DateMath> {
                Minimum = start.Value, Maximum = end.Value
            } : null;

            var    interval = GetInterval(proximity, start, end);
            string timezone = TryConvertTimeUnitToUtcOffset(boost);
            var    agg      = new DateHistogramAggregation(originalField)
                Field = field,
                MinimumDocumentCount = 0,
                Format   = "date_optional_time",
                TimeZone = timezone,
                Meta     = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(boost) ? new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "@timezone", boost }
                } : null,
                ExtendedBounds = bounds

            interval.Match(d => agg.CalendarInterval = d, f => agg.FixedInterval = f);
Beispiel #2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void Visit(DateHistogramAggregation dateHistogramAggregation)
            Ensure.IsNotNull(dateHistogramAggregation, nameof(dateHistogramAggregation));
            EnsureClause.StringIsNotNullOrEmpty(dateHistogramAggregation.Metric, nameof(dateHistogramAggregation.Metric));
            EnsureClause.StringIsNotNullOrEmpty(dateHistogramAggregation.FieldName, nameof(dateHistogramAggregation.FieldName));

            dateHistogramAggregation.KustoQL =
                $"{dateHistogramAggregation.Metric} by {dateHistogramAggregation.FieldName} = ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dateHistogramAggregation.Interval))
                var period = dateHistogramAggregation.Interval[^ 1];
        public override SearchRequest <PolicyDocument> BuildQuery()
            var filters = new List <QueryContainer>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.FilterByProductCode))
                filters.Add(new TermQuery
                    Field = new Field("productCode.keyword"),
                    Value = query.FilterByProductCode

            if (query.FilterBySalesDateStart != default || query.FilterBySalesDateEnd != default)
                filters.Add(new DateRangeQuery
                    Field = new Field("from"),
                    GreaterThanOrEqualTo = query.FilterBySalesDateStart,
                    LessThanOrEqualTo    = query.FilterBySalesDateEnd

            if (filters.Count == 0)
                filters.Add(new MatchAllQuery());

            var filter = new BoolQuery
                Must = filters

            var histogram = new DateHistogramAggregation("sales")
                Field        = new Field("from"),
                Interval     = new Union <DateInterval, Time>(query.AggregationUnit.ToDateInterval()),
                Aggregations = new SumAggregation("total_premium", new Field("totalPremium"))

            var filteredAgg = new FilterAggregation("agg_filter")
                Filter       = filter,
                Aggregations = histogram

            return(new SearchRequest <PolicyDocument>
                Aggregations = filteredAgg
        public string DateHistogramVisit_WithSimpleAggregation_ReturnsValidResponse()
            var histogramAggregation = new DateHistogramAggregation()
                Metric    = "wibble",
                FieldName = "wobble",

            var visitor = new ElasticSearchDSLVisitor(SchemaRetrieverMock.CreateMockSchemaRetriever());


Beispiel #5
        public AggregationDictionary ObterAgrupamentoNest(IEnumerable <GroupBy> agrupamentos, AggregationBase aggregations = null)
            foreach (var aggr in agrupamentos)
                //Tipos de agrupamento
                if (aggr.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime) ||
                    aggr.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?))
                    var dateHistAgg = new DateHistogramAggregation(aggr.Field)
                        Missing = (DateTime?)null,//(DateTime?)aggr.Missing,
                        Field   = aggr.Field,
                        //Aggregations = ((aggregations != null) ? aggregations : null),
                        Interval             = DateInterval.Day,
                        MinimumDocumentCount = 1,
                        //Script = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aggr.Script)) ? new InlineScript(aggr.Script) : null

                    if (aggregations != null)
                        dateHistAgg.Aggregations = aggregations;

                    aggregations = dateHistAgg;
                    var termsAgg = new TermsAggregation(aggr.Field)
                        Field = aggr.Field,
                        //Aggregations = ((aggregations != null) ? aggregations : null),
                        Size = int.MaxValue,
                        //Missing = null,//aggr.Missing,
                        MinimumDocumentCount = 1,
                        //Script = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aggr.Script)) ? new InlineScript(aggr.Script) : null

                    if (aggregations != null)
                        termsAgg.Aggregations = aggregations;

                    aggregations = termsAgg;
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override object ReadJson(
            JsonReader reader,
            Type objectType,
            object existingValue,
            JsonSerializer serializer)
            var jo = JObject.Load(reader);

            var obj = new DateHistogramAggregation
                FieldName = (string)jo["field"],
                Interval  = (string)jo["interval"],
