public List <Employee> LoadDataViaCsv(List <Employee> employeeList)
            //Clear list and load content from csv file
            // retrieve path of data from config file
            string databasePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CsvDatabasePath"];
            // string databasePath = @"C:\Users\CodeNation 3\source\repos\WebAPIDemoApp\DemoAPI\DataStore\Employees.csv";
            var line = File.ReadAllLines(databasePath);

            foreach (var x in line)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x))
                var values = x.Split(',');

                int    employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(values[0]);
                string firstName  = values[1];
                string lastName   = values[2];
                string stringDOB  = values[3];

                // convert DOB string to a DateTime object
                DateTime DOB = DateConvertor.StringToDateObject(stringDOB);

                string   stringStartDate = values[4];
                DateTime startDate       = DateConvertor.StringToDateObject(stringStartDate);

                string homeTown   = values[5];
                string department = values[6];

                Employee newEmployee = new Employee(employeeId, firstName, lastName, DOB, startDate, homeTown, department);
