Beispiel #1
        public static void DeclareWar(DialogueContext Context)
            if (!Context.Politics.HasEvent("you declared war on us"))
                Context.Politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                    Change      = -2.0f,
                    Description = "you declared war on us",
                    Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                    Time        = Context.World.Time.CurrentDate
                Context.Politics.WasAtWar = true;


            Context.AddOption("Goodbye.", (context) =>

            Context.World.GoalManager.OnGameEvent(new Goals.Events.DeclareWar
                PlayerFaction = Context.PlayerFaction,
                OtherFaction  = Context.Envoy.OwnerFaction
Beispiel #2
        public override EnumScaffoldIterationResult firstIteration(GraphScaffoldInstanceData scaffoldInstanceData, Datastructures.TreeNode graph, int startEdgeIndex, getVertexPositionByIndexDelegate getVertexPositionByIndex)
            ExtractLineScaffoldInstanceData castedInstanceData;
            Datastructures.Variadic variadicPositionA;
            Datastructures.Variadic variadicPositionB;
            int vertexIndexA;
            int vertexIndexB;

            castedInstanceData = (ExtractLineScaffoldInstanceData)scaffoldInstanceData;

            getVertexIndicesOfEdge(graph, startEdgeIndex, out vertexIndexA, out vertexIndexB);

            variadicPositionA = getVertexPositionByIndex(graph, vertexIndexA);
            variadicPositionB = getVertexPositionByIndex(graph, vertexIndexB);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(variadicPositionA.type == Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.VECTOR2FLOAT);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(variadicPositionB.type == Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.VECTOR2FLOAT);

            castedInstanceData.startVertexIndexA = vertexIndexA;
            castedInstanceData.startVertexIndexB = vertexIndexB;

            castedInstanceData.startVertexPositionA = variadicPositionA.valueVector2Float;
            castedInstanceData.startVertexPositionB = variadicPositionB.valueVector2Float;

            return EnumScaffoldIterationResult.FULLMATCH;
Beispiel #3
        public Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 GetSpawnLocation(WorldManager world, EntitySpawnLocation SpawnLocation)
            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 location = location = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVoxelBelowIncludeWater(new VoxelHandle(world.ChunkManager.ChunkData, GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(MonsterSpawner.GetRandomWorldEdge(world)))).WorldPosition + Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3.Up * 1.5f;
            switch (SpawnLocation)
            case EntitySpawnLocation.BalloonPort:
                var balloonport = world.PlayerFaction.GetRooms().OfType <BalloonPort>();
                if (balloonport.Any())
                    location = Datastructures.SelectRandom(balloonport).GetBoundingBox().Center() + Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3.Up * 1.5f;

            case EntitySpawnLocation.RandomZone:
                var zones = world.PlayerFaction.GetRooms();
                if (zones.Any())
                    location = Datastructures.SelectRandom(zones).GetBoundingBox().Center() + Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3.Up * 1.5f;

            case EntitySpawnLocation.WorldEdge:
                // already computed

        // Uses depth-first search to check if the graph induced by the subgraph given as a parameter is connected
        // In other words, we retreive all edges from the original graph and check the subgraph for connectedness
        public static bool Connected(Datastructures.Graph graph, BitSet subgraph)
            // Vertices that are visited
            Set<int> visited = new Set<int>();

            // Stack of vertices yet to visit
            Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();

            // Initial vertex
            int s = subgraph.First();

            // Continue while there are vertices on the stack
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                int v = stack.Pop();

                // If we have not encountered this vertex before, then we check for all neighbors if they are part of the subgraph
                // If a neighbor is part of the subgraph it means that we have to push it on the stack to explore it at a later stage
                if (!visited.Contains(v))

                    foreach (int w in graph.OpenNeighborhood(v))
                        if (subgraph.Contains(w))

            // If we visited an equal number of vertices as there are vertices in the subgraph then the subgraph is connected
            return visited.Count == subgraph.Count;
Beispiel #5
        private void randomButton2_OnClicked()
            List <List <string> > atoms = TextGenerator.GetAtoms(ContentPaths.Text.Templates.mottos);

            CompanyMotto          = TextGenerator.GenerateRandom(Datastructures.SelectRandom(atoms).ToArray());
            CompanyMottoEdit.Text = CompanyMotto;
Beispiel #6
        private void randomButton_OnClicked()
            var templates = TextGenerator.GetAtoms(ContentPaths.Text.Templates.company_exploration);

            CompanyName          = TextGenerator.GenerateRandom(Datastructures.SelectRandom(templates).ToArray());
            CompanyNameEdit.Text = CompanyName;
Beispiel #7
        // Selecting initial vertices
        // Returns a vertex on the last level of a Breadth-first search (BFS)
        public static int Bfs(Datastructures.Graph graph, int init)
            // BFS working queue
            Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>();
            // Vertices that have already been visited
            Set<int> visited = new Set<int>();

            // Initial vertex is given as input
            int current = init;

            // While there is still a vertex in the queue...
            while (queue.Count > 0)
                //... select the first vertex and process it
                current = queue.Dequeue();
                foreach (int w in graph.OpenNeighborhood(current))
                    // Enqueue all neighbors that have not been processed yet
                    if (!visited.Contains(w))
            // This is the last vertex that has been processed, thus a vertex that is on the last level of the BFS search
            return current;
Beispiel #8
 public static void ConversationRoot(DialogueContext Context)
     RootWithPrompt(String.Format("{0} I am {1} of {2}.",
Beispiel #9
        private static UNSequence ComputeSequence(Datastructures.Graph graph, BitSet connectedComponent, CandidateStrategy candidateStrategy, int init, ref int max)
            int n = graph.Size;
            List<int> sequence = new List<int>() { init };
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, n, new int[] { init });
            BitSet right = connectedComponent - init;

            // Initially we store the empty set and the set with init as the representative, ie N(init) * right
            Set<BitSet> unLeft = new Set<BitSet>() { new BitSet(0, n), graph.OpenNeighborhood(init) * right };
            int value = int.MinValue;
            while (!right.IsEmpty)
                Set<BitSet> unChosen = new Set<BitSet>();
                int chosen = Heuristics.TrivialCases(graph, left, right);

                if (chosen != -1)
                    unChosen = IncrementUn(graph, left, unLeft, chosen);
                // If chosen has not been set it means that no trivial case was found
                // Depending on the criteria for the next vertex we call a different algorithm
                    BitSet candidates = Heuristics.Candidates(graph, left, right, candidateStrategy);

                    int min = int.MaxValue;

                    foreach (int v in candidates)
                        Set<BitSet> unV = IncrementUn(graph, left, unLeft, v);
                        if (unV.Count < min)
                            chosen = v;
                            unChosen = unV;
                            min = unV.Count;

                // This should never happen
                if (chosen == -1)
                    throw new Exception("No vertex is chosen for next step in the heuristic");

                // Add/remove the next vertex in the appropiate sets
                left += chosen;
                right -= chosen;
                unLeft = unChosen;
                value = Math.Max(unChosen.Count, value);
                if (value > max)
                    return new UNSequence() { Sequence = null, Value = int.MaxValue };

            return new UNSequence() { Sequence = sequence, Value = value };
Beispiel #10
        // throws TranslationException
        private static string getIdentifierOfElement(Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData> dag, int elementIndex)
            if (!(dag.elements[elementIndex].content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.IDENTIFIERNAME))
                throw new TranslationException();

            return dag.elements[elementIndex].content.identifier;
Beispiel #11
        // throws TranslationException
        private static string getStringOfConstInt(Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData> dag, int elementIndex)
            if (!(dag.elements[elementIndex].content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTINT))
                throw new TranslationException();

            return dag.elements[elementIndex].content.valueInt.ToString();
Beispiel #12
        public override bool ApplyObjects(Creature self, IEnumerable <Body> objects)
            var body = Datastructures.SelectRandom(objects);

            base.ApplyObjects(self, objects);
            if (body != null)
                return(Attack.Perform(self, body, DwarfTime.LastTime, Bonus, body.Position, self.Faction.Name));
Beispiel #13
        public override void call(List<Datastructures.Variadic> parameters, List<Datastructures.Variadic> globals, out Datastructures.Variadic result, out GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult resultCode)
            Datastructures.TreeNode resultGraph;
            Datastructures.TreeNode grid0;
            Datastructures.TreeNode grid1;

            // this are arrays wih the indices of the elements in the graph from the elements in the Grid
            // it has the size of gridSizeX * gridsizeY
            // is -1 if the grid element wasn't saved allready inside the graph
            int[] groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0;
            int[] groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1;

            groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0 = null;
            groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1 = null;

            resultCode = GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult.FAILED;
            result = null;

            // we accept at the current time only two inputs
                parameters.Count != 2 ||
                parameters[0].type != Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.STORAGEALGORITHMICCONCEPTTREE ||
                parameters[1].type != Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.STORAGEALGORITHMICCONCEPTTREE

            grid0 = parameters[0].valueTree;
            grid1 = parameters[1].valueTree;

            // initialize result graph
            resultGraph = new Datastructures.TreeNode();
            resultGraph.childNodes.Add(new Datastructures.TreeNode());
            resultGraph.childNodes.Add(new Datastructures.TreeNode());
            resultGraph.childNodes.Add(new Datastructures.TreeNode());

            result = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.STORAGEALGORITHMICCONCEPTTREE);
            result.valueTree = resultGraph;

            initializeIndicesOfGrid(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0);
            initializeIndicesOfGrid(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1);

            storeGridElementsIntoGraph(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0, grid0, resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXVERTICES]);
            storeGridElementsIntoGraph(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1, grid1, resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXVERTICES]);

            // go through each element in grid0 and search for new possible connections to grid1
            searchForNewPossibleConnectionsBetweenGrids(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0, ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1, grid0, grid1, resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXEDGES], resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXVERTICES]);

            // go through each element in grid1 and search for new possible connections to grid0
            searchForNewPossibleConnectionsBetweenGrids(ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid1, ref groupsGraphElementIndicesForGrid0, grid1, grid0, resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXEDGES], resultGraph.childNodes[GRAPHINDEXVERTICES]);

            resultCode = GeneticProgramming.TypeRestrictedOperator.EnumResult.OK;
Beispiel #14
        // Computing Exact Linear Decompositions
        public static LinearDecomposition ExactLinearDecomposition(Datastructures.Graph graph)

            // Construct the table with the correct width values
            ConstructSequence(graph, graph.Vertices);

            // Retrieve a sequence that will result in our bound not being exceeded
            List<int> sequence = RetrieveSequence(graph, graph.Vertices);

            return new LinearDecomposition(graph, sequence);
Beispiel #15
        // Computing Exact Decompositions
        public static Decomposition Compute(Datastructures.Graph graph)

            // Construct the table with the correct width values
            ConstructTree(graph, graph.Vertices);

            // Retrieve a sequence that will result in our bound not being exceeded
            Tree tree = RetrieveTree(graph);

            return new Decomposition(graph, tree);
Beispiel #16
        // throws TranslationException
        private static string getStringOfTypeOf(Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData> dag, int elementIndex)
            if (dag.elements[elementIndex].content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTINT)
                return "int";
            else if (dag.elements[elementIndex].content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTFLOAT)
                return "float";

            throw new TranslationException();
        private void DrawGUI(DwarfTime gameTime, float dx)
            GUI.PreRender(gameTime, DwarfGame.SpriteBatch);
            DwarfGame.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp,
                                        null, null);
            Drawer.Render(DwarfGame.SpriteBatch, null, Game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport);
            GUI.Render(gameTime, DwarfGame.SpriteBatch, new Vector2(0, dx));

            Progress.Message = !GenerationComplete ? LoadingMessage : "";

            if (GenerationComplete)
                Rectangle imageBounds      = MapPanel.GetImageBounds();
                float     scaleX           = ((float)imageBounds.Width / (float)PlayState.WorldWidth);
                float     scaleY           = ((float)imageBounds.Height / (float)PlayState.WorldHeight);
                Rectangle spawnRect        = GetSpawnRectangle();
                Rectangle spawnRectOnImage = GetSpawnRectangleOnImage();
                Drawer2D.DrawRect(DwarfGame.SpriteBatch, spawnRectOnImage, Color.Yellow, 3.0f);
                Drawer2D.DrawStrokedText(DwarfGame.SpriteBatch, "Spawn", DefaultFont, new Vector2(spawnRectOnImage.X - 5, spawnRectOnImage.Y - 20), Color.White, Color.Black);


                 * DwarfGame.SpriteBatch.Draw(MapPanel.Image.Image,
                 *  new Rectangle(MapPanel.GetImageBounds().Right + 2, MapPanel.GetImageBounds().Top,  spawnRect.Width * 4, spawnRect.Height * 4),
                 * spawnRect, Color.White);
                CloseupPanel.Image.Image      = MapPanel.Image.Image;
                CloseupPanel.Image.SourceRect = spawnRect;

                if (ViewSelectionBox.CurrentValue == "Factions")
                    foreach (Faction civ in NativeCivilizations)
                        Point     start   = civ.Center;
                        Vector2   measure = Datastructures.SafeMeasure(GUI.SmallFont, civ.Name);
                        Rectangle snapped =
                                new Vector2(start.X * scaleX + imageBounds.X, start.Y * scaleY + imageBounds.Y) -
                                measure * 0.5f, measure, imageBounds);

                        Drawer2D.DrawStrokedText(DwarfGame.SpriteBatch, civ.Name, GUI.SmallFont, new Vector2(snapped.X, snapped.Y), Color.White, Color.Black);

Beispiel #18
        public static LinearDecomposition Compute(Datastructures.Graph graph, CandidateStrategy candidateStrategy, InitialVertexStrategy initialVertexStrategy)
            List<BitSet> connectedComponents = DepthFirstSearch.ConnectedComponents(graph);
            List<int> sequence = new List<int>();

            foreach (BitSet connectedComponent in connectedComponents)
                switch (initialVertexStrategy)
                    case InitialVertexStrategy.All:
                            UNSequence minSequence = new UNSequence() { Value = int.MaxValue};
                            int max = int.MaxValue;
                            object _lock = new object();
                            Parallel.ForEach(connectedComponent, vertex =>
                                UNSequence tempSequence = ComputeSequence(graph, connectedComponent, candidateStrategy, vertex, ref max);
                                lock (_lock)
                                    if (tempSequence.Value < minSequence.Value)
                                        max = minSequence.Value;
                                        minSequence = tempSequence;
                    case InitialVertexStrategy.Bfs:
                            int init = Heuristics.Bfs(graph, connectedComponent.Last());
                            sequence.AddRange(ComputeSequence(graph, connectedComponent, candidateStrategy, init));
                    case InitialVertexStrategy.DoubleBfs:
                            int init = Heuristics.Bfs(graph, Heuristics.Bfs(graph, connectedComponent.Last()));
                            sequence.AddRange(ComputeSequence(graph, connectedComponent, candidateStrategy, init));
            return new LinearDecomposition(graph, sequence);
Beispiel #19
        public override void Render(DwarfTime gameTime)
            if (TipTimer.HasTriggered)
                var entry = Datastructures.SelectRandom(TutorialManager.EnumerateTutorials());

                Tip.Text = entry.Value.Title + "\n" + entry.Value.Text;

            EnableScreensaver = true;

            Runner.Render(Game.GraphicsDevice, DwarfGame.SpriteBatch, gameTime);
Beispiel #20
        // Returns all connected components in a certain subgraph, where we define a subgraph by the vertices that are contained in it
        // We apply multiple dfs searches to find all connected parts of the graph
        public static List<BitSet> ConnectedComponents(Datastructures.Graph graph, BitSet subgraph)
            // Each connected component is defined as a bitset, thus the result is a list of these bitsets
            List<BitSet> result = new List<BitSet>();

            // Working stack for the dfs algorithm
            Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();

            // Each vertex of the subgraph will either be explored, or it will be the starting point of a new dfs search
            BitSet todo = subgraph;

            while (!todo.IsEmpty)
                int s = todo.First();

                // Start tracking the new component
                BitSet component = new BitSet(0, graph.Size);

                // Default dfs exploring part of the graph
                while (stack.Count > 0)
                    int v = stack.Pop();

                    // If we have not encountered this vertex before (meaning it isn't in this component), then we check for all neighbors if they are part of the subgraph
                    // If a neighbor is part of the subgraph it means that we have to push it on the stack to explore it at a later stage for this component
                    if (!component.Contains(v))
                        component += v;

                        // Remove this vertex from the 'todo' list, since it can never be the starting point of a new component
                        todo -= v;

                        foreach (int w in graph.OpenNeighborhood(v))
                            if (subgraph.Contains(w))
                // The whole connected component has been found, so we can add it to the list of results
            return result;
Beispiel #21
 public static void ConversationRoot(DialogueContext Context)
     Context.Say(String.Format("{0} I am {1} of {2}.",
     Context.AddOption("Trade", Trade);
     Context.AddOption("Leave", (context) =>
         Context.AddOption("Goodbye.", (_) =>
Beispiel #22
        // Constructs the actual width values
        // The idea is the following: If we want to know the optimal width for a certain cut A, thus Width[A], then we can obtain this by
        // either taking the max(Cuts[A], the minimum over all widths of Width[A - a]), which is our recurrence relation.
        private static void ConstructSequence(Datastructures.Graph graph, BitSet A)
            // min saves the minimum size of all neighborhoods of the cut [A - a], where a can be any vertex in A
            long min = long.MaxValue;

            // v will be the optimal choice to leave out in the previous iteration in order to obtain A's full neighborhood
            int v = -1;

            foreach (int a in A)
                BitSet previous = A - a;

                // If we have not constructed the previous step yet, then go in recursion and do so
                if (!_neighborhoods.ContainsKey(previous))
                    ConstructSequence(graph, previous);

                // Save the minimum value
                if (_width[previous] < min)
                    min = _width[previous];
                    v = a;

            // Obtain the neighborhood of v
            BitSet nv = graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) * (graph.Vertices - A);

            // We save the full set of neighborhood vertices at cut A. It does not matter that v was chosen arbitrarely; we always end up in the same collection of neighboring vertices for the set A
            Set<BitSet> un = new Set<BitSet>();
            foreach (BitSet _base in _neighborhoods[A - v])
                un.Add(_base - v);          // previous neighbor without v is a possible new neighborhood
                un.Add((_base - v) + nv);   // previous neighbor without v, unioned with the neighborhood of v is a possible new neighborhood

            // Save all entries
            _neighborhoods[A] = un;              // List of all neighbors at cut A
            _cuts[A] = _neighborhoods[A].Count;   // Dimension at this cut
            _width[A] = Math.Max(min, _cuts[A]);  // Actual possible width to get to this cut
Beispiel #23
        // Trivial cases
        public static int TrivialCases(Datastructures.Graph graph, BitSet left, BitSet right)
            int chosen = -1;

            // Check if any vertex in right belongs to one of the trivial cases, if yes then we can add this vertex directly to the sequence
            foreach (int v in right)
                // Trivial case 1. If the neighbors of a vertex v in right are all contained in left, then select v
                // What this means is that v has an empty neighborhood, thus it will not add anything to the boolean-dimension
                if ((graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) - left).IsEmpty)
                    chosen = v;


                bool stop = false;
                // 2. If there are two vertices, v in right and u in left, such that N(v) * right == (N(u)\v) * right,
                // then v is selected as our next vertex
                // What this means is that all neighbors of v are already 'represented' by u, thus making the choice for v will not add anything to the dimension
                foreach (int u in left)
                    BitSet nv = graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) * right;  // N(v) * right
                    BitSet nu = (graph.OpenNeighborhood(u) - v) * right;    // (N(u)\v) * right
                    if (nv.Equals(nu))
                        chosen = v;
                        stop = true;

                if (stop) break;

            return chosen;
Beispiel #24
        private void executeForeach(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData> dag, InterpretationState state)
            int currentDagElementIndex;
            Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData>.Element currentDagElement;

            InterpretationState.ScopeLevel topScope;

            int dagIndexForIteratorScope;

            currentDagElementIndex = state.scopeLevels[state.scopeLevels.Count - 1].dagElementIndex;
            currentDagElement = dag.elements[currentDagElementIndex];

            topScope = state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel];

            if( topScope.foreachState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumForeachState.INITIAL )
                // dag index for the array to iterate over or for a variable which holds the array
                int dagIndexForArgument;

                // check if number of parameters is two
                if( currentDagElement.childIndices.Count != 2 )
                    throw new Exception("foreach: must take two arguments!");

                dagIndexForIteratorScope = currentDagElement.childIndices[0];
                dagIndexForArgument = currentDagElement.childIndices[1];

                // check if first parameter is a scope
                if( dag.elements[dagIndexForIteratorScope].content.type != DagElementData.EnumType.FSCOPE )
                    throw new Exception("first parameter must be a scope!");

                // setup
                topScope.foreachResultArray = new List<Datastructures.Variadic>();

                // check if second parameter is
                // * a array
                // * a scope
                // * a variable
                // TODO< if not, check if it is a scope, call the scope, check if it is a array >
                //     < if it is a variable, retrive the variable and check if it is an array, if not, throw something
                if( dag.elements[dagIndexForArgument].content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.FARRAY )
                    List<int> dagIndicesOfContentOfArray;

                    // retrive and resolve array

                    dagIndicesOfContentOfArray = dag.elements[dagIndexForArgument].childIndices;
                    topScope.foreachArray = resolveVariablesAndConstants(dag, dagIndicesOfContentOfArray, state);

                    topScope.foreachState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumForeachState.ITERATENEXT;

                    // no return
                else if( dag.elements[dagIndexForArgument].content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.FSCOPE )
                    InterpretationState.ScopeLevel createdScopeLevel;
                    int dagIndexOfCalled;

                    // it is a scope
                    topScope.foreachState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumForeachState.SCOPEFORARRAYWASINVOKED;

                    // setup the scope
                    createdScopeLevel = new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel();

                    dagIndexOfCalled = dagIndexForArgument;
                    createdScopeLevel.dagElementIndex = dagIndexOfCalled;

                    // misc

                    // do this so the next step executes the scope

                else if( dag.elements[dagIndexForArgument].content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.IDENTIFIERNAME )
                    // it is a variable

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "TODO");
                    throw new Exception("foreach: second parameter must be a array or a scope or a variable which holds an array!");
            else if( topScope.foreachState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumForeachState.SCOPEFORARRAYWASINVOKED )

                // scope for the array to iterate over was invoked

                // * check if result from scope is an array
                // * set array
                // * set state so it iterates over the array as usual

                if( topScope.calleeResult.type != Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.ARRAY )
                    throw new Exception("foreach  result from scope for variable must be an array");

                topScope.foreachArray = topScope.calleeResult.valueArray;

                topScope.foreachState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumForeachState.ITERATENEXT;

                // no return

            // when w are here the state can either be
            // * ITERATENEXT
            //   we need to try to fetch the next item and feed it into the scope
            // * ITERATESTORE
            //   we need to retrive the result of the called scope and append it to the result array

            if( topScope.foreachState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumForeachState.ITERATENEXT )
                Datastructures.Variadic currentIterationValue;
                InterpretationState.ScopeLevel createdScopeLevel;
                int dagIndexOfCalled;

                dagIndexForIteratorScope = currentDagElement.childIndices[0];

                // * check if we are at the end of the array
                //   if so -> return result array
                // * fetch value
                // * build scope
                // * set variable "element"

                // check if we are the end
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(topScope.foreachIndexInArray <= topScope.foreachArray.Count);
                if (topScope.foreachIndexInArray == topScope.foreachArray.Count)
                    Datastructures.Variadic resultValue;

                    resultValue = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.ARRAY);
                    resultValue.valueArray = topScope.foreachResultArray;

                    returnResult(state, resultValue);

                    // remove scope of call


                // fetch value
                currentIterationValue = topScope.foreachArray[topScope.foreachIndexInArray];

                // build scope

                createdScopeLevel = new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel();

                dagIndexOfCalled = dagIndexForIteratorScope;
                createdScopeLevel.dagElementIndex = dagIndexOfCalled;

                // set variables
                createdScopeLevel.variables.Add(new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable());
                createdScopeLevel.variables.Add(new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable());
                createdScopeLevel.variables[0].name = "element";
                createdScopeLevel.variables[0].value = currentIterationValue;
                createdScopeLevel.variables[1].name = "index";
                createdScopeLevel.variables[1].value = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.INT);
                createdScopeLevel.variables[1].value.valueInt = topScope.foreachIndexInArray;

                // misc
                // do this so the next step executes the scope

                // misc

                // state must be different
                topScope.foreachState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumForeachState.ITERATESTORE;

            else if( topScope.foreachState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumForeachState.ITERATESTORE )

                topScope.foreachState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumForeachState.ITERATENEXT;

                throw new Exception("Internal Error!");

            throw new Exception("unreachable");
Beispiel #25
        private void executeInvoke(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData> dag, InterpretationState state)
            Datastructures.Variadic invokeResult;
            EnumInvokeDispatcherCallResult callResult;

            int currentDagElementIndex;
            Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData>.Element currentDagElement;
            InterpretationState.ScopeLevel topScope;

            currentDagElementIndex = state.scopeLevels[state.scopeLevels.Count-1].dagElementIndex;
            currentDagElement = dag.elements[currentDagElementIndex];

            topScope = state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel];

            if( topScope.invokeState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.INITIAL )
                topScope.invokeState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.RESOLVEPARAMETERS;
                topScope.invokeResolvedParameters = new List<Datastructures.Variadic>();

            else if( topScope.invokeState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.RESOLVEPARAMETERS )
                int dagIndexOfArrayWithParameters;
                List<int> dagIndicesOfArrayContentForParameters;

                // retrieve and try to resolve remaining parameters

                dagIndexOfArrayWithParameters = currentDagElement.childIndices[1];
                dagIndicesOfArrayContentForParameters = dag.elements[dagIndexOfArrayWithParameters].childIndices;

                    int dagIndexOfParameter;

                    // check if we are done with the resolving
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(topScope.invokeResolveParametersIndex <= dagIndicesOfArrayContentForParameters.Count);
                    if( topScope.invokeResolveParametersIndex == dagIndicesOfArrayContentForParameters.Count )
                        topScope.invokeState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.INVOKE;


                    // check if the current parameter is a scope
                    // if it is the case, we open the scope and transfer control
                    // if its not the case we can try to resolve the parameter as usual and continue
                    dagIndexOfParameter = dagIndicesOfArrayContentForParameters[topScope.invokeResolveParametersIndex];

                    if( dag.elements[dagIndexOfParameter].content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.FSCOPE )
                        InterpretationState.ScopeLevel createdScopeLevel;

                        topScope.invokeState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.SCOPEFORPARAMETERWASINVOKED;

                        // build new scope
                        createdScopeLevel = new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel();

                        createdScopeLevel.dagElementIndex = dagIndexOfParameter;

                        // do this so the next step executes the scope

                        Datastructures.Variadic currentResolvedParameter;

                        currentResolvedParameter = resolveVariableAndConstant(dag, dagIndexOfParameter, state);

            else if( topScope.invokeState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.SCOPEFORPARAMETERWASINVOKED )
                Datastructures.Variadic parameterFromScope;

                // the scope for an parameter was invoked and the result is on the stack

                // * get the result from the stack
                // * add it to the parameters
                // * go back in the state

                // NOTE< we just move the reference >
                parameterFromScope = topScope.calleeResult;

                topScope.invokeState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.RESOLVEPARAMETERS;

            else if( topScope.invokeState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.INVOKE )
                int dagIndexOfArrayWithPath;
                List<int> dagIndicesOfArrayContentForPath;
                List<string> pathOfInvokedProgram;

                bool isInterpretableInvoke;
                int dagIndexOfInvokedScope;
                List<string> invokeVariableNames;

                // build the path of the invoked program
                dagIndexOfArrayWithPath = currentDagElement.childIndices[0];

                if (dag.elements[dagIndexOfArrayWithPath].content.type != DagElementData.EnumType.FARRAY)
                    throw new Exception("Invoke parameter [0] was not an Array as expected!");

                // grab the indices of the array
                dagIndicesOfArrayContentForPath = dag.elements[dagIndexOfArrayWithPath].childIndices;
                // and put them into the function which executes building stuff for the path for the invoke
                pathOfInvokedProgram = getPathOfInvokeScopeInstruction(dag, dagIndicesOfArrayContentForPath, state);

                // try to lookup the path inside the list with all interpretable programs (which can be invoked)
                invokeVariableNames = new List<string>();
                lookupInvokePath(state, pathOfInvokedProgram, out isInterpretableInvoke, out dagIndexOfInvokedScope, invokeVariableNames);

                if (isInterpretableInvoke)
                    InterpretationState.ScopeLevel createdScopeLevel;
                    int variableI;

                    // set state
                    topScope.invokeState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.PROGRAMINVOKED;

                    // check if number of parameter is correct
                    if (topScope.invokeResolvedParameters.Count != invokeVariableNames.Count)
                        throw new Exception("invoke parameter count is invalid!");

                    // build new scope
                    createdScopeLevel = new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel();

                    createdScopeLevel.dagElementIndex = dagIndexOfInvokedScope;

                    // set variables
                    for (variableI = 0; variableI < invokeVariableNames.Count; variableI++)
                        InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable createdVariable;

                        createdVariable = new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable();
               = invokeVariableNames[variableI];
                        createdVariable.value = topScope.invokeResolvedParameters[variableI];


                    // do this so the next step executes the scope

                    // dispatch invoke
                    invokeDispatcher.dispatchInvokeStart(pathOfInvokedProgram, topScope.invokeResolvedParameters, state.scopeLevels, out invokeResult, out callResult);

                    // TODO< maybe logic for searching of callee >
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(state.currentScopeLevel > 0);

                    // if we are done
                    // return result to caller (in state stack)
                    // if the call failed we return false
                    if (callResult == EnumInvokeDispatcherCallResult.DONE)
                        state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel - 1].calleeResult = invokeResult;

                        // remove scope of call
                        state.scopeLevels.RemoveAt(state.scopeLevels.Count - 1);

                    else if (callResult == EnumInvokeDispatcherCallResult.PATHINVALID)
                        state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel - 1].calleeResult = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.BOOL);
                        state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel - 1].calleeResult.valueBool = false;

                        // remove scope of call
                        state.scopeLevels.RemoveAt(state.scopeLevels.Count - 1);

                    else if (callResult == EnumInvokeDispatcherCallResult.SUCCEEDINGINTERNAL)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "SUCCEEDINGINTERNAL not supported!");
                        throw new Exception("Internal Error!");

            else if( topScope.invokeState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumInvokeState.PROGRAMINVOKED )
                // TODO< maybe logic for searching of callee >
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(state.currentScopeLevel > 0);

                state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel - 1].calleeResult = state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel].calleeResult;

                // remove scope of call
                state.scopeLevels.RemoveAt(state.scopeLevels.Count - 1);

                throw new Exception("Internal Error!");

            throw new Exception("unreachable!");
Beispiel #26
        public void interpreteStep(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData> dag, InterpretationState state, out bool terminatorReached)
            int currentDagElementIndex;
            Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData>.Element currentDagElement;

            currentDagElementIndex = state.scopeLevels[state.scopeLevels.Count-1].dagElementIndex;
            currentDagElement = dag.elements[currentDagElementIndex];

            terminatorReached = isTopScopeATerminator(state);
            if( terminatorReached )

            if( currentDagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.FSCOPE )
                if( currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.INVOKE )
                    executeInvoke(dag, state);
                else if( currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.FOLD )
                    executeFold(dag, state);
                else if( currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.MATCH )
                    executeMatch(dag, state);
                else if( currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.FOREACH )
                    executeForeach(dag, state);
                else if (currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.PASS )
                    executePass(dag, state);
                else if( currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.FSET )
                    executeSetVariables(dag, state);
                else if(
                    currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.ADD ||
                    currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.SUB ||
                    currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.MUL ||
                    currentDagElement.content.valueInt == (int)Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType.DIV
                    executeSimpleMathOperation(dag, state, (Parser.Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement.EnumType)currentDagElement.content.valueInt);
                    throw new Exception("Internal Error!");

            else if(
                currentDagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTINT ||
                currentDagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTFLOAT ||
                currentDagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTBOOL
                returnValue(currentDagElement.content, state);

            else if( currentDagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.FARRAY )
                executeReturnArray(dag, state);
            else if( currentDagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.IDENTIFIERNAME )
                executeReturnVariable(dag, state);
                throw new Exception("Tried to execute unexecutable instrution!");
Beispiel #27
        private void executeFold(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData> dag, InterpretationState state)
            int currentDagElementIndex;
            Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData>.Element currentDagElement;
            InterpretationState.ScopeLevel topScope;

            currentDagElementIndex = state.scopeLevels[state.scopeLevels.Count - 1].dagElementIndex;
            currentDagElement = dag.elements[currentDagElementIndex];

            topScope = state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel];

            if( topScope.foldState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumFoldState.INITIAL )
                int dagIndexOfArrayWithValuesOrScope;
                DagElementData.EnumType arrayWithValuesOrScopeType;

                dagIndexOfArrayWithValuesOrScope = currentDagElement.childIndices[1];
                arrayWithValuesOrScopeType = dag.elements[dagIndexOfArrayWithValuesOrScope].content.type;

                if (arrayWithValuesOrScopeType == DagElementData.EnumType.FARRAY)
                    List<int> dagIndicesOfVariablesOrConstantsOfArray;

                    dagIndicesOfVariablesOrConstantsOfArray = dag.elements[dagIndexOfArrayWithValuesOrScope].childIndices;
                    topScope.foldInputArray = resolveVariablesAndConstants(dag, dagIndicesOfVariablesOrConstantsOfArray, state);

                    topScope.foldState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumFoldState.SUCCEEDING;

                    // not return
                else if( arrayWithValuesOrScopeType == DagElementData.EnumType.FSCOPE )
                    int dagIndexOfCalled;
                    InterpretationState.ScopeLevel createdScopeLevel;

                    topScope.foldState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumFoldState.SCOPEFORARRAYINVOKED;

                    // open scope ...
                    createdScopeLevel = new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel();

                    dagIndexOfCalled = dagIndexOfArrayWithValuesOrScope;
                    createdScopeLevel.dagElementIndex = dagIndexOfCalled;

                    // do this so the next step executes the scope

                    throw new Exception("Internal Error : Invalid not handable parameter for fold");
            else if( topScope.foldState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumFoldState.SCOPEFORARRAYINVOKED )
                // check if result is an array
                if( topScope.calleeResult.type != Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.ARRAY )
                    throw new Exception("fold second parameter is not an array!");

                // set array as working array
                topScope.foldInputArray = topScope.calleeResult.valueArray;

                topScope.foldState = InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumFoldState.SUCCEEDING;

                // no return

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(topScope.foldState == InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.EnumFoldState.SUCCEEDING);

            if (topScope.foldIterationIndex == -1)
                // first iteration
                if (topScope.foldInputArray.Count == 0)
                    // no value in array, return false

                    state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel - 1].calleeResult = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.BOOL);
                    state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel - 1].calleeResult.valueBool = false;

                    // remove scope of fold
                    state.scopeLevels.RemoveAt(state.scopeLevels.Count - 1);

                else if (topScope.foldInputArray.Count == 1)
                    // one value in array, return it
                    Datastructures.Variadic result;

                    result = topScope.foldInputArray[0];
                    returnResult(state, result);

                    // remove scope of fold
                    //BUG? state.scopeLevels.RemoveAt(state.scopeLevels.Count - 1);
                    // TODO< investigate >

                    Datastructures.Variadic firstValue;
                    Datastructures.Variadic secondValue;
                    int dagIndexOfCalled;
                    InterpretationState.ScopeLevel createdScopeLevel;

                    // two or more values in the array

                    // * fetch values
                    // * check if called is a dag-scope
                    // * open scope and push the dag-scope for execution
                    // * set variables

                    // fetch values
                    firstValue = topScope.foldInputArray[0];
                    secondValue = topScope.foldInputArray[1];

                    // check
                    dagIndexOfCalled = currentDagElement.childIndices[0];
                    if (dag.elements[dagIndexOfCalled].content.type != DagElementData.EnumType.FSCOPE)
                        throw new Exception("fold: first parameter must be a scope!");

                    // open scope ...
                    createdScopeLevel = new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel();

                    createdScopeLevel.dagElementIndex = dagIndexOfCalled;

                    // (set variables)
                    createdScopeLevel.variables.Add(new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable());
                    createdScopeLevel.variables.Add(new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable());
                    createdScopeLevel.variables.Add(new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable());
                    createdScopeLevel.variables[0].name = "accu";
                    createdScopeLevel.variables[0].value = firstValue;
                    createdScopeLevel.variables[1].name = "other";
                    createdScopeLevel.variables[1].value = secondValue;
                    createdScopeLevel.variables[2].name = "index";
                    createdScopeLevel.variables[2].value = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.INT);
                    createdScopeLevel.variables[2].value.valueInt = 0;

                    topScope.foldIterationIndex = 1;

                    // do this so the next step executes the scope

                // following iterations

                // * check if array is walked
                //   if not ->
                //   * fetch value
                //   * evaluate value
                //   * open scope and push the dag-scope for execution
                //   * set variables
                //   if ->
                //   * return accumulated value

                int valueArrayListLength;
                Datastructures.Variadic evaluatedValue;
                InterpretationState.ScopeLevel createdScopeLevel;
                int dagIndexOfCalled;

                valueArrayListLength = topScope.foldInputArray.Count;

                dagIndexOfCalled = currentDagElement.childIndices[0];

                // check if array is walked
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(topScope.foldIterationIndex <= valueArrayListLength);
                if (topScope.foldIterationIndex == valueArrayListLength)
                    // it is walked

                    // return the result
                    returnResult(state, topScope.calleeResult);

                    // remove scope of call

                // else we are here

                // fetch value
                // evaluate
                evaluatedValue = topScope.foldInputArray[topScope.foldIterationIndex];

                // open scope and push the dag-scope for execution
                createdScopeLevel = new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel();

                createdScopeLevel.dagElementIndex = dagIndexOfCalled;

                // set variables
                createdScopeLevel.variables.Add(new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable());
                createdScopeLevel.variables.Add(new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable());
                createdScopeLevel.variables.Add(new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable());
                createdScopeLevel.variables[0].name = "accu";
                createdScopeLevel.variables[0].value = topScope.calleeResult;
                createdScopeLevel.variables[1].name = "other";
                createdScopeLevel.variables[1].value = evaluatedValue;
                createdScopeLevel.variables[2].name = "index";
                createdScopeLevel.variables[2].value = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.INT);
                createdScopeLevel.variables[2].value.valueInt = topScope.foldIterationIndex;

                // misc

                // increment the index for the next call

                // do this so the next step executes the scope

Beispiel #28
 private static void returnResult(InterpretationState state, Datastructures.Variadic result)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(state.scopeLevels.Count >= 1);
     if (state.scopeLevels.Count == 1)
         state.result = result;
         state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel - 1].calleeResult = result;
Beispiel #29
        private static void setVariableInScope(
            string variablename,
            EnumOverwriteExistingVariable overwriteExistingVariable,
            Datastructures.Variadic value,
            InterpretationState.ScopeLevel topScope
            int foundVariableIndex;
            int i;

            foundVariableIndex = -1;

            for( i = 0; i < topScope.variables.Count; i++ )
                if( topScope.variables[i].name == variablename )
                    foundVariableIndex = i;

            if( foundVariableIndex != -1 )
                if( overwriteExistingVariable == EnumOverwriteExistingVariable.NO )
                    // variable allready existed, but can't be overwritten
                    throw new Exception("variable " + variablename + " exists in scope but can't be overwritten!");

                topScope.variables[foundVariableIndex].value = value;
                InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable newVariable;

                newVariable = new InterpretationState.ScopeLevel.Variable();
       = variablename;
                newVariable.value = value;

Beispiel #30
 public static Action <DialogueContext> RootWithPrompt(String Prompt)
     return((Context) =>
         if (Context.Politics.WasAtWar)
             Context.Say("We are at war.");
             Context.AddOption("Make peace", MakePeace);
             Context.AddOption("Continue the war", DeclareWar);
             Context.AddOption("Trade", Trade);
             Context.AddOption("What is your opinion of us?", (context) =>
                 var prompt = "";
                 if (context.Politics.RecentEvents.Count > 0)
                     prompt = String.Format("So far, our relationship has been {0}",
                     if (context.Politics.RecentEvents.Count > 0)
                         prompt += ", because ";
                         prompt +=
                                 context.Politics.RecentEvents.Select(e => e.Description).ToList());
                     prompt += ".";
                     prompt = "We know nothing about you.";
             Context.AddOption("What is something you have many of?", (context) =>
                 Context.Transition(RootWithPrompt(String.Format("We have many {0}.",
             Context.AddOption("What is something you have few of?", (context) =>
                 if (context.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.RareResources.Count > 0)
                     Context.Transition(RootWithPrompt(String.Format("We have few {0}.",
                     Context.Transition(RootWithPrompt("Nothing in particular."));
             Context.AddOption("What is something you hate?", (context) =>
                 if (context.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.HatedResources.Count > 0)
                     Context.Transition(RootWithPrompt(String.Format("We hate {0}.",
                     Context.Transition(RootWithPrompt("We don't hate anything in particular."));
             Context.AddOption("What is something you like?", (context) =>
                 if (context.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.LikedResources.Count > 0)
                     Context.Transition(RootWithPrompt(String.Format("We like {0}.",
                     Context.Transition(RootWithPrompt("We don't like anything in particular."));
             Context.AddOption("Declare war", ConfirmDeclareWar);
             Context.AddOption("Leave", (context) =>
                 Context.AddOption("Goodbye.", (_) =>
Beispiel #31
        public override void OnAction(WorldManager world)
            if (Resources.Count == 0)
                LastEvent = String.Format("The trade party didn't have anything to trade, so they're coming home.");

            var   owner                      = world.Factions.Factions[OwnerFaction];
            var   dest                       = world.Factions.Factions[DestinationFaction];
            var   charisma                   = Party.Max(p => p.Stats.BuffedChar);
            float tradeGoodness              = charisma - MathFunctions.Rand(0, 10.0f);
            var   politics                   = world.Diplomacy.GetPolitics(owner, dest);
            List <ResourceAmount> destGoods  = dest.Race.GenerateResources(world);
            List <ResourceAmount> tradeGoods = new List <ResourceAmount>();
            bool wasBadTrade                 = false;
            int  randIters                   = 100;

            for (int iter = 0; iter < randIters; iter++)
                var resourceType = Datastructures.SelectRandom(Resources);
                if (resourceType.NumResources == 0)
                var  resource = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(resourceType.ResourceType);
                bool liked    = resource.Tags.Any(t => dest.Race.LikedResources.Contains(t));
                bool hated    = resource.Tags.Any(t => dest.Race.HatedResources.Contains(t));

                if (tradeGoodness < 0 && liked)
                    LastEvent = String.Format("{0} gave the {1} {2}, which made them very angry!",
                                              dest.Race.Name, resourceType.ResourceType);
                    string badTrade = "You gave us something we hate.";
                    if (!politics.RecentEvents.Any(ev => ev.Description == badTrade))
                        politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                            Description = badTrade,
                            Change      = -5,
                            Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                            Time        = world.Time.CurrentDate
                    wasBadTrade = true;
                else if (tradeGoodness > 0 && liked)
                    string goodTrade = "You gave us something we like.";
                    if (!politics.RecentEvents.Any(ev => ev.Description == goodTrade))
                        politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                            Description = goodTrade,
                            Change      = 5,
                            Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                            Time        = world.Time.CurrentDate
                var resourceValue = GetValue(resource, dest);

                // Now find a resource of equal or greater value and trade for it.
                int randIter2 = 0;
                while (randIter2 < 100)
                    var randGood = Datastructures.SelectRandom(destGoods);
                    if (randGood.NumResources == 0)

                    var good          = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(randGood.ResourceType);
                    var randGoodValue = GetValue(good, dest);

                    // Trade the most of this resource we possibly can. If we want to
                    // trade an item of lesser value, try to trade 1 good for as much of it as possible.
                    if (randGoodValue <= resourceValue)
                        int numToTrade = Math.Min((int)(resourceValue / randGoodValue), randGood.NumResources);
                        if (numToTrade * randGoodValue >= 0.75f * resourceValue)
                            randGood.NumResources -= numToTrade;
                            tradeGoods.Add(new ResourceAmount(good, numToTrade));
                    // If we're trading upwards, try trading as much of our resource as possible for the valuable item.
                        int numToTrade = Math.Min((int)(randGoodValue / resourceValue), resourceType.NumResources);
                        if (numToTrade * resourceValue >= 0.75f * randGoodValue)
                            resourceType.NumResources -= numToTrade;
                            tradeGoods.Add(new ResourceAmount(good, 1));


                // We failed to find a good of equal value, so let's just trade money.
                if (randIter2 == 100)
                    Money += resourceValue;

            if (!wasBadTrade)
                LastEvent = String.Format("The trade party is returning home with {0} goods, and {1}.", Resources.Sum(r => r.NumResources), Money);

Beispiel #32
        public override void OnEnter()
            // Clear the input queue... cause other states aren't using it and it's been filling up.

            GuiRoot = new Gui.Root(DwarfGame.GuiSkin);
            GuiRoot.MousePointer = new Gui.MousePointer("mouse", 4, 0);

            Rectangle rect = GuiRoot.RenderData.VirtualScreen;

            rect.Inflate(-rect.Width / 3, -rect.Height / 3);
            var mainPanel = GuiRoot.RootItem.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Rect           = rect,
                MinimumSize    = new Point(512, 256),
                AutoLayout     = AutoLayout.FloatCenter,
                Border         = "border-fancy",
                Padding        = new Margin(4, 4, 4, 4),
                InteriorMargin = new Margin(2, 0, 0, 0),
                TextSize       = 1,
                Font           = "font10"

            mainPanel.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.Button
                Text = "Create!",
                Font = "font16",
                TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center,
                Border  = "border-button",
                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                    // Grab string values from widgets!
                    CompanyInformation.Name  = NameField.Text;
                    CompanyInformation.Motto = MottoField.Text;

                    // Why are they stored as statics on this class???
                    StateManager.PushState(new NewGameChooseWorldState(Game, Game.StateManager));
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.FloatBottomRight

            mainPanel.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.Button
                Text = "< Back",
                TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center,
                Border  = "border-button",
                Font    = "font16",
                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.FloatBottomLeft,

            #region Name

            mainPanel.AddChild(new Widget()
                Text       = "Create a Company",
                Font       = "font16",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockTop,

            var nameRow = mainPanel.AddChild(new Widget
                MinimumSize = new Point(0, 24),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Padding     = new Margin(0, 0, 2, 2)

            nameRow.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                MinimumSize         = new Point(64, 0),
                Text                = "Name",
                AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right,
                TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center

            nameRow.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.Button
                Text       = "Randomize",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockRight,
                Border     = "border-button",
                OnClick    = (sender, args) =>
                    var templates  = TextGenerator.GetAtoms(ContentPaths.Text.Templates.company_exploration);
                    NameField.Text = TextGenerator.GenerateRandom(Datastructures.SelectRandom(templates).ToArray());

            NameField = nameRow.AddChild(new EditableTextField
                Text       = CompanyInformation.Name,
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockFill
            }) as EditableTextField;

            #region Motto
            var mottoRow = mainPanel.AddChild(new Widget
                MinimumSize = new Point(0, 24),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Padding     = new Margin(0, 0, 2, 2)

            mottoRow.AddChild(new Widget
                MinimumSize         = new Point(64, 0),
                Text                = "Motto",
                AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right,
                TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center

            mottoRow.AddChild(new Button
                Text       = "Randomize",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockRight,
                Border     = "border-button",
                OnClick    = (sender, args) =>
                    var templates   = TextGenerator.GetAtoms(ContentPaths.Text.Templates.mottos);
                    MottoField.Text = TextGenerator.GenerateRandom(Datastructures.SelectRandom(templates).ToArray());
                    // Todo: Doesn't automatically invalidate when text changed??

            MottoField = mottoRow.AddChild(new EditableTextField
                Text       = CompanyInformation.Motto,
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockFill
            }) as EditableTextField;

            #region Logo

            var logoRow = mainPanel.AddChild(new Widget
                MinimumSize = new Point(0, 64),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Padding     = new Margin(0, 0, 2, 2)

            CompanyLogoDisplay = logoRow.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.CompanyLogo
                AutoLayout         = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                MinimumSize        = new Point(64, 64),
                MaximumSize        = new Point(64, 64),
                CompanyInformation = CompanyInformation
            }) as Gui.Widgets.CompanyLogo;

            logoRow.AddChild(new Widget
                Text       = "BG:",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockLeft

            logoRow.AddChild(new Widget
                Background  = CompanyInformation.LogoBackground,
                MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                MaximumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                OnClick     = (sender, args) =>
                    var source  = GuiRoot.GetTileSheet("company-logo-background") as Gui.TileSheet;
                    var chooser = new Gui.Widgets.GridChooser
                        ItemSource = Enumerable.Range(0, source.Columns * source.Rows)
                                     .Select(i => new Widget {
                            Background = new TileReference("company-logo-background", i)
                        OnClose = (s2) =>
                            var gc = s2 as Gui.Widgets.GridChooser;
                            if (gc.DialogResult == Gui.Widgets.GridChooser.Result.OKAY &&
                                gc.SelectedItem != null)
                                sender.Background = gc.SelectedItem.Background;
                                CompanyInformation.LogoBackground = gc.SelectedItem.Background;
                        PopupDestructionType = PopupDestructionType.DestroyOnOffClick

            logoRow.AddChild(new Widget
                Background      = new TileReference("basic", 1),
                BackgroundColor = CompanyInformation.LogoBackgroundColor,
                MinimumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                MaximumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                AutoLayout      = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                OnClick         = (sender, args) =>
                    var chooser = new Gui.Widgets.GridChooser
                        ItemSize    = new Point(16, 16),
                        ItemSpacing = new Point(4, 4),
                        ItemSource  = EnumerateDefaultColors()
                                      .Select(c => new Widget
                            Background      = new TileReference("basic", 1),
                            BackgroundColor = new Vector4(c.ToVector3(), 1),
                        OnClose = (s2) =>
                            var gc = s2 as Gui.Widgets.GridChooser;
                            if (gc.DialogResult == Gui.Widgets.GridChooser.Result.OKAY &&
                                gc.SelectedItem != null)
                                sender.BackgroundColor = gc.SelectedItem.BackgroundColor;
                                CompanyInformation.LogoBackgroundColor = gc.SelectedItem.BackgroundColor;
                        PopupDestructionType = PopupDestructionType.DestroyOnOffClick

            logoRow.AddChild(new Widget
                Text       = "FG:",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockLeft

            logoRow.AddChild(new Widget
                Background  = CompanyInformation.LogoSymbol,
                MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                MaximumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                OnClick     = (sender, args) =>
                    var source  = GuiRoot.GetTileSheet("company-logo-symbol") as Gui.TileSheet;
                    var chooser = new Gui.Widgets.GridChooser
                        ItemSource = Enumerable.Range(0, source.Columns * source.Rows)
                                     .Select(i => new Widget
                            Background = new TileReference("company-logo-symbol", i)
                        OnClose = (s2) =>
                            var gc = s2 as Gui.Widgets.GridChooser;
                            if (gc.DialogResult == Gui.Widgets.GridChooser.Result.OKAY &&
                                gc.SelectedItem != null)
                                sender.Background = gc.SelectedItem.Background;
                                CompanyInformation.LogoSymbol = gc.SelectedItem.Background;
                        PopupDestructionType = PopupDestructionType.DestroyOnOffClick

            logoRow.AddChild(new Widget
                Background      = new TileReference("basic", 1),
                BackgroundColor = CompanyInformation.LogoSymbolColor,
                MinimumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                MaximumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                AutoLayout      = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                OnClick         = (sender, args) =>
                    var chooser = new Gui.Widgets.GridChooser
                        ItemSize    = new Point(16, 16),
                        ItemSpacing = new Point(4, 4),
                        ItemSource  = EnumerateDefaultColors()
                                      .Select(c => new Widget
                            Background      = new TileReference("basic", 1),
                            BackgroundColor = new Vector4(c.ToVector3(), 1),
                        OnClose = (s2) =>
                            var gc = s2 as Gui.Widgets.GridChooser;
                            if (gc.DialogResult == Gui.Widgets.GridChooser.Result.OKAY &&
                                gc.SelectedItem != null)
                                sender.BackgroundColor = gc.SelectedItem.BackgroundColor;
                                CompanyInformation.LogoSymbolColor = gc.SelectedItem.BackgroundColor;
                        PopupDestructionType = PopupDestructionType.DestroyOnOffClick



            IsInitialized = true;

Beispiel #33
         * \result are the childIndices
        private static List<int> convertListOfTreeElementsToDagElements(Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData> dag, List<Functional.ParseTreeElement> list)
            List<int> childIndices;

            childIndices = new List<int>();

            foreach (Functional.ParseTreeElement iterationParseTreeElement in list)
                int childrenDagIndex;

                convertRecursive(dag, iterationParseTreeElement, out childrenDagIndex);


            return childIndices;
Beispiel #34
         * builds the path for a invoke scope command, executes eventually called functions etc
        private static List<string> getPathOfInvokeScopeInstruction(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData> dag, List<int> dagIndicesOfPathElements, InterpretationState state)
            List<string> result;

            result = new List<string>();

            foreach( int iterationDagIndex in dagIndicesOfPathElements )
                Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData>.Element iterationDagElement;

                iterationDagElement = dag.elements[iterationDagIndex];

                if( iterationDagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTSTRING )
                    // TODO< only strings are until now implemented
                    //       later we need to support any operations >

                    throw new Exception("Internal Error");

            return result;
Beispiel #35
        private static void executeReturnVariable(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData> dag, InterpretationState state)
            int currentDagElementIndex;
            Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData>.Element currentDagElement;

            InterpretationState.ScopeLevel topScope;
            bool variableWasResolved;
            Datastructures.Variadic resolvedVariable;

            currentDagElementIndex = state.scopeLevels[state.scopeLevels.Count - 1].dagElementIndex;
            currentDagElement = dag.elements[currentDagElementIndex];

            topScope = state.scopeLevels[state.currentScopeLevel];

            if( currentDagElement.content.type != DagElementData.EnumType.IDENTIFIERNAME )
                // type must be an identifier
                throw new Exception("Internal Error");

            // look the identifier up
            resolvedVariable = resolveVariable(currentDagElement.content.identifier, state, out variableWasResolved);
            if( !variableWasResolved )
                throw new Exception("Variable \"" + currentDagElement.content.identifier + "\" could not be resolved.");

            // return variable
            returnResult(state, resolvedVariable);

            // remove scope of call

Beispiel #36
        public override void Construct()
            AutoSizeColumns = true;
            IsRootTray      = true;

            ItemSource = new Gui.Widget[]
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text = "CHEAT MODE",

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "DEBUG",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSize   = new Point(200, 20),
                        ItemSource = Debugger.EnumerateSwitches().Select(s =>
                                                                         new HorizontalMenuTray.CheckboxMenuItem
                            Text         = Debugger.GetNicelyFormattedName(s.Name),
                            InitialState = s.State,
                            SetCallback  = s.Set

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "DEBUG SAVE",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        // Turn off binary compressed saves and save a nice straight json save for debugging purposes.

                        // Todo: Why isn't World managing this paused state itself?
                        bool paused          = Master.World.Paused;
                        var  previousSetting = DwarfGame.COMPRESSED_BINARY_SAVES;
                        DwarfGame.COMPRESSED_BINARY_SAVES = false;
                            String.Format("{0}_{1}_DEBUG", Overworld.Name, Master.World.GameID),
                            (success, exception) =>
                            Master.World.MakeAnnouncement(success ? "Debug save created.": "Debug save failed - " + exception.Message);
                            DwarfGame.COMPRESSED_BINARY_SAVES = previousSetting;
                            Master.World.Paused = paused;

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "BUILD",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = RoomLibrary.GetRoomTypes().Select(r =>
                                                                       new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = r,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Build/" + r)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "SPAWN",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 5,
                        ItemSource = EntityFactory.EnumerateEntityTypes().Where(s => !s.Contains("Resource") ||
                                                                                !ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(s.Substring(0, s.Length - " Resource".Length)).Generated).OrderBy(s => s).Select(s =>
                                                                                                                                                                                                    new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Spawn/" + s)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE BLOCK",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 3,
                        ItemSource = VoxelLibrary.PrimitiveMap.Keys
                                     .Where(t => t.Name != "empty" && t.Name != "water")
                                     .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                                     .Select(s =>
                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s.Name,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Place/" + s.Name)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "DELETE BLOCK",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Delete Block")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "KILL BLOCK",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Kill Block")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE GRASS",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 3,
                        ItemSource = GrassLibrary.TypeList
                                     .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                                     .Select(s =>
                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s.Name,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Grass/" + s.Name)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE DECAL",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 3,
                        ItemSource = DecalLibrary.TypeList
                                     .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                                     .Select(s =>
                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s.Name,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Decal/" + s.Name)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE RAIL",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 1,
                        ItemSource = new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem[]
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text           = "RAW PIECES",
                                ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                                    Columns    = 2,
                                    ItemSize   = new Point(200, 20),
                                    ItemSource = Rail.RailLibrary.EnumeratePieces().Select(p =>
                                                                                           new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                        Text    = p.Name,
                                        OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Rail/" + p.Name)

                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text           = "USING PATTERNS",
                                ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                                    Columns    = 1,
                                    ItemSource = Rail.RailLibrary.EnumeratePatterns().Select(p =>
                                                                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                        Text    = p.Name,
                                        OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                            var railTool     = Master.Tools[GameMaster.ToolMode.BuildRail] as Rail.BuildRailTool;
                                            railTool.Pattern = p;
                                            railTool.GodModeSwitch = true;

                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PAINT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    var railTool = Master.Tools[GameMaster.ToolMode.PaintRail] as Rail.PaintRailTool;
                                    railTool.SelectedResources = new List <ResourceAmount>(new ResourceAmount[] { new ResourceAmount("Rail", 1) });
                                    railTool.GodModeSwitch = true;

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "KILL THINGS",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Kill Things")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "TRAILER",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = new List <HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem>()
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "SPIN +",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, 2.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "SPIN -",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, -2.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "ZOOM -",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, 0.0f, 2.5f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "ZOOM +",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, 0.0f, -2.5f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "FWD",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Forward * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "BACK",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Backward * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "LEFT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Left * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "RIGHT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Right * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "FILL WATER",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Fill Water")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "FILL LAVA",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Fill Lava")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "TRADE ENVOY",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = Master.World.Factions.Factions.Values.Where(f => f.Race.IsIntelligent && f != Master.Faction).Select(s =>
                            return(new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text = s.Name,
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.World.Diplomacy.SendTradeEnvoy(s, Master.World)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "EVENT",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = Master.World.GoalManager.EventScheduler.Events.Events.Select(e =>
                            return(new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text = e.Name,
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.World.GoalManager.EventScheduler.ActivateEvent(Master.World, e)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "WAR PARTY",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = Master.World.Factions.Factions.Values.Where(f => f.Race.IsIntelligent && f != Master.Faction).Select(s =>
                            return(new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text = s.Name,
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.World.Diplomacy.SendWarParty(s)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "DWARF BUX",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.Faction.AddMoney(100m)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "MINIONS",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem[]
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PAY",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.PayEmployees()
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "STARVE",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in Master.Faction.Minions)
                                        minion.Status.Hunger.CurrentValue = 0;
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "XP",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in Master.Faction.Minions)
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "DISEASE",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Disease")
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "HAPPY",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in Master.Faction.Minions)
                                        var thoughts = minion.GetRoot().GetComponent <DwarfThoughts>();
                                        if (thoughts != null)
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PISSED",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in Master.Faction.Minions)
                                        var thoughts = minion.GetRoot().GetComponent <DwarfThoughts>();
                                        if (thoughts != null)
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "GAMBLE",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var employee in Master.Faction.Minions)
                                        employee.AssignTask(new Scripting.GambleTask()
                                            Priority = Task.PriorityType.High
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PASS OUT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    var employee = Datastructures.SelectRandom(Master.Faction.Minions);
                                    if (employee != null)
                                        employee.Creature.Heal(-employee.Status.Health.CurrentValue * employee.Creature.MaxHealth + 1);

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "SPAWN TEST",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        // Copy is required because spawning some types results in the creation of new types. EG, snakes create snake meat.
                        var     keys       = EntityFactory.EnumerateEntityTypes().ToList();
                        int     num        = keys.Count();
                        float   gridSize   = (float)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt((double)num));
                        Vector3 gridCenter = Master.World.CursorLightPos;
                        int     i          = 0;
                        for (float dx = -gridSize / 2; dx <= gridSize / 2; dx++)
                            for (float dz = -gridSize / 2; dz <= gridSize / 2; dz++)
                                if (i >= num)

                                Vector3     pos    = MathFunctions.Clamp(gridCenter + new Vector3(dx, VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY, dz), Master.World.ChunkManager.Bounds);
                                VoxelHandle handle = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVisibleVoxelOnRay(Master.World.ChunkManager.ChunkData, pos, pos + Vector3.Down * 100);
                                if (handle.IsValid)
                                    EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(keys[i], handle.WorldPosition + Vector3.Up);
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "SPAWN CRAFTS",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        // Copy is required because spawning some types results in the creation of new types. EG, snakes create snake meat.
                        var     itemTypes  = CraftLibrary.EnumerateCraftables().Where(craft => craft.Type == CraftItem.CraftType.Object).ToList();
                        int     num        = itemTypes.Count();
                        float   gridSize   = (float)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt((double)num));
                        Vector3 gridCenter = Master.World.CursorLightPos;

                        int i = 0;
                        for (float dx = -gridSize / 2; dx <= gridSize / 2; dx++)
                            for (float dz = -gridSize / 2; dz <= gridSize / 2; dz++)
                                if (i < num)
                                    var item = itemTypes[i];
                                    if (item.Name != "Explosive")
                                        Vector3     pos    = MathFunctions.Clamp(gridCenter + new Vector3(dx, VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY, dz), Master.World.ChunkManager.Bounds);
                                        VoxelHandle handle = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVisibleVoxelOnRay(Master.World.ChunkManager.ChunkData, pos, pos + Vector3.Down * 100);

                                        if (handle.IsValid)
                                            var blackboard = new Blackboard();
                                            List <ResourceAmount> resources = item.RequiredResources.Select(r => new ResourceAmount(ResourceLibrary.GetResourcesByTag(r.ResourceType).First(), r.NumResources)).ToList();
                                            blackboard.SetData <List <ResourceAmount> >("Resources", resources);
                                            blackboard.SetData <string>("CraftType", item.Name);

                                            var entity = EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(item.EntityName, handle.WorldPosition + Vector3.Up + item.SpawnOffset, blackboard);
                                            if (entity != null)
                                                if (item.AddToOwnedPool)
                                                    Master.Faction.OwnedObjects.Add(entity as Body);
                                                if (item.Moveable)
                                                if (item.Deconstructable)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "+1 HOUR",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        Master.World.Time.CurrentDate += new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0);
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "FORCE REBUILD",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        foreach (var chunk in Master.World.ChunkManager.ChunkData.ChunkMap)
                            for (int Y = 0; Y < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY; ++Y)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "REPULSE",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Repulse")
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "SLOWMO",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => GameSettings.Default.EnableSlowMotion = !GameSettings.Default.EnableSlowMotion
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "LET IT SNOW",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        var storm = Weather.CreateStorm(Vector3.One, 100.0f, Master.World);
                        storm.TypeofStorm = StormType.SnowStorm;

Beispiel #37
        public override void OnAction(WorldManager world)
            var owner    = world.Factions.Factions[OwnerFaction];
            var dest     = world.Factions.Factions[DestinationFaction];
            var strength = Party.Sum(p => p.Stats.BuffedStr);
            var politics = world.Diplomacy.GetPolitics(owner, dest);
            List <ResourceAmount> destGoods = dest.Race.GenerateResources(world);

            int turns = MathFunctions.RandInt(1, (int)strength);
            List <ResourceAmount> stolenGoods = new List <ResourceAmount>();
            DwarfBux stolenMoney = 0.0m;
            int      numDead     = 0;

            for (int turn = 0; turn < turns; turn++)
                numDead += Party.Count(p => p.Creature.Hp <= 0);
                Party.RemoveAll(p => p.Creature.Hp <= 0);
                if (Party.Count == 0)
                var randomCritter = Datastructures.SelectRandom(Party);
                var con           = randomCritter.Stats.BuffedCon;
                var enemyAttack   = MathFunctions.RandInt(1, 20);
                if (enemyAttack - con > 10 || enemyAttack == 20)
                    randomCritter.Creature.Hp -= MathFunctions.RandInt(5, 100);
                    if (randomCritter.Creature.Hp <= 0)
                    var thoughts = randomCritter.Creature.GetComponent <DwarfThoughts>();
                    if (thoughts != null)
                    stolenGoods.Add(new ResourceAmount(Datastructures.SelectRandom(destGoods).ResourceType, MathFunctions.RandInt(1, 5)));
                    stolenMoney += (DwarfBux)(decimal)MathFunctions.RandInt(1, 100);

            politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                Change      = -5,
                Description = "You attacked us!",
                Duration    = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                Time        = world.Time.CurrentDate

            politics.WasAtWar = true;
            politics.HasMet   = true;

            if (Party.Count == 0)
                LastEvent = "All of the raiding party members died!";
                Money          = 0.0m;
                AdventureState = State.Done;

            Money += stolenMoney;

            if (numDead == 0)
                LastEvent      = String.Format("The raiding party is returning home unscathed! They stole {0} goods and {1}.", stolenGoods.Sum(g => g.NumResources), stolenMoney);
                AdventureState = State.ComingBack;
                LastEvent      = String.Format("The raiding party is returning home. They stole {0} goods and {1}, but {2} member(s) died.", stolenGoods.Sum(g => g.NumResources), stolenMoney, numDead);
                AdventureState = State.ComingBack;

            foreach (var creature in Party)
                var thoughts = creature.Creature.GetComponent <DwarfThoughts>();
                if (thoughts != null)
Beispiel #38
        private static List<Datastructures.Variadic> resolveVariablesAndConstants(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData> dag, List<int> dagIndicesOfVariablesOrConstants, InterpretationState state)
            List<Datastructures.Variadic> result;

            result = new List<Datastructures.Variadic>();

            foreach( int iterationDagIndexOfVariableOrConstant in dagIndicesOfVariablesOrConstants )
                result.Add(resolveVariableAndConstant(dag, iterationDagIndexOfVariableOrConstant, state));

            return result;
Beispiel #39
        private static bool isConstantOrVariable(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData> dag, int dagIndex)
            Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData>.Element dagElement;

            dagElement = dag.elements[dagIndex];

            return dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.IDENTIFIERNAME ||
                   dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTSTRING ||
                   dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTINT ||
                   dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTFLOAT;
Beispiel #40
        public static void ProcessTrade(DialogueContext Context)
            if (Context.TradePanel.Result == Gui.Widgets.TradeDialogResult.Propose)
                var containsHatedItem = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.PlayerItems
                                        .Select(item => ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(item.ResourceType))
                                        .SelectMany(item => item.Tags)
                                        .Any(tag => Context.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.HatedResources.Contains(tag));
                var containsLikedItem = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.PlayerItems
                                        .Select(item => ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(item.ResourceType))
                                        .SelectMany(item => item.Tags)
                                        .Any(tag => Context.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.LikedResources.Contains(tag));

                if (containsHatedItem)
                    var phrase = Datastructures.SelectRandom(Context.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.Speech.OffensiveTrades);
                    var action = Context.NumOffensiveTrades >= 3 ? GoodbyeWithPrompt(phrase) : RootWithPrompt(phrase);

                    if (!Context.Politics.HasEvent("you tried to give us something offensive"))
                        Context.Politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                            Change      = -0.25f,
                            Description = "you tried to give us something offensive",
                            Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                            Time        = Context.World.Time.CurrentDate
                    if (containsLikedItem)
                        if (!Context.Politics.HasEvent("you gave us something we liked"))
                            Context.Politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                                Change      = 0.25f,
                                Description = "you gave us something we liked",
                                Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                                Time        = Context.World.Time.CurrentDate


                    Context.World.GoalManager.OnGameEvent(new Goals.Events.Trade
                        PlayerFaction = Context.PlayerFaction,
                        PlayerGold    = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.PlayerMoney,
                        PlayerGoods   = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.PlayerItems,
                        OtherFaction  = Context.Envoy.OwnerFaction,
                        OtherGold     = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.EnvoyMoney,
                        OtherGoods    = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.EnvoyItems

                    if (!Context.Politics.HasEvent("we had profitable trade"))
                        Context.Politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                            Change      = 0.25f,
                            Description = "we had profitable trade",
                            Duration    = new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0, 0),
                            Time        = Context.World.Time.CurrentDate
            else if (Context.TradePanel.Result == Gui.Widgets.TradeDialogResult.RejectOffense ||
                     Context.TradePanel.Result == Gui.Widgets.TradeDialogResult.RejectProfit)
                Context.Transition(RootWithPrompt("Changed your mind?"));
Beispiel #41
        public static void convertRecursive(Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData> dag, Functional.ParseTreeElement sourceTree, out int dagRootElementIndex)
            DagElementData createdDagElementData;
            Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData>.Element createdDagElement;

            if( sourceTree.type == Functional.ParseTreeElement.EnumType.SCOPE )
                createdDagElementData = new DagElementData();
                createdDagElementData.type = DagElementData.EnumType.FSCOPE;
                createdDagElementData.valueInt = (int)((Functional.ScopeParseTreeElement)sourceTree).scopeType;

                createdDagElement = new Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData>.Element(createdDagElementData);


                dagRootElementIndex = dag.elements.Count-1;

                // add all childrens to the dag
                createdDagElement.childIndices = convertListOfTreeElementsToDagElements(dag, sourceTree.childrens);

            else if( sourceTree.type == Functional.ParseTreeElement.EnumType.NUMBER )
                Functional.NumberParseTreeElement numberParseTreeElement;

                numberParseTreeElement = (Functional.NumberParseTreeElement)sourceTree;

                if( numberParseTreeElement.numberType == Functional.NumberParseTreeElement.EnumNumberType.INTEGER )
                    createdDagElementData = new DagElementData();
                    createdDagElementData.type = DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTINT;
                    createdDagElementData.valueInt = numberParseTreeElement.valueInt;

                    createdDagElement = new Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData>.Element(createdDagElementData);


                    dagRootElementIndex = dag.elements.Count-1;

                else if (numberParseTreeElement.numberType == Functional.NumberParseTreeElement.EnumNumberType.FLOAT)
                    createdDagElementData = new DagElementData();
                    createdDagElementData.type = DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTFLOAT;
                    createdDagElementData.valueFloat = numberParseTreeElement.valueFloat;

                    createdDagElement = new Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData>.Element(createdDagElementData);


                    dagRootElementIndex = dag.elements.Count - 1;

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Unhandled type!");
                    throw new Exception("Internal Error!");
            else if( sourceTree.type == Functional.ParseTreeElement.EnumType.IDENTIFIER )
                Functional.IdentifierParseTreeElement identifierParseTreeElement;

                identifierParseTreeElement = (Functional.IdentifierParseTreeElement)sourceTree;

                createdDagElementData = new DagElementData();
                createdDagElementData.type = DagElementData.EnumType.IDENTIFIERNAME;
                createdDagElementData.identifier = identifierParseTreeElement.identifier;

                createdDagElement = new Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData>.Element(createdDagElementData);


                dagRootElementIndex = dag.elements.Count-1;

            else if( sourceTree.type == Functional.ParseTreeElement.EnumType.ARRAY )
                createdDagElementData = new DagElementData();
                createdDagElementData.type = DagElementData.EnumType.FARRAY;

                createdDagElement = new Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData>.Element(createdDagElementData);


                dagRootElementIndex = dag.elements.Count - 1;

                // add all childrens to the dag
                createdDagElement.childIndices = convertListOfTreeElementsToDagElements(dag, sourceTree.childrens);

            else if( sourceTree.type == Functional.ParseTreeElement.EnumType.STRING )
                Functional.StringParseTreeElement stringParseTreeElement;

                stringParseTreeElement = (Functional.StringParseTreeElement)sourceTree;

                createdDagElementData = new DagElementData();
                createdDagElementData.type = DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTSTRING;

                createdDagElementData.valueString = stringParseTreeElement.content;

                createdDagElement = new Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData>.Element(createdDagElementData);


                dagRootElementIndex = dag.elements.Count - 1;

            else if( sourceTree.type == Functional.ParseTreeElement.EnumType.BOOLEAN )
                Functional.BooleanParseTreeElement booleanParseTreeElement;

                booleanParseTreeElement = (Functional.BooleanParseTreeElement)sourceTree;

                createdDagElementData = new DagElementData();
                createdDagElementData.type = DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTBOOL;

                createdDagElementData.valueBool = booleanParseTreeElement.booleanType == Functional.BooleanParseTreeElement.EnumBooleanType.TRUE;

                createdDagElement = new Datastructures.Dag<DagElementData>.Element(createdDagElementData);


                dagRootElementIndex = dag.elements.Count - 1;


            throw new Exception("Unreachable Code");
Beispiel #42
         * checks if the Dag-Element type is the type or is convertable to it
        private static bool isDagElementTypeTheSameOrConvertableToType(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData>.Element dagElement, Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType toType)
            if( dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTINT )
                if( toType == Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.INT || toType == Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.FLOAT )
                    return true;
            else if( dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTBOOL )
                if( toType == Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.BOOL )
                    return true;
                // ASK< are numbers implicitly convertable ? >
            // TODO< others >

            return false;
Beispiel #43
 public static bool Connected(Datastructures.Graph graph)
     return Connected(graph, graph.Vertices);
Beispiel #44
         * only resolves variables and gets the value of constants etc
         * doesn't execute any invokes/function calls
        private static Datastructures.Variadic resolveVariableAndConstant(Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData> dag, int dagIndexOfVariablesOrConstant, InterpretationState state)
            Datastructures.Dag<ProgramRepresentation.DagElementData>.Element dagElement;

            dagElement = dag.elements[dagIndexOfVariablesOrConstant];

            if( dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.IDENTIFIERNAME )
                bool wasResolved;
                Datastructures.Variadic resultVariable;

                // it is a identifier (variable or a placeholder)
                // try to search it and return the value
                resultVariable = resolveVariable(dagElement.content.identifier, state, out wasResolved);
                if( !wasResolved )
                    throw new Exception("variable " + dagElement.content.identifier + " could not be resolved!");

                return resultVariable;
            else if( dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTSTRING )
                // TODO
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "TODO");

                return null;
            else if( dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.CONSTINT )
                Datastructures.Variadic resultVariadic;

                resultVariadic = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.INT);
                resultVariadic.valueInt = dagElement.content.valueInt;

                return resultVariadic;
            else if( dagElement.content.type == DagElementData.EnumType.FARRAY )
                Datastructures.Variadic resultVariadic;

                resultVariadic = new Datastructures.Variadic(Datastructures.Variadic.EnumType.ARRAY);
                resultVariadic.valueArray = resolveVariablesAndConstants(dag, dagElement.childIndices, state);

                return resultVariadic;
            // TODO< const float >
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "TODO");
                throw new Exception("internal error");
Beispiel #45
 public static List<BitSet> ConnectedComponents(Datastructures.Graph graph)
     return ConnectedComponents(graph, graph.Vertices);
Beispiel #46
        public override void Construct()
            AutoSizeColumns = true;
            IsRootTray      = true;

            ItemSource = new Gui.Widget[]
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "DEBUG",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSize   = new Point(200, 20),
                        ItemSource = Debugger.EnumerateSwitches().Select(s =>
                                                                         new HorizontalMenuTray.CheckboxMenuItem
                            Text         = Debugger.GetNicelyFormattedName(s.Name),
                            InitialState = s.State,
                            SetCallback  = s.Set

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "BUILD",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = Library.EnumerateZoneTypeNames().Select(r =>
                                                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = r,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Build/" + r)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "SPAWN",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns         = 8,
                        AutoSizeColumns = false,
                        ItemSize        = new Point(110, 28),
                        ItemSource      = EntityFactory.EnumerateEntityTypes()
                                          .Where(s => !s.Contains("Resource") || !Library.GetResourceType(s.Substring(0, s.Length - " Resource".Length)).Generated)
                                          .OrderBy(s => s).Select(s =>
                                                                  new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Spawn/" + s),

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE BLOCK",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 3,
                        ItemSource = Library.EnumerateVoxelTypes()
                                     .Where(t => t.Name != "_empty" && t.Name != "water")
                                     .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                                     .Select(s =>
                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s.Name,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Place/" + s.Name)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "DELETE BLOCK",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Delete Block")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "NUKE COLUMN",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Nuke Column")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "KILL BLOCK",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Kill Block")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE GRASS",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 3,
                        ItemSource = Library.EnumerateGrassTypes()
                                     .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                                     .Select(s =>
                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s.Name,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Grass/" + s.Name)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE RAIL",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 1,
                        ItemSource = new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem[]
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text           = "RAW PIECES",
                                ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                                    Columns    = 2,
                                    ItemSize   = new Point(200, 20),
                                    ItemSource = Library.EnumerateRailPieces().Select(p =>
                                                                                      new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                        Text    = p.Name,
                                        OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Rail/" + p.Name)

                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text           = "USING PATTERNS",
                                ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                                    Columns    = 1,
                                    ItemSource = Library.EnumerateRailPatterns().Select(p =>
                                                                                        new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                        Text    = p.Name,
                                        OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                            var railTool     = World.UserInterface.Tools["BuildRail"] as Rail.BuildRailTool;
                                            railTool.Pattern = p;
                                            railTool.GodModeSwitch = true;

                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PAINT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    var railTool = World.UserInterface.Tools["PaintRail"] as Rail.PaintRailTool;
                                    railTool.SelectedResources = new List <ResourceAmount>(new ResourceAmount[] { new ResourceAmount("Rail", 1) });
                                    railTool.GodModeSwitch = true;
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "AUTO SAVE",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "KILL THINGS",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Kill Things")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "TRAILER",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = new List <HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem>()
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "SPIN +",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.Renderer.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, 2.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "SPIN -",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.Renderer.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, -2.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "ZOOM -",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.Renderer.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, 0.0f, 2.5f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "ZOOM +",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.Renderer.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, 0.0f, -2.5f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "FWD",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.Renderer.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Forward * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "BACK",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.Renderer.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Backward * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "LEFT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.Renderer.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Left * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "RIGHT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.Renderer.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Right * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "FILL WATER",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Fill Water")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "FILL LAVA",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Fill Lava")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "TRADE ENVOY",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = World.Factions.Factions.Values.Where(f => f.Race.IsIntelligent && f != World.PlayerFaction).Select(s =>
                            return(new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text = s.ParentFaction.Name,
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => s.SendTradeEnvoy()
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "EVENT",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = Events.Library.Enumerate().Select(e =>
                            return(new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text = e.Name,
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.EventScheduler.ActivateEvent(World, e)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "WAR PARTY",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = World.Factions.Factions.Values.Where(f => f.Race.IsIntelligent && f != World.PlayerFaction).Select(s =>
                            return(new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text = s.ParentFaction.Name,
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => s.SendWarParty()

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "DWARF BUX",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => World.PlayerFaction.AddMoney(100m)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "MINIONS",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem[]
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PAY",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => World.PayEmployees()
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "STARVE",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in World.PlayerFaction.Minions)
                                        minion.Stats.Hunger.CurrentValue = 0;
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "XP",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in World.PlayerFaction.Minions)
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "DISEASE",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Disease")
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "HAPPY",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in World.PlayerFaction.Minions)
                                        minion.Creature.AddThought("You used the god menu to make me happy.", new TimeSpan(0, 8, 0, 0), 100.0f);
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PISSED",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in World.PlayerFaction.Minions)
                                        minion.Creature.AddThought("You used the god menu to piss me off.", new TimeSpan(0, 8, 0, 0), -100.0f);
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "GAMBLE",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var employee in World.PlayerFaction.Minions)
                                        employee.Stats.Boredom.CurrentValue = employee.Stats.Boredom.MinValue;
                                        employee.AssignTask(new Scripting.GambleTask()
                                            Priority = TaskPriority.High
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PASS OUT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    var employee = Datastructures.SelectRandom(World.PlayerFaction.Minions);
                                    if (employee != null)
                                        employee.Creature.Heal(-employee.Stats.Health.CurrentValue * employee.Creature.MaxHealth + 1);

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "SPAWN TEST",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        // Copy is required because spawning some types results in the creation of new types. EG, snakes create snake meat.
                        var     keys       = EntityFactory.EnumerateEntityTypes().ToList();
                        int     num        = keys.Count();
                        float   gridSize   = (float)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt((double)num));
                        Vector3 gridCenter = World.Renderer.CursorLightPos;
                        int     i          = 0;
                        for (float dx = -gridSize / 2; dx <= gridSize / 2; dx++)
                            for (float dz = -gridSize / 2; dz <= gridSize / 2; dz++)
                                if (i >= num)

                                Vector3     pos    = MathFunctions.Clamp(gridCenter + new Vector3(dx, World.WorldSizeInVoxels.Y, dz), World.ChunkManager.Bounds);
                                VoxelHandle handle = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVisibleVoxelOnRay(World.ChunkManager, pos, pos + Vector3.Down * 100);
                                if (handle.IsValid)
                                    EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(keys[i], handle.WorldPosition + Vector3.Up);
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "SPAWN CRAFTS",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        // Copy is required because spawning some types results in the creation of new types. EG, snakes create snake meat.
                        var     itemTypes  = Library.EnumerateCraftables().Where(craft => craft.Type == CraftItem.CraftType.Object).ToList();
                        int     num        = itemTypes.Count();
                        float   gridSize   = (float)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt((double)num));
                        Vector3 gridCenter = World.Renderer.CursorLightPos;

                        int i = 0;
                        for (float dx = -gridSize / 2; dx <= gridSize / 2; dx++)
                            for (float dz = -gridSize / 2; dz <= gridSize / 2; dz++)
                                if (i < num)
                                    var item = itemTypes[i];
                                    if (item.Name != "Explosive")
                                        Vector3     pos    = MathFunctions.Clamp(gridCenter + new Vector3(dx, World.WorldSizeInVoxels.Y, dz), World.ChunkManager.Bounds);
                                        VoxelHandle handle = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVisibleVoxelOnRay(World.ChunkManager, pos, pos + Vector3.Down * 100);

                                        if (handle.IsValid)
                                            var blackboard = new Blackboard();
                                            List <ResourceAmount> resources = item.RequiredResources.Select(r => new ResourceAmount(Library.EnumerateResourceTypesWithTag(r.Type).First(), r.Count)).ToList();
                                            blackboard.SetData <List <ResourceAmount> >("Resources", resources);
                                            blackboard.SetData <string>("CraftType", item.Name);

                                            var entity = EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(item.EntityName, handle.WorldPosition + Vector3.Up + item.SpawnOffset, blackboard);
                                            if (entity != null)
                                                if (item.AddToOwnedPool)
                                                    World.PlayerFaction.OwnedObjects.Add(entity as GameComponent);
                                                if (item.Moveable)
                                                if (item.Deconstructable)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "+1 HOUR",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        World.Time.CurrentDate += new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0);
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "FORCE REBUILD",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        foreach (var chunk in World.ChunkManager.ChunkMap)
                            for (int Y = 0; Y < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY; ++Y)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "REPULSE",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Repulse")
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "SLOWMO",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => GameSettings.Default.EnableSlowMotion = !GameSettings.Default.EnableSlowMotion
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "LET IT SNOW",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        var storm = Weather.CreateStorm(Vector3.One, 100.0f, World);
                        storm.TypeofStorm = StormType.SnowStorm;

Beispiel #47
        public override void OnEnter()
            // Clear the input queue... cause other states aren't using it and it's been filling up.

            GuiRoot = new Gui.Root(DwarfGame.GumSkin);
            GuiRoot.MousePointer  = new Gui.MousePointer("mouse", 4, 0);
            GuiRoot.RootItem.Font = "font8";

            int w = System.Math.Min(GuiRoot.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width - 256, 550);
            int h = System.Math.Min(GuiRoot.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Height - 256, 300);
            int x = GuiRoot.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width / 2 - w / 2;
            int y = System.Math.Max(GuiRoot.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Height / 2 - h / 2, 280);

            int bgx = x - 258;
            int bgy = y - 128;

            DialogueContext.SpeechBubble = GuiRoot.RootItem.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Rect      = new Rectangle(bgx + 258, bgy, w + 50, 128),
                Border    = "speech-bubble-reverse",
                Font      = "font16",
                TextColor = Color.Black.ToVector4()

            var bg = GuiRoot.RootItem.AddChild(new Widget()
                Border = "border-dark",
                Rect   = new Rectangle(bgx, bgy, 258, 258)

            DialogueContext.ChoicePanel = GuiRoot.RootItem.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Rect       = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h),
                Border     = "border-fancy",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockFill

            SpeakerAnimation                 = AnimationLibrary.CreateAnimation(DialogueContext.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.TalkAnimation);
            SpeakerAnimationPlayer           = new AnimationPlayer(SpeakerAnimation);
            DialogueContext.SpeakerAnimation = SpeakerAnimationPlayer;

            SpeakerWidget = bg.AddChild(new Widget()
                Background  = new TileReference(SpeakerAnimation.SpriteSheet.AssetName, 0),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockFill,
                MinimumSize = new Point(256, 256),
                Rect        = new Rectangle(bgx, bgy - 5, 256, 256)

            DialogueContext.Politics = World.Diplomacy.GetPolitics(
                DialogueContext.PlayerFaction, DialogueContext.Envoy.OwnerFaction);
            DialogueContext.World = World;

            if (!DialogueContext.Politics.HasMet)
                DialogueContext.Politics.HasMet = true;

                DialogueContext.Politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                    Change      = 0.0f,
                    Description = "we just met",
                    Duration    = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0),
                    Time        = World.Time.CurrentDate

            DialogueContext.EnvoyName = TextGenerator.GenerateRandom(Datastructures.SelectRandom(DialogueContext.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.NameTemplates).ToArray());


            IsInitialized = true;
Beispiel #48
        public override void Construct()
            Padding = new Margin(2, 2, 0, 0);

            AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Text               = "Randomize",
                Border             = "border-button",
                ChangeColorOnHover = true,
                TextColor          = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
                Font               = "font16",
                AutoLayout         = Gui.AutoLayout.DockTop,
                OnClick            = (sender, args) => {
                    DwarfGame.LogSentryBreadcrumb("WorldGenerator", "User is regenerating the world.");
                    Settings.Seed = MathFunctions.RandInt(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);
                    Settings.Name = Overworld.GetRandomWorldName();

            AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Text               = "Save World",
                Border             = "border-button",
                ChangeColorOnHover = true,
                TextColor          = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
                Font               = "font16",
                AutoLayout         = Gui.AutoLayout.DockTop,
                OnClick            = (sender, args) =>
                    DwarfGame.LogSentryBreadcrumb("WorldGenerator", "User is saving the world.");
                    if (Generator.CurrentState != OverworldGenerator.GenerationState.Finished)
                        Root.ShowTooltip(Root.MousePosition, "Generator is not finished.");
                        global::System.IO.DirectoryInfo worldDirectory = global::System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(DwarfGame.GetWorldDirectory() + global::System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Settings.Name);
                        var file = new NewOverworldFile(Game.GraphicsDevice, Settings);
                        Root.ShowModalPopup(Root.ConstructWidget(new Gui.Widgets.Popup
                            Text = "File saved."

            AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Text               = "Advanced",
                Border             = "border-button",
                ChangeColorOnHover = true,
                TextColor          = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
                Font               = "font16",
                AutoLayout         = Gui.AutoLayout.DockTop,
                OnClick            = (sender, args) =>
                    DwarfGame.LogSentryBreadcrumb("WorldGenerator", "User is modifying advanced settings.");
                    var advancedSettingsEditor = Root.ConstructWidget(new Gui.Widgets.WorldGenerationSettingsDialog
                        Settings = Settings,
                        OnClose  = (s) =>
                            if ((s as Gui.Widgets.WorldGenerationSettingsDialog).Result == Gui.Widgets.WorldGenerationSettingsDialog.DialogResult.Okay)


            StartButton = AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Text               = "Launch",
                Border             = "border-button",
                ChangeColorOnHover = true,
                TextColor          = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
                Font               = "font16",
                AutoLayout         = Gui.AutoLayout.DockBottom,
                OnClick            = (sender, args) =>
                    Settings.Company.Name  = NameField.Text;
                    Settings.Company.Motto = MottoField.Text;
                    Settings.InstanceSettings.InitalEmbarkment = new Embarkment();
                    Settings.PlayerCorporationFunds            = 1000;
                    Settings.Natives.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == "Player").PrimaryColor = new Color(Settings.Company.LogoBackgroundColor);


            AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Text       = "Difficulty",
                AutoLayout = Gui.AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Font       = "font8",
                TextColor  = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)

            var difficultySelectorCombo = AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.ComboBox
                AutoLayout             = Gui.AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Items                  = Library.EnumerateDifficulties().Select(e => e.Name).ToList(),
                TextColor              = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
                Font                   = "font8",
                OnSelectedIndexChanged = (sender) =>
                    Settings.Difficulty = Library.GetDifficulty((sender as Gui.Widgets.ComboBox).SelectedItem);
            }) as Gui.Widgets.ComboBox;

            AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Text       = "Caves",
                AutoLayout = Gui.AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Font       = "font8",
                TextColor  = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),

            var layerSetting = AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.ComboBox
                AutoLayout             = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Items                  = new List <string>(new string[] { "Barely any", "Few", "Normal", "Lots", "Way too many" }),
                Font                   = "font8",
                TextColor              = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
                OnSelectedIndexChanged = (sender) =>
                    switch ((sender as Gui.Widgets.ComboBox).SelectedItem)
                    case "Barely any": Settings.NumCaveLayers = 2; break;

                    case "Few": Settings.NumCaveLayers = 3; break;

                    case "Normal": Settings.NumCaveLayers = 4; break;

                    case "Lots": Settings.NumCaveLayers = 6; break;

                    case "Way too many": Settings.NumCaveLayers = 9; break;
            }) as Gui.Widgets.ComboBox;

            AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                Text       = "Z Levels",
                AutoLayout = Gui.AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Font       = "font8",
                TextColor  = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),

            var zLevelSetting = AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.ComboBox
                AutoLayout             = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Items                  = new List <string>(new string[] { "16", "64", "128" }),
                Font                   = "font8",
                TextColor              = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1),
                OnSelectedIndexChanged = (sender) =>
                    switch ((sender as Gui.Widgets.ComboBox).SelectedItem)
                    case "16": Settings.zLevels = 1; break;

                    case "64": Settings.zLevels = 4; break;

                    case "128": Settings.zLevels = 8; break;
            }) as Gui.Widgets.ComboBox;

            zLevelSetting.SelectedIndex           = 1;
            difficultySelectorCombo.SelectedIndex = difficultySelectorCombo.Items.IndexOf("Normal");
            layerSetting.SelectedIndex            = layerSetting.Items.IndexOf("Normal");

            #region Name

            AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                MinimumSize         = new Point(64, 0),
                Text                = "Company Name",
                Font                = "font8",
                AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left,
                TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center

            var nameRow = AddChild(new Widget
                MinimumSize = new Point(0, 32),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Padding     = new Margin(0, 0, 2, 2)

            nameRow.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.Button
                Text       = "?",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockRight,
                Border     = "border-button",
                OnClick    = (sender, args) =>
                    var templates  = TextGenerator.GetAtoms(;
                    NameField.Text = TextGenerator.GenerateRandom(Datastructures.SelectRandom(templates).ToArray());

            NameField = nameRow.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.EditableTextField
                Text       = Settings.Company.Name,
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockFill
            }) as Gui.Widgets.EditableTextField;

            #region Motto

            AddChild(new Widget
                MinimumSize         = new Point(64, 0),
                Text                = "Company Motto",
                Font                = "font8",
                AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left,
                TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center

            var mottoRow = AddChild(new Widget
                MinimumSize = new Point(0, 32),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Padding     = new Margin(0, 0, 2, 2)

            mottoRow.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.Button
                Text       = "?",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockRight,
                Border     = "border-button",
                OnClick    = (sender, args) =>
                    var templates   = TextGenerator.GetAtoms(ContentPaths.Text.Templates.mottos);
                    MottoField.Text = TextGenerator.GenerateRandom(Datastructures.SelectRandom(templates).ToArray());
                    // Todo: Doesn't automatically invalidate when text changed??

            MottoField = mottoRow.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.EditableTextField
                Text       = Settings.Company.Motto,
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockFill
            }) as Gui.Widgets.EditableTextField;

            #region Logo

            AddChild(new Widget
                MinimumSize         = new Point(64, 0),
                Text                = "Company Logo",
                Font                = "font8",
                AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left,
                TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center

            var logoRow = AddChild(new Widget
                MinimumSize = new Point(0, 64),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                Padding     = new Margin(0, 0, 2, 2)

            CompanyLogoDisplay = logoRow.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.CompanyLogo
                AutoLayout         = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                MinimumSize        = new Point(64, 64),
                MaximumSize        = new Point(64, 64),
                CompanyInformation = Settings.Company
            }) as Gui.Widgets.CompanyLogo;

            var rightBox = logoRow.AddChild(new Widget
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockFill

            var bgBox = rightBox.AddChild(new Widget
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),

            bgBox.AddChild(new Widget
                Text       = "BG:",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockLeft

            bgBox.AddChild(new Widget
                Background  = Settings.Company.LogoBackground,
                MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                MaximumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                OnClick     = (sender, args) =>
                    var source  = Root.GetTileSheet("company-logo-background") as Gui.TileSheet;
                    var chooser = new Gui.Widgets.GridChooser
                        ItemSource = Enumerable.Range(0, source.Columns * source.Rows)
                                     .Select(i => new Widget
                            Background = new TileReference("company-logo-background", i)
                        OnClose = (s2) =>
                            var gc = s2 as Gui.Widgets.GridChooser;
                            if (gc.DialogResult == Gui.Widgets.GridChooser.Result.OKAY &&
                                gc.SelectedItem != null)
                                sender.Background = gc.SelectedItem.Background;
                                Settings.Company.LogoBackground = gc.SelectedItem.Background;
                        PopupDestructionType = PopupDestructionType.DestroyOnOffClick

            bgBox.AddChild(new Widget
                Background      = new TileReference("basic", 1),
                BackgroundColor = Settings.Company.LogoBackgroundColor,
                MinimumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                MaximumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                AutoLayout      = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                OnClick         = (sender, args) =>
                    var chooser = new Gui.Widgets.GridChooser
                        ItemSize    = new Point(16, 16),
                        ItemSpacing = new Point(4, 4),
                        ItemSource  = EnumerateDefaultColors()
                                      .Select(c => new Widget
                            Background      = new TileReference("basic", 1),
                            BackgroundColor = new Vector4(c.ToVector3(), 1),
                        OnClose = (s2) =>
                            var gc = s2 as Gui.Widgets.GridChooser;
                            if (gc.DialogResult == Gui.Widgets.GridChooser.Result.OKAY &&
                                gc.SelectedItem != null)
                                sender.BackgroundColor = gc.SelectedItem.BackgroundColor;
                                Settings.Company.LogoBackgroundColor = gc.SelectedItem.BackgroundColor;
                        PopupDestructionType = PopupDestructionType.DestroyOnOffClick

            var fgBox = rightBox.AddChild(new Widget
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockFill,
                MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),

            fgBox.AddChild(new Widget
                Text       = "FG:",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockLeft

            fgBox.AddChild(new Widget
                Background  = Settings.Company.LogoSymbol,
                MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                MaximumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                OnClick     = (sender, args) =>
                    var source  = Root.GetTileSheet("company-logo-symbol") as Gui.TileSheet;
                    var chooser = new Gui.Widgets.GridChooser
                        ItemSource = Enumerable.Range(0, source.Columns * source.Rows)
                                     .Select(i => new Widget
                            Background = new TileReference("company-logo-symbol", i)
                        OnClose = (s2) =>
                            var gc = s2 as Gui.Widgets.GridChooser;
                            if (gc.DialogResult == Gui.Widgets.GridChooser.Result.OKAY &&
                                gc.SelectedItem != null)
                                sender.Background = gc.SelectedItem.Background;
                                Settings.Company.LogoSymbol = gc.SelectedItem.Background;
                        PopupDestructionType = PopupDestructionType.DestroyOnOffClick

            fgBox.AddChild(new Widget
                Background      = new TileReference("basic", 1),
                BackgroundColor = Settings.Company.LogoSymbolColor,
                MinimumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                MaximumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                AutoLayout      = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                OnClick         = (sender, args) =>
                    var chooser = new Gui.Widgets.GridChooser
                        ItemSize    = new Point(16, 16),
                        ItemSpacing = new Point(4, 4),
                        ItemSource  = EnumerateDefaultColors()
                                      .Select(c => new Widget
                            Background      = new TileReference("basic", 1),
                            BackgroundColor = new Vector4(c.ToVector3(), 1),
                        OnClose = (s2) =>
                            var gc = s2 as Gui.Widgets.GridChooser;
                            if (gc.DialogResult == Gui.Widgets.GridChooser.Result.OKAY &&
                                gc.SelectedItem != null)
                                sender.BackgroundColor = gc.SelectedItem.BackgroundColor;
                                Settings.Company.LogoSymbolColor = gc.SelectedItem.BackgroundColor;
                        PopupDestructionType = PopupDestructionType.DestroyOnOffClick

