Beispiel #1
        public override void MakeDistinct(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable discoveredTable)
            var syntax = discoveredTable.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();

            string sql =
                @"DELETE f
            FROM (
            FROM {1}
            ) as f
            where RowNum > 1";

            string columnList = string.Join(",",
                                            discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns().Select(c => syntax.EnsureWrapped(c.GetRuntimeName())));

            string sqlToExecute = string.Format(sql, columnList, discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName());

            var server = discoveredTable.Database.Server;

            using (var con = args.GetManagedConnection(server))
                using (var cmd = server.GetCommand(sqlToExecute, con))
 public virtual int GetRowCount(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable table)
     using (IManagedConnection connection = args.GetManagedConnection(table))
         using (var cmd = table.Database.Server.GetCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM " + table.GetFullyQualifiedName(), connection))
        public virtual void AddColumn(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable table, string name, string dataType, bool allowNulls)
            var syntax = table.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();

            using (var con = args.GetManagedConnection(table))
                using (var cmd = table.Database.Server.GetCommand("ALTER TABLE " + table.GetFullyQualifiedName() + " ADD " + syntax.EnsureWrapped(name) + " " + dataType + " " + (allowNulls ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL"), con))
        public virtual void FillDataTableWithTopX(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable table, int topX, DataTable dt)
            string sql = GetTopXSqlForTable(table, topX);

            using (var con = args.GetManagedConnection(table))
                using (var cmd = table.Database.Server.GetCommand(sql, con))
                    using (var da = table.Database.Server.GetDataAdapter(cmd))
                        args.Fill(da, cmd, dt);
        public virtual void MakeDistinct(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable discoveredTable)
            var server = discoveredTable.Database.Server;

            //if it's got a primary key they it's distinct! job done
            if (discoveredTable.DiscoverColumns().Any(c => c.IsPrimaryKey))

            var tableName = discoveredTable.GetFullyQualifiedName();
            var tempTable = discoveredTable.Database.ExpectTable(discoveredTable.GetRuntimeName() + "_DistinctingTemp").GetFullyQualifiedName();

            using (var con = args.TransactionIfAny == null
                ? server.BeginNewTransactedConnection()
                :                                               //start a new transaction
                             args.GetManagedConnection(server)) //or continue the ongoing transaction
                using (var cmdDistinct =
                               string.Format("CREATE TABLE {1} AS SELECT distinct * FROM {0}", tableName, tempTable), con))

                //this is the point of no return so don't cancel after this point
                using (var cmdTruncate = server.GetCommand(string.Format("DELETE FROM {0}", tableName), con))
                    cmdTruncate.CommandTimeout = args.TimeoutInSeconds;

                using (var cmdBack = server.GetCommand(string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} (SELECT * FROM {1})", tableName, tempTable), con))
                    cmdBack.CommandTimeout = args.TimeoutInSeconds;

                using (var cmdDropDistinctTable = server.GetCommand(string.Format("DROP TABLE {0}", tempTable), con))
                    cmdDropDistinctTable.CommandTimeout = args.TimeoutInSeconds;

                //if we opened a new transaction we should commit it
                if (args.TransactionIfAny == null)
        public override void FillDataTableWithTopX(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable table, int topX, DataTable dt)
            using (var con = args.GetManagedConnection(table))

                var cols = table.DiscoverColumns();

                //apparently * doesn't fly with Oracle DataAdapter
                string sql = "SELECT " + string.Join(",", cols.Select(c => c.GetFullyQualifiedName()).ToArray()) + " FROM " + table.GetFullyQualifiedName() + " OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT " + topX + " ROWS ONLY";

                using (var cmd = table.Database.Server.GetCommand(sql, con))
                    using (var da = table.Database.Server.GetDataAdapter(cmd))
                        args.Fill(da, cmd, dt);
Beispiel #7
        public virtual DataTable GetDataTable(DatabaseOperationArgs args, int topX = int.MaxValue, bool enforceTypesAndNullness = true)
            var dt = new DataTable();

            if (enforceTypesAndNullness)
                foreach (DiscoveredColumn c in DiscoverColumns(args.TransactionIfAny))
                    var col = dt.Columns.Add(c.GetRuntimeName());
                    col.AllowDBNull = c.AllowNulls;
                    col.DataType    = c.DataType.GetCSharpDataType();

            Helper.FillDataTableWithTopX(args, this, topX, dt);

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public virtual DiscoveredRelationship AddForeignKey(DatabaseOperationArgs args, Dictionary <DiscoveredColumn, DiscoveredColumn> foreignKeyPairs, bool cascadeDeletes, string constraintName = null)
            var foreignTables = foreignKeyPairs.Select(c => c.Key.Table).Distinct().ToArray();
            var primaryTables = foreignKeyPairs.Select(c => c.Value.Table).Distinct().ToArray();

            if (primaryTables.Length != 1 || foreignTables.Length != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Primary and foreign keys must all belong to the same table", nameof(foreignKeyPairs));

            var primary = primaryTables[0];
            var foreign = foreignTables[0];

            if (constraintName == null)
                constraintName = primary.Database.Helper.GetForeignKeyConstraintNameFor(foreign, primary);

            string constraintBit = primary.Database.Helper.GetForeignKeyConstraintSql(foreign.GetRuntimeName(), primary.GetQuerySyntaxHelper(),
                                                                                      .ToDictionary(k => (IHasRuntimeName)k.Key, v => v.Value), cascadeDeletes, constraintName);

            string sql = $@"ALTER TABLE {foreign.GetFullyQualifiedName()}
                ADD " + constraintBit;

            using (var con = args.GetManagedConnection(primary))
                    using (var cmd = primary.Database.Server.GetCommand(sql, con))
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new AlterFailedException("Failed to create relationship using SQL:" + sql, e);

                       r => r.Name.Equals(constraintName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
        public virtual void CreatePrimaryKey(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable table, DiscoveredColumn[] discoverColumns)
            var syntax = table.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();

            using (var connection = args.GetManagedConnection(table))
                    string sql = string.Format("ALTER TABLE {0} ADD PRIMARY KEY ({1})",
                                               string.Join(",", discoverColumns.Select(c => syntax.EnsureWrapped(c.GetRuntimeName())))

                    using (DbCommand cmd = table.Database.Server.Helper.GetCommand(sql, connection.Connection, connection.Transaction))
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new AlterFailedException(string.Format(FAnsiStrings.DiscoveredTableHelper_CreatePrimaryKey_Failed_to_create_primary_key_on_table__0__using_columns___1__, table, string.Join(",", discoverColumns.Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()))), e);
        public override void CreatePrimaryKey(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable table, DiscoveredColumn[] discoverColumns)
                using (var connection = args.GetManagedConnection(table))
                    var columnHelper = GetColumnHelper();
                    foreach (var col in discoverColumns.Where(dc => dc.AllowNulls))
                        var alterSql = columnHelper.GetAlterColumnToSql(col, col.DataType.SQLType, false);
                        using (var alterCmd = table.GetCommand(alterSql, connection.Connection, connection.Transaction))
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new AlterFailedException(string.Format(FAnsiStrings.DiscoveredTableHelper_CreatePrimaryKey_Failed_to_create_primary_key_on_table__0__using_columns___1__, table, string.Join(",", discoverColumns.Select(c => c.GetRuntimeName()))), e);

            base.CreatePrimaryKey(args, table, discoverColumns);
Beispiel #11
 public DiscoveredRelationship AddForeignKey(DiscoveredColumn foreignKey, DiscoveredColumn primaryKey, bool cascadeDeletes, string constraintName = null, DatabaseOperationArgs args = null)
     return(AddForeignKey(new Dictionary <DiscoveredColumn, DiscoveredColumn> {
         { foreignKey, primaryKey }
     }, cascadeDeletes, constraintName, args));
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="foreignKeyPairs">
 /// Key is the foreign key column (and the table the constraint will be put on).
 /// Value is the primary key table column (which the constraint reference points to)</param>
 /// <param name="cascadeDeletes"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public DiscoveredRelationship AddForeignKey(Dictionary <DiscoveredColumn, DiscoveredColumn> foreignKeyPairs,
                                             bool cascadeDeletes, string constraintName = null, DatabaseOperationArgs args = null)
     return(Helper.AddForeignKey(args ?? new DatabaseOperationArgs(), foreignKeyPairs, cascadeDeletes, constraintName));
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes all EXACT duplicate rows from the table leaving only unique records.  This is method may not be transaction/threadsafe
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timeoutInSeconds">The length of time to allow for the command to complete (See <see cref="DbCommand.CommandTimeout"/>)</param>
 public void MakeDistinct(DatabaseOperationArgs args)
     Helper.MakeDistinct(args, this);
Beispiel #14
 public void CreatePrimaryKey(DatabaseOperationArgs args, params DiscoveredColumn[] discoverColumns)
     Helper.CreatePrimaryKey(args, this, discoverColumns);
Beispiel #15
 public void AddColumn(string name, string databaseType, bool allowNulls, DatabaseOperationArgs args)
     Helper.AddColumn(args, this, name, databaseType, allowNulls);
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates and runs an ALTER TABLE SQL statement that adds a new column to the table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The unqualified name for the new column e.g. "MyCol2"</param>
 /// <param name="type">The data type for the new column</param>
 /// <param name="allowNulls">True to allow null</param>
 public void AddColumn(string name, DatabaseTypeRequest type, bool allowNulls, DatabaseOperationArgs args)
     AddColumn(name, Database.Server.GetQuerySyntaxHelper().TypeTranslater.GetSQLDBTypeForCSharpType(type), allowNulls, args);
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if there are no rows in the table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">Optional - if set the query will be sent on the connection on which the current <paramref name="transaction"/> is open</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsEmpty(DatabaseOperationArgs args)
     return(Helper.IsEmpty(args, this));
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the estimated number of rows in the table.  This may use a short cut e.g. consulting sys.partitions in Sql
 /// Server (
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">Optional - if set the query will be sent on the connection on which the current <paramref name="transaction"/> is open</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int GetRowCount(DatabaseOperationArgs args)
     return(Helper.GetRowCount(args, this));
 public virtual bool IsEmpty(DatabaseOperationArgs args, DiscoveredTable discoveredTable)
     return(GetRowCount(args, discoveredTable) == 0);