Beispiel #1
        private DatabaseConstructOutput CreateDbClusterConstruct(Construct parent, Vpc vpc, SecretValue databasePasswordSecret)
            var database = new DatabaseCluster(parent, $"{this.Settings.ScopeName}-Database-{this.Settings.DbEngine}",
                                               new DatabaseClusterProps
                Engine            = this.DbClusterEgnine,
                ClusterIdentifier = $"{this.Settings.ScopeName}-Database-{this.Settings.DbEngine}-Cluster",
                ParameterGroup    = ClusterParameterGroup.FromParameterGroupName(
                    parent, $"{this.Settings.ScopeName}DbParamGroup", this.ExistingAuroraDbParameterGroupName
                RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
                MasterUser    = new Login
                    Username = this.Settings.DbUsername,
                    Password = databasePasswordSecret
                InstanceProps = new Amazon.CDK.AWS.RDS.InstanceProps
                    InstanceType = this.InstanceType,
                    Vpc          = vpc,
                    VpcSubnets   = new SubnetSelection
                        SubnetType = this.Settings.DbSubnetType

            string clusterPort = database.ClusterEndpoint.SocketAddress.Split(':')[1]; // Bad - port placeholder is not available otherwise

            return(new DatabaseConstructOutput
                Connections = database.Connections,
                EndpointAddress = database.ClusterEndpoint.Hostname,
                Port = clusterPort
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <DatabaseCluster> RegisterAsync(RegisterDatabaseClusterRequest request)
            Ensure.NotNull(request, nameof(request));

            #region Preconditions

            if (request.Name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request.Name));

            if (request.DatabaseId <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must be > 0", nameof(request.DatabaseId));

            if (request.Resource.LocationId <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must be > 0", "locationId");


            var location = Locations.Get(request.Resource.LocationId);

            var databaseId = request.DatabaseId;

            var clusterId = await DatabaseClusterId.NextAsync(db.Context, request.DatabaseId);

            var cluster = new DatabaseCluster(
                id: clusterId,
                name: request.Name,
                resource: request.Resource

            await db.DatabaseClusters.InsertAsync(cluster);

            // Create the cluster's instances
            if (request.Instances != null)
                foreach (var instance in request.Instances)
                    instance.DatabaseId = databaseId;
                    instance.ClusterId  = clusterId;

                    await instanceService.RegisterAsync(instance);

            // Create the cluster's endpoints
            if (request.Endpoints != null)
                foreach (var e in request.Endpoints)
                    var endpointId = await DatabaseEndpointId.NextAsync(db.Context, databaseId);

                    var endpoint = new DatabaseEndpoint(
                        id: endpointId,
                        host: e.Host,
                        location: location,
                        port: (ushort)e.Port,
                        flags: e.Flags

                    await db.DatabaseEndpoints.InsertAsync(endpoint);

Beispiel #3
        internal NorthwindCdkStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props)
            var vpc = new Vpc(this, "LabVpc", new VpcProps
                MaxAzs = 2

            // SQL Server

            var sg = new SecurityGroup(this, "NorthwindDatabaseSecurityGroup", new SecurityGroupProps
                Vpc = vpc,

                SecurityGroupName = "Northwind-DB-SG",
                AllowAllOutbound  = false

            // !!!!!!!!!! replace IP according to the instructions above
            sg.AddIngressRule(Peer.Ipv4(""), Port.Tcp(1433)); // SQL Server
            // !!!!!!!!!!

            var sql = new DatabaseInstance(this, "NorthwindSQLServer", new DatabaseInstanceProps
                Vpc = vpc,

                InstanceIdentifier = "northwind-sqlserver",
                Engine             = DatabaseInstanceEngine.SqlServerEx(new SqlServerExInstanceEngineProps {
                    Version = SqlServerEngineVersion.VER_14
                }),                                                                                                                          // SQL Server Express

                Credentials = Credentials.FromUsername("adminuser", new CredentialsFromUsernameOptions()
                    Password = new SecretValue("Admin12345?")

                //MasterUsername = "******",
                //MasterUserPassword = new SecretValue("Admin12345?"),

                InstanceType   = InstanceType.Of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE3, InstanceSize.SMALL), // t3.small
                SecurityGroups = new ISecurityGroup[] { sg },
                MultiAz        = false,
                VpcSubnets     = new SubnetSelection()
                    SubnetType = SubnetType.PUBLIC
                },                              // public subnet

                DeletionProtection     = false, // you need to be able to delete database
                DeleteAutomatedBackups = true,
                BackupRetention        = Duration.Days(0),
                RemovalPolicy          = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY // you need to be able to delete database

            new CfnOutput(this, "SQLServerEndpointAddress", new CfnOutputProps
                Value = sql.DbInstanceEndpointAddress

            // SQL Server connection string in Systems Manager Parameter Store

            new StringParameter(this, "NorthwindDatabaseConnectionString", new StringParameterProps
                ParameterName = "/Northwind/ConnectionStrings/NorthwindDatabase",
                Type          = ParameterType.STRING,
                Description   = "SQL Server connection string",
                StringValue   = string.Format("Server={0},1433;Integrated Security=false;User ID=adminuser;Password=Admin12345?;Initial Catalog=NorthwindTraders;", sql.DbInstanceEndpointAddress)

            // PostgreSQL setup

            // !!!!!!!!!! add 2 rules when you use provided VM, add 1 rule when you use your computer
            sg.AddIngressRule(Peer.Ipv4(""), Port.Tcp(5432)); // PostgreSQL
            sg.AddIngressRule(Peer.Ipv4(""), Port.Tcp(5432));    // PostgreSQL
            // !!!!!!!!!!

            var postgreSql = new DatabaseCluster(this, "NorthwindPostgreSQL", new DatabaseClusterProps
                InstanceProps = new Amazon.CDK.AWS.RDS.InstanceProps
                    Vpc            = vpc,
                    InstanceType   = InstanceType.Of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE3, InstanceSize.MEDIUM), // t3.medium
                    SecurityGroups = new ISecurityGroup[] { sg },
                    VpcSubnets     = new SubnetSelection()
                        SubnetType = SubnetType.PUBLIC
                    },                                                                     // you need to access database from your developer PC
                    ParameterGroup = ParameterGroup.FromParameterGroupName(this, "DBInstanceParameterGroup", "default.aurora-postgresql11"),
                ParameterGroup    = ParameterGroup.FromParameterGroupName(this, "DBClusterParameterGroup", "default.aurora-postgresql11"),
                ClusterIdentifier = "northwind-postgresql",
                Engine            = DatabaseClusterEngine.AuroraPostgres(new AuroraPostgresClusterEngineProps
                    Version = AuroraPostgresEngineVersion.VER_11_6
                }),                                                  // Aurora PostgreSQL
                Credentials = Credentials.FromUsername("adminuser", new CredentialsFromUsernameOptions
                    Password = new SecretValue("Admin12345?")
                //MasterUser = new Login
                //    Username = "******",
                //    Password = new SecretValue("Admin12345?")
                Instances = 1,
                Port      = 5432,

                Backup = new BackupProps
                    Retention = Duration.Days(1) // minimum is 1

                DefaultDatabaseName    = "NorthwindTraders",
                InstanceIdentifierBase = "northwind-postgresql-instance",

                RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY // you need to be able to delete database,

            new CfnOutput(this, "PostgreSQLEndpointAddress", new CfnOutputProps
                Value = postgreSql.ClusterEndpoint.Hostname

            // Aurora PostgreSQL connection string in Systems Manager Parameter Store

            new StringParameter(this, "NorthwindPostgreSQLDatabaseConnectionString", new StringParameterProps
                ParameterName = "/Northwind/ConnectionStrings/NorthwindPostgreDatabase",
                Type          = ParameterType.STRING,
                Description   = "PostgreSQL connection string",
                StringValue   = string.Format("Server={0};Database=NorthwindTraders;Username=adminuser;Password=Admin12345?", postgreSql.ClusterEndpoint.Hostname)