Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Opening file");
            DatabaseClient sql = new DatabaseClient("test");

            sql.Logger     = Logger;
            sql.LogQueries = true;
            sql.LogResults = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Creating table...");
            List <Column> columns = new List <Column>();

            columns.Add(new Column("id", true, DataType.Integer, false));
            columns.Add(new Column("name", false, DataType.Text, true));
            columns.Add(new Column("postal", false, DataType.Integer, true));
            sql.CreateTable("company", columns);

            Console.WriteLine("Checking if table 'company' exists: " + sql.TableExists("company"));
            Console.WriteLine("Retrieving list of tables...");
            List <string> tableNames = sql.ListTables();

            if (tableNames != null && tableNames.Count > 0)
                foreach (string curr in tableNames)
                    Console.WriteLine("  " + curr);

            Console.WriteLine("Describing database...");
            Dictionary <string, List <Column> > describeResult = sql.DescribeDatabase();

            if (describeResult != null && describeResult.Count > 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Column> > curr in describeResult)
                    Console.WriteLine("  Table " + curr.Key);
                    if (curr.Value != null && curr.Value.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Column col in curr.Value)
                            Console.WriteLine("    " + col.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("Describing table 'company'...");
            List <Column> cols = sql.DescribeTable("company");

            if (cols != null && cols.Count > 0)
                foreach (Column curr in cols)
                    Console.WriteLine("  " + curr.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("Adding data...");
            Dictionary <string, object> d1 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            d1.Add("name", "company 1");
            d1.Add("postal", 95128);
            Dictionary <string, object> d2 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            d2.Add("name", "company 2");
            d2.Add("postal", 62629);
            Dictionary <string, object> d3 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            d3.Add("name", "company 3");
            d3.Add("postal", 10101);
            Dictionary <string, object> d4 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            d4.Add("name", "company 4");
            d4.Add("postal", 90210);

            Console.WriteLine("Created ID: " + sql.Insert("company", d1).ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Created ID: " + sql.Insert("company", d2).ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Created ID: " + sql.Insert("company", d3).ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Created ID: " + sql.Insert("company", d4).ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("Selecting companies with postal > 70000...");

            Expression eRetrieve1    = new Expression("postal", Operators.GreaterThan, 70000);
            DataTable  selectResult1 = sql.Select("company", 0, null, null, eRetrieve1, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieved " + selectResult1.Rows.Count + " rows");

            Console.WriteLine("Selecting companies with postal > 70000 or postal < 50000...");
            Expression eRetrieve2 = new Expression
                LeftTerm  = new Expression("postal", Operators.GreaterThan, 70000),
                Operator  = Operators.Or,
                RightTerm = new Expression("postal", Operators.LessThan, 50000)

            DataTable selectResult2 = sql.Select("company", 0, null, null, eRetrieve2, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieved " + selectResult2.Rows.Count + " rows");

            Console.WriteLine("Deleting records...");
            Expression eDelete = new Expression("id", Operators.GreaterThan, 0);

            sql.Delete("company", eDelete);

            Console.WriteLine("Dropping table...");