Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the type of the union today low price by city id and.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cid">The cid.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <param name="orderbyprice">if set to <c>true</c> [orderbyprice].</param>
        /// <param name="take">The take.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <iPow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto> GetUnionTodayLowPriceByCityIdAndType(string cid, string type, bool orderbyprice, int take)
            List <iPow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto> data = null;

            iPow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto temp = null;
            Config.IUnionConfig fig      = Config.ConfigManager.GetConfigProvider();
            UnionDataUrlBase    provider = new DataUrl.Default.IndexHotelDefaultService(fig);

            provider.UrlParas.Add("cid", cid);
            provider.UrlParas.Add("type_id", type);
            var url = provider.GetUrl();

            iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.WebHttpHelper req = new Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.WebHttpHelper();
                var dataStr = req.WebRequest(iPow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.HttpMethod.GET, url.ToString(), "");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(req.Message) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataStr))
                    data = new List <iPow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto>();
                    var jarray = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.Parse(dataStr);
                    foreach (var item in jarray)
                        temp         = new iPow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto();
                        temp.address = item["address"] == null ? string.Empty : item["address"].ToString();
                        temp.cid     = item["cid"] == null ? -1 : int.Parse(item["cid"].ToString());
                    = item["id"] == null ? -1 : int.Parse(item["id"].ToString());
                  = item["name"] == null ? string.Empty : item["name"].ToString();
                        temp.pic     = item["pic"] == null ? string.Empty : item["pic"].ToString();
                        temp.price   = item["price"] == null ? 0.0 : double.Parse(item["price"].ToString());
                        temp.xingji  = item["xingji"] == null ? string.Empty : item["xingji"].ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
            { }
            if (orderbyprice && data != null)
                data = data.OrderBy(e => e.price)
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the type of the union today low price by city id and.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cid">The cid.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 /// <param name="orderbyprice">if set to <c>true</c> [orderbyprice].</param>
 /// <param name="take">The take.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List<Miaow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto> GetUnionTodayLowPriceByCityIdAndType(string cid, string type, bool orderbyprice, int take)
     List<Miaow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto> data = null;
     Miaow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto temp = null;
     Config.IUnionConfig fig = Config.ConfigManager.GetConfigProvider();
     UnionDataUrlBase provider = new DataUrl.Default.IndexHotelDefaultService(fig);
     provider.UrlParas.Add("cid", cid);
     provider.UrlParas.Add("type_id", type);
     var url = provider.GetUrl();
     Miaow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.WebHttpHelper req = new Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.WebHttpHelper();
         var dataStr = req.WebRequest(Miaow.Infrastructure.Crosscutting.Function.HttpMethod.GET, url.ToString(), "");
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(req.Message) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataStr))
             data = new List<Miaow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto>();
             var jarray = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.Parse(dataStr);
             foreach (var item in jarray)
                 temp = new Miaow.Application.Union.Dto.TodayLowPriceDto();
                 temp.address = item["address"] == null ? string.Empty : item["address"].ToString();
                 temp.cid = item["cid"] == null ? -1 : int.Parse(item["cid"].ToString());
        = item["id"] == null ? -1 : int.Parse(item["id"].ToString());
        = item["name"] == null ? string.Empty : item["name"].ToString();
                 temp.pic = item["pic"] == null ? string.Empty : item["pic"].ToString();
                 temp.price = item["price"] == null ? 0.0 : double.Parse(item["price"].ToString());
                 temp.xingji = item["xingji"] == null ? string.Empty : item["xingji"].ToString();
     catch (Exception ex)
     { }
     if (orderbyprice && data != null)
         data = data.OrderBy(e => e.price)
     return data;