Beispiel #1
 public void CreateOutputIfNotExists(IDataToSent receiveData)
         OutputString = receiveData.FindAfterName("OutputString").Value as DataTableString;
         OutputString = new DataTableString
             TableName = "OutputString"
         FastAddTable(receiveData, OutputString);
         OutputByte = receiveData.FindAfterName("OutputByte").Value as DataTableByte;
         OutputByte = new DataTableByte
             TableName = "OutputByte"
         FastAddTable(receiveData, OutputByte);
Beispiel #2
        public Point3DCollection ComputePath()
            Point3DCollection path = new Point3DCollection();

                double section;
                string radiusFull;
                double tiltAngleZ = 0;
                double feed;

                Point3D startPoint = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);  //Initialize the starting points to 0
                Point3D endPoint   = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                string[] splitRow = DataTableString.Split(';'); //The string contains the data by separating rows with semicolons
                int      rowCount = splitRow.Length;

                //Before we start, we add the point 0,0,0 because that is where we start
                path.Add(new Point3D(0, 0, 0));

                for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)              //Loop through the data table which holds the bend profile info
                    string[] splitCol = splitRow[i].Split(','); //Each cell is separated by a comma
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(splitCol[0]))     //Make sure we don't try to read a null character
                        section    = Double.Parse(splitCol[0]);
                        radiusFull = splitCol[1];
                        tiltAngleZ = Double.Parse(splitCol[2]);  //Previous tilt minus current tilt
                        feed       = Double.Parse(splitCol[3]);


                        if (radiusFull == "0")
                            //If the radius is 0 then it must be a straight line
                            //To find the end point of the line, simply convert the starting point to the xyz coordinate system and add the length to the z axis then convert back to real coordinates
                            double[,] Rp = new double[, ] {
                                { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }
                            };                                                                      //Initialize inverse matrix

                            matrix.Invert(Rp, R);

                            Point3D startPointP = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                            startPointP   = matrix.Multiply3x1P(Rp, startPoint); //Find start point'
                            startPointP.Z = startPointP.Z + feed;                //add length to z' axis
                            endPoint      = matrix.Multiply3x1P(R, startPointP);

                            path.Add(endPoint);    //Add the new point

                            startPoint = endPoint; //The last point found is the actual end point of the line

                        ///Circular Arc

                        if (radiusFull != "0" && !radiusFull.Contains("|"))
                            double radius = Convert.ToDouble(radiusFull);

                            //If the radius is not 0 then it must be a circular arc
                            double sweepAngle = Math.Abs((feed / radius) * 180 / Math.PI); //Sweep angle in radians = arc length / radius

                            if (tiltAngleZ == 0)                                           //if the tilt is 0 then we just make it very close to 0 for computational purposes
                                tiltAngleZ = 0.0001;

                            //Now we have to convert all the points to the x'y'z' coordinates
                            Point3D startPointP  = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                            Point3D centerPoint  = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                            Point3D centerPointP = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                            double[,] Rp = new double[, ] {
                                { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }
                            };                                                                      //Initialize inverse matrix

                            matrix.Invert(Rp, R);
                            startPointP    = matrix.Multiply3x1P(Rp, startPoint); //Find start point in x'y'z'
                            centerPointP   = RotateZ(startPointP, (-1) * tiltAngleZ);
                            centerPointP.Y = centerPointP.Y + radius;             //We rotated the points so they are point in the -z direction
                            centerPointP   = RotateZ(centerPointP, tiltAngleZ);

                            centerPoint = matrix.Multiply3x1P(R, centerPointP);

                            //Then we use the center point, rotate it on the Y-Z plane and add the radius

                            int     repeat    = 100;                  //Get 100 points on the circle
                            Point3D endPointP = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); //Initialize endPointP

                            //Since the path is a bunch of points, we compute the "end points" for a range of feed lengths, aka points along the curve until we reach the end
                            for (int j = 1; j <= repeat; j++)
                                double smallArc = (sweepAngle * j) / repeat;

                                endPointP   = RotateZ(centerPointP, (-1) * tiltAngleZ);
                                endPointP   = RotateX(endPointP, smallArc);
                                endPointP.Y = endPointP.Y - Math.Abs(radius);
                                endPointP   = RotateX(endPointP, (-1) * smallArc);
                                endPointP   = RotateZ(endPointP, tiltAngleZ);

                                //We need to convert the points to xyz coordinates before adding the point to the collection
                                endPoint = matrix.Multiply3x1P(R, endPointP); //Shift back to xyz from x'y'z'

                                path.Add(endPoint);                           //Add the new point


                            //Now we have to find the new transformation matrix R

                            double intersectHeight = 0;
                            bool   flipY           = false; //Flip the axes if the angle is larger than 90

                            Point3D planeVectorY = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                            if (tiltAngleZ > 0 && tiltAngleZ <= 90)  //Between 0 and 90
                                intersectHeight = radius / Math.Cos(Math.Abs(tiltAngleZ) * Math.PI / 180);
                                flipY           = false;

                            if (tiltAngleZ < 0 && tiltAngleZ > -90) //Between 0 and -90
                                intersectHeight = radius / Math.Cos(Math.Abs(tiltAngleZ) * Math.PI / 180);
                                flipY           = true;

                            if (tiltAngleZ > 90 && tiltAngleZ < 180)    //Between 90 and 180
                                intersectHeight = radius / Math.Cos((Math.Abs(tiltAngleZ)) * Math.PI / 180);
                                flipY           = true;
                            if (tiltAngleZ < -90 && tiltAngleZ > -180)  //Between -90 and -180
                                intersectHeight = radius / Math.Cos((Math.Abs(tiltAngleZ)) * Math.PI / 180);
                                flipY           = false;

                            Point3D intersectPointP = new Point3D(startPointP.X, intersectHeight + startPointP.Y, startPointP.Z);

                            planeVectorY = (Point3D)Point3D.Subtract(intersectPointP, endPointP);

                            if (flipY)
                                planeVectorY.X = planeVectorY.X * -1;
                                planeVectorY.Y = planeVectorY.Y * -1;
                                planeVectorY.Z = planeVectorY.Z * -1;
                            planeVectorY = matrix.Multiply3x1P(R, planeVectorY);
                            planeVectorY = matrix.UnitVectorP(planeVectorY);

                            Point3D planeVectorC = (Point3D)Point3D.Subtract(centerPoint, endPoint);
                            planeVectorC = matrix.UnitVectorP(planeVectorC);

                            Point3D planeVectorZ = matrix.CrossProductP(planeVectorY, planeVectorC);  //Find the z axis direction vector
                            planeVectorZ = matrix.UnitVectorP(planeVectorZ);

                            Point3D planeVectorX = matrix.CrossProductP(planeVectorY, planeVectorZ);  //Find the x axis direction vector
                            planeVectorX = matrix.UnitVectorP(planeVectorX);

                            //Now put the vectors where they actually belong with the transformation matrix R

                            //Now set the new transformation matrix R
                            R[0, 0] = planeVectorX.X;
                            R[1, 0] = planeVectorX.Y;
                            R[2, 0] = planeVectorX.Z;

                            R[0, 1] = planeVectorY.X;
                            R[1, 1] = planeVectorY.Y;
                            R[2, 1] = planeVectorY.Z;

                            R[0, 2] = planeVectorZ.X;
                            R[1, 2] = planeVectorZ.Y;
                            R[2, 2] = planeVectorZ.Z;

                            startPoint = endPoint;


                        if (radiusFull != "0" && radiusFull.Contains("|"))
                            //This is the case where we have a helix with the number of rotations R|N
                            int    pos    = radiusFull.IndexOf("|");
                            double radius = Convert.ToDouble(radiusFull.Remove(pos));
                            double pitch  = Convert.ToDouble(radiusFull.Remove(0, pos + 1));

                            //Basically loop through the circle method
                            int    N = 100;
                            double lengthPerRotation = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(pitch, 2) + Math.Pow(2 * Math.PI * radius, 2));
                            double turns             = (feed / lengthPerRotation);
                            double height            = turns * pitch;

                            double tiltTotal = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Atan2(height, 2 * Math.PI * radius) * 180 / Math.PI;

                            for (int k = 1; k <= N; k++)
                                double inProgFeed = feed / N; //Divide up the section into 100 sections

                                double inProgTiltAngleZ = (k * tiltTotal / N) + tiltAngleZ;

                                //If the radius is not 0 then it must be a circular arc
                                double sweepAngle = Math.Abs((inProgFeed / radius) * 180 / Math.PI); //Sweep angle in radians = arc length / radius

                                if (tiltAngleZ == 0)                                                 //if the tilt is 0 then we just make it very close to 0 for computational purposes
                                    tiltAngleZ = 0.0001;

                                //Now we have to convert all the points to the x'y'z' coordinates
                                Point3D startPointP  = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                                Point3D centerPoint  = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                                Point3D centerPointP = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                                double[,] Rp = new double[, ] {
                                    { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }
                                };                                                                      //Initialize inverse matrix

                                matrix.Invert(Rp, R);
                                startPointP    = matrix.Multiply3x1P(Rp, startPoint); //Find start point in x'y'z'
                                centerPointP   = RotateZ(startPointP, (-1) * inProgTiltAngleZ);
                                centerPointP.Y = centerPointP.Y + radius;             //We rotated the points so they are point in the -z direction
                                centerPointP   = RotateZ(centerPointP, inProgTiltAngleZ);

                                centerPoint = matrix.Multiply3x1P(R, centerPointP);

                                //Then we use the center point, rotate it on the Y-Z plane and add the radius

                                int     repeat    = 100;                  //Get 100 points on the circle
                                Point3D endPointP = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); //Initialize endPointP

                                //Since the path is a bunch of points, we compute the "end points" for a range of feed lengths, aka points along the curve until we reach the end
                                for (int j = 1; j <= repeat; j++)
                                    double smallArc = (sweepAngle * j) / repeat;

                                    endPointP   = RotateZ(centerPointP, (-1) * inProgTiltAngleZ);
                                    endPointP   = RotateX(endPointP, smallArc);
                                    endPointP.Y = endPointP.Y - Math.Abs(radius);
                                    endPointP   = RotateX(endPointP, (-1) * smallArc);
                                    endPointP   = RotateZ(endPointP, inProgTiltAngleZ);

                                    //We need to convert the points to xyz coordinates before adding the point to the collection
                                    endPoint = matrix.Multiply3x1P(R, endPointP); //Shift back to xyz from x'y'z'

                                    path.Add(endPoint);                           //Add the new point


                                //Now we have to find the new transformation matrix R

                                double intersectHeight = 0;
                                bool   flipY           = false; //Flip the axes if the angle is larger than 90

                                Point3D planeVectorY = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                                if (inProgTiltAngleZ > 0 && inProgTiltAngleZ <= 90)  //Between 0 and 90
                                    intersectHeight = radius / Math.Cos(Math.Abs(inProgTiltAngleZ) * Math.PI / 180);
                                    flipY           = false;

                                if (inProgTiltAngleZ < 0 && inProgTiltAngleZ > -90) //Between 0 and -90
                                    intersectHeight = radius / Math.Cos(Math.Abs(inProgTiltAngleZ) * Math.PI / 180);
                                    flipY           = true;

                                if (inProgTiltAngleZ > 90 && inProgTiltAngleZ < 180)    //Between 90 and 180
                                    intersectHeight = radius / Math.Cos((Math.Abs(inProgTiltAngleZ)) * Math.PI / 180);
                                    flipY           = true;
                                if (inProgTiltAngleZ < -90 && inProgTiltAngleZ > -180)  //Between -90 and -180
                                    intersectHeight = radius / Math.Cos((Math.Abs(inProgTiltAngleZ)) * Math.PI / 180);
                                    flipY           = false;

                                Point3D intersectPointP = new Point3D(startPointP.X, intersectHeight + startPointP.Y, startPointP.Z);

                                planeVectorY = (Point3D)Point3D.Subtract(intersectPointP, endPointP);

                                if (flipY)
                                    planeVectorY.X = planeVectorY.X * -1;
                                    planeVectorY.Y = planeVectorY.Y * -1;
                                    planeVectorY.Z = planeVectorY.Z * -1;
                                planeVectorY = matrix.Multiply3x1P(R, planeVectorY);
                                planeVectorY = matrix.UnitVectorP(planeVectorY);

                                Point3D planeVectorC = (Point3D)Point3D.Subtract(centerPoint, endPoint);
                                planeVectorC = matrix.UnitVectorP(planeVectorC);

                                Point3D planeVectorZ = matrix.CrossProductP(planeVectorY, planeVectorC);  //Find the z axis direction vector
                                planeVectorZ = matrix.UnitVectorP(planeVectorZ);

                                Point3D planeVectorX = matrix.CrossProductP(planeVectorY, planeVectorZ);  //Find the x axis direction vector
                                planeVectorX = matrix.UnitVectorP(planeVectorX);

                                //Now put the vectors where they actually belong with the transformation matrix R

                                //Now set the new transformation matrix R
                                R[0, 0] = planeVectorX.X;
                                R[1, 0] = planeVectorX.Y;
                                R[2, 0] = planeVectorX.Z;

                                R[0, 1] = planeVectorY.X;
                                R[1, 1] = planeVectorY.Y;
                                R[2, 1] = planeVectorY.Z;

                                R[0, 2] = planeVectorZ.X;
                                R[1, 2] = planeVectorZ.Y;
                                R[2, 2] = planeVectorZ.Z;

                                startPoint = endPoint;
