Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method takes an empty command object as well as a data row, and builds
        ///     an SQL compliant update command, depending on the row state and update mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="changedRow">Updated data row</param>
        /// <param name="primaryKeyType">Primary key type (guid, integer,...)</param>
        /// <param name="primaryKeyField">Name of the primary key field</param>
        /// <param name="dataService">Instance of a concrete data service</param>
        /// <param name="updateMode">Should all fields be sent to the server, or only the changed ones?</param>
        /// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames">Names of the fields to be included in the update (all others will be ignored)</param>
        /// <param name="fieldMaps">
        ///     List of key value pairs that can be used to map field names. For instance, if a field in the
        ///     table is called MyId but in the database it is called ID, then one can add a key 'MyId' with a value of 'ID'
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     Fully configured command object that is ready to be executed.
        /// </returns>
        public static IDbCommand BuildSqlUpdateCommand(DataRow changedRow, KeyType primaryKeyType, string primaryKeyField, IDataService dataService, DataRowUpdateMode updateMode, string tableName, IList <string> fieldNames = null, IDictionary <string, string> fieldMaps = null)
            if (fieldMaps == null)
                fieldMaps = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            if (fieldNames == null)
                fieldNames = new List <string>();

            // We create a new command object
            var emptyCommand = dataService.NewCommandObject();

            // We will use a string builder to generate the command since it is much faster than a simple string
            var    commandBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            string fieldName;
            var    fieldCount = 0;

            // We need to make sure which one of the included fields in the table is the PK field,
            // which may be different in name from the name specified in the parameter, since
            // the field may be mapped.
            var primaryKeyFieldInMemory = primaryKeyField;

            foreach (var key in fieldMaps.Keys)
                var value = fieldMaps[key];
                if (value == primaryKeyFieldInMemory)
                    primaryKeyFieldInMemory = key;

            // First of all, we need to find out whether this is a new, updated, or deleted row
            switch (changedRow.RowState)
            case DataRowState.Added:
                // We generate an insert command
                var newParametersBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                var newFieldsBuilder     = new StringBuilder();
                var usedFieldsCounter    = -1;
                for (var fieldCounter = 0; fieldCounter < changedRow.ItemArray.Length; fieldCounter++)
                    // We basically include all fields. The only field we may leave out is the primary
                    // key field of identity integer key business objects.
                    fieldName = changedRow.Table.Columns[fieldCounter].ColumnName;
                    if (fieldNames.Count == 0 || ContainsString(fieldNames, fieldName, true))
                        if (primaryKeyType != KeyType.IntegerAutoIncrement || fieldName == primaryKeyFieldInMemory)
                            if (!changedRow.Table.Columns[fieldName].AutoIncrement)
                                if (changedRow[fieldName] != DBNull.Value)
                                    if (usedFieldsCounter > 0)
                                        newFieldsBuilder.Append(", ");
                                        newParametersBuilder.Append(", ");

                                    var fieldNameInDatabase = fieldName;
                                    if (fieldMaps.ContainsKey(fieldNameInDatabase))
                                        fieldNameInDatabase = fieldMaps[fieldNameInDatabase];
                                    newParametersBuilder.Append("@p" + fieldNameInDatabase);
                                    emptyCommand.Parameters.Add(dataService.NewCommandObjectParameter("@p" + fieldNameInDatabase, changedRow[fieldName]));

                if (usedFieldsCounter > -1)
                    emptyCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + "( " + newFieldsBuilder + ") VALUES (" + newParametersBuilder + ")";

                // If this is an incremental integer primary key BO, then the current key will not be right,
                // since it is only a temporary key. Therefore, we need to make sure we replace it with the
                // new (real) key the database generates for us. We do this by checking whether the operation
                // succeeded, and if so, we return the new key. Otherwise, we return -1. All of this is
                // embedded in a single command that we pass to SQL Server.
                if (primaryKeyType == KeyType.IntegerAutoIncrement)
                    emptyCommand.CommandText += "; if @@ROWCOUNT < 1 select -1 AS [SCOPE_IDENTITY] else SELECT convert(int,SCOPE_IDENTITY()) AS [SCOPE_IDENTITY]";

            case DataRowState.Deleted:
                // We generate a delete command
                emptyCommand.CommandText = "DELETE FROM " + tableName + " WHERE " + primaryKeyField + " = @pPK";
                emptyCommand.Parameters.Add(dataService.NewCommandObjectParameter("@pPK", changedRow[primaryKeyField, DataRowVersion.Original]));

            case DataRowState.Modified:
                // We generate an update command
                commandBuilder.Append("UPDATE " + tableName + " SET ");
                // Sometimes, a row is flagged as modified, but then does not have changed fields.
                var bModified = false;
                for (var fieldCounter = 0; fieldCounter < changedRow.ItemArray.Length; fieldCounter++)
                    fieldName = changedRow.Table.Columns[fieldCounter].ColumnName;
                    if (fieldNames.Count == 0 || ContainsString(fieldNames, fieldName, true))
                        var fieldNameInDatabase = fieldName;
                        if (fieldMaps.ContainsKey(fieldNameInDatabase))
                            fieldNameInDatabase = fieldMaps[fieldNameInDatabase];
                        // We do NOT want to update the PK field
                        if (fieldName != primaryKeyFieldInMemory)
                            if (!changedRow.Table.Columns[fieldName].AutoIncrement)
                                var fieldsDiffer = ValuesDiffer(changedRow[fieldCounter, DataRowVersion.Current], changedRow[fieldCounter, DataRowVersion.Original]);

                                if (updateMode == DataRowUpdateMode.AllFields || fieldsDiffer)
                                    bModified = true;
                                    if (fieldCount > 1)
                                        commandBuilder.Append(", ");
                                    commandBuilder.Append(" = @p" + fieldNameInDatabase);
                                    emptyCommand.Parameters.Add(dataService.NewCommandObjectParameter("@p" + fieldNameInDatabase, changedRow[fieldName]));

                emptyCommand.Parameters.Add(dataService.NewCommandObjectParameter("@pPK", changedRow[primaryKeyFieldInMemory]));
                commandBuilder.Append(" WHERE " + primaryKeyField + " = @pPK");
                emptyCommand.CommandText = commandBuilder.ToString();
                // If there were no updates, we do not have a valid command object, and need to get rid of it.
                if (bModified == false)
                    emptyCommand = null;


                // Nothing to do here...
                emptyCommand = null;

Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates an update command object for the row passed along.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="changedRow">Changed ADO.NET data row</param>
 /// <param name="primaryKeyType">Primary key type</param>
 /// <param name="primaryKeyFieldName">Name of the primary key field</param>
 /// <param name="updateMode">Optimistic or pessimistic update mode.</param>
 /// <param name="updateMethod">Method used to update the database (commands, stored procedures,...)</param>
 /// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
 /// <param name="fieldNames">Names of the fields to be included in the update (all others will be ignored)</param>
 /// <param name="fieldMaps">
 ///     List of key value pairs that can be used to map field names. For instance, if a field in the
 ///     table is called MyId but in the database it is called ID, then one can add a key 'MyId' with a value of 'ID'
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Update command that can sub-sequentially be executed against the database using the same data service.</returns>
 public abstract IDbCommand BuildUpdateCommand(DataRow changedRow, KeyType primaryKeyType, string primaryKeyFieldName, string tableName, DataRowUpdateMode updateMode = DataRowUpdateMode.ChangedFieldsOnly, DataRowProcessMethod updateMethod = DataRowProcessMethod.Default, IList<string> fieldNames = null, IDictionary<string, string> fieldMaps = null);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method takes an empty command object as well as a data row, and builds
        ///     an SQL compliant update command, depending on the row state and update mode.
        ///     The command assumes that a certain Stored Procedure is available to perform
        ///     the desired update.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="changedRow">Updated data row</param>
        /// <param name="primaryKeyField">Name of the primary key field</param>
        /// <param name="primaryKeyType">Primary key type (guid, integer,...)</param>
        /// <param name="dataService">Instance of a concrete data service</param>
        /// <param name="updateMode">Should all fields be sent to the server, or only the changed ones?</param>
        /// <param name="storedProcedurePrefix">Prefix used for the stored procedure</param>
        /// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames">Names of the fields to be included in the update (all others will be ignored)</param>
        /// <param name="fieldMaps">
        ///     List of key value pairs that can be used to map field names. For instance, if a field in the
        ///     table is called MyId but in the database it is called ID, then one can add a key 'MyId' with a value of 'ID'
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Fully configured command object that is ready to be executed.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Stored Procedure update commands rely on a stored procedure of a certain name to be present. The name of the stored
        ///     procedure follows the following pattern:
        ///     [Prefix]upd[TableName]
        ///     So in a scenario where the default prefix is used, and the table name is Customer, the following Stored Procedure
        ///     would be required:
        ///     milos_updCustomer
        ///     The SP needs to accept one parameter for each field (named the same as the fields - the cName field requires a
        ///     corresponding @cName parameter) as well as an additional
        ///     parameter called @__cChangedFields, which contains a comma-separated list of all changed fields (with a trailing
        ///     comma, and no spaces).
        ///     The Stored Procedure also needs to know (without any outside parameters) what the name of the primary key field is
        ///     that is used to identify the updated row. This value is simply passed to this SP as one of the parameters.
        /// </remarks>
        public static IDbCommand BuildStoredProcedureUpdateCommand(DataRow changedRow, KeyType primaryKeyType, string primaryKeyField, IDataService dataService, DataRowUpdateMode updateMode, string storedProcedurePrefix, string tableName, IList <string> fieldNames, IDictionary <string, string> fieldMaps)
            if (fieldNames == null)
                fieldNames = new List <string>();
            if (fieldMaps == null)
                fieldMaps = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // We create a new command object
            var emptyCommand = dataService.NewCommandObject();

            emptyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            // We will use a string builder to generate the command since it is much faster than a simple string
            var    commandBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            string fieldName;

            // We need to make sure which one of the included fields in the table is the PK field,
            // which may be different in name from the name specified in the parameter, since
            // the field may be mapped.
            var primaryKeyFieldInMemory = primaryKeyField;

            foreach (var key in fieldMaps.Keys)
                var value = fieldMaps[key];
                if (value == primaryKeyFieldInMemory)
                    primaryKeyFieldInMemory = key;

            // First of all, we need to find out whether this is a new, updated, or deleted row
            switch (changedRow.RowState)
            case DataRowState.Added:
                // We generate an insert command
                var newParametersBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                var newFieldsBuilder     = new StringBuilder();
                var fieldsUsed           = -1;
                for (var fieldCounter = 0; fieldCounter < changedRow.ItemArray.Length; fieldCounter++)
                    // We basically include all fields. The only field we may leave out is the primary
                    // key field of identity integer key business objects (which would not be needed,
                    // since the identity value will be created automatically on the server).
                    fieldName = changedRow.Table.Columns[fieldCounter].ColumnName;
                    if (fieldNames.Count == 0 || ContainsString(fieldNames, fieldName, true))
                        var fieldNameInDatabase = fieldName;
                        if (fieldMaps.ContainsKey(fieldNameInDatabase))
                            fieldNameInDatabase = fieldMaps[fieldNameInDatabase];
                        if (primaryKeyType != KeyType.IntegerAutoIncrement || fieldName != primaryKeyField)
                            if (changedRow[fieldName] != DBNull.Value)
                                if (fieldsUsed > 0)
                                    newFieldsBuilder.Append(", ");
                                    newParametersBuilder.Append(", ");

                                newParametersBuilder.Append("@" + fieldNameInDatabase);
                                emptyCommand.Parameters.Add(dataService.NewCommandObjectParameter("@" + fieldNameInDatabase, changedRow[fieldName]));

                if (fieldsUsed > 0)
                    emptyCommand.CommandText = storedProcedurePrefix + "upd" + tableName;

                // Note: Since we are inserting, we do not need to send the field list as a parameter.
                //       The Stored Procedure knows that for inserts, all fields have to be updated.

                // If this is an incremental integer primary key BO, then the current key will not be right,
                // since it is only a temporary key. Therefore, we need to make sure we replace it with the
                // new (real) key the database generates for us. We do this by checking whether the operation
                // succeeded, and if so, we return the new key. Otherwise, we return -1. While in single-command
                // mode this is all embedded into the command we send, things are a bit different in a
                // Stored Procedure environment where the Stored Procedure needs to take on that responsibility.

            case DataRowState.Deleted:
                emptyCommand.CommandText = storedProcedurePrefix + "del" + tableName;
                emptyCommand.Parameters.Add(dataService.NewCommandObjectParameter("@" + primaryKeyField, changedRow[primaryKeyField, DataRowVersion.Original]));

            case DataRowState.Modified:
                // We generate an update command
                commandBuilder.Append(storedProcedurePrefix + "upd" + tableName);
                // Sometimes, a row is flagged as modified, but then does not have changed fields.
                var isModified = false;
                // List of fields that are to be updated
                var updatedFieldList = string.Empty;
                for (var fieldCounter = 0; fieldCounter < changedRow.ItemArray.Length; fieldCounter++)
                    fieldName = changedRow.Table.Columns[fieldCounter].ColumnName;
                    if (fieldNames.Count != 0 && !ContainsString(fieldNames, fieldName, true))
                    var fieldNameInDatabase = fieldName;
                    if (fieldMaps.ContainsKey(fieldNameInDatabase))
                        fieldNameInDatabase = fieldMaps[fieldNameInDatabase];
                    // We do NOT want to update the PK field
                    if (fieldName == primaryKeyField)
                    var fieldsDiffer = ValuesDiffer(changedRow[fieldCounter, DataRowVersion.Current], changedRow[fieldCounter, DataRowVersion.Original]);
                    if (updateMode != DataRowUpdateMode.AllFields && !fieldsDiffer)
                    isModified        = true;
                    updatedFieldList += fieldNameInDatabase + ",";
                    emptyCommand.Parameters.Add(dataService.NewCommandObjectParameter("@" + fieldNameInDatabase, changedRow[fieldName]));

                // This still needs to be passed, since it is used to identify the primary key field
                emptyCommand.Parameters.Add(dataService.NewCommandObjectParameter("@" + primaryKeyField, changedRow[primaryKeyFieldInMemory]));
                // We need to specify a list of fields that have been updated
                emptyCommand.Parameters.Add(dataService.NewCommandObjectParameter("@__cChangedFields", updatedFieldList));
                // We are ready to build the command object
                emptyCommand.CommandText = commandBuilder.ToString();
                // If there were no updates, we do not have a valid command object, and need to get rid of it.
                if (isModified == false)
                    emptyCommand = null;


                // Nothing to do here...
                emptyCommand = null;
