Beispiel #1
        public virtual MtpResponse Execute(ushort code, DataPhase dataPhase, uint[] param, byte[] data = null, bool noReadResponseParam = false)
            if (param == null)
                param = new uint[5];
            MtpResponse res;

                if (IsOpened())
                    res = MtpOperation.ExecuteCommand(device, code, dataPhase, param, data, noReadResponseParam);
                    Debug.WriteLine("[WpdCommand.Execute] device is null.");
                    res = new MtpResponse((ushort)MtpResponseCode.Error, param, data);
            catch (COMException e)
                Debug.WriteLine("[WpdCommand.Execute] COM Error occured. ErrorCode: 0x" + e.ErrorCode.ToString("x"));
                res = new MtpResponse((ushort)MtpResponseCode.Error, param, data);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// オペレーションを実行する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static MtpResponse ExecuteCommand(PortableDevice device, MtpOperationCode code, uint[] param, byte[] sendData, bool noReadResponseParam)
            DataPhase dataPhaseInfo = OperationCode2DataPhase[code];

            if (dataPhaseInfo == DataPhase.NoDataPhase)
                return(executeNoDataCommand(device, (ushort)code, param, noReadResponseParam));
            else if (dataPhaseInfo == DataPhase.DataReadPhase)
                return(executeDataReadCommand(device, (ushort)code, param, noReadResponseParam));
                return(executeDataWriteCommand(device, (ushort)code, param, sendData, noReadResponseParam));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// MTPオペレーションを実行する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code"></param>
        /// <param name="param"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MtpResponse Execute(ushort code, DataPhase dataPhase, uint[] param, byte[] data = null)
            if (param == null)
                param = new uint[5];
            MtpResponse res;

                res = MtpOperation.ExecuteCommand(device, code, dataPhase, param, data);
            catch (COMException e)
                Debug.WriteLine("[WpdCommand.Execute] COM Error occured. ErrorCode: 0x" + e.ErrorCode.ToString("x"));
                res = new MtpResponse((ushort)MtpResponseCode.Error, param, data);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// オペレーションを実行する
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static MtpResponse ExecuteCommand(PortableDevice device, ushort code, DataPhase dataPhase, uint[] param, byte[] sendData, bool noReadResponseParam)
     if (dataPhase == DataPhase.NoDataPhase)
         return(executeNoDataCommand(device, code, param, noReadResponseParam));
     else if (dataPhase == DataPhase.DataReadPhase)
         return(executeDataReadCommand(device, code, param, noReadResponseParam));
         return(executeDataWriteCommand(device, code, param, sendData, noReadResponseParam));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// A helper function for writing as many <see cref="DataMessage"/> messsages as required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="routingID">Routing id for the message being composed.</param>
        /// <param name="objectID">ID of the object to which the data belong.</param>
        /// <param name="packet">Data packet to compose in.</param>
        /// <param name="progressMarker">Progress or pagination marker.</param>
        /// <param name="vertices">Mesh vertex array.</param>
        /// <param name="normals">Mesh normal array. One per vertex or just a single normal to apply to all vertices.</param>
        /// <param name="indices">Mesh indices.</param>
        /// <param name="colours">Per vertex colours. See <see cref="Colour"/> for format details.</param>
        /// <remarks>Call recursively until zero is returned. Packet does not get finalised here.</remarks>
        public static int WriteData(ushort routingID, uint objectID,
                                    PacketBuffer packet, ref uint progressMarker,
                                    Vector3[] vertices, Vector3[] normals, int[] indices, UInt32[] colours)
            DataMessage msg = new DataMessage();
            // Local byte overhead needs to account for the size of sendType, offset and itemCount.
            // Use a larger value as I haven't got the edge cases quite right yet.
            const int localByteOverhead = 100;

            msg.ObjectID = objectID;
            packet.Reset(routingID, DataMessage.MessageID);

            uint   offset;
            uint   itemCount;
            ushort sendType;

            int verticesLength = (vertices != null) ? vertices.Length : 0;
            int normalsLength  = (normals != null) ? normals.Length : 0;
            int coloursLength  = (colours != null) ? colours.Length : 0;
            int indicesLength  = (indices != null) ? indices.Length : 0;

            DataPhase[] phases = new DataPhase[]
                new DataPhase((normalsLength == 1) ? SendDataType.UniformNormal : SendDataType.Normals, normalsLength,
                              (uint index) => {
                    Vector3 n = normals[index];
                    packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(n.X), true);
                    packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(n.Y), true);
                    packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(n.Z), true);
                              4, 3),
                new DataPhase(SendDataType.Colours, coloursLength,
                              (uint index) => { packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(colours[index]), true); },
                new DataPhase(SendDataType.Vertices, verticesLength,
                              (uint index) => {
                    Vector3 v = vertices[index];
                    packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(v.X), true);
                    packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(v.Y), true);
                    packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(v.Z), true);
                              4, 3),
                new DataPhase(SendDataType.Indices, indicesLength,
                              (uint index) => { packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(indices[index]), true); },

            int  phaseIndex          = 0;
            uint previousPhaseOffset = 0u;

            // While progressMarker is greater than or equal to the sum of the previous phase counts and the current phase count.
            // Also terminate of out of phases.
            while (phaseIndex < phases.Length &&
                   progressMarker >= previousPhaseOffset + phases[phaseIndex].ItemCount)
                previousPhaseOffset += phases[phaseIndex].ItemCount;

            bool done = false;

            // Check if we have anything to send.
            if (phaseIndex < phases.Length)
                DataPhase phase = phases[phaseIndex];
                // Send part of current phase.
                // Estimate element count limit.
                int maxItemCount = MeshBase.EstimateTransferCount(phase.DataSizeBytes * phase.TupleSize, 0, DataMessage.Size + localByteOverhead);
                offset    = progressMarker - previousPhaseOffset;
                itemCount = (uint)Math.Min(phase.ItemCount - offset, maxItemCount);

                sendType = (ushort)((int)phase.Type | (int)SendDataType.ExpectEnd);

                packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(sendType), true);
                packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(offset), true);
                packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(itemCount), true);

                for (uint i = offset; i < offset + itemCount; ++i)

                progressMarker += itemCount;
                // Either all done or no data to send.
                // In the latter case, we need to populate the message anyway.
                offset   = itemCount = 0;
                sendType = (int)SendDataType.ExpectEnd | (int)SendDataType.End;
                packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(sendType), true);
                packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(offset), true);
                packet.WriteBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(itemCount), true);
                done = true;

            // Return 1 while there is more data to process.
            return((!done) ? 1 : 0);