// ---- Activities ----
    public void LoadActivities()
        activities = new List <Activity>();
        string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Activities/activities");

        for (int i = 1; i < dataRows.Length - 1; i++)
            string[] row      = dataRows[i].Split(new char[] { ';' });
            Activity activity = new Activity
                name      = row[1],
                area      = row[2],
                urbanArea = row[5],
                url       = row[7],
                //street = row[9],

            int.TryParse(row[3], out int number);
            activity.district = (Districts)number;
            //int.TryParse(row[10], out activity.zip);

            float.TryParse(DataLoadingHelpers.FormatCoordinates(row[12]), out activity.latitude);
            float.TryParse(DataLoadingHelpers.FormatCoordinates(row[13]), out activity.longitude);
            activity.detailedActivityType = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDetailedActivityType(row[6]);

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Debug.Log("Debug message here");
        hospitals = new List <Hospital>();
        string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Health/hospitals");
        for (int i = 1; i < dataRows.Length - 1; i++)
            string[] row      = dataRows[i].Split(new char[] { ';' });
            Hospital hospital = new Hospital
                name     = row[0],
                address  = row[1],
                url      = row[2],
                category = row[3]

            float.TryParse(DataLoadingHelpers.FormatCoordinates(row[7]), out hospital.latitude);
            float.TryParse(DataLoadingHelpers.FormatCoordinates(row[8]), out hospital.longitude);

            float x = hospital.latitude;
            float y = hospital.longitude;
            float z = 0;
            //instantiate the prefab with coordinates defined above
            Instantiate(MarkerPrefab, new Vector3(x, y, z), Quaternion.identity);

            Debug.Log("hospital: " + hospital.name);
    public void LoadPublicTransport()
        string[]      dataRows   = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Transportation/Stops");
        string        stop       = "";
        float         x          = 0f;
        float         y          = 0f;
        List <string> lines      = new List <string>();
        List <string> directions = new List <string>();

        transports = new List <Transport>();

        for (int i = 1; i < dataRows.Length - 1; i++)
            Debug.Log("i: " + i + " datarow " + dataRows.Length);
            string[] row = dataRows[i].Split(new char[] { ';' });
            if (stop != row[0] && stop != "")
                Debug.Log("lines: " + lines.Count);
                bool      isBim     = lines[0].Contains("00");
                Transport transport = new Transport
                    name       = stop,
                    x          = x,
                    y          = y,
                    lines      = lines,
                    isBim      = isBim,
                    directions = directions,


            stop = row[0];
            float.TryParse(DataLoadingHelpers.FormatCoordinates(row[5]), out y);
            float.TryParse(DataLoadingHelpers.FormatCoordinates(row[4]), out x);

            Debug.Log("row " + row.Length);

            string[] lineArray = row[2].Split(new char[] { ',' });
            foreach (var line in lineArray)

            string[] dirArray = row[2].Split(new char[] { ',' });
            foreach (var dir in dirArray)
    // ---- Flats ----
    public void LoadHousingInformation()
        string[] dataFloorSpace       = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("HousingInformation/floorSpace");
        string[] dataFlatRooms        = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("HousingInformation/flatRooms");
        string[] dataFlatsPerBuilding = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("HousingInformation/flatsPerBuilding");

        var districts = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Districts));

        housingInformation = new HousingInformation[districts.Length];
        housingInformation = DataLoadingHelpers.ParseFlatInformation <RoomsPerFlat>(housingInformation, dataFlatRooms, "RoomsPerFlat");
        housingInformation = DataLoadingHelpers.ParseFlatInformation <RoomsPerFlat>(housingInformation, dataFloorSpace, "FloorSpace");
        housingInformation = DataLoadingHelpers.ParseFlatInformation <RoomsPerFlat>(housingInformation, dataFlatsPerBuilding, "FlatsPerBuilding");
    public void LoadHospitals()
        hospitals = new List <Hospital>();
        string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Health/hospitals");
        for (int i = 1; i < dataRows.Length - 1; i++)
            string[] row      = dataRows[i].Split(new char[] { ';' });
            Hospital hospital = new Hospital
                name     = row[0],
                address  = row[1],
                url      = row[2],
                category = row[3]

            float.TryParse(DataLoadingHelpers.FormatCoordinates(row[7]), out hospital.latitude);
            float.TryParse(DataLoadingHelpers.FormatCoordinates(row[8]), out hospital.longitude);

    // ---- Age ----
    public void LoadAgeStructure()
        ageDistributions = new List <AgeDistribution>();
        string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Age/data");

        for (int i = 1; i < dataRows.Length - 1; i++)
            string[]        row          = dataRows[i].Split(new char[] { ';' });
            AgeDistribution distribution = new AgeDistribution
                ages     = new List <int>(),
                district = (Districts)(i - 1)

            for (int age = 2; age < row.Length - 1; age++)
                int.TryParse(row[age], out int results);

 public void LoadToddlerGroups()
     string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Education/toddlerGroups");
     toddlerGroups = DataLoadingHelpers.ConvertNonScholaric(dataRows, NonScholaricType.ToddlerGroup);
 public void LoadDayCareCenters()
     string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Education/dayCareCenters");
     dayCareCenter = DataLoadingHelpers.ConvertNonScholaric(dataRows, NonScholaricType.DayCareCenter);
 public void LoadKindergartens()
     string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Education/kindergartens");
     kindergartens = DataLoadingHelpers.ConvertNonScholaric(dataRows, NonScholaricType.Kindergarten);
 // ---- non scholaric ----
 public void LoadYouthCenters()
     string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Activities/youthCenters");
     youthCenters = DataLoadingHelpers.ConvertNonScholaric(dataRows, NonScholaricType.YouthCenter);
 public void LoadElementarySchools()
     string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Education/elementarySchools");
     elementarySchools = DataLoadingHelpers.ConvertSchool(dataRows, SchoolType.ElementarySchool);
 public void LoadSecondarySchools()
     string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Education/secondarySchools2018");
     secondarySchools = DataLoadingHelpers.ConvertSchool(dataRows, SchoolType.SecondarySchool);
 public void LoadPolytechnicalSchools()
     string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Education/polytechnicalSchools2018");
     polytechnicalSchools = DataLoadingHelpers.ConvertSchool(dataRows, SchoolType.PolytechnicalSchool);
 public void LoadAcademicHighSchools()
     string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Education/academicHighSchools");
     academicHighSchools = DataLoadingHelpers.ConvertSchool(dataRows, SchoolType.AcademicHighSchool);
 // ---- Schools ----
 public void LoadSpecialNeedsSchools()
     string[] dataRows = DataLoadingHelpers.GetDataRows("Education/specialNeedsSchool2018");
     specialNeedsSchools = DataLoadingHelpers.ConvertSchool(dataRows, SchoolType.SpecialNeedsSchool);