Beispiel #1
 public static extern ReturnCode DsmLinux(
     [In, Out] TWIdentity origin,
     [In, Out] TWIdentity destination,
     DataGroups dg,
     DataArgumentType dat,
     Message msg,
     [In, Out] TWEntryPoint data);
 public static extern ReturnCode DsmLinux64(
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin,
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY destination,
     DataGroups dg,
     DataArgumentType dat,
     Message msg,
     ref TW_EVENT data);
 public static extern ReturnCode DsmMac64(
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin,
     IntPtr zero,
     DataGroups dg,
     DataArgumentType dat,
     Message msg,
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY data);
 public static extern ReturnCode DsmMac64(
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin,
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY destination,
     DataGroups dg,
     DataArgumentType dat,
     Message msg,
     ref TW_FILESYSTEM data);
Beispiel #5
        ReturnCode HandleCallback(TWIdentity origin, TWIdentity destination, DataGroups dg, DataArgumentType dat, Message msg, IntPtr data)
            if (origin != null && CurrentSource != null && origin.Id == CurrentSource.Identity.Id && _state >= 5)
                PlatformInfo.Current.Log.Debug("Thread {0}: CallbackHandler at state {1} with MSG={2}.", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, State, msg);
                // spec says we must handle this on the thread that enabled the DS.
                // by using the internal dispatcher this will be the case.

                // In any event the trick to get this thing working is to return from the callback first
                // before trying to process the msg or there will be unpredictable errors.

                // changed to sync invoke instead of begininvoke for hp scanjet.
                if (origin.ProductName.IndexOf("scanjet", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                    _msgLoopHook?.Invoke(() =>
                    _msgLoopHook?.BeginInvoke(() =>
Beispiel #6
        public static Result <SqlSetup> FromDataGroups(DataGroups dataGroups, string adapterName)
            var connectionsGroup = dataGroups.ConnectionsGroup;
            var commandsGroup    = dataGroups.CommandsGroup;
            var adaptersGroup    = dataGroups.AdaptersGroup;

                (from adapterGraph in adaptersGroup.RequireGroup(adapterName)
                 from connectionName in adapterGraph.RequireValue("connection")
                 from connectionGroup in connectionsGroup.RequireGroup(connectionName)
                 let commandName = adaptersGroup.GetValue("command").DefaultTo(() => adapterName)
                                   from commandGraph in commandsGroup.RequireGroup(commandName)
                                   let connection = new Connection(connectionGroup)
                                                    from connectionString in SqlConnectionString.FromConnection(connection)
                                                    from command in Command.FromGroup(commandGraph)
                                                    from parameters in Data.Parameters.Parameters.FromGroup(adapterGraph.GetGroup("parameters"))
                                                    from fields in Data.Fields.Fields.FromGroup(adapterGraph.GetGroup("fields"))
                                                    select new SqlSetup(connectionsGroup.GetGroup("attributes"))
                CommandText = command.Text,
                CommandTimeout = command.CommandTimeout,
                ConnectionString = connectionString,
                Parameters = parameters,
                Fields = fields
Beispiel #7
 public static extern ReturnCode DsmLinux(
     [In, Out] TWIdentity origin,
     IntPtr zero,
     DataGroups dg,
     DataArgumentType dat,
     Message msg,
     [In, Out] TWIdentity data);
 public static extern ReturnCode DsmLinux32(
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin,
     IntPtr zero,
     DataGroups dg,
     DataArgumentType dat,
     Message msg,
     [In, Out] TW_ENTRYPOINT data);
 public static extern ReturnCode DsmLinux32(
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin,
     [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY destination,
     DataGroups dg,
     DataArgumentType dat,
     Message msg,
     ref TW_JPEGCOMPRESSION data);
Beispiel #10
 protected Adapters(DataGroups dataGroups, StringHash <Adapter <T> > adapters, StringSet validAdapters,
                    Predicate <string> isValidAdapterName)
     this.dataGroups         = dataGroups;
     this.adapters           = new StringHash <Adapter <T> >(true, adapters);
     this.validAdapters      = new StringSet(true, validAdapters);
     this.isValidAdapterName = isValidAdapterName;
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Direct DSM_Entry call with full arguments for custom values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
 /// <param name="dat">The dat.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
 /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ReturnCode DsmEntry(
     DataGroups group,
     DataArgumentType dat,
     Message message,
     IntPtr data)
     _session.VerifyState(3, 7, group, dat, message);
     return(Dsm.DsmEntry(_session.AppId, _session.CurrentSource.Identity, group, dat, message, data));
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TwainStateException"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentState">The actual state number.</param>
 /// <param name="minStateExpected">The minimum state allowed.</param>
 /// <param name="maxStateExpected">The maximum state allowed.</param>
 /// <param name="dataGroup">The data group used.</param>
 /// <param name="argumentType">The data argument type used.</param>
 /// <param name="twainMessage">The twain message used.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
 public TwainStateException(int currentState, int minStateExpected, int maxStateExpected, DataGroups dataGroup, DataArgumentType argumentType, Message twainMessage, string message)
     : base(default(ReturnCode), message)
     ActualState      = currentState;
     MinStateExpected = minStateExpected;
     MaxStateExpected = maxStateExpected;
     DataGroup        = dataGroup;
     ArgumentType     = argumentType;
     TwainMessage     = twainMessage;
Beispiel #13
 ReturnCode Handle32BitCallback(TW_IDENTITY origin, TW_IDENTITY destination,
                                DataGroups dg, DataArgumentType dat, Message msg, IntPtr data)
     // from the docs this needs to return Success
     // before handling the msg thus BeginInvoke is used.
     Debug.WriteLine($"Thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}: {nameof(Handle32BitCallback)}({dg}, {dat}, {msg}, {data})");
     InternalBeginInvoke(() =>
         Debug.WriteLine($"Thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}: in BeginInvoke {nameof(Handle32BitCallback)}({dg}, {dat}, {msg}, {data})");
     Debug.WriteLine($"Thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}: after BeginInvoke {nameof(Handle32BitCallback)}({dg}, {dat}, {msg}, {data})");
Beispiel #14
 public Adapters(DataGroups dataGroups, params string[] validAdapterNames)
     this.dataGroups = dataGroups;
     adapters        = new StringHash <Adapter <T> >(true);
     validAdapters   = new StringSet(true);
     if (validAdapterNames.Length == 0)
         isValidAdapterName = _ => true;
         isValidAdapterName = adapterName => adapterName.IsNotEmpty() && validAdapters.Contains(adapterName);
Beispiel #15
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Specifies which DSM to use.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="legacyDsm"></param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //public TwainConfigurationBuilder UseDsm(bool legacyDsm = false)
        //    if (legacyDsm)
        //    {
        //        if (_64bit) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot use legacy DSM under 64bit.");
        //    }
        //    _legacy = legacyDsm;
        //    return this;

        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies what kind of data the app can to handle from TWAIN devices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image"></param>
        /// <param name="audio"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TwainConfigBuilder HandlesDataType(bool image = true, bool audio = false)
            DataGroups dg = DataGroups.None;

            if (image)
                dg |= DataGroups.Image;
            if (audio)
                dg |= DataGroups.Audio;

            if (dg == DataGroups.None)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(MsgText.NoDataTypesSpecified);
            _dg = dg;
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Filter Samples
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="samples"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <SampleData> FilterSamples(List <SampleData> samples)
            var filtered = new List <SampleData>();

            List <FilteredDataItem> dataItems = null;

            lock (_lock) dataItems = filteredDataItems.ToList();

            if (dataItems != null)
                // Archive
                foreach (var dataGroup in DataGroups.FindAll(o => o.CaptureMode == CaptureMode.ARCHIVE))
                    var newFiltered = FilterSamples(samples, dataGroup);
                    foreach (var sample in newFiltered)
                        if (!filtered.Exists(o => o.DeviceId == sample.DeviceId && o.Id == sample.Id))

                // Current
                foreach (var dataGroup in DataGroups.FindAll(o => o.CaptureMode == CaptureMode.CURRENT))
                    var newFiltered = FilterSamples(samples, dataGroup);
                    foreach (var sample in newFiltered)
                        if (!filtered.Exists(o => o.DeviceId == sample.DeviceId && o.Id == sample.Id))

        public void Constructor_Sets_Correct_Properties()
            // just some non-default values to test
            int              state        = 3;
            int              minState     = 4;
            int              maxState     = 5;
            DataGroups       dataGroup    = DataGroups.Control;
            DataArgumentType argumentType = DataArgumentType.AudioNativeXfer;
            Message          twainMessage = Message.Copy;
            string           message      = "THIS IS A TEST.";

            TwainStateException target = new TwainStateException(state, minState, maxState, dataGroup, argumentType, twainMessage, message);

            Assert.AreEqual(state, target.ActualState, "State mismatch.");
            Assert.AreEqual(minState, target.MinStateExpected, "Minimum mismatch.");
            Assert.AreEqual(maxState, target.MaxStateExpected, "Maximum mismatch.");
            Assert.AreEqual(dataGroup, target.DataGroup, "DataGroup mismatch.");
            Assert.AreEqual(argumentType, target.ArgumentType, "ArgumentType mismatch.");
            Assert.AreEqual(twainMessage, target.TwainMessage, "TwainMessage mismatch.");
            Assert.AreEqual(message, target.Message, "Message mismatch.");
Beispiel #18
    public static void LoadSavedData(DataGroups dataGroup)
        // Supporting.Log("Loading Saved Data");
        switch (dataGroup)
        case DataGroups.Sound:
            float musicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(MUSIC_VOLUME_KEY, 0);
            bool  musicMuted  = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(MUSIC_MUTED_KEY, 0) >= 1 ? true : false;
            // adjust Audio
            // adjust Canvas elements

            float SFXVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(SFX_VOLUME_KEY, 0);
            bool  SFXMuted  = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SFX_MUTED_KEY, 0) >= 1 ? true : false;
            // adjust Audio
            // adjust Canvas elements

        case DataGroups.Score:
            GameController.instance.highScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(HIGHSCORE_KEY, 0);

Beispiel #19
        ReturnCode DoIt(Message msg, ref DataGroups value)
            if (Is32Bit)
                if (IsWin)
                    return(NativeMethods.DsmWin32(Session.Config.App32, Session.CurrentSource.Identity32,
                                                  DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.XferGroup, msg, ref value));
                if (IsLinux)
                    return(NativeMethods.DsmLinux32(Session.Config.App32, Session.CurrentSource.Identity32,
                                                    DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.XferGroup, msg, ref value));
                if (IsMac)
                    return(NativeMethods.DsmMac32(Session.Config.App32, Session.CurrentSource.Identity32,
                                                  DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.XferGroup, msg, ref value));

            if (IsWin)
                return(NativeMethods.DsmWin64(Session.Config.App32, Session.CurrentSource.Identity32,
                                              DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.XferGroup, msg, ref value));
            if (IsLinux)
                return(NativeMethods.DsmLinux64(Session.Config.App32, Session.CurrentSource.Identity32,
                                                DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.XferGroup, msg, ref value));
            if (IsMac)
                return(NativeMethods.DsmMac64(Session.Config.App32, Session.CurrentSource.Identity32,
                                              DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.XferGroup, msg, ref value));

Beispiel #20
        public byte[] GetBytes()
            var array = new byte[GetSize()];

            int index = 0;

            // IDBLOCK.
            IDBlock.Write(array, ref index);

            int hdBlockIndex = index;

            // HDBLOCK.
            HDBlock.Write(array, ref index);
            HDBlock.WriteFileComment(array, ref index, hdBlockIndex);
            HDBlock.WriteProgramBlock(array, ref index, hdBlockIndex);
            HDBlock.WriteFirstDataGroupLink(array, index, hdBlockIndex);

            // DGBLOCKs.
            DataGroups.Write(array, ref index);

Beispiel #21
 private static extern ReturnCodes DataSourceStatus(
     [In, Out] Identity origin,
     [In] Identity destination,
     DataGroups dataGroup,
     DataAttributeTypes dataAttributeType,
     Messages message,
     [In, Out] Status status);
Beispiel #22
 private static extern ReturnCodes DataSourceUserInterface(
     [In, Out] Identity origin,
     [In, Out] Identity destination,
     DataGroups dataGroup,
     DataAttributeTypes dataAttributeType,
     Messages message,
     UserInterface userInterface);
Beispiel #23
 private static extern ReturnCodes DataSourceManagerStatus(
     [In, Out] Identity origin,
     IntPtr zeroPointer,
     DataGroups dataGroup,
     DataAttributeTypes dataAttributeType,
     Messages message,
     [In, Out] Status statusReply);
Beispiel #24
 private static extern ReturnCodes DataSourcePendingXfer(
     [In, Out] Identity origin,
     [In] Identity destination,
     DataGroups dataGroup,
     DataAttributeTypes dataAttributeType,
     Messages message,
     [In, Out] PendingXfersInterop pendingXfer);
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TwainSession"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="supportedGroups">The supported groups.</param>
 public TwainSession(DataGroups supportedGroups)
     : this(TWIdentity.CreateFromAssembly(supportedGroups, Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()))
Beispiel #26
 private static extern ReturnCodes DataSourceManagerParent(
     [In, Out] Identity origin,
     IntPtr zeroPointer,
     DataGroups dataGroup,
     DataAttributeTypes dataAttributeType,
     Messages message,
     ref IntPtr handle);
Beispiel #27
 private static extern ReturnCodes DataSourceEvent(
     [In, Out] Identity origin,
     [In, Out] Identity destination,
     DataGroups dataGroup,
     DataAttributeTypes dataAttributeType,
     Messages message,
     ref EventInterop eventReply);
Beispiel #28
 private static extern ReturnCodes DataSourceImageInfo(
     [In, Out] Identity origin,
     [In] Identity destination,
     DataGroups dataGroup,
     DataAttributeTypes dataAttributeType,
     Messages message,
     [In, Out] ImageInfoInterop imageInfo);
Beispiel #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Verifies the session is within the specified state range (inclusive). Throws
 /// <see cref="TwainStateException" /> if violated.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 /// <param name="allowedMinimum">The allowed minimum.</param>
 /// <param name="allowedMaximum">The allowed maximum.</param>
 /// <param name="group">The triplet data group.</param>
 /// <param name="dataArgumentType">The triplet data argument type.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The triplet message.</param>
 /// <exception cref="TwainStateException"></exception>
 public static void VerifyState(this ITwainSessionInternal session, int allowedMinimum, int allowedMaximum, DataGroups group, DataArgumentType dataArgumentType, Message message)
     if (session.EnforceState && (session.State < allowedMinimum || session.State > allowedMaximum))
         throw new TwainStateException(session.State, allowedMinimum, allowedMaximum, group, dataArgumentType, message,
                                       string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "TWAIN state {0} does not match required range {1}-{2} for operation {3}-{4}-{5}.",
                                                     session.State, allowedMinimum, allowedMaximum, group, dataArgumentType, message));
Beispiel #30
 private static extern ReturnCodes DataSourceCapability(
     [In, Out] Identity origin,
     [In] Identity destination,
     DataGroups dataGroup,
     DataAttributeTypes dataAttributeType,
     Messages message,
     [In, Out] Capability capability);
Beispiel #31
 public List<ITestData> GetEntries(DataGroups dataGroup)
     return this.GetEntries(dataGroup.ToString());
Beispiel #32
 /// <summary>
 /// The transfer group determines the kind of data being passed from the Source to the Application.
 /// By default a TWAIN Source must default to DG_IMAGE. Currently the only other data group
 /// supported is DG_AUDIO, which is a feature supported by some digital cameras.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ReturnCode Set(DataGroups value)
     return(DoIt(Message.Set, ref value));
Beispiel #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the Data Group (the type of data) for the upcoming transfer. The Source is required to
 /// only supply one of the DGs specified in the SupportedGroups field of origin.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ReturnCode Get(ref DataGroups value)
     return(DoIt(Message.Get, ref value));
Beispiel #34
 public List<ITestData> GetEntries(DataGroups dataGroup, string fileMatch)
     return this.GetEntries(dataGroup.ToString(), fileMatch);
Beispiel #35
 private static extern ReturnCodes DataSourceImageNativeXfer(
     [In, Out] Identity origin,
     [In] Identity destination,
     DataGroups dataGroup,
     DataAttributeTypes dataAttributeType,
     Messages message,
     ref IntPtr dibPointer);
Beispiel #36
        /// <summary>
        /// FilterSamples from DataGroup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="samples"></param>
        /// <param name="dataGroup"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <SampleData> FilterSamples(List <SampleData> samples, DataGroup dataGroup)
            var filtered = new List <SampleData>();

            List <FilteredDataItem> dataItems = null;

            lock (_lock) dataItems = filteredDataItems.ToList();

            if (dataItems != null)
                var deviceIds = new List <string>();

                // Find all of the FilteredDataItems that match each Sample
                foreach (var sample in samples)
                    bool match = dataItems.Exists(o => o.DataGroupId == dataGroup.Id && o.DeviceId == sample.DeviceId && o.DataItemId == sample.Id);
                    if (match && !filtered.Exists(o => o.DeviceId == sample.DeviceId && o.Id == sample.Id))
                        if (!deviceIds.Exists(o => o == sample.DeviceId))

                if (filtered.Count > 0)
                    // Include other DataGroups
                    foreach (var groupName in dataGroup.IncludedDataGroups)
                        // Find group by name
                        var includedGroup = DataGroups.Find(o => o.Name == groupName);
                        if (includedGroup != null)
                            List <SampleData> storedSamples = null;
                            lock (_lock) storedSamples = storedCurrentSamples.ToList();
                            if (!storedSamples.IsNullOrEmpty())
                                // Filter out any DeviceIds that weren't updated
                                var samplesToFilter = new List <SampleData>();
                                foreach (var deviceId in deviceIds)
                                    samplesToFilter.AddRange(storedSamples.FindAll(o => o.DeviceId == deviceId));

                                // Filter Samples using the Included Group's Filters
                                var storedFiltered = FilterSamples(samplesToFilter, includedGroup);
                                foreach (var sample in storedFiltered)
                                    // Add to list if new
                                    if (!filtered.Exists(o => o.DeviceId == sample.DeviceId && o.Id == sample.Id && o.Timestamp >= sample.Timestamp))

 public List <ITestData> GetEntries(DataGroups dataGroup)
 public List <ITestData> GetEntries(DataGroups dataGroup, string fileMatch)
     return(this.GetEntries(dataGroup.ToString(), fileMatch));
Beispiel #39
 /// <summary>
 /// The transfer group determines the kind of data being passed from the Source to the Application.
 /// By default a TWAIN Source must default to DG_IMAGE. Currently the only other data group
 /// supported is DG_AUDIO, which is a feature supported by some digital cameras.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ReturnCode Set(DataGroups value)
     Session.VerifyState(6, 6, DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.XferGroup, Message.Set);
     return(Dsm.DsmEntry(Session.AppId, Session.CurrentSource.Identity, DataGroups.Control, DataArgumentType.XferGroup, Message.Set, ref value));
Beispiel #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Загрузить конфигурацию из файла
        /// </summary>
        public bool Load(string fileName, out string errMsg)

                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                // загрузка параметров
                XmlNode paramsNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Params");

                if (paramsNode != null)
                    foreach (XmlElement paramElem in paramsNode.ChildNodes)
                        string name = paramElem.GetAttribute("name").ToLowerInvariant();
                        string val  = paramElem.GetAttribute("value");

                        if (name == "serverpath")
                            ServerPath = val;
                        else if (name == "usecertificate")
                            UseCertificate = Convert.ToBoolean(val);
                        else if (name == "applicationname")
                            ApplicationName = val;

                // загрузка групп чтения данных
                XmlNode dataGroupsNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("DataGroups");

                if (dataGroupsNode != null)
                    foreach (XmlElement dataGroupElem in dataGroupsNode.ChildNodes)
                        DataGroup dataGroup = new DataGroup();
                        dataGroup.Name   = dataGroupElem.GetAttribute("name");
                        dataGroup.Active = dataGroupElem.GetAttrAsBool("active");

                        XmlNodeList dataItemNodes = dataGroupElem.SelectNodes("DataItem");
                        foreach (XmlElement dataItemElem in dataItemNodes)
                            DataItem dataItem = new DataItem();
                            dataItem.Name   = dataItemElem.GetAttribute("name");
                            dataItem.Id     = dataItemElem.GetAttribute("id");
                            dataItem.Active = dataItemElem.GetAttrAsBool("active");
                            dataItem.Signal = dataItemElem.GetAttrAsInt("updateRate");
                            dataItem.Mode   = dataItemElem.GetAttribute("mode");


                // загрузка групп приёма событий
                XmlNode eventGroupsNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("EventGroups");

                if (eventGroupsNode != null)
                    foreach (XmlElement eventGroupElem in eventGroupsNode.ChildNodes)
                        EventGroup eventGroup = new EventGroup();
                        eventGroup.Name            = eventGroupElem.GetAttribute("name");
                        eventGroup.UpdateRate      = eventGroupElem.GetAttrAsInt("updateRate");
                        eventGroup.MaxSize         = eventGroupElem.GetAttrAsInt("maxSize");
                        eventGroup.SimpleEvents    = eventGroupElem.GetAttrAsBool("simpleEvents");
                        eventGroup.TrackingEvents  = eventGroupElem.GetAttrAsBool("trackingEvents");
                        eventGroup.ConditionEvents = eventGroupElem.GetAttrAsBool("conditionEvents");
                        eventGroup.HighSeverity    = eventGroupElem.GetAttrAsInt("highSeverity");
                        eventGroup.LowSeverity     = eventGroupElem.GetAttrAsInt("lowSeverity");

                        XmlNodeList catNodes = eventGroupElem.SelectNodes("Category");
                        foreach (XmlElement catElem in catNodes)
                            eventGroup.Categories.Add(catElem.GetAttribute("name"), catElem.GetAttrAsInt("id"));


                // загрузка команд
                XmlNode commandsNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Commands");

                if (commandsNode != null)
                    foreach (XmlElement commandElem in commandsNode.ChildNodes)
                        Command command = new Command();
                        command.ItemName = commandElem.GetAttribute("itemName");
                        command.ItemPath = commandElem.GetAttribute("itemPath");
                        command.TypeName = commandElem.GetAttribute("typeName");
                        command.CmdNum   = commandElem.GetAttrAsInt("cmdNum");

                errMsg = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                errMsg = CommPhrases.LoadKpSettingsError + ":\r\n" + ex.Message;
Beispiel #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the TWAIN transfer routine at state 6.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DoTransferRoutine(ITwainSessionInternal session)
            #region get xfer types

            bool       xferImage   = true; // default to always xfer image
            bool       xferAudio   = false;
            DataGroups xferGroup   = DataGroups.None;
            XferMech   imgXferMech = XferMech.Native;
            XferMech   audXferMech = XferMech.Native;
            if (session.DGControl.XferGroup.Get(ref xferGroup) == ReturnCode.Success)
                xferAudio = (xferGroup & DataGroups.Audio) == DataGroups.Audio;
                // check for Plustek OpticSlim 2680H, this scanner returns wrong xferGroup after first scanning
                if (session.CurrentSource.Identity.ProductName.IndexOf("Plustek", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 &&
                    session.CurrentSource.Identity.ProductName.IndexOf("OpticSlim", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1 &&
                    session.CurrentSource.Identity.ProductName.IndexOf("2680H", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                    xferImage = true;
                    xferImage = xferGroup == DataGroups.None || (xferGroup & DataGroups.Image) == DataGroups.Image;
            // some DS end up getting none but we will assume it's image
            if (xferImage)
                imgXferMech = session.CurrentSource.Capabilities.ICapXferMech.GetCurrent();
            if (xferAudio)
                var mech = session.CurrentSource.Capabilities.ACapXferMech.GetCurrent();


            var pending = new TWPendingXfers();
            var rc      = session.DGControl.PendingXfers.Get(pending);
            if (rc == ReturnCode.Success)
                    #region raise xfer ready

                    var preXferArgs = new TransferReadyEventArgs(session.CurrentSource, pending.Count, pending.EndOfJob);;


                    #region actually handle xfer

                    if (preXferArgs.CancelAll || session.CloseDSRequested)
                        rc = session.DGControl.PendingXfers.Reset(pending);
                        if (!preXferArgs.CancelCurrent)
                            if (xferImage)
                                switch (imgXferMech)
                                case XferMech.Memory:
                                    rc = DoImageMemoryXfer(session);

                                case XferMech.File:
                                    rc = DoImageFileXfer(session);

                                case XferMech.MemFile:
                                    rc = DoImageMemoryFileXfer(session);

                                case XferMech.Native:
                                default:     // always assume native
                                    rc = DoImageNativeXfer(session);
                            if (xferAudio)
                                switch (audXferMech)
                                case XferMech.File:
                                    rc = DoAudioFileXfer(session);

                                case XferMech.Native:
                                default:     // always assume native
                                    rc = DoAudioNativeXfer(session);

                        if (rc != ReturnCode.Success && session.StopOnTransferError)
                            // end xfer without setting rc to exit (good/bad?)
                            rc = session.DGControl.PendingXfers.EndXfer(pending);
                } while (rc == ReturnCode.Success && pending.Count != 0 && !session.CloseDSRequested);
                HandleReturnCode(session, rc);

            // some poorly written scanner drivers return failure on EndXfer so also check for pending count now.
            // this may break with other sources but we'll see
            if (//pending.Count == 0 &&
                session.State > 5)
                session.ChangeState(5, true);