Beispiel #1
    // The class constructor
    public DataGridViewPrinter(DataGridViewPersonalizat pDGV, StructPaletaDGV pPaleta, PrintDocument aPrintDocument, bool CenterOnPage, bool WithTitle, string aTitleText, bool pImprimaTitlulPeFiecarePagina, Font aTitleFont, Color aTitleColor, bool WithPaging, List <string> pListaColoane, Image logo, string pHeader, string pFooter)
        this.lDGVdePrintat    = pDGV;
        this.lPaleta          = pPaleta;
        this.ThePrintDocument = aPrintDocument;
        this.IsCenterOnPage   = CenterOnPage;
        this.IsWithTitle      = WithTitle;
        this.TheTitleText     = aTitleText;
        this.TheTitleFont     = aTitleFont;
        this.TheTitleColor    = aTitleColor;
        this.IsWithPaging     = WithPaging;
        this.lImprimaTitlulPeFiecarePagina = pImprimaTitlulPeFiecarePagina;
        this.lLogo   = logo;
        this.lHeader = pHeader;
        this.lFooter = pFooter;

        if (CUtil.EsteListaVida <string>(pListaColoane))
            this.lListaColoaneImprimare = new List <string>();

            foreach (DataGridViewColumn coloana in pDGV.Columns)
                if (!pDGV.SeIgnoraColoanaLaImprimare(coloana.Name))
            this.lListaColoaneImprimare = pListaColoane;

        PageNumber = 0;

        RowsHeight   = new Dictionary <int, float>();
        ColumnsWidth = new Dictionary <int, float>();

        mColumnPoints      = new List <int[]>();
        mColumnPointsWidth = new List <float>();

        // Claculating the PageWidth and the PageHeight
        if (!ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape)
            PageWidth  = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width;
            PageHeight = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Height;
            PageHeight = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width;
            PageWidth  = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Height;

        // Calculating the page margins
        LeftMargin   = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left;
        TopMargin    = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top;
        RightMargin  = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right;
        BottomMargin = ThePrintDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom;

        //Fie cele bifate, fie toate
        listaLiniiSelectate        = lDGVdePrintat.GetListaLiniiSelectate();
        listaIndecsiColoanePrint   = new List <int>();
        listaIndecsiLiniiSelectate = new List <int>();
        foreach (DataGridViewRow linie in listaLiniiSelectate)
        // First, the current row to be printed is the first row in the DataGridView control
        CurrentRow = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Export the DataGridView to Comma Separated Value file.
        /// This method should be used with the methods:
        /// CsvThread().
        /// GetCsvReady().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dGV">Extended DataGridView.</param>
        /// <param name="filename">Full path & name of  the Name of csv file.</param>
        void ToCsV(DataGridViewPersonalizat dGV, string filename)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))

            string valoareCelula = string.Empty;

            using (StreamWriter myFile = new StreamWriter(filename, false, Encoding.Default))
                //Separatorul CVS pentru tarile europene este ; si nu , care este rezervat pentru zecimale


                // Export only visible columns.
                //if (dGV.ExportVisibleColumnsOnly)
                // Export titles:
                StringBuilder sHeaders = new StringBuilder();
                List <int>    listaIndecsiColoaneExportabile = new List <int>();
                string[]      culturiVirgula = { "ar-JO",   "ar-SY", "az-Cyrl-AZ", "az-Latn-AZ", "zh-CN",
                                                 "zh-SG",        "zh-TW", "nl-BE",      "nl-NL",      "en-BZ",     "en-CA",
                                                 "en-NZ",        "en-US", "fr-CA",      "ms-BN",
                                                 "ms-MY",        "nb-NO", "nn-NO",      "pt-BR",      "sr-Cyrl-CS",
                                                 "sr-Latn-CS",   "es-AR", "es-DO",      "es-MX",
                                                 "es-ES_tradnl", "sv-FI", "sv-SE",      "uz-Cyrl-UZ", "uz-Latn-UZ" };

                string separator = "; ";
                if (culturiVirgula.Contains <string>(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name))
                    separator = ", ";

                for (int j = 0; j < dGV.Columns.Count; j++)
                    if (dGV.Columns[j].Visible && !dGV.SeIgnoraColoanaLaImprimare(dGV.Columns[j].Name))
                        valoareCelula = CUtil.InlocuiesteDiacritice(dGV.Columns[j].HeaderText);
                        listaIndecsiColoaneExportabile.Add(j); //pentru a exporta datele coloanelor pretabile pentru export
                sHeaders = null;

                // Export data.
                //Fie cele bifate, fie toate
                List <DataGridViewRow> listaLiniiSelectate = dGV.GetListaLiniiSelectate();
                foreach (DataGridViewRow linie in listaLiniiSelectate)
                    if (linie.Tag == null)
                        continue;                    //in Tag-ul tuturor liniilor din aplicatie salvam obiectul corespunzator liniei respective; lipsa acestuia implica ignorarea liniei
                    StringBuilder stLine = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int j = 0; j < linie.Cells.Count; j++)
                        if (listaIndecsiColoaneExportabile.Contains(j))
                            stLine.Append(CUtil.ConvertObjectToString(linie.Cells[j].EditedFormattedValue, true));

                //    // Export titles:
                //    string sHeaders = "";
                //    for (int j = 0; j < dGV.Columns.Count; j++) { sHeaders = sHeaders.ToString() + dGV.Columns[j].HeaderText + ", "; }
                //    myFile.WriteLine(sHeaders);

                //    // Export data.
                //    for (int i = 0; i < dGV.RowCount - 1; i++)
                //    {
                //        string stLine = "";
                //        for (int j = 0; j < dGV.Rows[i].Cells.Count; j++) { stLine = stLine.ToString() + dGV.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value + ", "; }
                //        myFile.WriteLine(stLine);
                //    }

Beispiel #3
        public static void Exporta(DataGridViewPersonalizat dGV, List <string> pListaColoaneImprimare, string pEtichetaTotal, string pFisier, bool pDeschideDupaCreare)
            string fisierSalvare = pFisier;

            DataType tipCelula = DataType.String;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fisierSalvare))
                fisierSalvare = CCL.UI.IHMUtile.GetCaleSalvareFisier(CCL.UI.IHMUtile.GetFormParinte(dGV), ".xls");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fisierSalvare))

            string         idStilHeader = "idSHeader";
            WorksheetStyle stilHeader   = new WorksheetStyle(idStilHeader);

            stilHeader.Font.Bold        = true;
            stilHeader.Interior.Pattern = StyleInteriorPattern.Solid;
            stilHeader.Interior.Color   = "#c0c0c0";

            string         idStilTotal = "idSTotal";
            WorksheetStyle stilTotal   = new WorksheetStyle(idStilTotal);

            stilTotal.Font.Bold        = true;
            stilTotal.Interior.Pattern = StyleInteriorPattern.Solid;
            stilTotal.Interior.Color   = "#80ff80";

            string         idStilNormal = "idSNormal";
            WorksheetStyle stilNormal   = new WorksheetStyle(idStilNormal);

            Workbook book = new Workbook();


            Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets.Add("iDava");

            List <string> listaNumeColoaneExportabile       = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, DataType> dictColoaneTipuri = new Dictionary <string, DataType>();
            string       valoareCelula = string.Empty;
            WorksheetRow rowHeader     = sheet.Table.Rows.Add();

            foreach (string numeColoana in pListaColoaneImprimare)
                if (dGV.Columns[numeColoana].Visible && !dGV.SeIgnoraColoanaLaImprimare(numeColoana))
                    listaNumeColoaneExportabile.Add(numeColoana); //pentru a exporta datele coloanelor pretabile pentru export
                    dictColoaneTipuri.Add(numeColoana, getDataType(dGV.Columns[numeColoana]));

                    valoareCelula = CUtil.InlocuiesteDiacritice(dGV.Columns[numeColoana].HeaderText);
                    rowHeader.Cells.Add(valoareCelula, dictColoaneTipuri[numeColoana], idStilHeader);

            List <DataGridViewRow> listaLiniiSelectate = dGV.GetListaLiniiSelectate();
            bool   existaValoareNumerica = false;
            double totalValoareNumerica  = 0;

            foreach (DataGridViewRow linie in listaLiniiSelectate)
                if (linie.Tag == null)
                    continue;                    //in Tag-ul tuturor liniilor din aplicatie salvam obiectul corespunzator liniei respective; lipsa acestuia implica ignorarea liniei
                WorksheetRow rowValoare = sheet.Table.Rows.Add();
                foreach (string numeColoane in pListaColoaneImprimare)
                    if (listaNumeColoaneExportabile.Contains(numeColoane))
                        if (linie.Cells[numeColoane].Tag != null && linie.Cells[numeColoane].Tag is String)
                            valoareCelula = CUtil.ConvertObjectToString(linie.Cells[numeColoane].Tag, true);
                            valoareCelula = CUtil.ConvertObjectToString(linie.Cells[numeColoane].EditedFormattedValue, true);

                        if (dGV.esteColoanaNumericaExport(numeColoane))
                            existaValoareNumerica = true;
                            totalValoareNumerica += CUtil.GetAsDouble(valoareCelula);
                            rowValoare.Cells.Add(valoareCelula, dictColoaneTipuri[numeColoane], idStilNormal);
                            rowValoare.Cells.Add(valoareCelula, dictColoaneTipuri[numeColoane], idStilNormal);

            if (existaValoareNumerica)
                WorksheetRow rowValoare  = sheet.Table.Rows.Add();
                int          indexCelula = 0;
                foreach (string numeColoane in pListaColoaneImprimare)
                    if (listaNumeColoaneExportabile.Contains(numeColoane))
                        if (dGV.esteColoanaNumericaExport(numeColoane))
                            rowValoare.Cells.Add(Convert.ToString(Math.Round(totalValoareNumerica, 2)), dictColoaneTipuri[numeColoane], idStilTotal);
                            if (indexCelula == 0)
                                rowValoare.Cells.Add(pEtichetaTotal, tipCelula, idStilTotal);
                                rowValoare.Cells.Add(string.Empty, tipCelula, idStilTotal);

                            indexCelula += 1;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fisierSalvare))

                if (pDeschideDupaCreare)