private void OnContinue(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentStep == 1) { bool valid = UIUtils.ValidateEntriesWithEmpty(new Entry[] { emailEntry, pswdEntry, firstNameEntry, lastNameEntry, phoneNumberEntry },; if (!valid) { return; } BuildStep2(); DataGate.VerifyPhoneNumber(phoneNumberEntry.Text, (res) => { if (res.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { currentCode = res.Result.Trim('"'); //TODO: temp Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { codeEntry.Text = currentCode; }); } }); } else { if (codeEntry.Text != currentCode) { UIUtils.ShowMessage("Confirmation code is not valid",; return; } var sendData = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "Email", emailEntry.Text }, { "FbId", null }, { "FirstName", firstNameEntry.Text }, { "LastName", lastNameEntry.Text }, { "Password", Ext.MD5.GetMd5String(pswdEntry.Text) }, { "Phone", phoneNumberEntry.Text } }; spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner((ContentPage); DataGate.CustomerSignupJson(sendData, (data) => { var jobj = JObject.Parse(data.Result); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { if (data.Code == ResponseCode.OK && jobj["Id"] != null) { GlobalStorage.Settings.CustomerId = (string)jobj["Id"]; GlobalStorage.SaveAppSettings(); } else { UIUtils.ShowMessage("Signup faled. Try later",; } UIUtils.HideSpinner((ContentPage), spinner); OnFinish?.Invoke(this, data); }); }); } }
private void OnMyAccountSelect(View v) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GlobalStorage.Settings.CustomerId)) { ShowPage(typeof(LoginPage)); return; } var spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); DataGate.GetCustomerInfo(GlobalStorage.Settings.CustomerId, resp => { if (resp.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { var jObj = JObject.Parse(resp.Result); Utils.ShowPageFirstInStack(this, new AccountPage(jObj)); } else { UIUtils.ShowServerUnavailable(this); } Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); }); }); }
public override object EditValue(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, object value) { if (context == null || context.Instance == null || provider == null) { return(value); } service = provider.GetService(typeof(IWindowsFormsEditorService)) as IWindowsFormsEditorService; if (service == null) { return(value); } SignTemplateInfo signTemplate = context.Instance as SignTemplateInfo; //ShapeVideo shape = context.Instance as ShapeVideo; using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog()) { dlg.Filter = Constance.FileFilter.Image; if (dlg.ShowModalDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //if (btSignImage.Text.Length <= 0) // return; //string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\ProWrite\\"; //要保存图片的最终路径 string urlString = path + "Image"; if (!Directory.Exists(urlString)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(urlString); // File.Create(urlString); } string[] arrery = Directory.GetFiles(urlString); string strImageFullName = dlg.FileName.Substring(dlg.FileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); //判断要上传的图片是否存在,如果存在则不需要再上传 foreach (string str in arrery) { if (str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) == strImageFullName) { //Current.Image = strImageFullName; return(strImageFullName); } } DataGate.Upload(dlg.FileName); //MessageControl.Current.LayerEditor.SetFrameLayerFocusByShapeId(shape.ID); //FrameLayer.Current.Layer.Duration = Helper.GetMediaLength(dlg.FileName) / SysConsts.UNITS; if (strImageFullName.Contains(".gif") || strImageFullName.Contains(".Gif") || strImageFullName.Contains(".GIF")) { strImageFullName = strImageFullName.Substring(0, strImageFullName.IndexOf(".")) + ".jpg"; } return(strImageFullName); } } return(value); }
/// <summary> /// Add new library group /// </summary> public bool AddLibraryGroup() { // get group name from Inputdialog string groupName = InputDialog.GetInputValue(Resource.GetString(Resource.Strings.EditLibraryGrpName)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupName)) { return(false); } if (DataGate.Project.LibraryGroups.Contains(groupName)) { MsgBox.Error(Resource.GetFormatString(Resource.Strings.NameAlreadyExist, "library")); return(false); } if (DataGate.AddLibraryGroup(groupName)) { RemoveButtonStatus(); lookUpLibraryGrp.Populate(groupName); //tvLibrary = new LibraryTreeControl(); tvLibrary.Populate(); tvLibrary.SetCurrentGroupEvent(); return(true); } return(false); }
private void OnItemSelected(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) { SpinnerShowChange(true); var selItem = e.Item as MuaDataItem; DataGate.GetMua(selItem.Id, (data) => { if (data.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { var jobj = JObject.Parse(data.Result); bool canWriteReview = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GlobalStorage.Settings.CustomerId); if (!canWriteReview) { ShowMuaPage(jobj, canWriteReview); } else { DataGate.CanWriteReview(selItem.Id, GlobalStorage.Settings.CustomerId, data2 => { canWriteReview = (data2.Code == ResponseCode.OK && data2.Result == "true"); ShowMuaPage(jobj, canWriteReview); }); } } else { SpinnerShowChange(false); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { this.DisplayAlert("Tiro", "Nothing was found", "OK"); }); } }); }
protected override void OnCancel() { Current.Name = signOld.Name1; Current.Parent = signOld.Parent; Current.Width = signOld.Width; Current.Height = signOld.Height; Current.SignInfomation = signOld.SignInfomation; if (Current.DashboardType != DashboardType.Sign) { Current.SignInfomation = Current.Height.ToString() + " x " + Current.Width.ToString(); } //Current.SignInfomation = Current.Name + " : " + Current.Height.ToString() + " x " + Current.Width.ToString() + " : " + Current.Type.ToString(); Current.Template.Sign.Height = signOld.Height; Current.Template.Sign.Width = signOld.Width; IsRefresh = true; DataGate.Update(); if (connStatus != null) { if (connStatus.Connection != null) { connStatus.Connection.Cancel(); } else if (connStatus.Login != null) { connStatus.Login.Cancel(); } connStatus = null; } }
protected virtual ResultStatus Save_Override(DataTable dt, string tableName, DBName dBName = DBName.CI) { DataGate DG = new DataGate(); MessageDisplay.Info("Save_Override has been remove"); return(ResultStatus.Fail); }
private void OnMyAccountSelect(bool isOnlyPortfolio = false) { spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); DataGate.GetMuaInfo(GlobalStorage.Settings.MuaId, resp => { if (resp.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { var jObj = JObject.Parse(resp.Result); //Utils.ShowPageFirstInStack(this, new AccountPage(jObj, true)); if (isOnlyPortfolio) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Navigation.PushAsync(new MuaProfilePage(jObj)); }); } else { Utils.ShowPageFirstInStack(this, new MuaAccountPage(jObj)); } } else { UIUtils.ShowServerUnavailable(this); } }); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); }); }
/// <summary> /// Upload the sign shape /// </summary> protected override void UpLoad() { if (btSignImage.Text.Length <= 0 || btSignImage.Text == TemplateGroup.Default.Sign.Image) { return; } //string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\ProWrite\\"; //要保存图片的最终路径 string urlString = path + "Image"; if (!Directory.Exists(urlString)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(urlString); // File.Create(urlString); } string[] arrery = Directory.GetFiles(urlString); if (strImageFullName == "") { strImageFullName = btSignImage.Text; } //判断要上传的图片是否存在,如果存在则不需要再上传 foreach (string str in arrery) { if (str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) == strImageFullName) { Current.Image = Current.Template.Sign.Image = strImageFullName; return; } } DataGate.Upload(btSignImage.Text); Current.Image = Current.Template.Sign.Image = strImageFullName; }
private void OnReloadClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); var instagramHelper = new InstagramHelper(_mua.Instagram, this); instagramHelper.OnImagesLoad += (s, instagramStr) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instagramStr)) { DataGate.MuaUpdatePictures(_mua.Id, instagramStr.Split(','), r => { if (r.Code == ResponseCode.OK && r.Result == "true") { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { _mua.Images = instagramStr.Split(',').ToList(); FillGrid(); }); } else { UIUtils.ShowServerUnavailable(this); } UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); }); } else { UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); } }; instagramHelper.Start(); }
private void OnSendReviewClick(object sender, EventArgs arg) { var spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); int rating = Convert.ToInt32(reviewRating.Rating); DataGate.SendReview(mua.Id, GlobalStorage.Settings.CustomerId, rating, reviewEntry.Text, (res) => { if (res.Code == ResponseCode.OK && res.Result.ToString() == "true") { DataGate.GetMua(mua.Id, (data) => { if (data.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { mua = new MuaArtist(JObject.Parse(data.Result), true); } DataGate.CanWriteReview(mua.Id, GlobalStorage.Settings.CustomerId, data2 => { CanSendReview = (data2.Code == ResponseCode.OK && data2.Result == "true"); UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { BuildReview(); }); }); }); } else { UIUtils.ShowMessage("Review send fail. Try later", this); UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); } }); }
public void Start(string appointmentId, Page p, Action <ResponseCode> callback) { var webPage = new WebViewPage(DataGate.SERVER_URL + "/Payment/Index?id=" + appointmentId, (r) => { DataGate.GetAppointmentById(appointmentId, (result) => { var code = ResponseCode.Fail; if (result.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { var obj = JObject.Parse(result.Result); if ((int)obj["Status"] == (int)AppointmentStatus.Paid) { code = ResponseCode.OK; } } Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { p.Navigation.PopAsync(); }); callback?.Invoke(code); }); }); p.Navigation.PushAsync(webPage); }
/// <summary> /// When Appointment changed will happen /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected override void OnAppointmentChanged(object sender, PersistentObjectEventArgs e) { _innerCtrl.ChangedService.MarkChanged(); try { base.OnAppointmentChanged(sender, e); } catch { } ControlService.NailImageBox.Image = null; AppointmentInfo appointment = _innerCtrl.appointConverter.Convert(e.Object as Appointment); ControlService.RefreshPropertyGrid(appointment); if (appointment.Target != null) { Color color = DataGate.FindColorByIndex(appointment.LabelId); //LibraryGroup.Current.SetColor( ControlService.LibraryTree.Controller.SetColor(appointment.Target, color);//.Refresh(); ControlService.EnableCopyMenu(true); foreach (Appointment app in Appointments.Items) { if (app.Subject == appointment.Subject && app.Description.Replace(" ", "") == appointment.Description) { app.LabelId = appointment.LabelId; } } } }
private void RefreshList() { var spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); DataGate.GetMua(GlobalStorage.Settings.MuaId, data => { if (data.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { serviceList.Clear(); var jObj = JObject.Parse(data.Result); if (jObj["Services"] != null) { foreach (JObject service in (JArray)jObj["Services"]) { serviceList.Add(new Service(service, true)); } } Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { list.ItemsSource = null; list.ItemsSource = serviceList; }); } UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); }); }
private void OnConfirmClick(object sender, EventArgs arg) { var btn = sender as Button; var id = btn.GetValue(UIUtils.TagProperty).ToString(); DataGate.SetAppointmentStatus(id, (int)AppointmentStatus.Approved, OnStatusChanged); spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); }
public void OnPlayCompleted() { _playlistControl.trackBar1.PlayValue = origPlayValue; _playlistControl.playPanel.Visible = true; _playlistControl.EnableControl(true); _playlistControl.Invalidate(); DataGate.SetPlaylistTimeSlieceGroupCurrentMessageAdapterName(_playlistControl._model, false); }
public MuaHomePage() { Utils.SetupPage(this); this.BackgroundColor = Color.White; BuildLayout(); AddSideMenu(); spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); DataGate.GetAppointmentsByMua(GlobalStorage.Settings.MuaId, OnDataLoad); }
/// <summary> /// Add new library group /// </summary> public static bool AddSession(SessionInfo session) { if (session == null) { return(false); } return(DataGate.AddSession(session)); }
private void OnContinue(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentStep == 1) { bool valid = UIUtils.ValidateEntriesWithEmpty(new Entry[] { phoneEntry.NumberEntry, addressEntry, emailEntry, pswdEntry, pswdConfirmEntry, lnameEntry, fnameEntry }, this); if (valid) { if (pswdEntry.Text != pswdConfirmEntry.Text) { UIUtils.ShowMessage("Confirm password is not valid", this); return; } BuildStep2(); DataGate.VerifyPhoneNumber(phoneEntry.PhoneNumber, (res) => { if (res.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { currentCode = res.Result.Trim('"'); #if DEBUG Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { codeEntry.Text = currentCode; }); #endif } }); } } else if (currentStep == 2) { if (currentCode == codeEntry.Text) { BuildStep3(); } else { UIUtils.ShowMessage("Confirmation code is not valid", this); } } else if (currentStep == 3) { BuildStep4(); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instagramEntry.Text)) { UIUtils.ShowMessage("Please enter instagram account", this); return; } spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); var instagramHelper = new InstagramHelper(instagramEntry.Text, this); instagramHelper.OnImagesLoad += OnInstagramImagesLoad; instagramHelper.Start(); } }
// <summary> /// Add new library group /// </summary> public static bool UpdateSession() { if (SessionInfo.Current != null) { SessionInfo session = SessionInfo.Current.Copy(); SessionInfo oldSession = DataGate.Project.SessionInfos.GetByName(session.Name); oldSession = session; } return(DataGate.Update()); }
/// <summary> /// 编辑 /// </summary> protected override bool OnEdit() { if (txtGroupName.Text.Trim() == null || txtGroupName.Text.Trim() == "") { MsgBox.Warning("Group name can't be empty"); return(false); } if (this.ddlParent.Text != SelectText && ddlParent.Text != Current.ParentName) { /////判断被拖入的Group的sign个数是否超过20 //if (SignGroupInfo.IsSignCountValid(ddlParent.SelectedItem as SignGroupInfo)) //{ // MsgBox.Warning(Resource.GetString(Resource.Strings.SignsCountMoreThanTwenty)); // return false; //} if (!SignGroupInfo.IsTwoGroupSameRoot(Current, ddlParent.SelectedItem as SignGroupInfo)) { if (SignGroupInfo.GetChildCountByGroup(Current) + SignGroupInfo.GetRootChildCountByGroup(ddlParent.SelectedItem as SignGroupInfo) > 20) { MsgBox.Warning(Resources.Resource.GetString(Resources.Resource.Strings.SignsCountMoreThanTwenty)); return(false); } } } if (Current.Name != txtGroupName.Text.Trim()) { if (DashboardItem._allGroups.Contains(txtGroupName.Text.Trim()) || DashboardItem._allSigns.Contains(txtGroupName.Text.Trim())) { MsgBox.Error(Resources.Resource.GetString(Resources.Resource.Strings.DashBoard_SaveSignRepeat)); return(false); } } Current.Name = txtGroupName.Text.Trim(); //如果SignParent选择的是“No Group”,则该Sign的Parent为树根 DashboardItem item = Current as DashboardItem; if (this.ddlParent.Text == SelectText) { item.Parent = DataGate.Project.RootGroup; } else { item.Parent = ddlParent.SelectedItem as SignGroupInfo; } /*To do * * Add Template * */ DataGate.Update(); return(true); }
private void SendOrder() { spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); if (_order.IsUpdate) { DataGate.UpdateAppointment(_order.AppointmentId, _order, AddOrUpdateAppointmentResult); } else { DataGate.AddAppointment(string.Empty, _order, AddOrUpdateAppointmentResult); } }
private async void OnCancelClick(object sender, EventArgs arg) { var isOk = await this.DisplayAlert("Tiro", "Are you sure to cancel?", "Yes", "No"); if (isOk) { var btn = sender as Button; var id = btn.GetValue(UIUtils.TagProperty).ToString(); DataGate.SetAppointmentStatus(id, (int)AppointmentStatus.DeclinedByCustomer, OnStatusChanged); spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); } }
public ServiceCommon() { daoOCF = new OCF(); daoAOCF = new AOCF(); daoTXN = new TXN(); daoTXFPARM = new TXFPARM(); daoJSW = new JSW(); daoDataGate = new DataGate(); daoUPF = new UPF(); daoDPT = new DPT(); daoRPT = new RPT(); }
/// <summary> /// Save /// </summary> protected override void OnSave() { base.OnSave(); if (txtGroupName.Text == null || txtGroupName.Text.Trim() == "") { MsgBox.Warning("Group name can't be empty"); return; } Current.Name = txtGroupName.Text.Trim(); //判断是否选中了“[No Group]” if (ddlParent.Text != SelectText) { _Parent = ddlParent.SelectedItem as SignGroupInfo; //if (SignGroupInfo.IsSignCountValid(_Parent)) //{ // MsgBox.Warning(Resource.GetString(Resource.Strings.SignsCountMoreThanTwenty)); // return; //} if (SignGroupInfo.GetChildCountByGroup(Current) + SignGroupInfo.GetRootChildCountByGroup(ddlParent.SelectedItem as SignGroupInfo) > 20) { MsgBox.Warning(Resources.Resource.GetString(Resources.Resource.Strings.SignsCountMoreThanTwenty)); return; } } else { //将_Parent设置为根 _Parent = DataGate.Project.RootGroup; } if (_Parent != null && !_Parent.AddGroup(Current)) { MsgBox.Error(Resources.Resource.GetString(Resources.Resource.Strings.DashBoard_SaveGroupRepeat)); return; } this.IsRefresh = true; if (_sign != null && !_sign.IsEmpty) { _sign.Parent = Current; } /*To do * * Add Template * */ DataGate.Update(); this.Close(); }
private void openFileDialog_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { string strImageFullName = _openFileDialog.FileName; strImageFullName = strImageFullName.Substring(strImageFullName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); SignInfo sign = ControlService.SignCombo.Current; if (sign == null) { if (SignInsertPhoto == null) { return; } sign = SignInsertPhoto; } string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\ProWrite\\"; ////要保存图片的最终路径 string urlString = path + "Image"; if (!Directory.Exists(urlString)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(urlString); // File.Create(urlString); } string[] arrery = Directory.GetFiles(urlString); ///判断要上传的图片是否存在,如果存在则不需要再上传 foreach (string str in arrery) { if (str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) == strImageFullName) { if (strImageFullName.Contains(".gif") || strImageFullName.Contains(".Gif") || strImageFullName.Contains(".GIF")) { strImageFullName = strImageFullName.Substring(0, strImageFullName.IndexOf(".")) + ".jpg"; } sign.Image = strImageFullName; return; } } DataGate.Upload(_openFileDialog.FileName); if (strImageFullName.Contains(".gif") || strImageFullName.Contains(".Gif") || strImageFullName.Contains(".GIF")) { strImageFullName = strImageFullName.Substring(0, strImageFullName.IndexOf(".")) + ".jpg"; } sign.Image = strImageFullName; }
private void SaveAvailability(Availibility a) { spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); DataGate.MuaSetAvailability(GlobalStorage.Settings.MuaId, a, r => { if (r.Code != ResponseCode.OK) { UIUtils.ShowServerUnavailable(this); } Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); }); }); }
private void OnLogin(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool valid = UIUtils.ValidateEntriesWithEmpty(new Entry[] { emailEntry, pswdEntry }, this); if (valid) { var email = emailEntry.Text; var password = pswdEntry.Text; spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); DataGate.MuaLoginJson(email, Ext.MD5.GetMd5String(password), (data) => { if (data.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { try { var jobj = JObject.Parse(data.Result); var muaId = (string)jobj["Id"]; if ((bool)jobj["IsConfirmed"]) { GlobalStorage.Settings.MuaId = muaId; GlobalStorage.SaveAppSettings(); Notification.CrossPushNotificationListener.RegisterPushNotification(); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Utils.ShowPageFirstInStack(this, new MuaHomePage()); }); } else { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Utils.ShowPageFirstInStack(this, new UnderReviewPage()); }); } } catch { UIUtils.ShowMessage("Login failed. Wrong email or password", this); } } else { UIUtils.ShowMessage("Login failed. Try later", this); } UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); }); } }
/// <summary> /// Update sign info when Connect success /// </summary> void UpdateSignInfo() { //判断是否添加新项成功 if (!_IsEdit) { if (!_Parent.AddSign(Current)) { Action successCallback = null; Action failCallback = null; var action = new LogoffAction(Current, successCallback, failCallback, false); action.Perform(); btnSave.Enabled = true; txtServerName.Enabled = true; txtConnectPWD.Enabled = true; MsgBox.Warning(Resource.GetString(Resource.Strings.DashBoard_SaveSignRepeat)); return; } } if (this.ddlSignParent.Text == SelectText) { Current.Parent = DataGate.Project.RootGroup; } else { Current.Parent = ddlSignParent.SelectedItem as SignGroupInfo; } //判断是否需要上传图片 if (btSignImage.Text.Length > 0) { //DataGate.Upload(btSignImage.Text); UpLoad(); Current.Image = Current.Template.Sign.Image = strImageFullName; } Current.IsWebCam = rdbWebCam.Checked; DataGate.Update(); this.IsRefresh = true; LocalMessageBus.Send(Current, new LoginSuccessMessage()); //ActionHelper.OnAfterLogin(Current.Controller.Connection.User); //Close(); isSaveClose = true; this.Close(); }
private void OnRescheduleClick(object sender, EventArgs arg) { var btn = sender as Button; var id = btn.GetValue(UIUtils.TagProperty).ToString(); var jObj = (JObject)appData.SingleOrDefault(o => (string)o["Id"] == id); if (jObj == null) { return; } var order = new Order(jObj); spinner = UIUtils.ShowSpinner(this); DataGate.MuaGetAvailability(order.Mua.Id, DateTime.Today, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(6), true, result => { if (result.Code == ResponseCode.OK) { var avail = Availibility.Parse(result.Result); if (avail.DatesFrom.Count == 0) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); UIUtils.ShowMessage("The artist does not have free time for the next month", this); }); return; } order.IsFree = SearchHeader.IsFreeMakeoverL; order.IsUpdate = true; var ap = new AvailabilityPage(order); ap.Availibility = avail; ap.SelectedDate = avail.DatesFrom.First(); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { this.Navigation.PushAsync(ap); }); } else { UIUtils.ShowServerUnavailable(this); } Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { UIUtils.HideSpinner(this, spinner); }); }); }