public void FromCompatibleWire()
            var ddict = new DataDictionary();


            string json  = "{'key':'Employee|=9','version':'v2','employee':[{'empId':9,'firstName':'Jill'}]}".Replace('\'', '"');
            var    jobj  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(json);
            var    jill0 = Retrovert.FromCompatibleWireFull(ddict, jobj);

            Assert.IsTrue(jill0 is Employee);
            var jill = jill0 as Employee;

            Assert.AreEqual(new PersistonKey("Employee", "9", false), jill.Key);
            Assert.AreEqual("v2", jill.Version);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, jill.EmpId);
            Assert.AreEqual("Jill", jill.FirstName);

            json = "{'key':'EmployeeList','version':'v2','employee':[{'empId':9,'firstName':'Jill','lastName':null,'supervisorId':0,'supervisorLastName':null}]}".Replace('\'', '"');
            jobj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(json);
            var elist0 = Retrovert.FromCompatibleWireFull(ddict, jobj);

            Assert.IsTrue(elist0 is EmployeeList);
            var elist = elist0 as EmployeeList;

            Assert.AreEqual(new ViewonKey("EmployeeList"), elist.Key);
            Assert.AreEqual("v2", elist.Version);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, elist.Employee[0].EmpId);
            Assert.AreEqual("Jill", elist.Employee[0].FirstName);
        public void Inheritance()
            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var viewondef    = ddict.DatonDefs["EmployeeList"];
            var firstnamedef = viewondef.MainTableDef.Cols.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "FirstName");

            Assert.AreEqual(3, firstnamedef.MinLength); //this is inherited
Beispiel #3
        public void Clone()
            var emily = new Ogre()
                Name          = "Emily",
                Key           = new PersistonKey("Ogre", "3", false),
                Money         = 2,
                OgreId        = 3,
                PaymentMethod = new List <Ogre.PaymentMethodRow>
                    new Ogre.PaymentMethodRow {
                        Method = "THUMP", Notes = "taking stuff without money"

            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var ogredef = ddict.DatonDefs["Ogre"];

            var clone = emily.Clone(ogredef) as Ogre;

            Assert.AreEqual("Emily", clone.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, clone.PaymentMethod.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("THUMP", clone.PaymentMethod[0].Method);
Beispiel #4
        public async Task ValidatePersiston()
            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var datondef = ddict.DatonDefs["Customer"];
            var cust     = new Customer()
                Company = "THE COMPANY",
                Money   = -3
            var validator = new Validator(new User());
            await validator.ValidatePersiston(datondef, cust);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, validator.Errors.Count); //company name bad and money out of range

            cust.Money = (decimal)1.5;
            await validator.ValidatePersiston(datondef, cust);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, validator.Errors.Count); //money fixed

            cust.Company = "FIXED COMPANY";
            await validator.ValidatePersiston(datondef, cust);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, validator.Errors.Count); //company name fixed
Beispiel #5
        public void View()
            var xorg = new Ogre
                Key           = new PersistonKey("Ogre", DatonKey.NEWPK, false),
                Name          = "Xorg",
                Money         = 4,
                PaymentMethod = new List <Ogre.PaymentMethodRow>
                    new Ogre.PaymentMethodRow {
                        Method = "credit", Notes = "usually declined"

            //bill can't view money
            var bill = new User();

            bill.Roles = new[]
                new RetroRole
                    BaseLevel      = PermissionLevel.View,
                    TableOverrides = new List <TablePermission>
                        new TablePermission
                            TableName       = "Ogre",
                            BaseLevel       = PermissionLevel.View | PermissionLevel.Modify,
                            ColumnOverrides = new List <ColumnPermission>
                                new ColumnPermission {
                                    ColumnName = "Money", BaseLevel = PermissionLevel.None
                        new TablePermission
                            TableName = "PaymentMethod",
                            Level     = (usr, daton, tabname) => PermissionLevel.None

            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var guard = new SecurityGuard(ddict, bill);


            Assert.AreEqual(1, xorg.PaymentMethod.Count);
        public void ViewonFromAnnotations()
            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var viewondef = ddict.DatonDefs["EmployeeList"];

            Assert.AreEqual(1, viewondef.CriteriaDef.Cols.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("LastName", viewondef.CriteriaDef.Cols[0].Name);
        public void MultiRowPersistonFromAnnotations()
            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var customerdef = ddict.DatonDefs["ExtCustomer"];

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ExtCustomer), customerdef.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ExtCustomer.ExtRow), customerdef.MainTableDef.RowType);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, customerdef.MainTableDef.Cols.Count);
        public void ToCompatibleWire()
            var jill = new Employee
                EmpId     = 9,
                FirstName = "Jill",
                Key       = new PersistonKey("Employee", "9", false),
                Version   = "v2"
            var elist = new EmployeeList
                Key      = new ViewonKey("EmployeeList"),
                Version  = "v2",
                Employee = new List <EmployeeList.TopRow>
                    new EmployeeList.TopRow
                        EmpId     = 9,
                        FirstName = "Jill"
                                    //last name missing
            var ddict = new DataDictionary();


            string json = Retrovert.ToWire(ddict, jill, true);
            //expected has single quotes so the source code is more readable
            string expected = "{'key':'Employee|=9','version':'v2','employee':{'empId':9,'firstName':'Jill'}}";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Replace('\'', '"'), json);

            json = Retrovert.ToWire(ddict, elist, true);
            //expected has single quotes so the source code is more readable
            expected = "{'key':'EmployeeList','version':'v2','employee':[{'empId':9,'firstName':'Jill','lastName':null,'supervisorId':0,'supervisorLastName':null}]}";
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Replace('\'', '"'), json);
        public void PersistonFromAnnotations()
            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var customerdef = ddict.DatonDefs["Customer"];

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Customer), customerdef.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Customer), customerdef.MainTableDef.RowType);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, customerdef.DatabaseNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual("CustomerId", customerdef.MainTableDef.PrimaryKeyColName);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, customerdef.MainTableDef.Cols.Count);
        public void FromDiff()
            var emily = new Ogre()
                Name          = "Emily",
                Key           = new PersistonKey("Ogre", "3", false),
                Version       = "v2",
                Money         = 2,
                OgreId        = 3,
                PaymentMethod = new List <Ogre.PaymentMethodRow>
                    new Ogre.PaymentMethodRow {
                        PaymentMethodId = 91, Method = "THUMP", Notes = "n1"
                    new Ogre.PaymentMethodRow {
                        PaymentMethodId = 92, Method = "BOP", Notes = null

            var ddict = new DataDictionary();


            string json         = "{'key':'Ogre|=9','version':'v2','ogre':[{'ogreId':9,'money':2.50,'paymentMethod-deleted':[{'paymentMethodId':92}],'paymentMethod-new':[{'method':'STOMP','notes':'n2'}]}]}".Replace('\'', '"');
            var    jobj         = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(json);
            var    emilyChanges = Retrovert.FromDiff(ddict, jobj);

            Assert.AreEqual(new PersistonKey("Ogre", "9", false), emilyChanges.Key);
            Assert.AreEqual("v2", emilyChanges.BasedOnVersion);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, emilyChanges.MainTable[0].Columns["OgreId"]);
            Assert.AreEqual((decimal)2.5, emilyChanges.MainTable[0].Columns["Money"]);

            emilyChanges.ApplyTo(ddict.DatonDefs["Ogre"], emily);
            Assert.AreEqual((decimal)2.5, emily.Money);
            Assert.IsFalse(emily.PaymentMethod.Any(m => m.Method == "BOP"));  //deleted BOP
            Assert.IsTrue(emily.PaymentMethod.Any(m => m.Method == "STOMP")); //added STOMP
            Assert.IsTrue(emily.PaymentMethod.Any(m => m.Method == "THUMP")); //no change
Beispiel #11
        public async Task ValidateViewon()
            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var datondef  = ddict.DatonDefs["EmployeeList"];
            var validator = new Validator(new User());

            var viewonKey = new ViewonKey("EmployeeList", new[] { new ViewonKey.Criterion("LastName", "Wash") });
            await validator.ValidateCriteria(datondef, viewonKey);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, validator.Errors.Count); //last name is ok

            viewonKey = new ViewonKey("EmployeeList", new[] { new ViewonKey.Criterion("LastName", "Washington") });
            await validator.ValidateCriteria(datondef, viewonKey);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, validator.Errors.Count); //last name criteria is too long

            viewonKey = new ViewonKey("EmployeeList", new[] { new ViewonKey.Criterion("LastName", "THEM") });
            await validator.ValidateCriteria(datondef, viewonKey);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, validator.Errors.Count); //last name is not valid by custom rule
Beispiel #12
        public void ComputedCol()
            var thor = new Ogre()
                Name          = "Thor",
                Money         = 2,
                PaymentMethod = new List <Ogre.PaymentMethodRow>
                    new Ogre.PaymentMethodRow {
                        Method = "credit"

            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var ogredef = ddict.DatonDefs["Ogre"];


            Assert.AreEqual("2 gold pieces", thor.FormattedMoney);
            Assert.AreEqual("Arrg, I'll pay with credit", thor.PaymentMethod[0].AngryMethod);
        public void Multilanguage()
            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var datondef     = ddict.DatonDefs["Employee"];
            var firstnamedef = datondef.MainTableDef.FindCol("FirstName");

            firstnamedef.SetPrompt("de", "ERSTE");
            firstnamedef.SetPrompt("fr", "PREMIER");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, firstnamedef.Prompt.Count);
            var birgitte = new User {
                LangCode = "de"
            var wiredict = Retrovert.DataDictionaryToWire(ddict, birgitte, null);

            Assert.AreEqual("ERSTE", wiredict.DatonDefs[0].MainTableDef.Cols.Single(c => c.Name == "firstName").Prompt);
            var jaques = new User {
                LangCode = "fr"

            wiredict = Retrovert.DataDictionaryToWire(ddict, jaques, null);
            Assert.AreEqual("PREMIER", wiredict.DatonDefs[0].MainTableDef.Cols.Single(c => c.Name == "firstName").Prompt);
Beispiel #14
        public void Update()
            var xorg = new Ogre
                Key           = new PersistonKey("Ogre", DatonKey.NEWPK, false),
                Name          = "Xorg",
                Money         = 4,
                PaymentMethod = new List <Ogre.PaymentMethodRow>
                    new Ogre.PaymentMethodRow {
                        Method = "credit", Notes = "usually declined"

            //bill can't update money
            var bill = new User();

            bill.Roles = new[]
                new RetroRole
                    BaseLevel      = PermissionLevel.All,
                    TableOverrides = new List <TablePermission>
                        new TablePermission
                            TableName       = "Ogre",
                            BaseLevel       = PermissionLevel.View | PermissionLevel.Modify,
                            ColumnOverrides = new List <ColumnPermission>
                                new ColumnPermission {
                                    ColumnName = "Money", BaseLevel = PermissionLevel.None
                        new TablePermission
                            TableName = "PaymentMethod",
                            Level     = (usr, daton, tabname) => PermissionLevel.None

            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var ogredef    = ddict.DatonDefs["Ogre"];
            var paymentdef = ogredef.MainTableDef.Children[0];

            var diff = new PersistonDiff(ogredef, xorg.Key, xorg.Version)
                MainTable = new List <PersistonDiff.DiffRow>
                    new PersistonDiff.DiffRow
                        Kind    = DiffKind.Other,
                        Columns = new Dictionary <string, object>
                            { "Name", "Priscilla" }, //allowed
                            { "Money", (decimal)5.49 } //disallowed
                        ChildTables = new Dictionary <TableDef, List <PersistonDiff.DiffRow> >
                                new List <PersistonDiff.DiffRow>
                                    new PersistonDiff.DiffRow
                                        Kind    = DiffKind.Other,
                                        Columns = new Dictionary <string, object>
                                            { "Method", "cash" }, //disallowed by function
                                            { "Notes", "cash is best" }

            var guard  = new SecurityGuard(ddict, bill);
            var errors = guard.GetDisallowedWrites(xorg, ogredef, diff).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, errors.Length);
Beispiel #15
        public void Create()
            var xorg = new Ogre
                Key           = new PersistonKey("Ogre", DatonKey.NEWPK, false),
                Name          = "Xorg",
                Money         = 4,
                PaymentMethod = new List <Ogre.PaymentMethodRow>
                    new Ogre.PaymentMethodRow {
                        Method = "credit", Notes = "usually declined"

            //nancy can only create new payment rows, not update existing
            var nancy = new User();

            nancy.Roles = new[]
                new RetroRole
                    BaseLevel      = PermissionLevel.None,
                    TableOverrides = new List <TablePermission>
                        new TablePermission
                            TableName = "PaymentMethod",
                            BaseLevel = PermissionLevel.Create

            var ddict = new DataDictionary();

            var ogredef    = ddict.DatonDefs["Ogre"];
            var paymentdef = ogredef.MainTableDef.Children[0];

            var diff = new PersistonDiff(ogredef, xorg.Key, xorg.Version)
                MainTable = new List <PersistonDiff.DiffRow>
                    new PersistonDiff.DiffRow
                        Kind    = DiffKind.Other,
                        Columns = new Dictionary <string, object>
                            { "Name", "Priscilla" } //disallowed
                        ChildTables = new Dictionary <TableDef, List <PersistonDiff.DiffRow> >
                                new List <PersistonDiff.DiffRow>
                                    new PersistonDiff.DiffRow
                                        Kind    = DiffKind.Other,
                                        Columns = new Dictionary <string, object>
                                            { "Notes", "disallowed" } //disallowed update
                                    new PersistonDiff.DiffRow
                                        Kind    = DiffKind.NewRow,
                                        Columns = new Dictionary <string, object>
                                            { "Method", "barter" } //allowed create row

            var guard  = new SecurityGuard(ddict, nancy);
            var errors = guard.GetDisallowedWrites(xorg, ogredef, diff).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, errors.Length);
        public void ToDenseWire()
            var jill = new Employee
                EmpId     = 9,
                FirstName = "Jill",
                Key       = new PersistonKey("Employee", "9", false),
                Version   = "v2"
            var elist = new EmployeeList
                Key      = new ViewonKey("EmployeeList"),
                Version  = "v2",
                Employee = new List <EmployeeList.TopRow>
                    new EmployeeList.TopRow
                        EmpId     = 9,
                        FirstName = "Jill"
                                    //last name missing
            var emily = new Ogre()
                Name          = "Emily",
                Key           = new PersistonKey("Ogre", "3", false),
                Version       = "v2",
                Money         = 2,
                OgreId        = 3,
                PaymentMethod = new List <Ogre.PaymentMethodRow>
                    new Ogre.PaymentMethodRow {
                        Method = "THUMP", Notes = "n1"
                    new Ogre.PaymentMethodRow {
                        Method = "BOP", Notes = null

            var ddict = new DataDictionary();


            string json = Retrovert.ToWire(ddict, jill, false);
            //expected has single quotes so the source code is more readable
            string expected = "{'key':'Employee|=9','version':'v2','content':[[9,'Jill']]}";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Replace('\'', '"'), json);

            json = Retrovert.ToWire(ddict, elist, false);
            //expected has single quotes so the source code is more readable
            expected = "{'key':'EmployeeList','version':'v2','content':[[9,'Jill',null,0,null]]}";
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Replace('\'', '"'), json);

            json = Retrovert.ToWire(ddict, emily, false);
            //expected has single quotes so the source code is more readable
            expected = "{'key':'Ogre|=3','version':'v2','content':[[3,'Emily',2,null,[[0,'THUMP','n1',null],[0,'BOP',null,null]]]]}";
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Replace('\'', '"'), json);