// Class Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of Addresses, and updates the list with Database info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="addresses"></param>
        public void fillAddressDropdown(List <Address> addresses)
            using (var conn = new MySqlConnection(connecterString))
                MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM address";
                MySqlDataReader reader1 = DataChanges.GetMySqlReader(conn, cmd.CommandText);
                //Use this to see if the country exists, and to count the number of countries
                while (reader1.Read())
                    var     AddressId    = (int)reader1["addressId"];
                    var     Address1     = reader1["address"].ToString();
                    var     Address2     = reader1["address2"].ToString();
                    var     CityId       = (int)reader1["cityId"];
                    var     PostalCode   = reader1["postalCode"].ToString();
                    var     Phone        = reader1["phone"].ToString();
                    var     CreatedBy    = reader1["createdBy"].ToString();
                    var     LastUpdateBy = reader1["lastUpdateBy"].ToString();
                    Address myAddress    = new Address(AddressId, Address1, Address2, CityId, PostalCode, Phone, CreatedBy, LastUpdateBy);

                foreach (var addr in addresses)
                    // Populate a new row on the combobox
                    comboBox_AddressPopulate.Items.Add(addr.address.ToString() + ", " + addr.address2.ToString());
                    // fill the city object for the address object
                    addr.cityObject = new City(addr.cityId, loggedInUser, conn);
                //Set the list equal to the class list
                Addresses = addresses;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all the lists and variables needed to create reports
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Frm_Reports_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //Load all appointments into Lists to be able to search them quickly once this loads
            using (var conn = new MySqlConnection(connecterString))
                string getAppointments = "SELECT * FROM appointment";
                var    reader          = DataChanges.GetMySqlReader(conn, getAppointments);
                while (reader.Read())
                    //Fill Appointment Object Minus the Customer object
                    Appointment appointment = new Appointment();
                    appointment.appointmentId = (int)reader["appointmentId"];
                    appointment.customerId    = (int)reader["customerId"];
                    appointment.title         = reader["title"].ToString();
                    appointment.description   = reader["description"].ToString();
                    appointment.location      = reader["location"].ToString();
                    appointment.contact       = reader["contact"].ToString();
                    appointment.start         = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["start"]);
                    appointment.end           = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["end"]);
                    appointment.createDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["createDate"]);
                    appointment.createdBy     = reader["createdBy"].ToString();
                    appointment.lastUpdate    = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["lastUpdate"]);
                    appointment.lastUpdateBy  = reader["lastUpdateBy"].ToString();
                    appointment.type          = reader["appointmentType"].ToString();
                    appointment.userId        = (int)reader["userId"];

                    //Add Appointment to list of Appointments one by one
                foreach (var appointment in appointments)
                    appointment.customerObject = customers.Where(i => i.customerID == appointment.customerId).First();

                //Load all Users into a list to be able to search those quickly
                string getUsersQuery = "SELECT * FROM user";
                var    usersReader   = DataChanges.GetMySqlReader(conn, getUsersQuery);
                while (usersReader.Read())
                    User readUser = new User();
                    readUser.userId   = (int)usersReader["userId"];
                    readUser.userName = usersReader["userName"].ToString();
            //Load all Customer Names and ID's (This is being done in Main Form when this form is created)
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads Needed information when form is loading
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void AddAppointment_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timeZoneName = selectedTimeZone;
            using (var conn = new MySqlConnection(connecterString))
                //Load list of customers
                customers = new List <Customer>();
                string getCustomersQuery = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE active = 1";
                var    reader            = DataChanges.GetMySqlReader(conn, getCustomersQuery);
                while (reader.Read())
                    int      customerId   = (int)reader["customerId"];
                    string   customerName = reader["customerName"].ToString();
                    int      addressId    = (int)reader["addressId"];
                    bool     active       = (bool)reader["active"];
                    string   createdBy    = reader["createdBy"].ToString();
                    string   lastUpdateBy = reader["lastUpdateBy"].ToString();
                    Customer customer     = new Customer(customerId, customerName, addressId, active, createdBy, lastUpdateBy);

                foreach (var customer in customers)
                    comboBox_CustomerSelect.Items.Add(customer.customerID.ToString() + " - " + customer.customerName);
                //Fill in Locations Dropdown with a few Appointment Types for the consulting company. Sales Call,

                /*Fill in Appointment Types Dropdown
                 *  - Introduction call(from referral/ Sign Up from sales department/ website)
                 *  - Regular Consulting Meeting
                 *  - Evaluation Meeting
                 *  - Discharge Meeting
                comboBox_AppointmentType.Items.Add("Introduction Call");
                comboBox_AppointmentType.Items.Add("Regular Consulting Meeting");
                comboBox_AppointmentType.Items.Add("Evaluation Meeting");
                comboBox_AppointmentType.Items.Add("Discharge Meeting");

                if (selectedAppointmentId != 0)
                    //set to update if appointment was selected to edit
                    Text         = "Update Appointment";
                    Btn_Add.Text = "Update";

                    //Fill in form
                    Txt_AppointmentId.Text = selectedAppointment.appointmentId.ToString();
                    Txt_Title.Text         = selectedAppointment.title;
                    Txt_Description.Text   = selectedAppointment.description;

                    var location = selectedAppointment.location;

                    TimeZoneInfo selectedTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZoneName);
                    dateTimePicker_AppointmentDateStartTime.Text = (TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(selectedAppointment.start, selectedTimeZone)).ToString();
                    dateTimePicker_AppointmentDateEndTime.Text   = (TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(selectedAppointment.end, selectedTimeZone)).ToString();
                    comboBox_AppointmentType.Text = selectedAppointment.type.ToString();
                    comboBox_CustomerSelect.Text  = selectedAppointment.customerObject.customerName;
                    comboBox_SelectLocation.Text  = selectedAppointment.location;