Beispiel #1
        public bool AddDrug_1(DrugInfo dinfo)
            DataBaseLayer db = new DataBaseLayer();

            int n = 0;
            //string stateSql = "select prescriptionId  from PrescriptionCheckState where checkStatus = 1 and prescriptionId  =  (select  id  from prescription as p where p.Pspnum = '" + dinfo.strPspnum + "' and p.hospitalid = '" + dinfo.nHospitalNum + "')";
            string stateSql = "select prescriptionId  from PrescriptionCheckState where checkStatus = 0 and prescriptionId  in(select  id  from prescription as p where p.Pspnum = '" + dinfo.strPspnum + "' and p.hospitalid = '" + dinfo.nHospitalNum + "')";

            db.write_log_txt("insert drug_2:" + stateSql);
            SqlDataReader srd = db.get_Reader(stateSql);
            //string q = srd["Pspnum"].ToString();
            //   if (srd.Read())
            //   {
            //     n = 0;
            //  }
            //  else
            //  {
            string        stateSql1 = "select  id  from prescription as p where p.Pspnum = '" + dinfo.strPspnum + "' and p.hospitalid = '" + dinfo.nHospitalNum + "'";
            SqlDataReader srd1      = db.get_Reader(stateSql1);
            string        pid       = "";

            if (srd1.Read())
                pid = srd1["id"].ToString();

            string        str  = "select * from drug where pid='" + pid + "' and drugnum ='" + dinfo.strDrugNum + "' and drugname ='" + dinfo.strDrugName + "'";
            SqlDataReader srd4 = db.get_Reader(str);

            if (srd4.Read())
                n = -1;
                string strSql = "insert into drug(customid,Hospitalid,Pspnum,drugnum,drugname,drugdescription,";
                strSql += "drugposition,drugallnum,drugweight,tienum,description,pid) ";
                strSql += "values(" + dinfo.nCustomId + "," + dinfo.nHospitalNum + ",'" + dinfo.strPspnum + "',";
                strSql += "'" + dinfo.strDrugNum + "','" + dinfo.strDrugName + "','" + dinfo.strDrugDsp + "','" + dinfo.strDrugPosition + "',";
                strSql += "" + dinfo.nAllNum + "," + dinfo.dWeight + "," + dinfo.nTieNum + ",'" + dinfo.strDsp + "'," + "'" + pid + "')";

                db.write_log_txt("药品录入:" + strSql);
                n = db.cmd_Execute(strSql);
            //  }
            if (n > 0)
            else if (n == 0)
                //  Response.Write("<script>alert('录入药品重复');window.parent.loginview();</script>");
Beispiel #2
        ///// <returns>DataTable对象</returns>
        public DataTable findDrugByPspnum(string pid)
            /*  string sql = "select  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY delnum desc) as ID,delnum,(select hnum from hospital as h where = (select hospitalid from prescription where id = '" + pid + "')) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where = (select hospitalid from prescription where id = '" + pid + "')) as hname,"
             + "(select pspnum from prescription where id = as Pspnum,Drugnum,Drugname,DrugDescription,DrugPosition,DrugAllNum,DrugWeight,TieNum,Description,WholeSalePrice,RetailPrice,WholeSaleCost,retailpricecost,"
             + "money,Fee from drug as d where pid ='" + pid + "'";
            string sql = "select   ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ID desc)  as ID,(select top 1 hnum from hospital as h where in (select hospitalid from prescription where id = '" + pid + "')) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where = (select hospitalid from prescription where id = '" + pid + "')) as hname,"
                         + "(select top 1 pspnum from prescription where id = as Pspnum,Drugnum,Drugname,DrugDescription,DrugPosition,DrugAllNum,DrugWeight,TieNum,Description,WholeSalePrice,RetailPrice,WholeSaleCost,retailpricecost,"
                         + "money,Fee from drug as d where pid ='" + pid + "'";

            db.write_log_txt("药品录入显示:" + sql);
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

        public DataTable findPackingInfo(int userid, string date, string hospital_name)
            string sql  = "";
            string flag = "";

            flag = db.get_role_by_userid(userid);
            string sql_1 = "";

            if (hospital_name != "0")
                sql_1 = "'" + hospital_name.Replace("_", "','") + "'";
                sql_1 = "select id from hospital";
            if (flag != "0")
                sql = "select p.ID,p.Pspnum,p.customid,p.delnum,p.Hospitalid,,,p.age,,p.address,p.department,p.inpatientarea,p.ward,p.sickbed,(select top 1 hnum from hospital as h where = p.hospitalid) as hnum,(select  top 1 hname from hospital as h where = p.hospitalid) as hname,"
                      + "p.diagresult,p.dose,p.takenum,p.getdrugtime,p.getdrugnum,p.takemethod,p.decscheme,p.oncetime,p.twicetime,p.packagenum,p.dotime,p.doperson,p.dtbcompany,p.dtbaddress,p.dtbphone,p.dtbtype,p.soakwater,p.soaktime,p.labelnum,p.remark,,p.footnote,p.ordertime,p.curstate"
                      + ",pk.Fpactate pstatus,pk.Starttime Starttime,pk.PacTime PacTime,( select top 1 machinename  from machine   where  mark =1 and unitnum in (select unitnum from machine where id in (select machineid from tisaneunit as t where as packmachine  from prescription as p inner join Packing pk on left join hospital hs on = p.hospitalid  where pk.employeeId=" + userid +
                      " and CONVERT(varchar, pk.Starttime, 120) like '%" + date + "%' " + " and in(" + sql_1 + ")" + " order by pk.Starttime desc";
                sql = "select p.ID,p.Pspnum,p.customid,p.delnum,p.Hospitalid,,,p.age,,p.address,p.department,p.inpatientarea,p.ward,p.sickbed,(select top 1 hnum from hospital as h where = p.hospitalid) as hnum,(select  top 1 hname from hospital as h where = p.hospitalid) as hname,"
                      + "p.diagresult,p.dose,p.takenum,p.getdrugtime,p.getdrugnum,p.takemethod,p.decscheme,p.oncetime,p.twicetime,p.packagenum,p.dotime,p.doperson,p.dtbcompany,p.dtbaddress,p.dtbphone,p.dtbtype,p.soakwater,p.soaktime,p.labelnum,p.remark,,p.footnote,p.ordertime,p.curstate"
                      + ",pk.Fpactate pstatus,pk.Starttime Starttime,pk.PacTime PacTime,( select top 1 machinename  from machine   where  mark =1 and unitnum in (select unitnum from machine where id in (select machineid from tisaneunit as t where as packmachine  from prescription as p inner join Packing pk on left join hospital hs on = p.hospitalid where " + " CONVERT(varchar, pk.Starttime, 120) like '%" + date + "%'" + " and in(" + sql_1 + ")" + " order by pk.Starttime desc";
            db.write_log_txt("包装时间排序:" + sql);
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 开始煎药 插入命令表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="now">开始煎药时间</param>
        /// <param name="db">db层</param>
        /// <param name="bmNum">煎药单号</param>
        public static void Insert_TisaneCmd(DateTime now, DataBaseLayer db, string bmNum)

            string        sql12 = "select macaddress from machine where id = (select top 1 machineid from tisaneunit where pid ='" + bmNum + "' order by id asc)";
            SqlDataReader sr12  = db.get_Reader(sql12);
            string        mac   = "";

            if (sr12.Read())
                mac = sr12["macaddress"].ToString();

            string        sql10   = "select * from prescription where id = '" + bmNum + "'";
            SqlDataReader sr10    = db.get_Reader(sql10);
            string        content = "";

            if (sr10.Read())
                content = (Convert.ToInt32(sr10["dose"].ToString()) * Convert.ToInt32(sr10["takenum"].ToString())).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + sr10["decscheme"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + bmNum.PadLeft(10, '0') + sr10["oncetime"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + sr10["twicetime"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
            string sql11 = "insert into cmdtable(cmd,bmip,time) values('" + content + "','" + mac + "','" + now + "')";

            db.write_log_txt("煎药指令:" + sql11);
Beispiel #5
        public DataTable AdjustMonitors_1()
            System.DateTime currentTime = new System.DateTime();
            currentTime = System.DateTime.Now;//当前时间

            string strS = currentTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 00:00:00");

            string        strS2 = currentTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 23:59:59");
            DataBaseLayer db    = new DataBaseLayer();
            string        sql   = @"   select,h.Hname,,a.SwapPer,p.dotime,a.wordDate,a.status
                           from prescription as p 
                           right join adjust as a on p.ID=a.prescriptionId
                           left join Hospital as h on  h.ID=p.Hospitalid and h.DrugSendDisplayState='0'

                         p.curstate in('开始调剂','调剂完成') and 
                         p.ID not in (select pid from Audit )
                             and p.dotime >='" + strS + "' and p.dotime<='" + strS2 + "'";

            db.write_log_txt("调剂大屏显示SQL:" + sql);
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

        public DataTable findDeliveryInfo(int userid, string date, string hospital_name)
            string sql  = "";
            string flag = "";

            flag = db.get_role_by_userid(userid);
            string sql_1 = "";

            if (hospital_name != "0")
                sql_1 = "'" + hospital_name.Replace("_", "','") + "'";
                sql_1 = "select id from hospital";
            if (flag != "0")
                sql = "select p.ID,p.Pspnum,p.customid,p.delnum,p.Hospitalid,,,p.age,,p.address,p.department,p.inpatientarea,p.ward,p.sickbed,(select hnum from hospital as h where = p.hospitalid) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where = p.hospitalid) as hname,"
                      + "p.diagresult,p.dose,p.takenum,p.getdrugtime,p.getdrugnum,p.takemethod,p.decscheme,p.oncetime,p.twicetime,p.packagenum,p.dotime,p.doperson,p.dtbcompany,p.dtbaddress,p.dtbphone,p.dtbtype,p.soakwater,p.soaktime,p.labelnum,p.remark,,p.footnote,p.ordertime,p.curstate"
                      + ",d.Sendstate dstatus,d.SendTime dSendTime   from prescription as p inner join Delivery d on left join hospital hs on = p.hospitalid where d.employeeId=" + userid + " and CONVERT(varchar, d.SendTime, 120) like '%" + date + "%' " + " and in(" + sql_1 + ")" + " order by d.SendTime desc";
                sql = "select p.ID,p.Pspnum,p.customid,p.delnum,p.Hospitalid,,,p.age,,p.address,p.department,p.inpatientarea,p.ward,p.sickbed,(select hnum from hospital as h where = p.hospitalid) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where = p.hospitalid) as hname,"
                      + "p.diagresult,p.dose,p.takenum,p.getdrugtime,p.getdrugnum,p.takemethod,p.decscheme,p.oncetime,p.twicetime,p.packagenum,p.dotime,p.doperson,p.dtbcompany,p.dtbaddress,p.dtbphone,p.dtbtype,p.soakwater,p.soaktime,p.labelnum,p.remark,,p.footnote,p.ordertime,p.curstate"
                      + ",d.Sendstate dstatus,d.SendTime dSendTime  from prescription as p inner join Delivery d on left join hospital hs on = p.hospitalid where " + "  CONVERT(varchar, d.SendTime, 120) like '%" + date + "%' " + " and in(" + sql_1 + ")" + " order by d.SendTime desc";
            db.write_log_txt("pda发货列表: " + sql);
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

        public DataTable findRecheckedInfoByBarcode(string barcode)
            string sql = "select top 1 * from Audit where barcode='" + barcode + "'";

            db.write_log_txt("调剂:  " + sql);
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

Beispiel #8
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 根据条码查询调剂信息
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="status">0未完成,1已完成,2全部</param>
        ///// <param name="begindate">开始日期</param>
        ///// <param name="enddate">结束日期</param>
        ///// <param name="eName">员工姓名</param>
        ///// <returns>DataTable对象</returns>
        public DataTable findAdjustBybarcode(string barcode)
            string sql = "select,wordcontent,convert(varchar, wordDate, 111) as wordDate,workload,employeeId,prescriptionId,status,barcode from adjust as a  where a.barcode='" + barcode + "'";

            db.write_log_txt("调剂扫码:" + sql);
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

        public SqlDataReader findYpcdrug(string pid)
            string str = "select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY desc) as id,d.drugdescription,d.description,d.DrugAllNum,d.DrugWeight,d.DrugPosition,d.drugname,(select ypcdrugPositionNum  from  DrugMatching as m where and m.drugId = as ypcdrugPositionNum,d.drugnum from drug as d   where'" + pid + "'";

            SqlDataReader sr2 = db.get_Reader(str);

        public int AddDelivery(int userid, string wordDate, string barcode, string tisaneNum, string imgname, string userName, string kd_type, string kd_num, string demo)
            //  string sql = "insert into Delivery(employeeId,SendTime,barcode,DecoctingNum,imgname,Sendstate,Sendpersonnel,kd_type,kd_num,demo) values('" +
            //   userid + "','" + wordDate + "','" + barcode + "','" + tisaneNum + "','" + imgname + "','1" + "','"
            //   + userName + "','" + kd_type + "','" + kd_num + "','" + demo + "')";

            #region 添加发货时判断包装是否完成,未完成,设置包装结束时间:包装开始时间+包装代数*预设时间
            db.sp_Execute_no_return("sp_auto_packing", Convert.ToInt32(tisaneNum));
            string sql = "update  Delivery set employeeId='" + userid + "',SendTime='" + wordDate + "',barcode='" + barcode + "',imgname='" + imgname
                         + "',Sendstate='1',Sendpersonnel='" + userName
                         + "',kd_type='" + kd_type + "'"
                         + ",kd_num='" + kd_num + "'"
                         + ",demo='" + demo + "'"
                         + " where DecoctingNum='" + tisaneNum + "'";
            string sql2 = "update prescription set doperson ='" + userName + "',curstate = '已发货'  where id = '" + tisaneNum + "'";
            //  Console.WriteLine("sql:" + sql);
            //  Console.ReadLine();
            // Console.WriteLine("sql:" + sql2);
            db.write_log_txt("sql:" + sql + "-------" + "sql:" + sql2);
Beispiel #11
        public DataTable DecoctingMonitoring(string unitnum, string roomnum)
            // string sql = "select id, (select meRoomNum from MedicineRoom  as m where m.meRoomName = a.roomnum) as meRoomNum, unitnum,machinename,  roomnum,usingstatus,status,healthstatus,disinfectionstatus ,'待定' as CurrentTemp from machine as a where mark = 0";
            string sql = "select id,unitnum,machinename,roomnum,usingstatus,status,healthstatus,disinfectionstatus ,'待定' as CurrentTemp from machine as a where mark = 0";

            db.write_log_txt("大屏显示相关SQL" + sql);
            if (unitnum != "0" && unitnum != "")
                sql += "and unitnum ='" + unitnum + "'";
            if (roomnum != "0" && roomnum != "")
                sql += "and roomnum ='" + roomnum + "'";
Beispiel #12
        public static void Insert_TisaneCmd_orerride_pda(string bmNum, string mahineid)
            DataBaseLayer db = new DataBaseLayer();

            string        sql12 = "select top 1 macaddress from machine where id = mahineid";
            SqlDataReader sr12  = db.get_Reader(sql12);
            string        mac   = "";

            if (sr12.Read())
                mac = sr12["macaddress"].ToString();

            string        sql10   = "select * from prescription where id = '" + bmNum + "'";
            SqlDataReader sr10    = db.get_Reader(sql10);
            string        content = "";

            if (sr10.Read())

                /*  string str_m = "03";
                 * string str_w = "00";
                 * if (sr10["decscheme"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') == "02")
                 * {
                 *    str_m = "81";
                 *    str_w = "30";
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *    str_m = sr10["decscheme"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
                 *    str_w = sr10["oncetime"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
                 * }
                 * */
                content = (Convert.ToInt32(sr10["dose"].ToString()) * Convert.ToInt32(sr10["takenum"].ToString())).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + sr10["decscheme"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + bmNum.PadLeft(10, '0') + sr10["oncetime"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + sr10["twicetime"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
                // content = (Convert.ToInt32(sr10["dose"].ToString()) * Convert.ToInt32(sr10["takenum"].ToString())).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + str_m + bmNum.PadLeft(10, '0') + str_w + sr10["twicetime"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
            string sql11 = "insert into cmdtable(cmd,bmip,time) values('" + content + "','" + mac + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')";

            db.write_log_txt("煎药指令:" + sql11);
Beispiel #13
        //开始包装指令 重写
        public static void Insert_PackCmd_override(string bmNum)
            DataBaseLayer db = new DataBaseLayer();
            string strtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//
            string sql12   = "select macaddress from machine where mark=1 and unitnum = (select top 1 unitnum from machine where id =(select top 1  machineid from tisaneunit where pid ='" + bmNum + "'))";

            db.write_log_txt("重发包装指令:" + sql12);
            SqlDataReader sr12 = db.get_Reader(sql12);
            string        mac  = "";

            if (sr12.Read())
                mac = sr12["macaddress"].ToString();

            string        sql10 = "select *, RIGHT(CAST('000000000' + RTRIM(id) AS varchar(20)), 10)  as bNum from prescription where id = '" + bmNum + "'";
            SqlDataReader sr10  = db.get_Reader(sql10);

            string content = "";

            if (sr10.Read())
                string        sql     = "select package_machine_nums from tb_sys_add_setting";
                SqlDataReader pack    = db.get_Reader(sql);
                int           PackNum = 2;
                if (pack.Read())
                    PackNum = Convert.ToInt32(pack["package_machine_nums"].ToString());
                content = (Convert.ToInt32(sr10["dose"].ToString()) * Convert.ToInt32(sr10["takenum"].ToString()) + PackNum).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + bmNum.PadLeft(10, '0') + sr10["packagenum"].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');
            string sql11 = "insert into cmdtable(cmd,bmip,time) values('" + content + "','" + mac + "','" + strtime + "');";

        ///// <summary>
        ///// 查询未审核和未匹配处方药品信息
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="hospitalId">医院id</param>
        ///// <param name="Pspnum">处方号</param>
        ///// <returns>SqlDataReader对象</returns>
        public DataTable findNotCheckAndMatchRecipeDrugInfo(string drugnum)
            /* string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT p.ID AS pspId, p.Pspnum AS pspNum,(SELECT   Hname FROM Hospital AS h WHERE   (ID = p.Hospitalid)) AS hospitalName, p.Hospitalid AS hospitalId, d.ID AS drugId, d.drugnum AS hdrugNum, "
             + " d.drugname AS hdrugName, d.drugallnum AS hdrugTotal FROM      prescription AS p LEFT OUTER JOIN PrescriptionCheckState AS pcs ON p.ID = pcs.prescriptionId RIGHT OUTER JOIN "
             + " (SELECT   ID,pid, customid, delnum, Hospitalid, Pspnum, drugnum, drugname, drugdescription, drugposition, drugallnum, drugweight, tienum, description, wholesaleprice, retailprice, wholesalecost, retailpricecost, money, "
             + " fee FROM drug WHERE   (drugnum = '" + drugnum + "')) AS d ON = LEFT OUTER JOIN DrugMatching AS dm ON d.ID = dm.drugId AND dm.pspId = p.ID "
             + " WHERE   (pcs.prescriptionId IS NULL) AND (dm.drugId IS NULL) AND (d.ID IS NOT NULL) AND (p.ID IS NOT NULL) AND (p.Hospitalid IS NOT NULL)";
            string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT p.ID AS pspId, p.Pspnum AS pspNum,(SELECT  top 1  Hname FROM Hospital AS h WHERE   (ID = p.Hospitalid)) AS hospitalName, p.Hospitalid AS hospitalId, d.ID AS drugId, d.drugnum AS hdrugNum, "
                         + " d.drugname AS hdrugName, d.drugallnum AS hdrugTotal FROM      prescription AS p LEFT OUTER JOIN PrescriptionCheckState AS pcs ON p.ID = pcs.prescriptionId RIGHT OUTER JOIN "
                         + " (SELECT   ID,pid, customid, delnum, Hospitalid, Pspnum, drugnum, drugname, drugdescription, drugposition, drugallnum, drugweight, tienum, description, wholesaleprice, retailprice, wholesalecost, retailpricecost, money, "
                         + " fee FROM drug WHERE   (drugnum = '" + drugnum + "')) AS d ON = LEFT OUTER JOIN DrugMatching AS dm ON d.ID = dm.drugId AND dm.pspId = p.ID "
                         + " WHERE p.curstate='未匹配'   AND (dm.drugId IS NULL) AND (d.ID IS NOT NULL) AND (p.ID IS NOT NULL) AND (p.Hospitalid IS NOT NULL)";
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

            db.write_log_txt("药品匹配显示new:" + sql);
Beispiel #15
        public DataTable AdjustMonitors_2()
            System.DateTime currentTime = new System.DateTime();
            currentTime = System.DateTime.Now;//当前时间

            string strS = currentTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 00:00:00");

            string        strS2 = currentTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 23:59:59");
            DataBaseLayer db    = new DataBaseLayer();
            string        sql   = @"select, Pspnum,customid,delnum,h.Hnum ,h.Hname,Hospitalid,a.SwapPer,a.wordDate,a.endDate,a.status,,sex,age,department,inpatientarea,ward,sickbed,
                           from prescription as p 
                           right join adjust as a on p.ID=a.prescriptionId
                           left join Hospital as h on  h.ID=p.Hospitalid and h.DrugSendDisplayState='0'
                           where   p.ID in (select prescriptionId from adjust ) 
                           and p.ID not in (select pid from Audit ) and p.dotime between '" + strS + "' and '" + strS2 + "'";

            db.write_log_txt("综合大屏调剂显示" + sql);
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

Beispiel #16
        public int Adddrugmatchinginfo(string hospitalname, string DrugName12, string DrugCode1, string ypcdrugname, string ypcdrugcode)
            int    end    = 0;
            string strSql = "select top 1 id from Hospital where id = '" + hospitalname + "' ";
            //    end = db.cmd_Execute(strSql);
            SqlDataReader sdr2 = db.get_Reader(strSql);
            string        hid  = "";

            if (sdr2.Read())
                hid = sdr2["id"].ToString();
            string strSqlh = "select top 1 Hname from Hospital where id = '" + hospitalname + "' ";
            //    end = db.cmd_Execute(strSql);
            SqlDataReader sdr2h = db.get_Reader(strSqlh);
            string        hn    = "";

            if (sdr2h.Read())
                hn = sdr2h["Hname"].ToString();

            string strSql_a = "select count(id) as cid from DrugAdmin where DrugCode = '" + ypcdrugcode + "' ";
            //    end = db.cmd_Execute(strSql);
            SqlDataReader sdr21 = db.get_Reader(strSql_a);
            string        fid   = "";

            if (sdr21.Read())
                fid = sdr21["cid"].ToString();
            if (fid == "0")
                string in_admin = "insert into DrugAdmin(ProductBatch, DrugType, DrugCode, PurUnits, DrugName,DrugSpecificat, PositionNum,  Univalent, Mnemonic, Rmarkes,  Producer, ProducingArea,  StorageTime,UpperLimit,LowerLimit,Rmarkes2,Rmarkes3)" +
                                  "select '', '中药饮片','" + ypcdrugcode + "', 'kg', '" + ypcdrugname + "','', '','','', '','','','','','','',''";
                end = db.cmd_Execute(in_admin);

            //获取医院类型 1 饮片厂匹配,2医院匹配
            string sql = " select top 1 relation_drug_type_id  from Hospital  where ID='" + hid.ToString().Trim() + "'";

            db.write_log_txt("dai1:" + sql);
            SqlDataReader sr1 = db.get_Reader(sql);
            string        str = "";

            while (sr1.Read())
                str = sr1["relation_drug_type_id"].ToString();
            string yp_h_id = "";
            string sql_h   = " select top 1 id  from Hospital  where Hname='" + "饮片库".Trim() + "'";

            db.write_log_txt("dai2:" + sql_h);
            SqlDataReader sr1_h = db.get_Reader(sql_h);

            while (sr1_h.Read())
                yp_h_id = sr1_h["id"].ToString();

            string strSql_b = "";

            if (str == "1") //饮片库匹配
                strSql_b = "select count(id) as mid from DrugMatching where hdrugNum = '" + DrugCode1 + "' and hospitalId='" + yp_h_id + "'";
            if (str == "2") //医院匹配匹配
                strSql_b = "select count(id) as mid from DrugMatching where hdrugNum = '" + DrugCode1 + "' and hospitalId='" + hid + "'";
            db.write_log_txt("插入匹配:" + strSql_b);
            //    end = db.cmd_Execute(strSql);
            SqlDataReader sdr22 = db.get_Reader(strSql_b);
            string        mid   = "";

            if (sdr22.Read())
                mid = sdr22["mid"].ToString();
            if (mid == "0")
                string in_m = "";
                if (str == "2") //医院匹配匹配
                    in_m = "insert into DrugMatching(hospitalName,hospitalId,hdrugNum,hdrugName,ypcdrugNum,ypcdrugName,ypcdrugPositionNum)" +
                           "select '" + hn + "', '" + hid + "','" + DrugCode1 + "', '" + DrugName12 + "', '" + ypcdrugcode + "','" + ypcdrugname + "'," + "''";
                if (str == "1") //医院匹配匹配
                    in_m = "insert into DrugMatching(hospitalName,hospitalId,hdrugNum,hdrugName,ypcdrugNum,ypcdrugName,ypcdrugPositionNum)" +
                           "select '" + "饮片库" + "', '" + yp_h_id + "','" + DrugCode1 + "', '" + DrugName12 + "', '" + ypcdrugcode + "','" + ypcdrugname + "'," + "''";
                end += db.cmd_Execute(in_m);

Beispiel #17
        public string AddRecipe(RecipeInfo rinfo)
            string        strResult = "";
            int           n         = 0;
            string        stateSql  = "select Pspnum  from prescription where Hospitalid =" + rinfo.nHospitalID + " and Pspnum ='" + rinfo.strPspnum + "'";
            SqlDataReader srd       = db.get_Reader(stateSql);
            //string q = srd["Pspnum"].ToString();
            int cf_id = 0;

            if (srd.Read())
                n = 0;
                System.DateTime currentTime = new System.DateTime();
                currentTime = System.DateTime.Now;//当前时间

                 * string strSql = "insert into prescription(delnum,Hospitalid,Pspnum,name,sex,age,phone,address,department,inpatientarea,ward,sickbed,";
                 * strSql += "diagresult,dose,takenum,getdrugtime,getdrugnum,decscheme,oncetime,twicetime,packagenum,dotime,doperson,";
                 * strSql += "dtbcompany,dtbaddress,dtbphone,dtbtype,soakwater,soaktime,labelnum,remark,doctor,footnote,ordertime,curstate,decmothed,takeway,takemethod,RemarksA,RemarksB)";
                 * strSql += " values('" + rinfo.strDelnum + "','" + rinfo.nHospitalID + "','" + rinfo.strPspnum + "',";
                 * strSql += "'" + rinfo.strName + "','" + rinfo.nSex + "','" + rinfo.nAge + "','" + rinfo.strPhone + "','" + rinfo.strAddress + "',";
                 * strSql += "'" + rinfo.strDepartment + "','" + rinfo.strInpatientAreaNum + "','" + rinfo.strWard + "','" + rinfo.strSickBed + "',";
                 * strSql += "'" + rinfo.strDiagResult + "','" + rinfo.strDose + "','" + rinfo.nNum + "','" + rinfo.strDrugGetTime + "','" + rinfo.strDrugGetNum + "',";
                 * strSql += "'" + rinfo.strScheme + "','" + rinfo.strTimeOne + "','" + rinfo.strTimeTwo + "','" + rinfo.nPackageNum + "','" + currentTime + "',";
                 * strSql += "'" + rinfo.strDoPerson + "','" + rinfo.strDtbCompany + "','" + rinfo.strDtbAddress + "','" + rinfo.strDtbPhone + "','" + rinfo.strDtbStyle + "',";
                 * strSql += "'" + rinfo.nSoakWater + "','" + rinfo.nSoakTime + "','" + rinfo.nLabelNum + "','" + rinfo.strRemark + "','" + rinfo.strDoctor + "','" + rinfo.strFootNote + "','" + rinfo.strOrderTime + "','未匹配','" + rinfo.strDecMothed + "','" + rinfo.strTakeWay + "','" + rinfo.strTakeMethod + "','" + rinfo.strRemarksA + "','" + rinfo.strRemarksB + "')";

                string strSql = "insert into prescription(Hospitalid,Pspnum,name,sex,age,phone,address,department,inpatientarea,ward,sickbed,";
                strSql += "diagresult,dose,takenum,getdrugtime,getdrugnum,decscheme,oncetime,twicetime,packagenum,dotime,doperson,";
                strSql += "dtbcompany,dtbaddress,dtbphone,dtbtype,soakwater,soaktime,labelnum,remark,doctor,footnote,ordertime,curstate,decmothed,takeway,takemethod,RemarksA,RemarksB,confirmDrug)";
                strSql += " values('" + rinfo.nHospitalID + "','" + rinfo.strPspnum + "',";
                strSql += "'" + rinfo.strName + "','" + rinfo.nSex + "','" + rinfo.nAge + "','" + rinfo.strPhone + "','" + rinfo.strAddress + "',";
                strSql += "'" + rinfo.strDepartment + "','" + rinfo.strInpatientAreaNum + "','" + rinfo.strWard + "','" + rinfo.strSickBed + "',";
                strSql += "'" + rinfo.strDiagResult + "','" + rinfo.strDose + "','" + rinfo.nNum + "','" + rinfo.strDrugGetTime + "','" + rinfo.strDrugGetNum + "',";
                strSql += "'" + rinfo.strScheme + "','" + rinfo.strTimeOne + "','" + rinfo.strTimeTwo + "','" + rinfo.nPackageNum + "','" + currentTime + "',";
                strSql += "'" + rinfo.strDoPerson + "','" + rinfo.strDtbCompany + "','" + rinfo.strDtbAddress + "','" + rinfo.strDtbPhone + "','" + rinfo.strDtbStyle + "',";
                strSql += "'" + rinfo.nSoakWater + "','" + rinfo.nSoakTime + "','" + rinfo.nLabelNum + "','" + rinfo.strRemark + "','" + rinfo.strDoctor + "','" + rinfo.strFootNote + "','" + rinfo.strOrderTime + "','未匹配','" + rinfo.strDecMothed + "','" + rinfo.strTakeWay + "','" + rinfo.strTakeMethod + "','" + rinfo.strRemarksA + "','" + rinfo.strRemarksB + "'," + "'" + "0" + "'" + ")";
                n       = db.cmd_Execute(strSql);

                string get_cf_id_sql = "select top 1 id from " + "prescription where Hospitalid =" + rinfo.nHospitalID + " and  Pspnum =" + "'" + rinfo.strPspnum.Trim() + "'";
                //int cf_id = dba.get_sql_int("2", get_cf_id_sql);
                SqlDataReader srd_c1 = db.get_Reader(get_cf_id_sql);

                while (srd_c1.Read())
                    cf_id = Int16.Parse(srd_c1["id"].ToString());
                string        get_employee_id_sql = "select top 1 id from Employee where EName='" + rinfo.strDoPerson.Trim() + "'";
                string        e_id   = "0";
                SqlDataReader srd_c2 = db.get_Reader(get_employee_id_sql);
                while (srd_c2.Read())
                    e_id = srd_c2["id"].ToString();
                string insert_cf_sql_c = "  INSERT INTO PrescriptionCheckState(prescriptionId,PartyPer,PartyTime,checkStatus" +
                                         ",refusalreason,warningstatus,tisaneNumber,printstatus,warningtime" +
                                         " ,warningtype,employeeid) select " + "'" + cf_id.ToString().Trim() + "'," + "'" + rinfo.strDoPerson.Trim() + "'," + "'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" +
                                         "0" + "','" + "" + "','" + "0" + "','" + cf_id.ToString().Trim() + "','" + "0" + "','" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + "暂无预警" + "','" + e_id.Trim() + "'";
                db.write_log_txt("插入打印标识SQL:" + insert_cf_sql_c);
                int    flag_print = 0;
                string flag_p_sql = "select count(id) as count_id from " + "PrescriptionCheckState where prescriptionId=" + "'" + cf_id.ToString().Trim() + "'";
                //int cf_id = dba.get_sql_int("2", get_cf_id_sql);
                SqlDataReader srd_c_p_1 = db.get_Reader(flag_p_sql);

                while (srd_c_p_1.Read())
                    flag_print = Int16.Parse(srd_c_p_1["count_id"].ToString());
                if (flag_print == 0)

                if (n == 1)
                    string        str2 = "select id from prescription where hospitalid ='" + rinfo.nHospitalID + "' and Pspnum='" + rinfo.strPspnum + "'";
                    SqlDataReader srd2 = db.get_Reader(str2);
                    if (srd2.Read())
                        string pid  = srd2["id"].ToString();
                        string str3 = "insert into jfInfo(pid,jiefangman,jiefangtime)values('" + pid + "','" + rinfo.strDoPerson + "','" + rinfo.strDoTime + "')";

            if (n > 0)
                strResult = "true";
                strResult = "false";
            strResult += "," + cf_id;