private async Task <Data.Entities.Order> CreateOrderAsync(string externalId, User user, Data.Entities.Product product, int amount,
                                                                  string statusInformation = "", PaymentMethodEnum paymentMethod = PaymentMethodEnum.STRIPE, OrderStatusEnum status = OrderStatusEnum.PROCESING)
            var order = new Data.Entities.Order
                ExternalId         = externalId,
                UserId             = user.Id,
                UserEmail          = user.Email,
                UserFullName       = user.FullName,
                ProductId          = product?.Id,
                ProductName        = product?.Name,
                ProductDescription = product?.Description,
                Amount             = amount / 100m,
                Status             = status,
                StatusInformation  = statusInformation,
                PaymentMethod      = paymentMethod,
                CreatedAt          = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ModifiedAt         = DateTime.UtcNow

            await _uow.OrderRepository.AddAsync(order);

            await _uow.CommitAsync();

        private async Task HandlePaymentIntentNotSuccess(PaymentIntent paymentIntent, Data.Entities.Order order, OrderStatusEnum orderStatus)
            var statusInformation = orderStatus == OrderStatusEnum.CANCELED ? paymentIntent.CancellationReason : paymentIntent.LastPaymentError?.Message;

            if (order == null)
                order = new Data.Entities.Order
                    ExternalId        = paymentIntent.ClientSecret,
                    Amount            = paymentIntent.Amount / 100m,
                    Status            = orderStatus,
                    StatusInformation = statusInformation,
                    PaymentMethod     = PaymentMethodEnum.STRIPE,
                    CreatedAt         = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    ModifiedAt        = DateTime.UtcNow

                await _uow.OrderRepository.AddAsync(order);

                await _uow.CommitAsync();
                order.Status            = orderStatus;
                order.StatusInformation = statusInformation;
                order.ModifiedAt        = DateTime.UtcNow;

                await _uow.OrderRepository.UpdateAsync(order, order.Id);

                await _uow.CommitAsync();
Beispiel #3
        public void SaveOrder(Domain.Order order, Domain.Location loc, Domain.User u)
                List <Data.Entities.Location> location = db.Location
                                                         .Where(l => l.Name.ToLower().Equals(loc.Name.ToLower()))
                Data.Entities.Location locEntity = location.First();

                List <Data.Entities.User> user = db.User
                                                 .Where(us => us.Username.ToLower().Equals(u.Username.ToLower()))
                Data.Entities.User userEntity = user.First();

                Data.Entities.Order result = new Data.Entities.Order();
                result.User = userEntity;
                result.Loc  = locEntity;

                foreach (var p in order._pizzas)
                    Data.Entities.Pizza pizzaEntity = new Data.Entities.Pizza();

                    Data.Entities.PizzaComponent cheeseEntity = new Data.Entities.PizzaComponent();
                    cheeseEntity.C = GetComponentEntity(p.Cheese);

                    Data.Entities.PizzaComponent crustEntity = new Data.Entities.PizzaComponent();
                    crustEntity.C = GetComponentEntity(p.Crust);

                    Data.Entities.PizzaComponent sizeEntity = new Data.Entities.PizzaComponent();
                    sizeEntity.C = GetComponentEntity(p.Size);


                    foreach (var t in p._toppings)
                        Data.Entities.PizzaComponent toppingEntity = new Data.Entities.PizzaComponent();
                        toppingEntity.C = GetComponentEntity(t);



            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
        private async Task HandleCoinsIncrementActionAsync(Data.Entities.Order order)
            var user    = order.User;
            var product = order.Product;

            if (user != null && product != null && product.Type == ProductEnum.COIN_OFFER)
                await _userStatisticsService.UpdateTotalCoinsAsync(user, product.Value);

            // TODO: Evaluate with Frontend devs y they need a PN with the success payment completed
        /// <summary>
        /// Stripe Webhook
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paymentIntent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task HandlePaymentIntentSucceeded(PaymentIntent paymentIntent)
            var clientSecret = paymentIntent.ClientSecret;

            var order = await GetOrderAsync(clientSecret);

            if (order == null)
                order = new Data.Entities.Order
                    ExternalId        = clientSecret,
                    Amount            = paymentIntent.Amount / 100m,
                    Status            = OrderStatusEnum.SUCCED,
                    StatusInformation = paymentIntent.ToString(),
                    PaymentMethod     = PaymentMethodEnum.STRIPE,
                    CreatedAt         = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    ModifiedAt        = DateTime.UtcNow

                await _uow.OrderRepository.AddAsync(order);

                await _uow.CommitAsync();
                if (order.Status == OrderStatusEnum.SUCCED)

                order.Status            = OrderStatusEnum.SUCCED;
                order.StatusInformation = paymentIntent.Description;
                order.ModifiedAt        = DateTime.UtcNow;
                await _uow.OrderRepository.UpdateAsync(order, order.Id);

                await HandleCoinsIncrementActionAsync(order);

                await _uow.CommitAsync();
Beispiel #6
 public static Domain.Order Map(Data.Entities.Order deOrder) => new Domain.Order
     Orderid     = deOrder.Orderid,
     Ocustomerid = deOrder.Ocustomerid,
     Datetime    = deOrder.Datetime
        public void ConfirmOrder()
            if (_user == null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Please log in and create an order to confirm your order...");
            else if (_user.CurrentOrder == null)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Please create an order to confirm your order...");
                System.Console.Write("Enter location id: ");
                int locationId = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Console.ReadLine());
                if (_db.Location.Find(locationId) == null)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid id and try again...");
                Data.Entities.Order dbOrder = new Data.Entities.Order()
                    User      = _db.User.Find(_user.Id),
                    Location  = _db.Location.Find(locationId),
                    OrderTime = System.DateTime.Now
                foreach (Pizza pizza in _user.CurrentOrder.ShoppingCart)
                    Data.Entities.Pizza p = new Data.Entities.Pizza()
                        Size  = _db.Size.Find(pizza.Size.Id),
                        Crust = _db.Crust.Find(pizza.Crust.Id),
                        Price = pizza.Price
                    if (pizza.ToppingList.Count >= 1)
                        p.ToppingId1 = pizza.ToppingList[0].Id;
                    if (pizza.ToppingList.Count >= 2)
                        p.ToppingId2 = pizza.ToppingList[1].Id;
                    if (pizza.ToppingList.Count >= 3)
                        p.ToppingId3 = pizza.ToppingList[2].Id;
                    if (pizza.ToppingList.Count >= 4)
                        p.ToppingId4 = pizza.ToppingList[3].Id;
                    if (pizza.ToppingList.Count >= 5)
                        p.ToppingId5 = pizza.ToppingList[4].Id;

                    p.OrderId = dbOrder.OrderId;
                _user.CurrentOrder = null;
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([FromBody] CreateOrderViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var user = await _db.Users.SingleAsync(x => x.UserName == HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);

            var order = new Data.Entities.Order
                DeliveryAddress = new Data.Entities.Address
                    FirstName = model.FirstName,
                    LastName  = model.LastName,
                    Address1  = model.Address1,
                    Address2  = model.Address2,
                    TownCity  = model.TownCity,
                    County    = model.County,
                    Postcode  = model.Postcode
                Items = model.Items.Select(x => new Data.Entities.OrderItem
                    ProductId = x.ProductId,
                    ColorId   = x.ColorId,
                    StorageId = x.StorageId,
                    Quantity  = x.Quantity


            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var total = await _db.Orders
                        .Where(x => x.Id == order.Id)
                        .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Items.Sum(i => i.ProductVariant.Price * i.Quantity) * 100))

            var charges = new StripeChargeService();
            var charge  = await charges.CreateAsync(new StripeChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = total,
                Description = $"Order {order.Id} payment",
                Currency    = "USD",
                SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = model.StripeToken

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(charge.FailureCode))
                order.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.Paid;
                order.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.Declined;

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(Ok(new CreateOrderResponseViewModel(order.Id, order.PaymentStatus)));
Beispiel #9
        public async Task <bool> ExecutedAsync(int userId, OrderCartViewModel orderCartViewModel)
                Data.Entities.Order order = new Data.Entities.Order();

                if (userId != 0)
                    order.CreatedBy = userId;
                    orderCartViewModel.ShipmentDetail.UserId = userId;

                if (await db.ShipmentDetails.AnyAsync(x => x.Id == orderCartViewModel.ShipmentDetail.Id))
                    order.ShipmentDetailId = orderCartViewModel.ShipmentDetail.Id;
                    order.ShipmentDetail = orderCartViewModel.ShipmentDetail;

                foreach (CartItemViewModel item in orderCartViewModel.CartItems)
                    if (await db.Products.Where(x => x.Id == item.Id).AnyAsync(x => x.Quantity.GetValueOrDefault() < orderCartViewModel.CartItems.Count))

                    order.OrderDetails.Add(new OrderDetail()
                        ProductId      = item.Id,
                        Count          = item.Count,
                        Price          = item.Price,
                        PromotionPrice = item.PromotionPrice

                order.DeliveryMethod = orderCartViewModel.DeliveryMethod.Name;
                order.TotalShipping  = orderCartViewModel.DeliveryMethod.Cost;
                order.PaymentMethod  = orderCartViewModel.PaymentMethod;
                order.Ordered        = DateTime.Now;
                order.Status         = 1;


                string body = File.ReadAllText("./Templates/MailOrderInformationTemplate.html");
                body = body.Replace("@Name", orderCartViewModel.ShipmentDetail.Name);
                body = body.Replace("@Status", "được đặt");
                body = body.Replace("@Time", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"));

                await sendMail.ExecutedAsync(orderCartViewModel.ShipmentDetail.Email, "Order information", body);

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #10
        public async Task <ApiResult <string> > CreateOrderForUnknownUser(CartDto cartDto)
            var sequenceNumber = await _context.Orders.CountAsync();

            var orderId     = IdentifyGenerator.GenerateOrderId(sequenceNumber + 1);
            var orderDetail = new List <OrderDetail>();

            foreach (var item in cartDto.ListProduct)
                var result = await GetProductPrice(item.ProductId);

                orderDetail.Add(new OrderDetail()
                    Id        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                    Quantity  = item.Quantity,
                    OrderId   = orderId,
                    ProductId = item.ProductId,
                    UnitPrice = result.Item1
            var order = new Data.Entities.Order()
                Id = orderId,
                CustomerAddress     = cartDto.Address,
                CustomerName        = cartDto.CustomerName,
                CustomerPhone       = cartDto.PhoneNumber,
                DateCreated         = DateTime.Now,
                TransactionStatusId = GlobalProperties.WaitingTransactionId,
                PaymentStatusId     = GlobalProperties.UnpaidPaymentId,
                TotalAmount         = orderDetail.Select(x => x.Quantity * x.UnitPrice).Sum(),
                DiscountValue       = 0,
                DiscountType        = "$",
                OrderDetails        = orderDetail
            await _context.Orders.AddAsync(order);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var content =
                $"Cảm ơn quý khách: {order.CustomerName} đã mua hàng tại Máy tính Quang Anh. Đơn hàng của quý khách gồm các sản phẩm: ";

            foreach (var item in order.OrderDetails)
                var product = await _context.Products.Where(x => x.Id == item.ProductId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                content += $"{product.Name} (Đơn giá: {item.UnitPrice} đồng, Số lượng: {item.Quantity} cái), ";
            content +=
                $"để công ty có thể đóng gói và gửi hàng cho quý khách theo địa chỉ:{order.CustomerAddress}, quý khách vui lòng chuyển khoản trước 10% giá trị tổng đơn hàng: {(order.TotalAmount.ToString("#,##0"))} đồng, " +
                $"tức: {(order.TotalAmount * 10 / 100).ToString("#,##0")} đồng vào Số tài khoản: 0123456789101112, Chủ sở hữu: Hoàng Kim Quang, Ngân hàng Vietcombank với nội dung như sau: \"Chuyen tien dat coc 10% cho don hang ma so: {order.Id}\" " +
                $".Mong quý khách hãy để ý điện thoại để có thể nhận được thông tin đơn vận chuyển từ nhà vận chuyển, xin cảm ơn quý khách!";
            var sendTestEmail = new Message(new string[] { cartDto.Email }, "Xác nhận đơn hàng Máy tính Quang Anh", content, null);

                await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(sendTestEmail);
                return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, $"Tạo đơn hàng thành công")
                    ResultObj = orderId
            return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK, $"Tạo đơn hàng thành công")
                ResultObj = orderId
Beispiel #11
        public async Task <Guid> CreateOrderAsync(NewOrder newOrder)
            if (!newOrder.CustomerId.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Customer Id is invalid", "Order.CustomerId");

            if (!newOrder.ResellerId.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Reseller Id is invalid", "Order.ResellerId");

            if (newOrder.Items == null || !newOrder.Items.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("An order must have at least one order line", "Order.Items");

            var orderId = Guid.NewGuid();

            //Get the "Created" status
            var status = await _orderStatusRepository.GetStatusByName("Created");

            var order = new Data.Entities.Order
                Id          = orderId.ToByteArray(),
                CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                CustomerId  = newOrder.CustomerId.Value.ToByteArray(),
                ResellerId  = newOrder.ResellerId.Value.ToByteArray(),
                StatusId    = status.Id,
                Items       = new List <Data.Entities.OrderItem>()

            foreach (var item in newOrder.Items)
                if (!item.ProductId.HasValue)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Product Id must be supplied ", "Order.Item.ProductId");
                    var product = await _orderProductRepository.GetProductById(item.ProductId.Value);

                    if (product == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Order Product Id : {item.ProductId}", "Order.Item.ProductId");

                    order.Items.Add(new Data.Entities.OrderItem
                        Id        = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray(),
                        ProductId = product.Id,
                        Quantity  = item.Quantity,
                        ServiceId = product.ServiceId

            await _orderRepository.AddOrder(order);

Beispiel #12
 public async Task AddOrder(Data.Entities.Order order)
     await _orderContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Beispiel #13
        public async Task <ApiResult <string> > CreateOrderFromCartAsync(string customerId)
            var checkCustomerAccount = await _context.AppUsers.Where(x => x.Id.ToString() == customerId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (checkCustomerAccount == null)
                return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, $"Không tìm thấy tài khoản"));
            var checkCustomer = await _context.Customers.Where(x => x.AppUserId == checkCustomerAccount.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (checkCustomer == null)
                return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, $"Không tìm thấy khách hàng"));
            var carts = await _context.Carts.Where(x => x.AppUserId == checkCustomerAccount.Id).ToListAsync();

            if (carts == null || carts.Count == 0)
                return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, $"Giỏ hàng của khách hàng đang trống"));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkCustomer.Name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkCustomer.PhoneNumber) ||
                return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, $"Hãy cập nhập thông tin cá nhân trước khi đặt hàng"));
            var sequenceNumber = await _context.Orders.CountAsync();

            var orderId      = IdentifyGenerator.GenerateOrderId(sequenceNumber + 1);
            var orderDetails = new List <OrderDetail>();

            foreach (var cart in carts)
                orderDetails.Add(new OrderDetail()
                    Id        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),
                    OrderId   = orderId,
                    ProductId = cart.ProductId,
                    Quantity  = cart.Quantity,
                    UnitPrice = await GetProductPrice(cart.ProductId)
            var order = new Data.Entities.Order()
                Id                  = orderId,
                CustomerId          = checkCustomer.Id,
                TransactionStatusId = GlobalProperties.WaitingTransactionId,
                PaymentStatusId     = GlobalProperties.UnpaidPaymentId,
                TotalAmount         = orderDetails.Sum(x => x.Quantity * x.UnitPrice),
                DateCreated         = DateTime.Now,
                OrderDetails        = orderDetails
            await _context.Orders.AddAsync(order);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new ApiResult <string>(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                ResultObj = orderId,
                Message = "Đã tạo đơn hàng"