Beispiel #1
    void MoveToPlayer(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, float _speed, bool isDashing = false)
        Vector3 direction = (B - A).normalized;                 //gets direction

        direction.y = 0;                                        //makes the AI not fly up by setting U direction to 0
        Quaternion endRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); //makes a quaternion for that look dir

        if (!isDashing)                                         //if the beetle is NOT dashing and is just walking
            if (DistanceBetween(A, B) < attackRange)            //do something when the player is within attacking range
                BeetleLogic = BossStates.ATTACK;                //change states to attack
                gameTime    = 0;
            transform.rotation = endRot; //rotate the beetle to face the dir
            Vector3 offSet = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
            offSet.y -= 90;
            transform.eulerAngles = offSet;
            transform.position   += transform.right * Time.deltaTime * _speed; //moves the beetleforward
        if (isDashing)                                                         //if however, the beetle IS dashing
            transform.rotation = endRot;                                       //set the rotation to face the position

            Vector3 offSet = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
            offSet.y -= 90;
            transform.eulerAngles = offSet;
            transform.position   += transform.right * Time.deltaTime * _speed; //move it forward
            if (DistanceBetween(A, B) < 2)                                     //if the beetle reaches near it's destination (where player last was_
                DashLogic = DashStates.DASHEND;                                //change state to end the dash
                gameTime  = 0;
 public void Dash(Rigidbody2D rb2d)
     if (dashState == DashStates.DASHING)
         rb2d.AddForce(new Vector2(direction * DashForce, 0f));
         dashState = DashStates.BLOCKED;
Beispiel #3
 void ChangeAttackState(float timeBeforeStateChange, DashStates nextState)
     if (attackTime > timeBeforeStateChange)
         DashLogic  = nextState;
         attackTime = 0;
Beispiel #4
    void Start()
        rb   = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        anim = GetComponent <Animator>();

        dashstate   = DashStates.COOLDOWN;
        canMove     = true;
        isAttacking = false;
 public void CaptureDash()
     if (dashState == DashStates.ALLOWED)
         if (Input.GetKeyDown(rightKey))
             prevPress = rightKey;
             dashState = DashStates.WAITING_INPUT;
         else if (Input.GetKeyDown(leftKey))
             prevPress = leftKey;
             dashState = DashStates.WAITING_INPUT;
     else if (dashState == DashStates.WAITING_INPUT)
         if (waitInputTimer.Count())
             dashState = DashStates.ALLOWED;
         else if (Input.GetKeyDown(rightKey) && prevPress == rightKey)
             dashState = DashStates.DASHING;
             direction = 1f;
         else if (Input.GetKeyDown(leftKey) && prevPress == leftKey)
             dashState = DashStates.DASHING;
             direction = -1f;
         else if (Input.GetKeyDown(rightKey) && prevPress == leftKey)
             dashState = DashStates.ALLOWED;
         else if (Input.GetKeyDown(leftKey) && prevPress == rightKey)
             dashState = DashStates.ALLOWED;
     else if (dashState == DashStates.BLOCKED)
         if (blockTimer.Count())
             dashState = DashStates.ALLOWED;
Beispiel #6
        public static void SetEnabled(this DashStates state, bool enable)
            switch (state)
            case DashStates.DreamTunnelDash:
                DreamTunnelDash.HasDreamTunnelDash = enable;

            case DashStates.SeekerDash:
                SeekerDash.HasSeekerDash = enable;

Beispiel #7
 void ChangeAttackState(float timeBeforeStateChange,DashStates nextState)
     if(attackTime > timeBeforeStateChange)
         DashLogic = nextState;
         attackTime = 0;
Beispiel #8
    void MoveToPlayer(Vector3 A, Vector3 B,float _speed, bool isDashing = false)
        Vector3 direction = (B - A).normalized; //gets direction
        direction.y = 0;                //makes the AI not fly up by setting U direction to 0
        Quaternion endRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction);     //makes a quaternion for that look dir
        if(!isDashing) //if the beetle is NOT dashing and is just walking
            if (DistanceBetween(A, B) < attackRange) //do something when the player is within attacking range
                BeetleLogic = BossStates.ATTACK; //change states to attack
                gameTime = 0;
            transform.rotation = endRot; //rotate the beetle to face the dir 
            Vector3 offSet = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
            offSet.y -= 90;
            transform.eulerAngles = offSet;
            transform.position += transform.right * Time.deltaTime * _speed; //moves the beetleforward
        if(isDashing) //if however, the beetle IS dashing
            transform.rotation = endRot; //set the rotation to face the position

            Vector3 offSet = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
            offSet.y -= 90;
            transform.eulerAngles = offSet;
            transform.position += transform.right * Time.deltaTime * _speed; //move it forward
            if (DistanceBetween(A,B)< 2) //if the beetle reaches near it's destination (where player last was_
                DashLogic = DashStates.DASHEND; //change state to end the dash
                gameTime = 0;
Beispiel #9
 void AttackStateMachine()
     BossAnim.SetBool("bIsAttacking", true);
     switch (AttackLogic)
         case AttackStates.AIMING:
             _neptoScript.range = 20;
             BossAnim.SetInteger("iAttack", 0); //sets animator to this anim
             //aiming logic goes here
             _neptoScript.beetleControl = false; //gives control back to nepto
             if(hasDeflected) //if player deflected
                 _neptoScript.range = 5;
                 BossAnim.SetBool("bHasDeflected", true);
                 ChangeState(0f, BossStates.STUNNED); //change state to stunned
                 _neptoScript.beetleControl = true; //gives control back to beetle, disabling the nepto
                 _neptoScript.shootCount = 0; //resets the shot count back to zero
                 BossAnim.SetBool("bIsAttacking", false); //stops attacking animation from playing
             if(_neptoScript.shootCount == 4) //if the nepto has shot thrice, regardless of whether you deflected or not
                 _neptoScript.range = 5;
                 BossAnim.SetBool("bIsAttacking", false); //stops attacking animation from playing
                 _neptoScript.beetleControl = true;//gives control back to the beetle first
                 ChangeState(3f, BossStates.IDLE); //go back to idle after 2 seconds (to allow player time to deflect 
         case AttackStates.DASH:
             BossAnim.SetInteger("iAttack", 1);
             //AI deshing goes here
             attackTime += Time.deltaTime;
             switch (DashLogic)
                 case DashStates.CHARGEUP:
                     MoveToPlayer(transform.position, player.position, 0); //makes the beetle only face gulnaz
                     if(attackTime > 3f)
                         lastPos = player.position;
                         attackTime = 0;
                         DashLogic = DashStates.DASH;
                 case DashStates.DASH:
                     MoveToPlayer(transform.position, lastPos, 5,true);
                 case DashStates.DASHEND:
                     BossAnim.SetBool("bIsAttacking", false);
                     BeetleLogic = BossStates.IDLE;
                     gameTime = 0;   
                     DashLogic = DashStates.CHARGEUP;
                     attackTime = 0;
Beispiel #10
    void AttackStateMachine()
        BossAnim.SetBool("bIsAttacking", true);
        switch (AttackLogic)
        case AttackStates.AIMING:
            _neptoScript.range = 20;
            BossAnim.SetInteger("iAttack", 0);  //sets animator to this anim
            //aiming logic goes here
            _neptoScript.beetleControl = false; //gives control back to nepto
            if (hasDeflected)                   //if player deflected
                _neptoScript.range = 5;
                BossAnim.SetBool("bHasDeflected", true);
                ChangeState(0f, BossStates.STUNNED);     //change state to stunned
                _neptoScript.beetleControl = true;       //gives control back to beetle, disabling the nepto
                _neptoScript.shootCount    = 0;          //resets the shot count back to zero
                BossAnim.SetBool("bIsAttacking", false); //stops attacking animation from playing
            if (_neptoScript.shootCount == 4)            //if the nepto has shot thrice, regardless of whether you deflected or not
                _neptoScript.range = 5;
                BossAnim.SetBool("bIsAttacking", false); //stops attacking animation from playing
                _neptoScript.beetleControl = true;       //gives control back to the beetle first
                ChangeState(3f, BossStates.IDLE);        //go back to idle after 2 seconds (to allow player time to deflect

        case AttackStates.DASH:
            BossAnim.SetInteger("iAttack", 1);
            //AI deshing goes here
            attackTime += Time.deltaTime;
            switch (DashLogic)
            case DashStates.CHARGEUP:
                MoveToPlayer(transform.position, player.position, 0);         //makes the beetle only face gulnaz
                if (attackTime > 3f)
                    lastPos    = player.position;
                    attackTime = 0;
                    DashLogic  = DashStates.DASH;

            case DashStates.DASH:
                MoveToPlayer(transform.position, lastPos, 5, true);

            case DashStates.DASHEND:
                BossAnim.SetBool("bIsAttacking", false);
                BeetleLogic = BossStates.IDLE;
                gameTime    = 0;
                DashLogic   = DashStates.CHARGEUP;
                attackTime  = 0;
 protected DashStateTrigger(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
     : base(data, offset)
     Mode      = data.Enum("mode", Modes.Trigger);
     DashState = data.Enum("dashState", DashStates.DreamTunnelDash);
Beispiel #12
    void Dash()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
            direction = Directions.LEFT;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))
            direction = Directions.RIGHT;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow))
            direction = Directions.UP;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow))
            direction = Directions.DOWN;

        switch (dashstate)
        case DashStates.READY:

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                dashstate = DashStates.DASH;


        case DashStates.DASH:

            canMove = false;

            timeOfDash -= Time.deltaTime;

            if (timeOfDash <= 0)
                canMove   = true;
                dashstate = DashStates.COOLDOWN;
                if (direction == Directions.UP)
                    transform.Translate(Vector2.up * Dash_speed * Time.deltaTime);
                else if (direction == Directions.DOWN)
                    transform.Translate(Vector2.down * Dash_speed * Time.deltaTime);
                else if (direction == Directions.LEFT)
                    transform.Translate(Vector2.left * Dash_speed * Time.deltaTime);
                    transform.Translate(Vector2.right * Dash_speed * Time.deltaTime);

        case DashStates.COOLDOWN:

            timeOfDash += Time.deltaTime;

            if (timeOfDash >= 0.8f)
                timeOfDash = 0.8f;
                dashstate  = DashStates.READY;
