public void TestShimmie2Parser()
            var shimmie2Provider = DanbooruProviderDao.GetInstance().Read(sourceProvider).Where <DanbooruProvider>(x => x.BoardType == BoardType.Shimmie2).First <DanbooruProvider>();
            var xml = "";

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@"../../../DanbooruDownloader3.test/TestXml/shimmie2.xml"))
                xml = reader.ReadToEnd();

            DanbooruPostDaoOption option = new DanbooruPostDaoOption()
                Provider                  = shimmie2Provider,
                Query                     = "",
                SearchTags                = "",
                BlacklistedTags           = null,
                BlacklistedTagsRegex      = new Regex("$^"),
                BlacklistedTagsUseRegex   = false,
                IsBlacklistOnlyForGeneral = false,

            var list = ShimmieEngine.ParseRSS(xml, option);

            Assert.IsTrue(list.Count == 9);
        private void clientList_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
            tsProgressBar.Visible = false;
            UpdateLog("clientList_DownloadFileCompleted", "Download Complete: " + e.UserState);
            txtListFile.Text  = saveFileDialog1.FileName;
            gbxSearch.Enabled = true;
            gbxList.Enabled   = true;

            btnGet.Enabled        = true;
            btnListCancel.Enabled = false;

            if (chkAutoLoadList.Checked)
                DanbooruPostDaoOption option = new DanbooruPostDaoOption()
                    Provider                = _currProvider,
                    Url                     = txtListFile.Text,
                    Referer                 = _clientList.Referer,
                    Query                   = txtListFile.Text.Split('\\').Last(),
                    SearchTags              = "",
                    BlacklistedTags         = TagBlacklist,
                    BlacklistedTagsRegex    = TagBlacklistRegex,
                    BlacklistedTagsUseRegex = chkBlacklistTagsUseRegex.Checked,
                    IgnoredTags             = TagIgnore,
                    IgnoredTagsRegex        = TagIgnoreRegex,
                    IgnoredTagsUseRegex     = chkIgnoreTagsUseRegex.Checked
                DanbooruPostDao newPosts = new DanbooruPostDao(option);

            _isLoadingList = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// parse xml/json list stream and close it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        public DanbooruPostDao(Stream input, DanbooruPostDaoOption option, int?currentPage)
            string rawData = "";

            this.Option = option;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(input))
                    rawData = reader.ReadToEnd();
                this.Option = option;
                switch (option.Provider.Preferred)
                case PreferredMethod.Xml:
                    ReadXML(rawData, option);

                case PreferredMethod.Json:
                    ReadJSON(rawData, option);

                case PreferredMethod.Html:
                    DanbooruSearchParam param = new DanbooruSearchParam()
                        Provider = option.Provider,
                        Tag      = option.SearchTags,
                        Page     = currentPage,
                        Option   = option
                    if (option.Provider.BoardType == BoardType.Danbooru)
                        SankakuComplexParser parser = new SankakuComplexParser();
                        posts  = parser.Parse(rawData, param);
                        NextId = param.NextKey;
                        if (parser.TotalPost.HasValue)
                            postCount = parser.TotalPost.Value;
                    else if (option.Provider.BoardType == BoardType.Gelbooru)
                        GelbooruHtmlParser parser = new GelbooruHtmlParser();
                        posts = parser.Parse(rawData, param);
                        throw new NotImplementedException("No HTML Parser for: " + option.Provider.Name);
            catch (Exception)
                Helper.DumpRawData(rawData, Option.Provider, option.Query);
Beispiel #4
        private void ReadXML(string rawData, DanbooruPostDaoOption option)
            posts       = new BindingList <DanbooruPost>();
            actualCount = 0;

            // Issue #60
            // modify xml to insert html entity
            rawData = Regex.Replace(rawData, @"(<\?xml.*\?>)", "$1<!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM \"xhtml.ent\">");

        //int currFileRetry = 0;

        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            object[] param = (object[])e.Argument;
            Stream   ms    = (Stream)param[0];
            DanbooruPostDaoOption option   = (DanbooruPostDaoOption)param[1];
            DanbooruPostDao       newPosts = new DanbooruPostDao(ms, option);

            e.Result = newPosts;
        public void ReadJSON(string rawData, DanbooruPostDaoOption option)
            posts       = new BindingList <DanbooruPost>();
            actualCount = 0;

            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(rawData))
                //RawData = json;
                RawData = rawData;
 /// <summary>
 /// parse xml/json list file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="option"></param>
 public DanbooruPostDao(DanbooruPostDaoOption option)
     this.Option = option;
     if (option.Url.ToLower().EndsWith(".xml"))
        private static void ReadRssMethod2(DanbooruPostDaoOption option, BindingList <DanbooruPost> posts, string xmldoc)
            XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings
                DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse,
                XmlResolver   = new LocalXhtmlXmlResolver()

            using (StringReader strReader = new StringReader(xmldoc))
                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(strReader, readerSettings))
                    XDocument doc   = XDocument.Load(reader);
                    var       feeds = doc.Descendants("item");

                    XNamespace dc = "";

                    foreach (var item in feeds)
                        DanbooruPost post      = new DanbooruPost();
                        var          titleData = item.Element("title").Value.Split(new char[] { '-' }, 2);

                        post.Id   = titleData[0].Trim();
                        post.Tags = titleData[1].Trim();

                        post.Referer   = AppendHttp(item.Element("link").Value, option.Provider);
                        post.CreatedAt = item.Element("pubDate").Value;

                        post.CreatorId = item.Element(dc + "creator").Value;

                        post.FileUrl = item.Element("enclosure").Attribute("url").Value;
                            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument description = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

                            //post.Width = Convert.ToInt32(matches.Groups[1].Value);
                            //post.Height = Convert.ToInt32(matches.Groups[2].Value);
                            var img = description.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//img");
                            post.PreviewWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(img.Attributes["width"].Value);
                            post.PreviewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(img.Attributes["height"].Value);
                            post.PreviewUrl    = img.Attributes["src"].Value;
                        catch (Exception) { }

                        PostProcess(option, post);
        private static void ReadRssMethod1(DanbooruPostDaoOption option, BindingList <DanbooruPost> posts, string xmldoc)
            XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings
                DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse,
                XmlResolver   = new LocalXhtmlXmlResolver()

            using (StringReader strReader = new StringReader(xmldoc))
                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(strReader, readerSettings))
                    XDocument doc   = XDocument.Load(reader);
                    string    media = doc.Root.Attribute("{}media").Value;

                    foreach (var item in doc.Descendants("item"))
                        DanbooruPost post = new DanbooruPost();

                        var titleData = item.Element("title").Value.Split(new char[] { '-' }, 2);

                        post.Id   = titleData[0].Trim();
                        post.Tags = titleData[1].Trim();

                        post.Referer   = AppendHttp(item.Element("link").Value, option.Provider);
                        post.CreatedAt = item.Element("pubDate").Value;

                        var data = item.Element("{" + media + "}thumbnail");
                        post.PreviewUrl = AppendHttp(data.Attribute("url").Value, option.Provider);
                        data            = item.Element("{" + media + "}content");
                        post.FileUrl    = AppendHttp(data.Attribute("url").Value, option.Provider);

                            string description = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(item.Element("description").Value);
                            Match  matches     = imageResolutionRegex.Match(description);
                            post.Width         = Convert.ToInt32(matches.Groups[1].Value);
                            post.Height        = Convert.ToInt32(matches.Groups[2].Value);
                            post.PreviewWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(matches.Groups[3].Value);
                            post.PreviewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(matches.Groups[4].Value);
                            post.CreatorId     = matches.Groups[5].Value;
                        catch (Exception) { }

                        PostProcess(option, post);
        public static BindingList <DanbooruPost> ParseRSS(string xmldoc, DanbooruPostDaoOption option)
            BindingList <DanbooruPost> posts = new BindingList <DanbooruPost>();

                ReadRssMethod1(option, posts, xmldoc);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Program.Logger.Error("Using method2", ex);
                ReadRssMethod2(option, posts, xmldoc);
Beispiel #11
        private static void PostProcess(DanbooruPostDaoOption option, DanbooruPost post)
            post.TagsEntity = Helper.ParseTags(post.Tags, option.Provider);

            if (option.BlacklistedTagsUseRegex)
                post.Hidden = IsBlacklisted(post, option.BlacklistedTagsRegex);
                post.Hidden = IsBlacklisted(post, option.BlacklistedTags);

            post.Query      = option.Query;
            post.SearchTags = option.SearchTags;
            post.Provider   = option.Provider;
Beispiel #12
 public static bool CheckBlacklistedTag(DanbooruPost post, DanbooruPostDaoOption option)
     if (option.BlacklistedTagsUseRegex)
         return(post.TagsEntity.Any(x => option.BlacklistedTagsRegex.IsMatch(x.Name)));
         foreach (var tag in option.BlacklistedTags)
             if (post.TagsEntity.Any(x => x.Name.Equals(tag.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Search Param from Batch Job
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DanbooruSearchParam GetSearchParamsFromJob(DanbooruBatchJob job)
            var option = new DanbooruPostDaoOption()
                BlacklistedTags         = TagBlacklist,
                BlacklistedTagsRegex    = TagBlacklistRegex,
                BlacklistedTagsUseRegex = chkBlacklistTagsUseRegex.Checked,
                IgnoredTags             = TagIgnore,
                IgnoredTagsRegex        = TagIgnoreRegex,
                IgnoredTagsUseRegex     = chkIgnoreTagsUseRegex.Checked,
                Provider   = _currProvider,
                SearchTags = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(job.TagQuery) ? job.TagQuery : "",
                IsBlacklistOnlyForGeneral = chkBlacklistOnlyGeneral.Checked

            DanbooruSearchParam searchParam = new DanbooruSearchParam
                Provider = option.Provider,
                Tag      = option.SearchTags,
                Source   = ""

            // check if given limit is more than the hard limit
            if (job.Limit > job.Provider.HardLimit)
                searchParam.Limit = job.Provider.HardLimit;
                searchParam.Limit = job.Limit;

            // reflect to current page
            searchParam.Page = job.StartPage + job.CalculatedCurrentPage;

            searchParam.IsNotRating = false;
            searchParam.Rating      = job.Rating;

            searchParam.OrderBy = "";

            searchParam.Option = option;

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Get search parameter from Main Tab and Option Panels
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DanbooruSearchParam GetSearchParams()
            var option = new DanbooruPostDaoOption()
                BlacklistedTags         = TagBlacklist,
                BlacklistedTagsRegex    = TagBlacklistRegex,
                BlacklistedTagsUseRegex = chkBlacklistTagsUseRegex.Checked,
                IgnoredTags             = TagIgnore,
                IgnoredTagsRegex        = TagIgnoreRegex,
                IgnoredTagsUseRegex     = chkIgnoreTagsUseRegex.Checked,
                Provider   = _currProvider,
                SearchTags = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTags.Text) ? txtTags.Text : "",
                IsBlacklistOnlyForGeneral = chkBlacklistOnlyGeneral.Checked

            DanbooruSearchParam searchParam = new DanbooruSearchParam
                Provider = option.Provider,
                Tag      = option.SearchTags,
                Source   = txtSource.Text.Trim()

            if (Int32.TryParse(txtLimit.Text, out int limit) && limit > 0)
                searchParam.Limit = limit;
                searchParam.Limit = null;

            int page = _currProvider.BoardType == BoardType.Gelbooru ? 0 : 1;

            if (Int32.TryParse(txtPage.Text, out page) && page > 0)
                searchParam.Page = page;
                searchParam.Page = null;

            searchParam.IsNotRating = chkNotRating.Checked;
            if (cbxRating.SelectedValue != null)
                if (cbxRating.SelectedValue.GetType() == typeof(string))
                    searchParam.Rating = cbxRating.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    var rating = (KeyValuePair <string, string>)cbxRating.SelectedValue;
                    searchParam.Rating = rating.Value;

            if (cbxOrder.SelectedValue != null)
                if (cbxOrder.SelectedValue.GetType() == typeof(string))
                    searchParam.OrderBy = cbxOrder.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    var order = (KeyValuePair <string, string>)cbxOrder.SelectedValue;
                    searchParam.OrderBy = order.Value;

            searchParam.Option = option;

            searchParam.NextKey = _lastId;

        private void clientList_DownloadDataCompleted(object sender, DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs e)
                Program.Logger.Debug("Download list completed");
                tsProgressBar.Visible = false;
                MemoryStream          ms     = new MemoryStream(e.Result);
                DanbooruPostDaoOption option = new DanbooruPostDaoOption()
                    Provider = _currProvider,
                    //Url = txtListFile.Text,
                    Referer                 = _clientList.Referer,
                    Query                   = txtQuery.Text,
                    SearchTags              = txtTags.Text,
                    BlacklistedTags         = TagBlacklist,
                    BlacklistedTagsRegex    = TagBlacklistRegex,
                    BlacklistedTagsUseRegex = chkBlacklistTagsUseRegex.Checked,
                    IgnoredTags             = TagIgnore,
                    IgnoredTagsRegex        = TagIgnoreRegex,
                    IgnoredTagsUseRegex     = chkIgnoreTagsUseRegex.Checked

                tsStatus.Text                         = "Loading downloaded list...";
                tsProgressBar.Style                   = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee;
                tsProgressBar.Visible                 = true;
                _isLoadingList                        = true;
                backgroundWorker1                     = new BackgroundWorker();
                backgroundWorker1.DoWork             += new DoWorkEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_DoWork);
                backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted);
                backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(new object[] { ms, option });
            catch (Exception ex)
                var message = ex.Message;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    message = ex.InnerException.Message;
                    var wex = ex.InnerException as System.Net.WebException;
                    if (wex != null && wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
                        var status   = wex.Response != null ? wex.Response.Headers["Status"] : null;
                        var response = wex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                        if (status == "403" || (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden))
                            message += Environment.NewLine + "Please check your login information.";
                            using (var responseStream = wex.Response.GetResponseStream())
                                if (responseStream != null)
                                    DanbooruPostDaoOption option = new DanbooruPostDaoOption()
                                        Provider = _currProvider,
                                        //Url = "",
                                        Referer                 = "",
                                        Query                   = "",
                                        SearchTags              = "",
                                        BlacklistedTags         = TagBlacklist,
                                        BlacklistedTagsRegex    = TagBlacklistRegex,
                                        BlacklistedTagsUseRegex = chkBlacklistTagsUseRegex.Checked,
                                        IgnoredTags             = TagIgnore,
                                        IgnoredTagsRegex        = TagIgnoreRegex,
                                        IgnoredTagsUseRegex     = chkIgnoreTagsUseRegex.Checked
                                    var resp = new DanbooruPostDao(responseStream, option);
                                    message = "Server Message: " + resp.ResponseMessage;
                                    if (status != "200")
                                        message += "\nStatus Code: " + wex.Status.ToString() + " (" + status + ")";

                MessageBox.Show(message, "Download List");
                Program.Logger.Error(message, ex);

                UpdateLog("clientList_DownloadDataCompleted", "Error: " + (ex.InnerException == null ? ex.Message : ex.InnerException.Message), ex);
                UpdateLog("clientList_DownloadDataCompleted", "Referer: " + _clientList.Referer);

                chkAutoLoadNext.Checked = false;
                btnGet.Enabled          = true;
                btnListCancel.Enabled   = false;
                _isLoadingList          = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// parse xml/json list stream and close it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="option"></param>
        public DanbooruPostDao(Stream input, DanbooruPostDaoOption option, int?currentPage)
            string rawData = "";

            this.Option = option;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(input))
                    rawData = reader.ReadToEnd();
                this.Option = option;

                if (rawData.Contains("DDoS protection by <a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cloudflare</a>"))
                    throw new NotImplementedException($"Cloudflare DDoS protection enabled for : {option.Provider.Name}, please use the cookie method to access.");
                switch (option.Provider.Preferred)
                case PreferredMethod.Xml:
                    ReadXML(rawData, option);

                case PreferredMethod.Json:
                    ReadJSON(rawData, option);

                case PreferredMethod.Html:
                    DanbooruSearchParam param = new DanbooruSearchParam()
                        Provider = option.Provider,
                        Tag      = option.SearchTags,
                        Page     = currentPage,
                        Option   = option
                    if (option.Provider.BoardType == BoardType.Danbooru)
                        SankakuComplexParser parser = new SankakuComplexParser();
                        posts  = parser.Parse(rawData, param);
                        NextId = param.NextKey;
                        if (parser.TotalPost.HasValue)
                            postCount = parser.TotalPost.Value;
                    else if (option.Provider.BoardType == BoardType.Gelbooru)
                        GelbooruHtmlParser parser = new GelbooruHtmlParser();
                        posts = parser.Parse(rawData, param);
                    else if (option.Provider.BoardType == BoardType.Shimmie2)
                        var parser = new ShimmieHtmlParser();
                        posts = parser.Parse(rawData, param);
                        throw new NotImplementedException("No HTML Parser for: " + option.Provider.Name);
            catch (Exception)
                Helper.DumpRawData(rawData, Option.Provider, option.Query);
 private void ReadXML(string rawData, DanbooruPostDaoOption option)
     posts       = new BindingList <DanbooruPost>();
     actualCount = 0;