public static void DisplayPL() { DTHBLL bllobj = new DTHBLL(); List <Entity> details = new List <Entity>(); details = DTHBLL.DisplayPL(); Console.WriteLine("\nOnly Subscribers with out displaying Unsubscribers\n"); foreach (var temp in details) { Console.WriteLine("\nSubscription ID :{0}\nEmail :{1}\n Channel Name :{2} \nChannelCategory :{3} \nSubscription Date :{4}\nPhone NO:{5}\n Unsubscription:{6}\n", temp.SubscriptionId, temp.Email, temp.ChannelName, temp.ChannelCategory, temp.subscription_date, temp.MobileNo, temp.unsubscription); } }
private static void SearchPL() { Entity searchedApplicant = null; try { Console.WriteLine("Enter Email (in exact spelling and case) to be searched:"); string Email = Console.ReadLine(); DTHBLL applicantBLL = new DTHBLL(); searchedApplicant = applicantBLL.SearchBLL(Email); if (searchedApplicant != null) { if (searchedApplicant.unsubscription == "true") { Console.WriteLine("\nSubscription ID :{0}\nEmail :{1}\n Channel Name :{2} \nChannelCategory :{3} \nSubscription Date :{4}\nPhone NO:{5}\n Unsubscription:{6}\n Unsuscription Date:{7}\n", searchedApplicant.SubscriptionId, searchedApplicant.Email, searchedApplicant.ChannelName, searchedApplicant.ChannelCategory, searchedApplicant.subscription_date, searchedApplicant.MobileNo, searchedApplicant.unsubscription, searchedApplicant.unsubscription_date); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nSubscription ID :{0}\nEmail :{1}\n Channel Name :{2} \nChannelCategory :{3} \nSubscription Date :{4}\nPhone NO:{5}\n Unsubscription:{6}\n", searchedApplicant.SubscriptionId, searchedApplicant.Email, searchedApplicant.ChannelName, searchedApplicant.ChannelCategory, searchedApplicant.subscription_date, searchedApplicant.MobileNo, searchedApplicant.unsubscription); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No such Applicant"); } } catch (ExceptionDTH Exception) { Console.WriteLine(Exception.Message); } catch (Exception Exception) { Console.WriteLine(Exception.Message); } }
public static void UnsubscribePL() { Console.WriteLine("Enter the Email :"); bool chkid; string email = Console.ReadLine(); chkid = Regex.IsMatch(email, @"[a-zA-Z0 - 9]{0,}[@]{1}[a-zA-Z]{2,}[.]{1}[a-zA-Z]{2,4}"); if (chkid == false) { throw new ExceptionDTH("Invalid Email"); } Console.WriteLine("Enter the Channel Name:"); string Name = Console.ReadLine(); bool chname = Regex.IsMatch(Name, @"[a-zA-Z]+"); if (chname == false) { throw new ExceptionDTH("Invalid Entry, Enter Valid Name"); } DTHBLL bllobj = new DTHBLL(); bool check = DTHBLL.UnsubscribePL(email, Name); if (check == true) { Console.WriteLine("Successfully Unsubscribed"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Sorry-----Unable to Unsubscribe the Channel"); } }
public static void AddUserPL() { try { Entity objApplicant = new Entity(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Email :"); bool chkid; string aid = Console.ReadLine(); //Use Regex.IsMatch to chk if the entered value is valid Email chkid = Regex.IsMatch(aid, @"[a-zA-Z0 - 9]{0,}[@]{1}[a-zA-Z]{2,}[.]{1}[a-zA-Z]{2,4}"); //chkid = Regex.IsMatch(aid, @"/^[a-zA-Z0 - 9]{0,}@[a - zA-Z]{0,}.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/"); //If the match fails, throw the Exception if (chkid == false) { throw new ExceptionDTH("Invalid Email"); } // If the regex match is successful, store the Email(aid) into the Entity object else { objApplicant.Email = aid; } Console.WriteLine("Enter Mobile No:"); string MNo = Console.ReadLine(); //Use Regex.IsMatch to chk if the entered value is valid mobile no bool chkname = Regex.IsMatch(MNo, @"[0-9]{10}"); if (chkname == false) { throw new ExceptionDTH("Enter Valid Mobile No"); } // If the regex match is successful, store the applicant name into the Entity object else { objApplicant.MobileNo = MNo; } Console.WriteLine("Enter the Channel Name:"); string Name = Console.ReadLine(); //Use Regex.IsMatch to chk if channel name is valid bool chname = Regex.IsMatch(Name, @"[a-zA-Z]+"); //If the match fails, throw the Exception if (chname == false) { throw new ExceptionDTH("Invalid Entry, Enter Valid Name"); } // If the regex match is successful, store the Channel Name into the Entity object else { objApplicant.ChannelName = Name; } Console.WriteLine("Enter the Channel Category:"); Channel_Category Ccat; bool chkVtype = Enum.TryParse <Channel_Category>(Console.ReadLine(), out Ccat); if (chkVtype == false) { throw new ExceptionDTH("Invalid Entry, Enter Valid Category Type"); } // If the Parsing is successful, store the ChannelCategory into the Entity object else { objApplicant.ChannelCategory = Ccat; } ; DateTime StartDate; StartDate = DateTime.Now; objApplicant.subscription_date = StartDate.AddDays(2); objApplicant.SubscriptionId = DTHMain.ID; DTHMain.ID += 1; DTHBLL bllobj = new DTHBLL(); if (bllobj.AddBL(objApplicant) == false) { throw new ExceptionDTH(" Record could not be added"); } else { Console.WriteLine(" Details Added Successfully\n"); Console.WriteLine("Unique ID is :{0}", DTHMain.ID - 1); } } catch (ExceptionDTH Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred " + Exception.Message); } }