Beispiel #1
        public static DNSResource ReadFrom(BinaryReader aSrc)
            DNSResource resource;
            string      str    = DNSPacket.ParseName(aSrc, aSrc.BaseStream);
            DNSType     aType  = (DNSType)DNSPacket.N2H(aSrc.ReadUInt16());
            DNSClass    class2 = (DNSClass)DNSPacket.N2H(aSrc.ReadUInt16());
            bool        flag   = false;

            if (0 != (((ushort)class2) & 0x8000))
                flag = true;
            class2 &= (DNSClass)(-32769);
            uint   num  = DNSPacket.N2H(aSrc.ReadUInt32());
            ushort num2 = DNSPacket.N2H(aSrc.ReadUInt16());

            byte[]  aData = aSrc.ReadBytes((int)num2);
            DNSType type2 = aType;

            if (type2 == DNSType.A)
                resource = new DNSARecord();
            else if (type2 == DNSType.AAAA)
                resource = new DNSAAAARecord();
            else if (type2 == DNSType.PTR)
                resource = new DNSPTRRecord();
            else if (type2 == DNSType.NS)
                resource = new DNSNSRecord();
            else if (type2 == DNSType.TXT)
                resource = new DNSTXTRecord();
            else if (type2 == DNSType.CNAME)
                resource = new DNSCNameRecord();
            else if (type2 == DNSType.SRV)
                resource = new DNSSRVRecord();
                resource = new DNSUnknownRecord(aType);
            resource.fName       = str;
            resource.fParseTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            resource.fClass      = class2;
            resource.fClearCache = flag;
            resource.fTTL        = (ushort)num;
            resource.BodyReadFrom(aData, aSrc.BaseStream);
Beispiel #2
 public DNSEntry(string name, DNSType type, DNSClass cls)
     this.Key    = name.ToLower();
     this.Name   = name;
     this.Type   = type;
     this.Class  = cls & DNSClass.MASK;
     this.Unique = (cls & DNSClass.UNIQUE) != 0;
Beispiel #3
        private static DNSRRBase ReadResourceRecord(byte[] data, DataReader reader)
            DNSRRBase rr = null;

            string   name = ReadString(data, reader);
            DNSType  type = (DNSType)reader.ReadUInt16(false);
            DNSClass cls  = (DNSClass)reader.ReadUInt16(false);
            uint     ttl  = reader.ReadUInt32(false);
            ushort   rlen = reader.ReadUInt16(false);

            byte[] rdata = reader.ReadBytes(rlen);

            switch (type)
            case DNSType.CNAME:
                CNameDNSRR newRec = new CNameDNSRR(data, rdata);
                rr = newRec;

            case DNSType.A:
                ADNSRR aRec = new ADNSRR(rdata);
                rr = aRec;

            case DNSType.AAAA:
                AAAADNSRR aRec = new AAAADNSRR(rdata);
                rr = aRec;

            case DNSType.PTR:
                PTRDNSRR aRec = new PTRDNSRR(data, rdata);
                rr = aRec;

                UnknownDNSRR newRec = new UnknownDNSRR();
                newRec.RData = rdata;
                rr           = newRec;

            rr.Name       = name;
            rr.Class      = cls;
            rr.Type       = type;
            rr.TimeToLive = ttl;

Beispiel #4
 public DNSService(String name, DNSType type, DNSClass cls, uint ttl,
                   ushort priority, ushort weight, ushort port, string server)
     : base(name, type, cls, ttl)
     this.Priority = priority;
     this.Weight   = weight;
     this.Port     = port;
     this.Server   = server;
Beispiel #5
        public static string GetType(DNSType type)
            string ret;

            if (!Mapping.DnsType.TryGetValue(type, out ret))
                ret = String.Format("?({0})", (int)type);

Beispiel #6
        public void ReadFrom(BinaryReader aSrc)
            this.fName = DNSPacket.ParseName(aSrc, aSrc.BaseStream);
            this.fType = (DNSType)DNSPacket.N2H(aSrc.ReadUInt16());
            ushort num = DNSPacket.N2H(aSrc.ReadUInt16());

            if (0 != (num & 0x8000))
                this.fClearCache = true;
            this.fClass = ((DNSClass)num) & ((DNSClass)(-32769));
Beispiel #7
        public void BeginRequest(DNSClass cl, DNSType type, string name, bool clearcache, Action<DNSResource> action)
            DNSQuestion q= new DNSQuestion();
            q.Class = cl;
            q.ClearCache = clearcache;
            if (!name.EndsWith("."))
                name += "."; // domain names technically end with a .
            q.Name = name;
            q.Type = type;

            BeginRequest(q, action);
Beispiel #8
        public void BeginRequest(DNSClass cl, DNSType type, string name, bool clearcache, Action <DNSResource> action)
            DNSQuestion q = new DNSQuestion();

            q.Class      = cl;
            q.ClearCache = clearcache;
            if (!name.EndsWith("."))
                name += "."; // domain names technically end with a .
            q.Name = name;
            q.Type = type;

            BeginRequest(q, action);
Beispiel #9
        public RR(RecordReader rr)
            TimeLived = 0;
            NAME      = rr.ReadDomainName();
            Type      = (DNSType)rr.ReadShort();
            Class     = (Class)rr.ReadShort();
            TTL       = rr.ReadInt();
            RDLENGTH  = rr.ReadShort();
            //Console.WriteLine("RDLENGTH : " + RDLENGTH.ToString());
            RECORD = rr.ReadRecord(Type);
            //Console.WriteLine("Type : " + Type.ToString());
            RECORD.RR = this;

            //Console.WriteLine("TTL=" + TTL + ".");

            if (TTL <= 0)
                TTL = MIN_TTL;
Beispiel #10
        private async Task CreateDNSRecord(DNSType Type, string Name, string Value, DNSTTL TTL)
            if (dnsRecords == null)

            if (dnsRecords.Exists(r => r.Name == Name))
                throw new ArgumentException("A entry with the same name and type already exists.");

            Dictionary <string, string> content = GetDNSRequestParameters(Type, Name, Value, TTL);

            var createResult = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, new Uri(context.baseUrl + "/domain/dnseditor/add-record-async"))
                Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(content)

            var response = await context.client.SendAsync(createResult);

            EvaluateDNSModifyResponse(response, DNSModificationType.Create);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the parameter including validation to submit as FormUrlEncodedContent to
        /// Used in create und update method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Type"></param>
        /// <param name="Name"></param>
        /// <param name="Value"></param>
        /// <param name="TTL"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary <string, string> GetDNSRequestParameters(DNSType Type, string Name, string Value, DNSTTL TTL)
            Dictionary <string, string> content = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (Type == DNSType.CNAME)
                string name = Name.EndsWith(this.Name) ? Name.Substring(0, Name.IndexOf(this.Name)) : Name;
                content.Add("zonePrefix", name);
                content.Add("zone", this.Name);
                if (Name.EndsWith("."))
                    content.Add("zone", Name);
                    content.Add("zone", Name + ".");

            content.Add("ttl", ((int)TTL).ToString());
            content.Add("type", Type.ToString().ToUpper());

            if (Type == DNSType.AAAA)
                content.Add("value", WebUtility.UrlEncode(Value));
                content.Add("value", Value);

Beispiel #12
 public DNSUnknownRecord(DNSType aType)
     this.fType = aType;
Beispiel #13
 public DNSHinfo(String name, DNSType type, DNSClass cls, uint ttl, String cpu, String os)
     : base(name, type, cls, ttl)
     this.CPU = cpu;
     this.OS  = cpu;
Beispiel #14
 public DNSText(String name, DNSType type, DNSClass cls, uint ttl, byte[] text)
     : base(name, type, cls, ttl)
     this.Text = text;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an entry by details
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>DNSEntry</c> if entry is found, <c>null</c> otherwise</returns>
        /// <param name="name">Name.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Type.</param>
        /// <param name="cls">Cls.</param>
        public DNSEntry GetByDetails(string name, DNSType type, DNSClass cls)
            DNSEntry entry = new DNSEntry(name, type, cls);

Beispiel #16
 public DNSRecord(String name, DNSType type, DNSClass cls, uint ttl) : base(name, type, cls)
     this.TTL     = ttl;
     this.Created = Utilities.CurrentTimeMilliseconds();
Beispiel #17
		public RR(RecordReader rr)
			TimeLived = 0;
			NAME = rr.ReadDomainName();
            Type = (DNSType)rr.ReadShort();
			Class = (Class)rr.ReadShort();
			TTL = rr.ReadInt();
			RDLENGTH = rr.ReadShort();
            //Console.WriteLine("RDLENGTH : " + RDLENGTH.ToString());
            RECORD = rr.ReadRecord(Type);
            //Console.WriteLine("Type : " + Type.ToString());
			RECORD.RR = this;

            //Console.WriteLine("TTL=" + TTL + ".");

            if (TTL <= 0)
                TTL = MIN_TTL;
Beispiel #18
        public Record ReadRecord(DNSType type)
            switch (type)
            case DNSType.A:
                return(new RecordA(this));

            case DNSType.NS:
                return(new RecordNS(this));

            case DNSType.CNAME:
                return(new RecordCNAME(this));

            case DNSType.SOA:
                return(new RecordSOA(this));

            case DNSType.PTR:
                return(new RecordPTR(this));

            case DNSType.HINFO:
                return(new RecordHINFO(this));

            case DNSType.MINFO:
                return(new RecordMINFO(this));

            case DNSType.MX:
                return(new RecordMX(this));

            case DNSType.TXT:
                return(new RecordTXT(this));

            // old stuff
            case DNSType.MD:
                return(new RecordMD(this));

            case DNSType.MF:
                return(new RecordMF(this));

            case DNSType.MB:
                return(new RecordMB(this));

            case DNSType.MG:
                return(new RecordMG(this));

            case DNSType.MR:
                return(new RecordMR(this));

            case DNSType.NULL:
                return(new RecordNULL(this));

            case DNSType.WKS:
                return(new RecordWKS(this));

            // RFC 1886 IPV6
            case DNSType.AAAA:
                return(new RecordAAAA(this));

            // ENUM Lookups
            case DNSType.NAPTR:
                return(new RecordNAPTR(this));

            // SRV Lookups
            case DNSType.SRV:
                return(new RecordSRV(this));

                return(new RecordUnknown(this));
Beispiel #19
 public DNSQuestion(String name, DNSType type, DNSClass cls) : base(name, type, cls)
Beispiel #20
 public DNSPointer(String name, DNSType type, DNSClass cls, uint ttl, String alias)
     : base(name, type, cls, ttl)
     this.Alias = alias;
Beispiel #21
 public DNSUnknownRecord(DNSType aType)
     this.fType = aType;
Beispiel #22
 public void ReadFrom(BinaryReader aSrc)
     this.fName = DNSPacket.ParseName(aSrc, aSrc.BaseStream);
     this.fType = (DNSType)DNSPacket.N2H(aSrc.ReadUInt16());
     ushort num = DNSPacket.N2H(aSrc.ReadUInt16());
     if (0 != (num & 0x8000))
         this.fClearCache = true;
     this.fClass = ((DNSClass)num) & ((DNSClass)(-32769));
        public Record ReadRecord(DNSType type)
            switch (type)
                case DNSType.A:
					return new RecordA(this);
                case DNSType.NS:
					return new RecordNS(this);
                case DNSType.CNAME:
					return new RecordCNAME(this);
                case DNSType.SOA:
					return new RecordSOA(this);
                case DNSType.PTR:
					return new RecordPTR(this);
                case DNSType.HINFO:
					return new RecordHINFO(this);
                case DNSType.MINFO:
					return new RecordMINFO(this);
                case DNSType.MX:
					return new RecordMX(this);
                case DNSType.TXT:
					return new RecordTXT(this);

				// old stuff
                case DNSType.MD:
					return new RecordMD(this);
                case DNSType.MF:
					return new RecordMF(this);
                case DNSType.MB:
					return new RecordMB(this);
                case DNSType.MG:
					return new RecordMG(this);
                case DNSType.MR:
					return new RecordMR(this);
                case DNSType.NULL:
					return new RecordNULL(this);
                case DNSType.WKS:
					return new RecordWKS(this);

				// RFC 1886 IPV6
                case DNSType.AAAA:
					return new RecordAAAA(this);

                // ENUM Lookups
                case DNSType.NAPTR:
                    return new RecordNAPTR(this);

                // SRV Lookups
                case DNSType.SRV:
                    return new RecordSRV(this);

					return new RecordUnknown(this);
Beispiel #24
 public DNSAddress(String name, DNSType type, DNSClass cls, uint ttl,
                   byte[] address)
     : base(name, type, cls, ttl)
     this.Address = address;