public TemplateIntermediateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, AbstractType baseType = null, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces = null, ReadOnlyCollection <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null) : base(dc, baseType, deducedTypes, td) { this.BaseInterfaces = baseInterfaces; }
public AbstractType Visit(DClassLike dc) { var invisibleTypeParams = GetInvisibleTypeParameters(dc); switch (dc.ClassType) { case DTokens.Struct: return(new StructType(dc, typeBase, invisibleTypeParams)); case DTokens.Union: return(new UnionType(dc, typeBase, invisibleTypeParams)); case DTokens.Interface: case DTokens.Class: return(DResolver.ResolveClassOrInterface(dc, ctxt, typeBase, false, invisibleTypeParams)); case DTokens.Template: if (dc.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Mixin)) { return(new MixinTemplateType(dc, typeBase, invisibleTypeParams)); } return(new TemplateType(dc, typeBase, invisibleTypeParams)); default: ctxt.LogError(new ResolutionError(dc, "Unknown type (" + DTokens.GetTokenString(dc.ClassType) + ")")); return(null); } }
public TemplateIntermediateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, AbstractType baseType, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces, IEnumerable <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes) : this(dc, td, baseType, baseInterfaces, deducedTypes != null ? new ReadOnlyCollection <TemplateParameterSymbol>(deducedTypes.ToArray()) : null) { }
public virtual void Visit(DClassLike n) { VisitBlock(n); foreach (var bc in n.BaseClasses) bc.Accept(this); }
public TemplateIntermediateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, AbstractType baseType, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces, Dictionary <string, TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes) : this(dc, td, baseType, baseInterfaces, deducedTypes != null && deducedTypes.Count != 0 ? new ReadOnlyCollection <KeyValuePair <string, TemplateParameterSymbol> >(deducedTypes.ToArray()) : null) { }
public override void Visit(DClassLike n) { if (CheckNode(n)) { base.Visit(n); } }
bool IterateThrough(DClassLike cls, MemberFilter VisibleMembers, ref bool breakOnNextScope) { var curWatchedClass = cls; // MyClass > BaseA > BaseB > Object while (curWatchedClass != null) { if (curWatchedClass.TemplateParameters != null && (breakOnNextScope = HandleItems(curWatchedClass.TemplateParameterNodes as IEnumerable <INode>)) && breakImmediately) { return(true); } var ch = PrefilterSubnodes(curWatchedClass); if (ch != null) { foreach (var m in ch) { var dm2 = m as DNode; var dm3 = m as DMethod; // Only show normal & delegate methods if (!CanAddMemberOfType(VisibleMembers, m) || dm2 == null || (dm3 != null && !(dm3.SpecialType == DMethod.MethodType.Normal || dm3.SpecialType == DMethod.MethodType.Delegate))) { continue; } // Add static and non-private members of all base classes; // Add everything if we're still handling the currently scoped class if ((curWatchedClass == cls || dm2.IsStatic || (!(m is DVariable) || ((DVariable)dm2).IsConst) || !dm2.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) && (breakOnNextScope = HandleItem(m)) && breakImmediately) { return(true); } } } // 3) if (cls.ClassType == DTokens.Class) { var tr = DResolver.ResolveBaseClasses(new ClassType(curWatchedClass, curWatchedClass, null), ctxt, true); if (tr.Base is TemplateIntermediateType) { curWatchedClass = ((TemplateIntermediateType)tr.Base).Definition; } else { break; } } else { break; } } return(false); }
// Only for parsing the base class identifiers! public override void Visit(DClassLike dc) { foreach (var bc in dc.BaseClasses) { bc.Accept(this); } PushBlock(dc); }
public override void Visit(DClassLike n) { if (DoPrimaryIdCheck(n.NameHash)) { AddResult(n); } base.VisitDNode(n); }
public override void Visit(DClassLike n) { byte type; if (DoPrimaryIdCheck(n.NameHash, out type)) { AddResult(n, type); } base.Visit(n); }
static IEnumerable <AbstractType> GetStructMembers(StructType t, ResolutionContext ctxt) { if (lastStructMembersEnlisted == null || lastStructHandled != t.Definition) { lastStructHandled = t.Definition; var children = ItemEnumeration.EnumChildren(t, ctxt, MemberFilter.Variables); lastStructMembersEnlisted = TypeDeclarationResolver.HandleNodeMatches(children, ctxt, t); } return(lastStructMembersEnlisted); }
// Only for parsing the base class identifiers! public override void Visit(DClassLike dc) { var back = ctxt.ScopedBlock; if (back != dc) { ctxt.PushNewScope(dc); OnScopedBlockChanged(dc); } base.Visit(dc); if (back != dc) { ctxt.Pop(); } }
public CompletionItemKind Visit(DClassLike n) { switch (n.ClassType) { case DTokens.Interface: return(CompletionItemKind.Interface); case DTokens.Struct: case DTokens.Union: return(CompletionItemKind.Struct); default: return(CompletionItemKind.Class); } }
static AbstractType HandleClassLikeMatch(DClassLike dc, ResolutionContext ctxt, object typeBase, bool canResolveBase) { AbstractType ret; UserDefinedType udt = null; var invisibleTypeParams = GetInvisibleTypeParameters(dc, ctxt); switch (dc.ClassType) { case DTokens.Struct: ret = new StructType(dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, invisibleTypeParams); break; case DTokens.Union: ret = new UnionType(dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, invisibleTypeParams); break; case DTokens.Class: udt = new ClassType(dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, null, null, invisibleTypeParams); ret = null; break; case DTokens.Interface: udt = new InterfaceType(dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, null, invisibleTypeParams); ret = null; break; case DTokens.Template: if (dc.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Mixin)) { ret = new MixinTemplateType(dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, invisibleTypeParams); } else { ret = new TemplateType(dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, invisibleTypeParams); } break; default: ret = null; ctxt.LogError(new ResolutionError(dc, "Unknown type (" + DTokens.GetTokenString(dc.ClassType) + ")")); break; } if (dc.ClassType == DTokens.Class || dc.ClassType == DTokens.Interface) { ret = canResolveBase ? DResolver.ResolveBaseClasses(udt, ctxt) : udt; } return(ret); }
public override void Visit(DClassLike n) { if (!halt) { handlesBaseClasses = true; handledClass = n; foreach (var bc in n.BaseClasses) { bc.Accept(this); } handlesBaseClasses = false; if (!halt) { VisitBlock(n); } } }
public IconId Visit(DClassLike n) { switch (n.ClassType) { case DTokens.Template: return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "template")); default: return(classIconIdWithProtectionAttr(n)); case DTokens.Union: return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "union")); case DTokens.Struct: return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "struct")); case DTokens.Interface: return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "interface")); } }
public string Visit(DClassLike dClassLike) { switch (dClassLike.ClassType) { case DTokens.Struct: return("STRU"); default: return("CLSS"); case DTokens.Interface: return("IFAC"); case DTokens.Template: return(TemplateType); case DTokens.Union: return("UNIO"); } }
void S(DClassLike dc, StringBuilder sb, DeducedTypeDictionary deducedTypes = null) { AppendAttributes(dc, sb); sb.Append(DCodeToMarkup(DTokens.GetTokenString(dc.ClassType))).Append(' '); sb.Append(DCodeToMarkup(dc.Name)); AppendTemplateParams(dc, sb, -1, deducedTypes); if (dc.BaseClasses != null && dc.BaseClasses.Count != 0) { sb.AppendLine(" : "); sb.Append(" "); foreach (var bc in dc.BaseClasses) { sb.Append(' ').Append(DCodeToMarkup(bc.ToString())).Append(','); } RemoveLastChar(sb, ','); } AppendConstraint(dc, sb); }
public MixinTemplateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, IEnumerable <TemplateParameterSymbol> inheritedTypeParams = null) : base(dc, td, inheritedTypeParams) { }
public InterfaceType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces = null, IEnumerable <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null) : base(dc, td, null, baseInterfaces, deducedTypes) { }
public InterfaceType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces, ReadOnlyCollection <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes) : base(dc, td, null, baseInterfaces, deducedTypes) { }
IExpression NewExpression(IBlockNode Scope = null) { Expect(New); var startLoc = t.Location; IExpression[] newArgs = null; // NewArguments if (laKind == (OpenParenthesis)) { Step(); if (laKind != (CloseParenthesis)) newArgs = ArgumentList(Scope).ToArray(); Expect(CloseParenthesis); } /* * If there occurs a class keyword here, interpretate it as an anonymous class definition * * * NewArguments ClassArguments BaseClasslist_opt { DeclDefs } * * * NewAnonClassExpression: new PerenArgumentListopt class PerenArgumentList_opt SuperClass_opt InterfaceClasses_opt ClassBody PerenArgumentList: (ArgumentList) * */ if (laKind == (Class)) { Step(); var ac = new AnonymousClassExpression(); LastParsedObject = ac; ac.NewArguments = newArgs; // ClassArguments if (laKind == (OpenParenthesis)) { Step(); if (laKind == (CloseParenthesis)) Step(); else ac.ClassArguments = ArgumentList(Scope).ToArray(); } var anclass = new DClassLike(Class) { IsAnonymousClass=true }; LastParsedObject = anclass; anclass.Name = "(Anonymous Class)"; // BaseClasslist_opt if (laKind == (Colon)) { //TODO : Add base classes to expression BaseClassList(anclass); } // SuperClass_opt InterfaceClasses_opt else if (laKind != OpenCurlyBrace) BaseClassList(anclass,false); ClassBody(anclass); ac.AnonymousClass = anclass; ac.Location = startLoc; ac.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; if (Scope != null) Scope.Add(ac.AnonymousClass); return ac; } // NewArguments Type else { var nt = BasicType(); while (IsBasicType2()) { var bt=BasicType2(); if (bt == null) break; bt.InnerDeclaration = nt; nt = bt; } var initExpr = new NewExpression() { NewArguments = newArgs, Type=nt, Location=startLoc }; if(!IsEOF) LastParsedObject = initExpr; var args = new List<IExpression>(); var ad=nt as ArrayDecl; if ((ad == null || ad.ClampsEmpty) && laKind == OpenParenthesis) { Step(); if (laKind != CloseParenthesis) args = ArgumentList(Scope); if (Expect(CloseParenthesis)) initExpr.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; else initExpr.EndLocation = CodeLocation.Empty; if (ad != null) { if (args.Count == 0) { SemErr(CloseParenthesis, "Size for the rightmost array dimension needed"); initExpr.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return initExpr; } while (ad != null) { if (args.Count == 0) break; ad.ClampsEmpty = false; ad.KeyType = null; ad.KeyExpression = args[args.Count - 1]; args.RemoveAt(args.Count - 1); ad = ad.InnerDeclaration as ArrayDecl; } } } else initExpr.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; ad = nt as ArrayDecl; if (ad != null && ad.KeyExpression == null) { if (ad.KeyType != null) SemErr(ad.KeyType is DTokenDeclaration ? (ad.KeyType as DTokenDeclaration).Token : CloseSquareBracket, "Size of array expected, not type " + ad.KeyType); } initExpr.Arguments = args.ToArray(); return initExpr; } }
public InterfaceType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces = null, Dictionary <string, TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null) : base(dc, td, null, baseInterfaces, deducedTypes) { }
public static ISyntaxRegion FindCurrentCaretContext(IEditorData editor, out ParserTrackerVariables trackerVariables, ref IBlockNode currentScope, out IStatement currentStatement) { if(currentScope == null) currentScope = DResolver.SearchBlockAt (editor.SyntaxTree, editor.CaretLocation, out currentStatement); if (currentScope == null) { trackerVariables = null; currentStatement = null; return null; } bool ParseDecl = false; int blockStart = 0; var blockStartLocation = currentScope != null ? currentScope.BlockStartLocation : editor.CaretLocation; if (currentScope is DMethod) { var block = (currentScope as DMethod).GetSubBlockAt(editor.CaretLocation); if (block != null) blockStart = DocumentHelper.GetOffsetByRelativeLocation (editor.ModuleCode, editor.CaretLocation, editor.CaretOffset, blockStartLocation = block.Location); else { currentScope = currentScope.Parent as IBlockNode; return FindCurrentCaretContext (editor, out trackerVariables, ref currentScope, out currentStatement); } } else if (currentScope != null) { if (currentScope.BlockStartLocation.IsEmpty || (editor.CaretLocation < currentScope.BlockStartLocation && editor.CaretLocation > currentScope.Location)) { ParseDecl = true; blockStart = DocumentHelper.GetOffsetByRelativeLocation(editor.ModuleCode, editor.CaretLocation, editor.CaretOffset, blockStartLocation = currentScope.Location); } else blockStart = DocumentHelper.GetOffsetByRelativeLocation(editor.ModuleCode, editor.CaretLocation, editor.CaretOffset, currentScope.BlockStartLocation); } if (blockStart >= 0 && editor.CaretOffset - blockStart > 0) using (var sr = new Misc.StringView(editor.ModuleCode, blockStart, editor.CaretOffset - blockStart)) { var psr = DParser.Create(sr); /* Deadly important! For correct resolution behaviour, * it is required to set the parser virtually to the blockStart position, * so that everything using the returned object is always related to * the original code file, not our code extraction! */ psr.Lexer.SetInitialLocation(blockStartLocation); ISyntaxRegion ret = null; if (currentScope == null) ret = psr.Parse(); else if (currentScope is DMethod) { psr.Step(); var dm = currentScope as DMethod; dm.Clear(); if ((dm.SpecialType & DMethod.MethodType.Lambda) != 0 && psr.Lexer.LookAhead.Kind != DTokens.OpenCurlyBrace) { psr.LambdaSingleStatementBody (dm); ret = dm.Body; } else { var methodRegion = DTokens.Body; if (dm.In != null && blockStartLocation == dm.In.Location) methodRegion = DTokens.In; if (dm.Out != null && blockStartLocation == dm.Out.Location) methodRegion = DTokens.Out; var newBlock = psr.BlockStatement (currentScope); ret = newBlock; switch (methodRegion) { case DTokens.Body: newBlock.EndLocation = dm.Body.EndLocation; dm.Body = newBlock; break; case DTokens.In: newBlock.EndLocation = dm.In.EndLocation; dm.In = newBlock; break; case DTokens.Out: newBlock.EndLocation = dm.Out.EndLocation; dm.Out = newBlock; break; } } } else if (currentScope is DModule) ret = psr.Root(); else { psr.Step(); if (ParseDecl) { var ret2 = psr.Declaration(currentScope); if (ret2 != null && ret2.Length > 0) ret = ret2[0]; } else if (currentScope is DClassLike) { var t = new DClassLike((currentScope as DClassLike).ClassType); t.AssignFrom(currentScope); t.Clear(); psr.ClassBody(t); ret = t; } else if (currentScope is DEnum) { var t = new DEnum(); t.AssignFrom(currentScope); t.Clear(); psr.EnumBody(t); ret = t; } } currentScope = DResolver.SearchBlockAt (currentScope, psr.Lexer.CurrentToken != null ? psr.Lexer.CurrentToken.EndLocation : editor.CaretLocation, out currentStatement); trackerVariables = psr.TrackerVariables; return ret; } trackerVariables = null; currentStatement = null; return null; }
protected void SerializeDNode(DNode node, StringBuilder sb, int level) { StringBuilder indent = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { indent.Append('\t'); } SerializeCodeLocation(node.StartLocation, sb); sb.Append("-"); SerializeCodeLocation(node.EndLocation, sb); sb.Append(" "); if (node is DModule) { DModule module = node as DModule; sb.Append(indent).Append("ML:").Append(module.ModuleName); foreach (ITypeDeclaration td in module.Imports.Keys) { sb.Append(indent).Append("~IM:").Append(td.ToString()); } sb.AppendLine(); } else if (node is DMethod) { DMethod method = node as DMethod; sb.Append(indent).Append("MD:").Append(method.Type != null ? method.Type.ToString() : "<NULL>").Append("~").AppendLine(method.Name); foreach (DNode paramNode in method.Parameters) { SerializeDNode(paramNode, sb, level + 1); } } else if (node is DClassLike) { DClassLike clss = node as DClassLike; sb.Append(indent).Append("CLS:").Append(clss.ClassType).Append("~").AppendLine(clss.Name); } else if (node is DVariable) { DVariable variable = node as DVariable; sb.Append(indent).Append("VAR:").Append((variable.Type == null) ? "<NULL>" : variable.Type.ToString()).Append("~").Append(variable.Name); if (variable.Initializer != null) { sb.Append(indent).Append("~INIT:").Append(variable.Initializer.ToString()); } sb.AppendLine(); } else { object o = node; } if (node is DStatementBlock) { DStatementBlock block = node as DStatementBlock; //if (block.Expression != null) // sb.Append(indent).Append("EXP:").Append(block.Expression.ToString()); foreach (DNode childNode in block) { SerializeDNode(childNode, sb, level + 1); } } else if (node is DBlockStatement) { DBlockStatement block = node as DBlockStatement; foreach (DNode childNode in block.Children) { SerializeDNode(childNode, sb, level + 1); } } }
public MixinTemplateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, ReadOnlyCollection <TemplateParameterSymbol> inheritedTypeParams = null) : base(dc, td, inheritedTypeParams) { }
public TemplateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, Dictionary <string, TemplateParameterSymbol> inheritedTypeParams = null) : base(dc, td, null, null, inheritedTypeParams) { }
/// <summary> /// Takes the class passed via the tr, and resolves its base class and/or implemented interfaces. /// Also usable for enums. /// /// Never returns null. Instead, the original 'tr' object will be returned if no base class was resolved. /// Will clone 'tr', whereas the new object will contain the base class. /// </summary> public static TemplateIntermediateType ResolveClassOrInterface(DClassLike dc, ResolutionContext ctxt, ISyntaxRegion instanceDeclaration, bool ResolveFirstBaseIdOnly = false, IEnumerable <TemplateParameterSymbol> extraDeducedTemplateParams = null) { if (parsedClassInstanceDecls == null) { parsedClassInstanceDecls = new List <ISyntaxRegion> (); } switch (dc.ClassType) { case DTokens.Class: case DTokens.Interface: break; default: if (dc.BaseClasses.Count != 0) { ctxt.LogError(dc, "Only classes and interfaces may inherit from other classes/interfaces"); } return(null); } bool isClass = dc.ClassType == DTokens.Class; if (bcStack > 6 || (instanceDeclaration != null && parsedClassInstanceDecls.Contains(instanceDeclaration))) { return(isClass ? new ClassType(dc, instanceDeclaration, null) as TemplateIntermediateType : new InterfaceType(dc, instanceDeclaration)); } if (instanceDeclaration != null) { parsedClassInstanceDecls.Add(instanceDeclaration); } bcStack++; var deducedTypes = new DeducedTypeDictionary(dc); var tix = instanceDeclaration as TemplateInstanceExpression; if (tix != null && (ctxt.Options & ResolutionOptions.NoTemplateParameterDeduction) == 0) { bool hasUndeterminedArgs; var givenTemplateArguments = TemplateInstanceHandler.PreResolveTemplateArgs(tix, ctxt, out hasUndeterminedArgs); if (!TemplateInstanceHandler.DeduceParams(givenTemplateArguments, false, ctxt, null, dc, deducedTypes)) { parsedClassInstanceDecls.Remove(instanceDeclaration); bcStack--; return(null); } } if (extraDeducedTemplateParams != null) { foreach (var tps in extraDeducedTemplateParams) { deducedTypes[tps.Parameter] = tps; } } if (dc.BaseClasses == null || dc.BaseClasses.Count < 1) { parsedClassInstanceDecls.Remove(instanceDeclaration); bcStack--; // The Object class has no further base class; // Normal class instances have the object as base class; // Interfaces must not have any default base class/interface return(isClass ? new ClassType(dc, instanceDeclaration, dc.NameHash != ObjectNameHash ? ctxt.ParseCache.ObjectClassResult : null, null, deducedTypes.Count != 0 ? deducedTypes.ToReadonly() : null) : new InterfaceType(dc, instanceDeclaration, null, deducedTypes.Count != 0 ? deducedTypes.ToReadonly() : null) as TemplateIntermediateType); } #region Base class & interface resolution AbstractType[] res; var pop = ctxt.ScopedBlock != dc.Parent; if (pop) { ctxt.PushNewScope(dc.Parent as IBlockNode); } foreach (var kv in deducedTypes) { ctxt.CurrentContext.DeducedTemplateParameters[kv.Key] = kv.Value; } TemplateIntermediateType baseClass = null; var interfaces = new List <InterfaceType>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < (ResolveFirstBaseIdOnly ? 1 : dc.BaseClasses.Count); i++) { var type = dc.BaseClasses[i]; // If there's an explicit 'Object' inheritance, also return the pre-resolved object class if (type is IdentifierDeclaration && (type as IdentifierDeclaration).IdHash == ObjectNameHash) { if (baseClass != null) { ctxt.LogError(new ResolutionError(dc, "Class must not have two base classes")); continue; } else if (i != 0) { ctxt.LogError(new ResolutionError(dc, "The base class name must preceed base interfaces")); continue; } baseClass = ctxt.ParseCache.ObjectClassResult; continue; } if (type == null || (type is IdentifierDeclaration && (type as IdentifierDeclaration).IdHash == dc.NameHash) || dc.NodeRoot == dc) { ctxt.LogError(new ResolutionError(dc, "A class cannot inherit from itself")); continue; } res = DResolver.StripAliasSymbols(TypeDeclarationResolver.Resolve(type, ctxt)); ctxt.CheckForSingleResult(res, type); if (res != null && res.Length != 0) { var r = res[0]; if (r is ClassType || r is TemplateType) { if (!isClass) { ctxt.LogError(new ResolutionError(type, "An interface cannot inherit from non-interfaces")); } else if (i == 0) { baseClass = r as TemplateIntermediateType; } else { ctxt.LogError(new ResolutionError(dc, "The base " + (r is ClassType ? "class" : "template") + " name must preceed base interfaces")); } } else if (r is InterfaceType) { interfaces.Add(r as InterfaceType); if (isClass && dc.NameHash != ObjectNameHash && baseClass == null) { baseClass = ctxt.ParseCache.ObjectClassResult; } } else { ctxt.LogError(new ResolutionError(type, "Resolved class is neither a class nor an interface")); continue; } } } } finally { bcStack--; parsedClassInstanceDecls.Remove(instanceDeclaration); } if (pop) { ctxt.Pop(); } else { foreach (var kv in deducedTypes) // May be backup old tps? { ctxt.CurrentContext.DeducedTemplateParameters.Remove(kv.Key); } } #endregion if (isClass) { return(new ClassType(dc, instanceDeclaration, baseClass, interfaces.Count == 0 ? null : interfaces.ToArray(), deducedTypes.Count != 0 ? deducedTypes.ToReadonly() : null)); } return(new InterfaceType(dc, instanceDeclaration, interfaces.Count == 0 ? null : interfaces.ToArray(), deducedTypes.Count != 0 ? deducedTypes.ToReadonly() : null)); }
static AbstractType HandleClassLikeMatch (DClassLike dc, ResolutionContext ctxt, object typeBase, bool canResolveBase) { AbstractType ret; UserDefinedType udt = null; var invisibleTypeParams = GetInvisibleTypeParameters (dc, ctxt); switch (dc.ClassType) { case DTokens.Struct: ret = new StructType (dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, invisibleTypeParams); break; case DTokens.Union: ret = new UnionType (dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, invisibleTypeParams); break; case DTokens.Class: udt = new ClassType (dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, null, null, invisibleTypeParams); ret = null; break; case DTokens.Interface: udt = new InterfaceType (dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, null, invisibleTypeParams); ret = null; break; case DTokens.Template: if (dc.ContainsAttribute (DTokens.Mixin)) ret = new MixinTemplateType (dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, invisibleTypeParams); else ret = new TemplateType (dc, typeBase as ISyntaxRegion, invisibleTypeParams); break; default: ret = null; ctxt.LogError (new ResolutionError (dc, "Unknown type (" + DTokens.GetTokenString (dc.ClassType) + ")")); break; } if (dc.ClassType == DTokens.Class || dc.ClassType == DTokens.Interface) ret = canResolveBase ? DResolver.ResolveBaseClasses (udt, ctxt) : udt; return ret; }
/* * American beer is like sex on a boat - F*****g close to water;) */ private INode TemplateDeclaration(INode Parent) { var startLoc = la.Location; // TemplateMixinDeclaration Modifier mixinMod; if (laKind == Mixin){ Step(); mixinMod = new Modifier(Mixin){ Location = t.Location, EndLocation = t.EndLocation }; } else mixinMod = null; Expect(Template); var dc = new DClassLike(Template) { Description=GetComments(), Location=startLoc, Parent=Parent }; LastParsedObject = dc; ApplyAttributes(dc); if (mixinMod != null) dc.Attributes.Add(mixinMod); if (Expect(Identifier)) { dc.Name = t.Value; dc.NameLocation = t.Location; } else if (IsEOF) ExpectingNodeName = true; TemplateParameterList(dc); if (laKind == (If)) Constraint(dc); // [Must not contain a base class list] ClassBody(dc); return dc; }
private IBlockNode InterfaceDeclaration(INode Parent) { Expect(Interface); var dc = new DClassLike() { Location = t.Location, Description = GetComments(), ClassType= DTokens.Interface, Parent=Parent }; LastParsedObject = dc; ApplyAttributes(dc); if (!Expect(Identifier)) { if (IsEOF) ExpectingNodeName = true; return dc; } dc.Name = t.Value; dc.NameLocation = t.Location; if (laKind == (OpenParenthesis)) TemplateParameterList(dc); if (laKind == (If)) Constraint(dc); if (laKind == (Colon)) BaseClassList(dc); // Empty interfaces are allowed if (laKind == Semicolon) Step(); else ClassBody(dc); dc.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return dc; }
private void BaseClassList(DClassLike dc,bool ExpectColon=true) { if (ExpectColon) Expect(Colon); var ret = new List<ITypeDeclaration>(); dc.BaseClasses = ret; bool init = true; while (init || laKind == (Comma)) { if (!init) Step(); init = false; if (IsProtectionAttribute() && laKind != (Protected)) Step(); var ids=IdentifierList(); if (ids != null) ret.Add(ids); } if (IsEOF) { if (ret.Count != 0) LastParsedObject = ret[ret.Count - 1]; TrackerVariables.IsParsingBaseClassList = true; TrackerVariables.InitializedNode = dc; } }
private INode ClassDeclaration(INode Parent) { Expect(Class); var dc = new DClassLike(Class) { Location = t.Location, Description=GetComments(), Parent=Parent }; LastParsedObject = dc; ApplyAttributes(dc); if (Expect(Identifier)) { dc.Name = t.Value; dc.NameLocation = t.Location; } else if (IsEOF) ExpectingNodeName = true; if (laKind == (OpenParenthesis)) TemplateParameterList(dc); // Constraints // if (Constraint (dc)) { // Constraint_opt BaseClassList_opt if (laKind == (Colon)) BaseClassList (dc); } else if (laKind == (Colon)) { // Constraint_opt BaseClassList_opt BaseClassList (dc); Constraint (dc); } ClassBody(dc); dc.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; return dc; }
private INode AggregateDeclaration(INode Parent) { var classType = laKind; if (!(classType == Union || classType == Struct)) SynErr(t.Kind, "union or struct required"); Step(); var ret = new DClassLike(t.Kind) { Location = t.Location, Description = GetComments(), ClassType=classType, Parent=Parent }; LastParsedObject = ret; ApplyAttributes(ret); // Allow anonymous structs&unions if (laKind == Identifier) { Expect(Identifier); ret.Name = t.Value; ret.NameLocation = t.Location; } else if (IsEOF) ExpectingNodeName = true; if (laKind == (Semicolon)) { Step(); return ret; } // StructTemplateDeclaration if (laKind == (OpenParenthesis)) { TemplateParameterList(ret); // Constraint[opt] if (laKind == (If)) Constraint(ret); } ClassBody(ret); return ret; }
public TemplateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, ReadOnlyCollection <KeyValuePair <string, TemplateParameterSymbol> > inheritedTypeParams = null) : base(dc, td, null, null, inheritedTypeParams) { }
public InterfaceType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces=null, IEnumerable<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null) : base(dc, td, null, baseInterfaces, deducedTypes) {}
public MixinTemplateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, IEnumerable<TemplateParameterSymbol> inheritedTypeParams = null) : base(dc, td, inheritedTypeParams) { }
public TemplateIntermediateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, AbstractType baseType = null, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces = null, ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null) : base(dc, baseType, deducedTypes, td) { this.BaseInterfaces = baseInterfaces; }
public InstanceValue(DClassLike Class, AbstractType ClassType) : base(Class, ClassType) { }
// Only for parsing the base class identifiers! public override void Visit (DClassLike dc) { var back = ctxt.ScopedBlock; if (back != dc) { ctxt.PushNewScope (dc); OnScopedBlockChanged (dc); } base.Visit (dc); if(back != dc) ctxt.Pop (); }
public UnionType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, IEnumerable<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null) : base(dc, td, null, null, deducedTypes) { }
public override void Visit(DClassLike n) { base.Visit(n); }
public InterfaceType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces, ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes) : base(dc, td, null, baseInterfaces, deducedTypes) { }
public override void Visit (DClassLike n) { if (DoPrimaryIdCheck (n.NameHash)) AddResult (n); base.VisitDNode (n); }
public MixinTemplateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol> inheritedTypeParams = null) : base(dc, td, inheritedTypeParams) { }
public TemplateIntermediateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, AbstractType baseType, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces, IEnumerable<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes) : this(dc,td, baseType,baseInterfaces, deducedTypes != null ? new ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol>(deducedTypes.ToArray()) : null) { }
public UnionType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, IEnumerable <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null) : base(dc, td, null, null, deducedTypes) { }
public static ISyntaxRegion FindCurrentCaretContext(IEditorData editor, out ParserTrackerVariables trackerVariables, ref IBlockNode currentScope, out IStatement currentStatement) { if (currentScope == null) { currentScope = DResolver.SearchBlockAt(editor.SyntaxTree, editor.CaretLocation, out currentStatement); } if (currentScope == null) { trackerVariables = null; currentStatement = null; return(null); } bool ParseDecl = false; int blockStart = 0; var blockStartLocation = currentScope != null ? currentScope.BlockStartLocation : editor.CaretLocation; if (currentScope is DMethod) { var block = (currentScope as DMethod).GetSubBlockAt(editor.CaretLocation); if (block != null) { blockStart = DocumentHelper.GetOffsetByRelativeLocation(editor.ModuleCode, editor.CaretLocation, editor.CaretOffset, blockStartLocation = block.Location); } else { currentScope = currentScope.Parent as IBlockNode; return(FindCurrentCaretContext(editor, out trackerVariables, ref currentScope, out currentStatement)); } } else if (currentScope != null) { if (currentScope.BlockStartLocation.IsEmpty || (editor.CaretLocation < currentScope.BlockStartLocation && editor.CaretLocation > currentScope.Location)) { ParseDecl = true; blockStart = DocumentHelper.GetOffsetByRelativeLocation(editor.ModuleCode, editor.CaretLocation, editor.CaretOffset, blockStartLocation = currentScope.Location); } else { blockStart = DocumentHelper.GetOffsetByRelativeLocation(editor.ModuleCode, editor.CaretLocation, editor.CaretOffset, currentScope.BlockStartLocation); } } if (blockStart >= 0 && editor.CaretOffset - blockStart > 0) { using (var sr = new Misc.StringView(editor.ModuleCode, blockStart, editor.CaretOffset - blockStart)) { var psr = DParser.Create(sr); /* Deadly important! For correct resolution behaviour, * it is required to set the parser virtually to the blockStart position, * so that everything using the returned object is always related to * the original code file, not our code extraction! */ psr.Lexer.SetInitialLocation(blockStartLocation); ISyntaxRegion ret = null; if (currentScope == null) { ret = psr.Parse(); } else if (currentScope is DMethod) { psr.Step(); var dm = currentScope as DMethod; dm.Clear(); if ((dm.SpecialType & DMethod.MethodType.Lambda) != 0 && psr.Lexer.LookAhead.Kind != DTokens.OpenCurlyBrace) { psr.LambdaSingleStatementBody(dm); ret = dm.Body; } else { var methodRegion = DTokens.Body; if (dm.In != null && blockStartLocation == dm.In.Location) { methodRegion = DTokens.In; } if (dm.Out != null && blockStartLocation == dm.Out.Location) { methodRegion = DTokens.Out; } var newBlock = psr.BlockStatement(currentScope); ret = newBlock; switch (methodRegion) { case DTokens.Body: newBlock.EndLocation = dm.Body.EndLocation; dm.Body = newBlock; break; case DTokens.In: newBlock.EndLocation = dm.In.EndLocation; dm.In = newBlock; break; case DTokens.Out: newBlock.EndLocation = dm.Out.EndLocation; dm.Out = newBlock; break; } } } else if (currentScope is DModule) { ret = psr.Root(); } else { psr.Step(); if (ParseDecl) { var ret2 = psr.Declaration(currentScope); if (ret2 != null && ret2.Length > 0) { ret = ret2[0]; } } else if (currentScope is DClassLike) { var t = new DClassLike((currentScope as DClassLike).ClassType); t.AssignFrom(currentScope); t.Clear(); psr.ClassBody(t); ret = t; } else if (currentScope is DEnum) { var t = new DEnum(); t.AssignFrom(currentScope); t.Clear(); psr.EnumBody(t); ret = t; } } currentScope = DResolver.SearchBlockAt(currentScope, psr.Lexer.CurrentToken != null ? psr.Lexer.CurrentToken.EndLocation : editor.CaretLocation, out currentStatement); trackerVariables = psr.TrackerVariables; return(ret); } } trackerVariables = null; currentStatement = null; return(null); }
public ClassType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, TemplateIntermediateType baseType, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces, ReadOnlyCollection <KeyValuePair <string, TemplateParameterSymbol> > deducedTypes) : base(dc, td, baseType, baseInterfaces, deducedTypes) { }