Beispiel #1
    //private TestScript testScript;

    internal void ResetProcessing()
        debug.PrintPlus("in reset processing");
        this._dbpediaResult = null;
        this._processing    = false;
Beispiel #2
 public void ResetProcessing()
     this._sourceImage         = null;
     this._webDetection        = null;
     this._dbpediaResult       = null;
     this._beginProcessingTime = 0.0f;
     this._endProcessingTime   = 0.0f;
     this.output = null;
     //this.annotateImageResponses = null;
     this._completed  = false;
     this._processing = false;
Beispiel #3
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (this._processing)
     if ((this._imageProcessor.output != null) && (this._imageProcessor._processing == true) && (this._imageProcessor._completed == true))
         //we have some output to process
         this._processing    = true;
         this._dbpediaResult = this._imageProcessor.output;
Beispiel #4
    IEnumerator RunDBPediaQueries()
        DBpediaResult db = new DBpediaResult();

        foreach (WebEntity e in this._webDetection.webEntities)
            string desc  = e.description;
            string query = GetDBpediaQueryString(desc);
            using (UnityWebRequest req = UnityWebRequest.Get(query))
                //request and wait for the desired page
                yield return(req.SendWebRequest());

                if (req.isNetworkError)
                    Debug.Log("Web request error: " + req.error);
                    db = ProcessDBpediaJSON(req.downloadHandler.text);
                    if (db.Success)
        if (db.Success)
            //we successfully resolved the image
            this._dbpediaResult = db;
            //we failed to resolve the image
            this._dbpediaResult = null;
Beispiel #5
    //private void PrintDebugMessage(string msg)
    //    this.debugMessage.text = msg;

    IEnumerator BeginProcessing()
        this.debug.Print("in beginprocessing");
        //timestamp the beginning of the processing cycle
        this._beginProcessingTime = Time.time;

        //we have the source image.
        //we need to create a request and invoke the machine vision service

        //convert the source image into a base64-encoded string
        byte[] jpg    = this._sourceImage.EncodeToJPG();
        string base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(jpg);

        //create the request collection object
        AnnotateImageRequests requests = new AnnotateImageRequests();

        requests.requests = new List <AnnotateImageRequest>();
        //create the request object
        AnnotateImageRequest request = new AnnotateImageRequest();

        //configure the request object
        request.image         = new Image();
        request.image.content = base64;
        request.features      = new List <Feature>();
        Feature feature = new Feature();

        //we are only interested in web detections
        feature.type = FeatureType.WEB_DETECTION.ToString();
        //we only want a single response
        feature.maxResults = this.maxResults;
        //creat a MachineVisionClient to post the request
        MachineVisionClient client = new MachineVisionClient();

        //send the request
        yield return(client.SendWebRequest(requests));

        //the MachineVisionClient will send the request and create response object
        //get a reference to the response object
        MachineVisionResponse res = client.response;

        //check if an error was encountered during the request
        if (res.isError)
            //an error occurred during processing
            Debug.Log("Web detection object is null.");
            //return a null web detection object
            this._webDetection = null;
            //set the DPpedia result to null
            this.output = new DBpediaResult();
            yield break;
        //if we get here, then we have successully returned a web detection from the Google Vision API
        this._webDetection = res.annotateImageResponse.webDetection;
        //now run the dbpedia queries
        yield return(StartCoroutine(RunDBPediaQueries()));

        if (this._dbpediaResult == null)
            //the retrieval of results from dbpedia failed, so create a null dbpedia result
            this.output = new DBpediaResult();
            this.output = this._dbpediaResult;
        //if we get here then we have a result to process
        //timestamp the end processing time
        this._endProcessingTime = Time.time;
        //mark the processing as completed
        this._completed = true;
        this.debug.Print("db-result: " + this._dbpediaResult.Success.ToString());