void DoDataBind() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetPlayPeriod); dgPeriod.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; try { dgPeriod.DataBind(); } catch { if (dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex < 0) { dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex = 0; } else if (dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex > dgPeriod.PageCount - 1) { if (dgPeriod.PageCount > 0) { dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex = dgPeriod.PageCount - 1; } else { dgPeriod.CurrentPageIndex = 0; } } dgPeriod.DataBind(); } }
private void ZMain_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { //if (this.Visible) //{ // if (this.Height > 50) DBase.LastHeight = this.Height.ToString(); // if (this.Width > 120) DBase.LastWidth = this.Width.ToString(); // DBase.SaveSetting(); //} if (DBase.CloseToTray != "0") { if (isClose == 0) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; this.Hide(); notifyIcon1.Visible = true; e.Cancel = true; } else { string PName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName; notifyIcon1.Visible = false; DBase.KillProcess(PName); } } else { string PName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName; notifyIcon1.Visible = false; DBase.KillProcess(PName); } }
private void edtSHORTKEY_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { string KEYBIND = ""; try { if (e.Control && e.Shift && e.Alt) { KEYBIND = "CRT+ALT+SHIFT"; } else if (e.Control && e.Shift) { KEYBIND = "CRT+ALT"; } else if (e.Control && e.Alt) { KEYBIND = "CRT+SHIFT"; } else if (e.Control) { KEYBIND = "CRT"; } KEYBIND = DBase.AppentString(KEYBIND, e.KeyCode.ToString(), "+"); } catch (Exception) { } edtSHORTKEY.Text = KEYBIND; }
protected void BindGrid() { DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetConfig); foreach (DataRow oDR in oDT.Rows) { //create table row TableRow oTR = new TableRow();; oTR.CssClass = "cssReportItemOdd"; //create table cell and populate it with text of config name TableCell oTC = new TableCell(); oTC.Text = GetObjectName(oDR); //GetObjectName prevents to show the same names several times (first time it will be name, next time it will be   instead the same name oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); //create table cell and populate it with text of config detail name oTC = new TableCell(); oTC.Text = oDR["PropertyName"].ToString(); oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); //create table cell and populate it with config detail value oTC = new TableCell(); int nID = Utils.GetInt(oDR["id"]); TextBox oTB = new TextBox(); oTB.MaxLength = 7000; oTB.Width = Unit.Percentage(100); oTB.ID = string.Format("edtVal_{0}", nID); oTB.Text = oDR["PropertyValue"].ToString(); oTC.Controls.Add(oTB); oTR.Cells.Add(oTC); //add rows to table tblMain.Rows.Add(oTR); } }
private void BindData() { DataSet ds = DBase.GetDataSet("admGetCurrentStats"); DataTable tb = ds.Tables[2]; if (tb == null) { return; } if (tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } DataRow dr = tb.Rows[0]; lbAffNew.Text = dr["AffSignup"].ToString(); lbAffUnapp.Text = dr["AffUnapproved"].ToString(); lbDeposits.Text = dr["Deposits"].ToString(); lbWithdr.Text = dr["Withdrawals"].ToString(); lbPlayersSign.Text = dr["NewPlayers"].ToString(); lbTAPReal.Text = dr["ActPlayersReal"].ToString(); lbTAPPlay.Text = dr["ActPlayersPlay"].ToString(); lbTATReal.Text = dr["ActTablesReal"].ToString(); lbTATPlay.Text = dr["ActTablesPlay"].ToString(); lbTournRun.Text = dr["ToutnRun"].ToString(); lbTournFinish.Text = dr["TournFinish"].ToString(); }
public void btnDeleteBan_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string sIDs = GetCheckedValues(Config.MainCheckboxName); DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteBan, "@IDs", sIDs); Data_Bind(); }
private void timerAction_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { edtTimeInfo.Text = DBase.Int2Time(DBase.IntReturn((DateTime.Now - StartTime).TotalSeconds)); if (DBase.SPEECH_STATUS == "ON" && DBase.SPEECH_STATUS != LastStatus) { LastStatus = DBase.SPEECH_STATUS; edtPic.Image = Properties.Resources.Loading; } else if (DBase.SPEECH_STATUS == "PAUSE" && DBase.SPEECH_STATUS != LastStatus) { LastStatus = DBase.SPEECH_STATUS; edtPic.Image = OriImage; SPEECH2TEXT_Click(null, null); } if (DBase.SR != LastR) { if ((DateTime.Now - LastChangeTime).TotalSeconds > 1.4) // Add to Result { CountAddState = CountAddState + 1; this.Text = "Added State " + CountAddState; edtResult.Text = edtResult.Text + Environment.NewLine + LastR; } LastR = DBase.SR; LastChangeTime = DateTime.Now; edtText.Text = LastR; } }
private void vGrid_UpdateCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DBSaveBotChatVariant, "@ID", int.Parse(e.Item.Cells[2].Text), "@postvariant", ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[3].Controls[0]).Text, "@mapid", MapID); vGrid.EditItemIndex = -1; GridBindVariant(); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { nSubCategoryID = GetMainParamInt(hdnID); BackPageUrl = (string)Session["SBSubCategoryMaintenanceUrl"]; if (!IsPostBack) { DataRow oDR = GetFirstRow(Config.DbGetSBSubCategoryDetails, new object[] { "@id", nSubCategoryID }); if (oDR != null) { //btnSave.Visible = false; txtName.Text = oDR["Name"].ToString(); nCategoryID = Utils.GetInt(oDR["CategoryID"]); txtSpreadFrom.Text = oDR["SpreadFrom"].ToString(); txtSpreadTo.Text = oDR["SpreadTo"].ToString(); txtSpreadStep.Text = oDR["SpreadStep"].ToString(); txtOuFrom.Text = oDR["OuFrom"].ToString(); txtOuTo.Text = oDR["OuTo"].ToString(); txtOuStep.Text = oDR["OuStep"].ToString(); txtName.Enabled = false; comboCategory.Enabled = false; txtSpreadFrom.Enabled = false; txtSpreadTo.Enabled = false; txtSpreadStep.Enabled = false; txtOuFrom.Enabled = false; txtOuTo.Enabled = false; txtOuStep.Enabled = false; } DBase.FillList(comboCategory, nCategoryID, Config.DbGetDictionarySBCategoryList, false); BindTeam(); } InitJS(); }
private void DoBindData() { DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetActionDispatchersList); oGrid.DataSource = oDT.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
private void GridBind() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetPushingContentList); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
public JsonResult SelectUserRoles() { try { List <string> roleList = new List <string>(); using (var context = new AccountDbContext()) { var resultRoles = from ur in context.UserRoles join u in context.Users on ur.UserId equals u.UserId join r in context.Roles on ur.RoleId equals r.RoleId where u.Username == Username select new { RoleName = r.RoleName }; roleList = resultRoles.Select(r => r.RoleName).ToList(); } using (var context = new AccountDbContext()) { DBase dbase = new DBase(context); var a = dbase.List <EUserRole>(b => true); } return(Json(roleList)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(ex.ToString())); } }
protected void GetData(bool FromBase) { if (FromBase) { if (nTournamentPrizeID > 0) { DataRow oDR = GetFirstRow(Config.DbGetTournamentPrizeDetails, new object[] { "@ID", nTournamentPrizeID }); if (oDR != null) { if (oDR["PaySchemaXML"] != null) { xmlTournamentPrize = oDR["PaySchemaXML"].ToString(); } nValueType = Utils.GetInt(oDR["PrizeValueType"]); nCurrencyID = Utils.GetInt(oDR["CurrencyTypeID"]); txtName.Text = oDR["name"].ToString(); } } DBase.FillList(cbPrizeValueType, nValueType, Config.DbDictionaryTournPrizeValueType, false); DBase.FillList(cbCurrency, nCurrencyID, Config.DbDictionaryCurrency, false); } // oPrize.FillTable(ref xmlTournamentPrize, ref table, true, false); hdnTournamentPrizeXML.Value = xmlTournamentPrize; prData.XMLToDataSet(xmlTournamentPrize); }
public void RefreshSelect() { try { string ID = DBase.StringReturn(dgv.SelectedRows[0].Cells[colKEYCOL].Value); DataTable temp = DHuy.SELECT(TableName, KEYCOL, ID.ToString()); if (dt != null) { try { DBase.TablePropertyRemove(dt); for (int d = 0; d < dt.Rows.Count; d++) { if (dt.Rows[d][KEYCOL].ToString() == ID.ToString()) { dt.Rows[d].ItemArray = temp.Rows[0].ItemArray; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public Polygon GetPolygonByName(string s) { DBase db = new DBase(DataContextConnection); Polygon poly = new Polygon(); // construct polygon Polygons DBpoly = (from c in db.Polygons where c.NAME==s && c.PARENT_ID==null select c).SingleOrDefault<Polygons>(); foreach (Points pnt in DBpoly.Points) { Point p = new Point(pnt.X,pnt.Y); poly.AddVertex(p); } // construct subPolygons IQueryable <Polygons> DBsubpolys = from c in db.Polygons where c.PARENT_ID == DBpoly.ID select c; foreach (Polygons DBsubpoly in DBsubpolys) { Polygon subpoly = new Polygon(); foreach (Points pnt in DBsubpoly.Points) { Point p = new Point(pnt.X, pnt.Y); subpoly.AddVertex(p); } poly.AddSubPolygon(subpoly); } return poly; }
private void LOGON_ITEM_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Environment.UserName == USERNAME) { DBase.BoldLabel(edtUserName); } }
private void cmsStartMinimize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBase.StartMinimize = DBase.StartMinimize == 0 ? 1 : 0; DBase.SaveSetting(); RefreshButton(); }
private void oGrid_DeleteCommand(object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { int ID = Utils.GetInt(e.Item.Cells[0].Text); DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteActionDispatcher, "@ID", ID); DoBindData(); }
private void LOGON_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { KeyboardManager.DisableSystemKeys(); DBase.isLock = 1; try { // DBase.KillProcess("explorer"); DBase.RegistrySetLM("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon", "AutoRestartShell", "0", true); DBase.RegistrySetCU("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System", "DisableTaskMgr", "1", true); DBase.RegistrySetCU("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System", "DisableLockWorkstation", "1", true); DBase.RegistrySetCU("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer", "NoLogoff", "1", true); DBase.RegistrySetLM("Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\System\\Power", "PromptPasswordOnResume", "0", true); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { this.Location = new Point(0, 0); this.Width = 9000; this.Height = 5080; } catch (Exception ex) { } edtPassword.Focus(); this.ActiveControl = edtPassword; }
//SEND/RECEIVE private void SEND(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt = DHuy.SELECT_SQL("SELECT * FROM FILE_TRANSFER WHERE ID = " + SESSION_TRANS_ID); if (DBase.IsFolder(HerePath) == 1) { return; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { FileTransfer_Process P = new FileTransfer_Process(); P.isSend = 1; P.dt = dt; P.Here_File = HerePath; P.Remote_File = RemotePath; P.SESSION_TRANS_ID = SESSION_TRANS_ID; P.F = this; P.Location = new Point(Location.X + (Width - P.Width) / 2, Location.Y + (Height - P.Height) / 2); P.Show(); } else { Confirm C = new Confirm(); C.SetColor(Color.LightCoral); C.edtText.Text = "Session is expired ! ... Close ? "; C.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; C.Location = new Point(Location.X + (Width - C.Width) / 2, Location.Y + (Height - C.Height) / 2); C.ShowDialog(this); if (C.Res == 1) { this.Close(); } } }
private void GridBindVariant() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DBGetBotChatVariantList, "@mapid", MapID); vGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; vGrid.DataBind(); }
private void GridBind() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetForcedExitsList); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
protected void btnDecline_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ArrayList sIDs = GetCheckedValuesToArray(Config.MainCheckboxName); if (sIDs.Count <= 0) { return; } DataTable dt = (DataTable)Session["Avatars_DT"]; dt.Constraints.Clear(); dt.Constraints.Add("cnst_ID_Avatars", dt.Columns["ID"], true); string fPath = Config.GetConfigValue("AvatarUploadPath"); foreach (string sr in sIDs) { int id = int.Parse(sr); int ret = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbDeleteAvatar, "@id", id); DataRow dr = dt.Rows.Find(id); fPath += ("\\" + dr["LoginName"] + "\\" + dr["File"]); if (File.Exists(fPath)) { File.Delete(fPath); } } Bind_Grid(); }
protected override void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Request["isProcess"] == "1") { ProcID = int.Parse(Request["ID"]); } else { GameID = int.Parse(Request["ID"]); } if (!IsPostBack) { hdnSelGame.Value = "0"; DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable("admGetGameProcessList2", "@TournID", ProcID, "@GameProcID", GameID); if (tb.Rows.Count > 0) { Core.SelectItemByValue(ddGames, tb.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString()); hdnSelGame.Value = tb.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); } Core.FillList(ddGames, tb); } if (hdnSelGame.Value == String.Empty) { Core.SelectItemByValue(ddGames, hdnSelGame.Value); } }
private void Data_Bind() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetBanList); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
private void BindUserSession() { DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetClientSessionHistory, "@ID", nUserID); oGrid.DataSource = tb.DefaultView; oGrid.DataBind(); }
private void cmsBundleRemote_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (BundleString != "") { string[] S = BundleString.Split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < S.Length; i++) { if (S[i] == "") { continue; } String PCSID = S[i].Split(':')[0]; //M.edtRemoteID.Text = PCSID; string pcsname = ""; try { pcsname = DBase.StringReturn(DBase.dtpcslist.Select("PCS_ID = " + PCSID)[0]["PCS_NAME"]); } catch (Exception ex) { // MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } string RemotePassword = "******"; try { RemotePassword = S[i].Split(':')[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { } M.REMOTE(DBase.IntReturn(PCSID), RemotePassword, pcsname, 1); } } }
public bool Load(TypeOrder objtypeorder) { bool ret = false; DBase.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + TableName + " where IdTypeOrder=@IdTypeOrder ORDER BY Number "; DBase.Parameters["IdTypeOrder"].Value = objtypeorder.Id; try { SqlCeDataReader rdr = DBase.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr != null) { while (rdr.Read()) { objtypeorder.ListPole.Add(new TypeOrderPole(Convert.ToInt32(rdr["Id"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(rdr["IdTypeOrder"].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(rdr["Number"].ToString()), rdr["NamePole"].ToString())); } } rdr.Close(); ret = true; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Внимание!"); } return(ret); }
public static int DetectCursorID() { int kq = 0; try { bitmapDrawIcon = new Bitmap(50, 50, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapDrawIcon)) { CURSORINFO cursorInfo; cursorInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CURSORINFO)); if (GetCursorInfo(out cursorInfo)) { var iconPointer = CopyIcon(cursorInfo.hCursor); ICONINFO iconInfo; int iconX, iconY; GetIconInfo(iconPointer, out iconInfo); iconX = cursorInfo.ptScreenPos.x - ((int)iconInfo.xHotspot); iconY = cursorInfo.ptScreenPos.y - ((int)iconInfo.yHotspot); DrawIcon(g.GetHdc(), 0, 0, cursorInfo.hCursor); g.ReleaseHdc(); } } kq = (int)DBase.getObjectLenght(bitmapDrawIcon); //MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); //bitmapDrawIcon.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); //kq = ms.ToArray().Length; } catch (Exception ex) { } return(kq); }
private void cmsStartWithWindow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DBase.RegistryDeleteCU("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", "JCS"); RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true); if (rk.GetValue("JCS") == null) { if (DBase.AutoLogOn == "1") { rk.SetValue("JCS", "\"" + Application.ExecutablePath.ToString() + "\" STARTUP_LOGON"); } else { rk.SetValue("JCS", "\"" + Application.ExecutablePath.ToString() + "\" STARTUP"); } } else { rk.DeleteValue("JCS"); } if (rk.GetValue("JCS") == null) { this.cmsStartWithWindow.Image = null; } else { this.cmsStartWithWindow.Image = global::GB.Properties.Resources._011_yes_16; } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void UpdateIcon(DataTable dt) { DBase.AddColumn(dt, "ICON", typeof(Image)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { // DBase.SetValue(dt, i, "ICON", Properties.Resources.RemoveBlack); } }
public void DeletePolygonByName(string name) { DBase db = new DBase(DataContextConnection); Polygons DBpoly = (from c in db.Polygons where c.PARENT_ID == null && c.NAME==name select c).SingleOrDefault<Polygons>(); // delete subpolygons IQueryable<Polygons> DBsubpolys = from c in db.Polygons where c.PARENT_ID == DBpoly.ID select c; foreach (Polygons DBsubpoly in DBsubpolys) { db.Points.DeleteAllOnSubmit(DBsubpoly.Points); db.Polygons.DeleteOnSubmit(DBsubpoly); } // delete polygon db.Points.DeleteAllOnSubmit(DBpoly.Points); db.Polygons.DeleteOnSubmit(DBpoly); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public bool PolygonExists(string name) { DBase db = new DBase(DataContextConnection); Polygons DBpoly = (from c in db.Polygons where c.NAME == name && c.PARENT_ID == null select c).SingleOrDefault<Polygons>(); if (DBpoly == null) return false; return true; }
public List<string> loadPolygonsList() { List<string> list = new List<string>(); DBase db = new DBase(DataContextConnection); IQueryable<Polygons> DBpolys = from c in db.Polygons where c.PARENT_ID == null select c; foreach (Polygons DBpoly in DBpolys) { list.Add(DBpoly.NAME); } return list; }
public void SavePolygon(Polygon polyg, string name) { DBase db = new DBase(DataContextConnection); // insert polygon Polygons DBpoly = new Polygons { NAME = name, }; for (int i = 0; i < polyg.VertexCount; i++) { Points p = new Points { X = polyg.GetVertex(i).X, Y = polyg.GetVertex(i).Y, POLYGON_ID = DBpoly.ID, }; DBpoly.Points.Add(p); } db.Polygons.InsertOnSubmit(DBpoly); db.SubmitChanges(); // insert subPolygons for (int i = 0; i < polyg.SubPolygs.Count; i++) { Polygons DBsubpoly = new Polygons { NAME = name, PARENT_ID = DBpoly.ID, }; for (int j = 0; j < polyg.SubPolygs[i].VertexCount; j++) { Points sp = new Points { X = polyg.SubPolygs[i].GetVertex(j).X, Y = polyg.SubPolygs[i].GetVertex(j).Y, POLYGON_ID = DBsubpoly.ID, }; DBsubpoly.Points.Add(sp); } db.Polygons.InsertOnSubmit(DBsubpoly); } db.SubmitChanges(); }