public ActionResult NewPassword(FormCollection collection)
            // SHould pass the user id in a safer way so that no one can modify the session id to change the password of someoneelse
            // hiddenfield instead of session Uid?

            int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Uid"]);

            var user = db.getUserById(userId);

            String password1 = collection["password1"].ToString();
            String password2 = collection["password2"].ToString();

            //Validate password enter equal
            if (!string.Equals(password1, password2))
                TempData["Message"] = "<h5 style=\"color:red;\">Please make sure the two passwords are the same</h5>";

            user.U_Password = encoder.Encode(password2);
            user.Active     = true;

            TempData["Message"] = "Your password was updated successfully.";

            //return View();
            return(RedirectToAction("MessageView", "Home"));
        public ActionResult EditUser(FormCollection collection)
            int id = (int)TempData["EditUserId"];

            var y = db.getUserById(id);

            int    role  = Convert.ToInt32(collection["role"]);
            string email = collection["Email"];
            string fname = collection["FirstName"];
            string lname = collection["LastName"];
            string phone = collection["Phone"];
            //string birthday = collection["Birthday"];
            DateTime birthday = Convert.ToDateTime(collection["Birthday"]);

            //Yoga_User y = new Yoga_User();
            y.Roles_Id     = role;
            y.U_Email      = email;
            y.U_First_Name = fname;
            y.U_Last_Name  = lname;
            y.U_Phone      = phone;
            y.U_Birthday   = birthday;

            if (collection["active"] == null)
                y.Active = false;
                y.Active = true;

            // see for password

            //update db method

            //ViewBag.StickyUser = user;
