/// <summary> /// Persists a new instance of Discount. Returns true on success. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool Create() { this.discountGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); int rowsAffected = DBDiscount.Create( this.discountGuid, this.discountCode, this.description, this.siteGuid, this.moduleGuid, this.storeGuid, this.offerGuid, this.validityStartDate, this.validityEndDate, this.useCount, this.maxCount, this.minOrderAmount, this.absoluteDiscount, this.percentageDiscount, this.allowOtherDiscounts, this.createdBy, this.createdUtc); return(rowsAffected > 0); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a discount /// </summary> /// <param name="DiscountID">Discount identifier</param> /// <returns>Discount</returns> public static Discount GetDiscountByID(int DiscountID) { if (DiscountID == 0) { return(null); } string key = string.Format(DISCOUNTS_BY_ID_KEY, DiscountID); object obj2 = NopCache.Get(key); if (DiscountManager.CacheEnabled && (obj2 != null)) { return((Discount)obj2); } DBDiscount dbItem = DBProviderManager <DBDiscountProvider> .Provider.GetDiscountByID(DiscountID); Discount discount = DBMapping(dbItem); if (DiscountManager.CacheEnabled) { NopCache.Max(key, discount); } return(discount); }
private static Discount DBMapping(DBDiscount dbItem) { if (dbItem == null) { return(null); } var item = new Discount(); item.DiscountId = dbItem.DiscountId; item.DiscountTypeId = dbItem.DiscountTypeId; item.DiscountRequirementId = dbItem.DiscountRequirementId; item.DiscountLimitationId = dbItem.DiscountLimitationId; item.Name = dbItem.Name; item.UsePercentage = dbItem.UsePercentage; item.DiscountPercentage = dbItem.DiscountPercentage; item.DiscountAmount = dbItem.DiscountAmount; item.StartDate = dbItem.StartDate; item.EndDate = dbItem.EndDate; item.RequiresCouponCode = dbItem.RequiresCouponCode; item.CouponCode = dbItem.CouponCode; item.Deleted = dbItem.Deleted; return(item); }
/// <summary> /// Gets an instance of Discount. /// </summary> /// <param name="discountGuid"> discountGuid </param> private void GetDiscount(Guid moduleGuid, string discountCode) { using (IDataReader reader = DBDiscount.GetOne(moduleGuid, discountCode)) { PopulateFromReader(reader); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets an instance of Discount. /// </summary> /// <param name="discountGuid"> discountGuid </param> private void GetDiscount(Guid discountGuid) { using (IDataReader reader = DBDiscount.GetOne(discountGuid)) { PopulateFromReader(reader); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets an IDataReader with page of instances of Discount. /// </summary> /// <param name="pageNumber">The page number.</param> /// <param name="pageSize">Size of the page.</param> /// <param name="totalPages">total pages</param> public static IDataReader GetPage( Guid moduleGuid, int pageNumber, int pageSize, out int totalPages) { totalPages = 1; return(DBDiscount.GetPage( moduleGuid, pageNumber, pageSize, out totalPages)); }
public void initial() { userService.testSetup(); dbdiscount = DBDiscount.getInstance(); //DBProduct.getInstance().initTests(); //DBStore.getInstance().initTests(); store1 = new Store("Makolet", "groceryStore"); store2 = new Store("Apple", "apples"); p1 = new Product("shirt", "clothing", 50, 4, 4, store1); store1.addProduct(p1); bamba = new Product("bamba", "food", 15, 5, 17, store1); store1.addProduct(bamba); bisli = new Product("bisli", "food", 20, 4, 50, store1); store1.addProduct(bisli); }
/// <summary> /// Updates this instance of Discount. Returns true on success. /// </summary> /// <returns>bool</returns> private bool Update() { return(DBDiscount.Update( this.discountGuid, this.discountCode, this.description, this.offerGuid, this.validityStartDate, this.validityEndDate, this.useCount, this.maxCount, this.minOrderAmount, this.absoluteDiscount, this.percentageDiscount, this.allowOtherDiscounts, this.lastModBy, this.lastModUtc)); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the discount /// </summary> /// <param name="DiscountID">Discount identifier</param> /// <param name="DiscountType">The discount type</param> /// <param name="DiscountRequirement">The discount requirement</param> /// <param name="Name">The name</param> /// <param name="UsePercentage">A value indicating whether to use percentage</param> /// <param name="DiscountPercentage">The discount percentage</param> /// <param name="DiscountAmount">The discount amount</param> /// <param name="StartDate">The discount start date and time</param> /// <param name="EndDate">The discount end date and time</param> /// <param name="RequiresCouponCode">The value indicating whether discount requires coupon code</param> /// <param name="CouponCode">The coupon code</param> /// <param name="Deleted">A value indicating whether the entity has been deleted</param> /// <returns>Discount</returns> public static Discount UpdateDiscount(int DiscountID, DiscountTypeEnum DiscountType, DiscountRequirementEnum DiscountRequirement, string Name, bool UsePercentage, decimal DiscountPercentage, decimal DiscountAmount, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate, bool RequiresCouponCode, string CouponCode, bool Deleted) { if (StartDate.CompareTo(EndDate) >= 0) { throw new NopException("Start date should be less then expiration date"); } //if ((DiscountType == DiscountTypeEnum.AssignedToWholeOrder) && !RequiresCouponCode) //{ // throw new NopException("Discounts assigned to whole order should require coupon code"); //} //if ((DiscountType == DiscountTypeEnum.AssignedToWholeOrder) // && RequiresCouponCode // && String.IsNullOrEmpty(CouponCode)) //{ // throw new NopException("Discounts assigned to whole order should require coupon code. Coupon code could not be empty."); //} if (RequiresCouponCode && String.IsNullOrEmpty(CouponCode)) { throw new NopException("Discount requires coupon code. Coupon code could not be empty."); } DBDiscount dbItem = DBProviderManager <DBDiscountProvider> .Provider.UpdateDiscount(DiscountID, (int)DiscountType, (int)DiscountRequirement, Name, UsePercentage, DiscountPercentage, DiscountAmount, StartDate, EndDate, RequiresCouponCode, CouponCode, Deleted); Discount discount = DBMapping(dbItem); if (DiscountManager.CacheEnabled) { NopCache.RemoveByPattern(DISCOUNTS_PATTERN_KEY); } return(discount); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a count of rows in the ws_Discount table. /// </summary> public static int GetCountOfActiveDiscountCodes(Guid moduleGuid) { return(DBDiscount.GetCountOfActiveDiscountCodes(moduleGuid, DateTime.UtcNow)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a count of rows in the ws_Discount table. /// </summary> public static int GetCountOfActiveDiscountCodes(Guid moduleGuid, DateTime activeForDate) { return(DBDiscount.GetCountOfActiveDiscountCodes(moduleGuid, activeForDate)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a count of Discount. /// </summary> public static int GetCount(Guid moduleGuid) { return(DBDiscount.GetCount(moduleGuid)); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes instances of Discount. Returns true on success. /// </summary> /// <param name="discountGuid"> discountGuid </param> /// <returns>bool</returns> public static bool DeleteByOffer(Guid offerGuid) { return(DBDiscount.DeleteByOffer(offerGuid)); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes instances of Discount. Returns true on success. /// </summary> /// <param name="discountGuid"> discountGuid </param> /// <returns>bool</returns> public static bool DeleteByModule(Guid moduleGuid) { return(DBDiscount.DeleteByModule(moduleGuid)); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes instances of Discount. Returns true on success. /// </summary> /// <param name="discountGuid"> discountGuid </param> /// <returns>bool</returns> public static bool DeleteBySite(Guid siteGuid) { return(DBDiscount.DeleteBySite(siteGuid)); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes an instance of Discount. Returns true on success. /// </summary> /// <param name="discountGuid"> discountGuid </param> /// <returns>bool</returns> public static bool Delete(Guid discountGuid) { return(DBDiscount.Delete(discountGuid)); }