Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Setups the acquisition callbacks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="halfReadCallbackAddr">The half read callback addr.</param>
        /// <param name="AiEndCallbackAddrr">The ai end callback addrr.</param>
        /// <returns>System.Int16.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
        /// AI_AsyncDblBufferMode Fail, error:  " + err
        /// or
        /// AI_ContBufferSetup Fail, error:  " + err
        /// or
        /// AI_ContBufferSetup Fail, error:  " + err
        /// or
        /// AI_EventCallBack Fail, error:  " + err
        /// or
        /// AI_EventCallBack Fail, error:  " + err
        /// </exception>
        private short SetupAcqCallbacks(MulticastDelegate halfReadCallbackAddr, MulticastDelegate AiEndCallbackAddrr)
            short err = DASK.NoError;

            // Double Buffer Setup
            config_para.ai_raw_data_buf    = new IntPtr[2];
            config_para.ai_raw_data_buf[0] = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(sizeof(uint) * config_para.ai_all_data_count));
            config_para.ai_raw_data_buf[1] = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(sizeof(uint) * config_para.ai_all_data_count));
            config_para.is_ai_set_buf      = true;

            err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferMode(GetHandle(), true);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_AsyncDblBufferMode Fail, error:  " + err);

            err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup(GetHandle(), config_para.ai_raw_data_buf[0], config_para.ai_all_data_count, out config_para.ai_buffer_id[0]);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_ContBufferSetup Fail, error:  " + err);

            err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup(GetHandle(), config_para.ai_raw_data_buf[1], config_para.ai_all_data_count, out config_para.ai_buffer_id[1]);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_ContBufferSetup Fail, error:  " + err);

            // Set AI buffer Ready event
            if (halfReadCallbackAddr != null)
                err = DASK.AI_EventCallBack(GetHandle(), 1 /*add*/, DASK.DBEvent /*EventType*/, halfReadCallbackAddr);
                if (err != DASK.NoError)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_EventCallBack Fail, error:  " + err);

            // Set AI done event
            if (AiEndCallbackAddrr != null)
                err = DASK.AI_EventCallBack(GetHandle(), 1 /*add*/, DASK.AIEnd /*EventType*/, AiEndCallbackAddrr);
                if (err != DASK.NoError)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_EventCallBack Fail, error:  " + err);

Beispiel #2
        private void DAQConfig()
            err = DASK.AI_9221_Config(cardRegNumber, ConfigCtrl, TrigCtrl, true);
            if (err < 0)

            /*Set Scan and Sampling Rate*/
            ; err = DASK.AI_9221_CounterInterval(cardRegNumber, ScanIntrv, SampIntrv);
            if (err < 0)

            /*Enable Double Buffer Mode*/
            err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferMode(cardRegNumber, true);
            if (err < 0)

            /*Setup Buffer for AI DMA Transfer*/
            err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup(cardRegNumber, _ptr[0], AI_TotalReadCount, out _bufferId[0]);
            if (err < 0)
            err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup(cardRegNumber, _ptr[1], AI_TotalReadCount, out _bufferId[1]);
            if (err < 0)

            err = DASK.AI_EventCallBack(cardRegNumber, 1 /*add*/, DASK.DBEvent /*EventType*/, ai_buf_ready_cbdel);
            if (err < 0)

            err = DASK.AI_ContScanChannels(cardRegNumber, (ushort)(Channel - 1), AdRange, _bufferId, AI_TotalReadCount, 0 /*Ignore*/, DASK.ASYNCH_OP);
            if (err < 0)
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            short  err;
            ushort card_num = 0;
            short  card;
            uint   ReadCount    = 60;
            ushort Group        = 0; // Load Cell Channel Group
            ushort XMode        = DASK.P9524_AI_XFER_DMA;
            ushort ADC_Range    = 0;
            ushort ADC_SampRate = DASK.P9524_ADC_60_SPS;
            ushort ConfigCtrl   = DASK.P9524_VEX_Range_10V | DASK.P9524_AI_BufAutoReset;
            ushort TrigCtrl     = 0;
            uint   dwTrigValue  = 0;
            ushort GCtr0        = DASK.P9524_CTR_QD0;
            ushort Mode         = DASK.P9524_x4_AB_Phase_Decoder;
            ushort Channel      = DASK.P9524_AI_LC_CH0;
            byte   Stopped      = 0;
            byte   HalfReady    = 0;
            uint   AccessCnt;
            int    viewidx     = 0;
            ushort overrunFlag = 0;
            double ActualRate;
            IntPtr BufPtr1;
            ushort BufID1;
            IntPtr BufPtr2;
            ushort BufID2;

            double[]     voltageArray    = new double[ReadCount];
            ushort       DFStage         = 2;
            uint         SPKRejThreshold = 16;
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("acq.csv");

            BufPtr1 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(sizeof(uint) * (ReadCount)));
            BufPtr2 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(sizeof(uint) * (ReadCount)));

            card = DASK.Register_Card(DASK.PCI_9524, card_num);
            if (card < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("DSA_Register_Card Fail, error:  " + card);

            //Enable Decoder0
            err = DASK.GPTC_Clear((ushort)card, GCtr0);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GPTC_Clear Fail, error:  " + err);

            err = DASK.GPTC_Setup((ushort)card, GCtr0, Mode, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GPTC_Setup Fail, error:  " + err);

            //apply parameter 4 to "2" to combine data to AI
            err = DASK.GPTC_Control((ushort)card, GCtr0, DASK.P9524_CTR_Enable, 2);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GPTC_Control Fail, error:  " + err);

            err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferMode((ushort)card, true);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_AsyncDblBufferMode Fail, error:  " + err);

            /*In Double Buffer Mode, you should setup two buffers*/
            err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup((ushort)card, BufPtr1, ReadCount, out BufID1);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_ContBufferSetup Fail, error:  " + err);

            err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup((ushort)card, BufPtr2, ReadCount, out BufID2);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_ContBufferSetup Fail, error:  " + err);

            /*Load Cell Group*/
            /*Set DSP - it is necessary fot Load Cell Group*/
            err = DASK.AI_9524_SetDSP((ushort)card, Channel, DASK.P9524_SPIKE_REJ_ENABLE, DFStage, (ushort)SPKRejThreshold);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_9524_SetDSP Fail, error:  " + err);

            err = DASK.AI_9524_Config((ushort)card, Group, XMode, ConfigCtrl, TrigCtrl, (ushort)dwTrigValue);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_9524_Config Fail, error:  " + err);

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to start AI Infinite Acquisition\n");
            Console.WriteLine("\nYou can press any key to stop...\n\n");

            err = DASK.AI_ContReadChannel((ushort)card, Channel, ADC_Range, new ushort[] { BufID1 }, ReadCount, ADC_SampRate, DASK.ASYNCH_OP);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_ContReadChannel Fail, error:  " + err);

                err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferHalfReady((ushort)card, out HalfReady, out Stopped);
                if (err < 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_AsyncDblBufferHalfReady Fail, error:  " + err);
                if (HalfReady == 1)
                    if (viewidx == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Buffer 1 HalfReady, Process the data of Buffer 1\n");
                        /*Process buffer 1 data*/
                        DASK.AI_ContVScale((ushort)card, ADC_Range, BufPtr1, voltageArray, (int)ReadCount);
                        for (int j = 0; j < ReadCount; j = j + 2)
                            //fprintf(fin, "AI0:,%13.9f,2's Complement Decoder Valuse:, %d\n", voltageArray[i], (int)(Buffer1[i + 1] * 256) / 256);
                            sw.WriteLine(voltageArray[j] + "," + (int)(((uint *)(void *)BufPtr1)[j + 1] * 256) / 256);

                        viewidx = 1;
                        /*Tell the driver you complete the buffer 1 process*/
                        err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferHandled((ushort)card);
                        if (err < 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_AsyncDblBufferHandled Fail, error:  " + err);

                        Console.WriteLine("Buffer 2 HalfReady, Process the data of Buffer 2\n");
                        /*Process buffer 2 data*/
                        DASK.AI_ContVScale((ushort)card, ADC_Range, BufPtr2, voltageArray, (int)ReadCount);
                        for (int j = 0; j < ReadCount; j = j + 2)
                            //fprintf(fin, "AI0:,%13.9f,2's Complement Decoder Valuse:, %d\n", voltageArray[i], (int)(Buffer1[i + 1] * 256) / 256);
                            sw.WriteLine(voltageArray[j] + "," + (int)(((uint *)(void *)BufPtr2)[j + 1] * 256) / 256);

                        viewidx = 0;
                        /*Tell the driver you complete the buffer 2 process*/
                        err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferHandled((ushort)card);
                        if (err < 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_AsyncDblBufferHandled Fail, error:  " + err);

                    // This function can check if the overrun occurs. If the
                    // function is called, AI_AsyncDblBufferHandled() should
                    // be called to let driver to know user buffer is processed
                    // completely
                    err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferOverrun((ushort)card, 0, out overrunFlag);
                    if (err < 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_AsyncDblBufferOverrun Fail, error:  " + err);
                    if (overrunFlag != 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("OVERRUN:\n" + overrunFlag);
                        DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferOverrun((ushort)card, 1, out overrunFlag);
            } while ((Stopped == 0) && (Console.KeyAvailable == false));

            DASK.GetActualRate_9524((ushort)card, Group, ADC_SampRate, out ActualRate);
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nGeneral Purpose Channel 0 Acquisition Done in " + ActualRate + "Hz");
            Console.WriteLine("The acquired data stored in acq.dat\n");

            /*Clear AI setting while existing*/
            err = DASK.AI_AsyncClear((ushort)card, out AccessCnt);
            if (err < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("AI_AsyncClear Error:" + err + "\n");

            if ((ConfigCtrl & DASK.P9524_AI_BufAutoReset) == 0)
                err = DASK.AI_ContBufferReset((ushort)card);
                if (err < 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_ContBufferReset Fail, error:  " + err);

            DASK.GPTC_Clear((ushort)card, GCtr0);


            Console.Write("Press any key to save data . . .");
Beispiel #4
        private void PCI9222_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            short ret = DASK.Register_Card(DASK.PCI_9222, 0);

            if (ret >= 0)
                cardRegNumber = (ushort)ret;//Register_Card的时候,把卡号给cardRegNumber

            //ushort ConfigCtrl = DASK.P922x_AI_SingEnded | DASK.P922x_AI_CONVSRC_INT;//?差分在哪区分
            //ushort TrigCtrl = DASK.P922x_AI_TRGMOD_POST | DASK.P922x_AI_TRGSRC_SOFT;//?
            ushort ConfigCtrl     = DASK.P922x_AI_Differential | DASK.P922x_AI_CONVSRC_INT;; //?差分在哪区分
            ushort TrigCtrl       = DASK.P922x_AI_TRGMOD_POST | DASK.P922x_AI_TRGSRC_SOFT;;  //?
            uint   ReTriggerCount = 0;                                                       /*Ignore in Non-Retrigger*/

            bufindex = 0;//是用来两个交替读吗?
            //Channel = 4; /*AI Channel Number to be read*/
            //uint SampIntrv = 8000; /*Sampling Rate: P922X_TIMEBASE/320 = 250K Hz*/  //这个设置,如果要快一点,怎么设置,变小?
            //P922X_TIMEBASE  时钟,80000000,  intrv=80000000/5000=16000;5000为每秒5000个数据,每个通道1000个数据/s
            uint SampIntrv = 16000; /*Sampling Rate: P922X_TIMEBASE/320 = 250K Hz*/   //采样率=80 000000/500=160000,每个通道100个数据,有5个通道
            //目标:1S1000个数据,1ms一个  intrv=80000000/5000=16000;5000为每秒5000个数据,每个通道1000个数据/s  SampIntrv = 16000,
            uint ScanIntrv = (uint)(SampIntrv * (Channel + 1)); /*Scan Rate: P922X_TIMEBASE/320 = 250K Hz*/

            ushort AdRange = DASK.AD_B_10_V;                    /*AI range*/

            ai_buf_ready_cbdel = new CallbackDelegate(ai_buf_ready_cbfunc);
            _ptr[0]            = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((sizeof(ushort) * ((Int32)AI_ReadCount)));//5000
            _ptr[1]            = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((sizeof(ushort) * ((Int32)AI_ReadCount)));
            VBuffer[0]         = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((sizeof(double) * ((Int32)AI_ReadCount)));
            /*Configure AI*/

            err = DASK.AI_9222_Config(cardRegNumber, ConfigCtrl, TrigCtrl, ReTriggerCount, true);
            if (err < 0)

            /*Set Scan and Sampling Rate*/
            err = DASK.AI_9222_CounterInterval(cardRegNumber, ScanIntrv, SampIntrv);
            if (err < 0)

            /*Enable Double Buffer Mode*/
            err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferMode(cardRegNumber, true);
            if (err < 0)

            /*Setup Buffer for AI DMA Transfer*/
            err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup(cardRegNumber, _ptr[0], AI_ReadCount, out _bufferId[0]);
            if (err < 0)
            err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup(cardRegNumber, _ptr[1], AI_ReadCount, out _bufferId[1]);
            if (err < 0)

            err = DASK.AI_EventCallBack(cardRegNumber, 1 /*add*/, DASK.DBEvent /*EventType*/, ai_buf_ready_cbdel);//????????????????????
            if (err < 0)

            err = DASK.AI_ContScanChannels(cardRegNumber, Channel, AdRange, _bufferId, AI_ReadCount, 0 /*Ignore*/, DASK.ASYNCH_OP);////??????????
            if (err < 0)
            this.timer1.Enabled = true;
Beispiel #5
        public void PCI922Init()
            short ret = DASK.Register_Card(DASK.PCI_9222, 0);

            if (ret >= 0)
                cardRegNumber = (ushort)ret;//Register_Card的时候,把卡号给cardRegNumber
                Globals.addList("9222卡初始化成功!", Mycolor.None);
                #region PCI9222设置
                //ushort ConfigCtrl = DASK.P922x_AI_SingEnded | DASK.P922x_AI_CONVSRC_INT;//?差分在哪区分
                //ushort TrigCtrl = DASK.P922x_AI_TRGMOD_POST | DASK.P922x_AI_TRGSRC_SOFT;//?
                ushort ConfigCtrl     = DASK.P922x_AI_Differential; //?差分在哪区分
                ushort TrigCtrl       = DASK.P922x_AI_TRGMOD_POST;  //?
                uint   ReTriggerCount = 0;                          /*Ignore in Non-Retrigger*/

                bufindex = 0;//是用来两个交替读吗?
                //Channel = 4; /*AI Channel Number to be read*/
                //uint SampIntrv = 8000; /*Sampling Rate: P922X_TIMEBASE/320 = 250K Hz*/  //这个设置,如果要快一点,怎么设置,变小?
                //目标:1S1000个数据,1ms一个  intrv=80000000/5000=16000;5000为每秒5000个数据,每个通道1000个数据/s  SampIntrv = 16000,
                uint SampIntrv = 16000;                             /*Sampling Rate: P922X_TIMEBASE/320 = 250K Hz*/
                uint ScanIntrv = (uint)(SampIntrv * (Channel + 1)); /*Scan Rate: P922X_TIMEBASE/320 = 250K Hz*/

                ushort AdRange = DASK.AD_B_10_V;                    /*AI range*/

                ai_buf_ready_cbdel = new CallbackDelegate(ai_buf_ready_cbfunc);
                _ptr[0]            = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((sizeof(ushort) * ((Int32)AI_ReadCount)));//5000
                _ptr[1]            = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((sizeof(ushort) * ((Int32)AI_ReadCount)));
                VBuffer[0]         = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((sizeof(double) * ((Int32)AI_ReadCount)));
                /*Configure AI*/

                err = DASK.AI_9222_Config(cardRegNumber, ConfigCtrl, TrigCtrl, ReTriggerCount, true);
                if (err < 0)
                    Globals.addList("9222卡config失败!", Mycolor.ErrorRed);

                /*Set Scan and Sampling Rate*/
                err = DASK.AI_9222_CounterInterval(cardRegNumber, ScanIntrv, SampIntrv);
                if (err < 0)
                    Globals.addList("9222卡AI_9222_CounterInterval设置失败!", Mycolor.ErrorRed);

                /*Enable Double Buffer Mode*/
                err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferMode(cardRegNumber, true);
                if (err < 0)
                    Globals.addList("9222卡AI_AsyncDblBufferMode设置失败!", Mycolor.ErrorRed);

                /*Setup Buffer for AI DMA Transfer*/
                err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup(cardRegNumber, _ptr[0], AI_ReadCount, out _bufferId[0]);
                if (err < 0)
                    Globals.addList("9222卡AI_ContBufferSetup设置失败!", Mycolor.ErrorRed);
                err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup(cardRegNumber, _ptr[1], AI_ReadCount, out _bufferId[1]);
                if (err < 0)
                    Globals.addList("9222卡AI_ContBufferSetup设置失败!", Mycolor.ErrorRed);

                err = DASK.AI_EventCallBack(cardRegNumber, 1 /*add*/, DASK.DBEvent /*EventType*/, ai_buf_ready_cbdel);//????????????????????
                if (err < 0)
                    Globals.addList("9222卡AI_EventCallBack设置失败!", Mycolor.ErrorRed);

                err = DASK.AI_ContScanChannels(cardRegNumber, Channel, AdRange, _bufferId, AI_ReadCount, 0 /*Ignore*/, DASK.ASYNCH_OP);////??????????
                if (err < 0)
                    Globals.addList("9222卡AI_ContScanChannels设置失败!", Mycolor.ErrorRed);
                Globals.PostAlarmMachine(XAlarmLevel.STOP, (int)AlarmCode.凌华PCI9222板卡异常, AlarmCategory.SYSTEM.ToString(), "凌华PCI9222板卡异常");
                if (ShowList != null)
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the load cell offset.
        /// Use this function to get an average of offset when load cell is in steady status
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>System.Double.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
        /// AI_AsyncDblBufferMode Fail, error:  " + err
        /// or
        /// AI_ContBufferSetup Fail, error:  " + err
        /// or
        /// GetLoadCellOffset SetDSP Fail, error:  " + err
        /// or
        /// AI_ContScanChannels Fail, error:  " + err
        /// </exception>
        public double GetLoadCellOffset()
            double offset = 0.0;
            short  err    = -1;
            IntPtr OffsetCalBf;

            double[] OffsetVolbuf;
            uint     calSampleNum = 512;
            ushort   BufID;

            OffsetCalBf  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(sizeof(uint) * calSampleNum));
            OffsetVolbuf = new double[((int)calSampleNum)];

            ///////Disable fun of AI data combined with enconder, otherwise the caculated offset is going to BOOM

            err = DASK.GPTC_9524_SetCombineEcdData(GetHandle(), false);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GPTC_9524_SetCombineEcdData Fail, error:  " + err);

            for (int i = 0; i < gptcCtrl.GPTCNum; i++)
                err = DASK.GPTC_Clear(GetHandle(), gptcCtrl.GCtr[i]);
                if (err < 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("GPTC_Clear Fail, error:  " + err);

            err = DASK.AI_AsyncDblBufferMode((ushort)GetHandle(), false);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_AsyncDblBufferMode Fail, error:  " + err);

            err = DASK.AI_ContBufferSetup((ushort)GetHandle(), OffsetCalBf, calSampleNum, out BufID);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_ContBufferSetup Fail, error:  " + err);

            err = SetDSP();
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GetLoadCellOffset SetDSP Fail, error:  " + err);

            // Start Acquisition. The acquired raw data will be stored in the set buffer.
            //ushort ADC_SampRate = DASK.P9524_ADC_2K_SPS;
            err = DASK.AI_ContScanChannels((ushort)GetHandle(), config_para.ai_select_channel, config_para.ai_chnl_range, new ushort[] { BufID }, calSampleNum, config_para.ai_sample_rate, DASK.SYNCH_OP);
            if (err < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AI_ContScanChannels Fail, error:  " + err);

            DASK.AI_ContVScale(GetHandle(), config_para.ai_chnl_range, OffsetCalBf, OffsetVolbuf, (int)calSampleNum);

            for (int i = 0; i < calSampleNum; i++)
                offset = offset + OffsetVolbuf[i];
            offset = offset / calSampleNum;

            uint ai_access_cnt;

            DASK.AI_AsyncClear(GetHandle(), out ai_access_cnt);