Beispiel #1
 private void WarnUserAboutMissingFiles(CyPhy.Component component)
     Logger.WriteWarning(string.Format(@"Warning: copied component {0} contains resource children, but
                                         its path is empty or invalid; its backing files are likely
                                         missing and should be copied manually.", component.ToHyperLink()));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on the selected objects, either adds connectors for ports/pins, or moves additional ports/pins into a connector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentobj">The component model being modified.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedobjs">The selected ports/pins (and perhaps connector).</param>
        /// <seealso cref=""/>
        private void AddConnector(MgaFCO currentobj, MgaFCOs selectedobjs)
            if (null == currentobj)
                Logger.WriteError("The current object is null.  Please select a Component object.");

            if (currentobj.Meta.Name != "Component")
                Logger.WriteError("AddConnector only works on Component objects.");
                Logger.WriteError("But, {1} is neither; it is a {0}.", currentobj.Meta.Name, currentobj.Name);

            // The current object is a component.
            // Check for selected objects.
            if (selectedobjs.Count < 1)
                Logger.WriteError("At least one pin or port must be selected.");

            // Make three lists classifying all the selected objects as either ports, connectors, or other,
            // so we can tell how many of each type have been selected.
            List <MgaFCO>          portList      = new List <MgaFCO>();
            List <CyPhy.Connector> connectorList = new List <CyPhy.Connector>();
            List <MgaFCO>          otherList     = new List <MgaFCO>();

            foreach (MgaFCO selectedObj in selectedobjs)
                if (selectedObj.MetaRole.Name == "Connector")
                else if (IsPort(selectedObj))
                    Logger.WriteDebug("Found port {0}.", selectedObj.Name);

            if (otherList.Count > 0)
                if (otherList.Count == 1)
                    Logger.WriteWarning("AddConnector only operates on pins, ports, and connectors; {0} was also selected but is being ignored.", otherList[0].MetaRole.Name);
                    Logger.WriteWarning("AddConnector only operates on pins, ports, and connectors; {0} objects of other types are being ignored.", otherList.Count);

            if (portList.Count == 0 && connectorList.Count < 2)
                Logger.WriteError("At least one pin/port object or more than one connector must be selected.");

            Logger.WriteInfo("Found {0} ports, and {1} connectors OK.", portList.Count, connectorList.Count);

            // Choose the mode of operation based on how many connectors were selected.  See MOT-564.
            if (connectorList.Count == 0)
                Logger.WriteInfo("About to create connectors for the selected ports.");
                HandleNoConnectorsSelected(currentobj, portList);
            else if (connectorList.Count == 1)
                Logger.WriteInfo("About to move selected ports into the selected connector.");
                HandleOneConnectorSelected(currentobj, portList, connectorList[0]);
            else if (portList.Count == 0)
                Logger.WriteInfo("About to combine selected connectors.");
                MergeMultipleConnectors(currentobj, connectorList);
                Logger.WriteInfo("About to run in \"intelligent\" mode.");
                HandleMultipleConnectorsSelected(currentobj, portList, connectorList);