Matrix <double> FindFundamentalMatrix(CameraModel cam1, CameraModel cam2) { IntPtr points1Ptr = CvHelper.CreatePointListPointer(CvHelper.NormalizePoints(cam1.Calibration.ObjectPointsProjected, cam1.Calibration.IntrinsicParameters)); IntPtr points2Ptr = CvHelper.CreatePointListPointer(CvHelper.NormalizePoints(cam2.Calibration.ObjectPointsProjected, cam1.Calibration.IntrinsicParameters)); Matrix <double> fundamentalMatrix = new Matrix <double>(3, 3); IntPtr fundamentalMatrixPtr = CvInvoke.cvCreateMat(3, 3, MAT_DEPTH.CV_32F); CvInvoke.cvFindFundamentalMat(points1Ptr, points2Ptr, fundamentalMatrix.Ptr, CV_FM.CV_FM_RANSAC, 3, 0.99, IntPtr.Zero); return(fundamentalMatrix); }
public static void Start(Worker worker, Database.Database db) { var logger = new Logger.ConsoleLogger(); var seeAdsLoop = true; var mainVacancies = db.GetVacancies(); IList <Vacancy> vacancies = mainVacancies; while (seeAdsLoop) { Console.Clear(); ExceptionHandle.Handle(VacancyHelper.SeeAds, vacancies); ConsoleScreen.PrintMenu(ConsoleScreen.FilterMenu, ConsoleColor.Blue); var filterMenuChoice = (FilterMenuEnum)ConsoleScreen.Input(ConsoleScreen.FilterMenu.Count); switch (filterMenuChoice) { case FilterMenuEnum.Select: { var loop2 = true; while (loop2) { Console.Clear(); if (!ExceptionHandle.Handle(VacancyHelper.SeeAds, vacancies)) { break; } Console.WriteLine("Vacancy id: "); var vacId = UserHelper.InputGuid(); try { var vacancy = VacancyHelper.GetVacancy(vacId, vacancies); while (true) { var requestFromWorker = vacancy.CheckWorkerRequest(worker.Guid); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(vacancy++); // increase vacancy view count and print Database.Database.Changes = true; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"1. {(requestFromWorker ? "Cancel" : "Request")}");; Console.WriteLine("2. Back"); var choice = ConsoleScreen.Input(2); if (choice == 1) { if (requestFromWorker) { vacancy.RemoveRequest(worker.Guid); } else { Cv cv = null; while (true) { Console.Clear(); if (!ExceptionHandle.Handle(worker.ShowAllCv, true)) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Please add public Cv!"); ConsoleScreen.Clear(); break; } var cvId = UserHelper.InputGuid(); try { cv = CvHelper.GetCv(cvId, worker.Cvs); break; } catch (Exception e) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogError(e.Message); ConsoleScreen.Clear(); } } if (cv != null) { vacancy.SendRequest(worker.Guid, cv.Guid); } } } else if (choice == 2) { if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to see other Ads?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { loop2 = false; } break; } } if (loop2) { continue; } } catch (Exception e) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogError(e.Message); ConsoleScreen.Clear(); } if (!loop2 || ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to try again?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } break; } case FilterMenuEnum.ByCategory: { Console.Clear(); vacancies = ExceptionHandle.Handle(VacancyFilter.FilterByCategory, UserHelper.InputCategory(), vacancies); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.ByEducation: { Console.Clear(); vacancies = ExceptionHandle.Handle(VacancyFilter.FilterByEducation, UserHelper.InputEducation(), vacancies); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.ByExperience: { Console.Clear(); vacancies = ExceptionHandle.Handle(VacancyFilter.FilterByExperience, UserHelper.InputExperience(), vacancies); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.ByRegion: { Console.Clear(); vacancies = ExceptionHandle.Handle(VacancyFilter.FilterByRegion, UserHelper.InputRegion(), vacancies); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.BySalary: { Console.Clear(); var input = UserHelper.InputSalary(); var salary = UserHelper.ParseSalary(input); vacancies = ExceptionHandle.Handle(VacancyFilter.FilterBySalary, salary, vacancies); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.Reset: { vacancies = mainVacancies; break; } case FilterMenuEnum.Back: { seeAdsLoop = false; break; } } } }
public void ApplyInput() { _helixItems.Clear(); InitializeHelix(); if (Cameras.Count == 4 && !InputAnglesManually) { { double a = Math.Abs(GetCamera(0).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[0, 0]) + Math.Abs(GetCamera(2).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[0, 0]); double b = Math.Abs(GetCamera(0).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[2, 0]) + Math.Abs(GetCamera(2).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[2, 0]); double c = Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b); double q = (a * a) / c; double p = c - q; double h = Math.Sqrt(p * q); double alpha = (180 / Math.PI) * Math.Atan(h / p); double beta = 90 - alpha; GetCamera(0).Calibration.YAngle = (float)alpha; GetCamera(1).Calibration.YAngle = (float)-alpha; GetCamera(2).Calibration.YAngle = (float)(-180 + alpha); GetCamera(3).Calibration.YAngle = (float)(180 - alpha); GetCamera(0).Calibration.RotationToWorld = CvHelper.GetYRotationMatrix(GetCamera(0).Calibration.YAngle); GetCamera(1).Calibration.RotationToWorld = CvHelper.GetYRotationMatrix(GetCamera(1).Calibration.YAngle); GetCamera(2).Calibration.RotationToWorld = CvHelper.GetYRotationMatrix(GetCamera(2).Calibration.YAngle); GetCamera(3).Calibration.RotationToWorld = CvHelper.GetYRotationMatrix(GetCamera(3).Calibration.YAngle); } { double a = GetCamera(0).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[1, 0] - GetCamera(2).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[1, 0]; double ax = Math.Abs(GetCamera(0).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[0, 0]) + Math.Abs(GetCamera(2).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[0, 0]); double az = Math.Abs(GetCamera(0).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[2, 0]) + Math.Abs(GetCamera(2).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[2, 0]); double c = Math.Sqrt(ax * ax + az * az); double q = (a * a) / c; double p = c - q; double h = Math.Sqrt(p * q); double alpha = (180 / Math.PI) * Math.Atan(h / p); double beta = 90 - alpha; if (GetCamera(0).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[1, 0] < GetCamera(2).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[1, 0]) { GetCamera(0).Calibration.XAngle = (float)alpha; GetCamera(2).Calibration.XAngle = (float)-alpha; } else { GetCamera(0).Calibration.XAngle = (float)-alpha; GetCamera(2).Calibration.XAngle = (float)alpha; } } { double a = GetCamera(1).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[1, 0] - GetCamera(3).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[1, 0]; double ax = Math.Abs(GetCamera(1).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[0, 0]) + Math.Abs(GetCamera(3).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[0, 0]); double az = Math.Abs(GetCamera(1).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[2, 0]) + Math.Abs(GetCamera(3).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[2, 0]); double c = Math.Sqrt(ax * ax + az * az); double q = (a * a) / c; double p = c - q; double h = Math.Sqrt(p * q); double alpha = (180 / Math.PI) * Math.Atan(h / p); double beta = 90 - alpha; if (GetCamera(1).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[1, 0] < GetCamera(3).Calibration.TranslationToWorld[1, 0]) { GetCamera(1).Calibration.XAngle = (float)alpha; GetCamera(3).Calibration.XAngle = (float)-alpha; } else { GetCamera(1).Calibration.XAngle = (float)-alpha; GetCamera(3).Calibration.XAngle = (float)alpha; } } } }
public static void Start(Entities.Employer employer, Database.Database db) { var logger = new Logger.ConsoleLogger(); var seeCvsLoop = true; var mainCvs = db.GetCvs(); IList <Cv> cvs = mainCvs; while (seeCvsLoop) { Console.Clear(); ExceptionHandle.Handle(CvHelper.SeeCvs, cvs); ConsoleScreen.PrintMenu(ConsoleScreen.FilterMenu, ConsoleColor.Blue); var filterMenuChoice = (FilterMenuEnum)ConsoleScreen.Input(ConsoleScreen.FilterMenu.Count); switch (filterMenuChoice) { case FilterMenuEnum.Select: { var loop3 = true; while (loop3) { Console.Clear(); if (!ExceptionHandle.Handle(CvHelper.SeeCvs, cvs)) { break; } Console.WriteLine("Cv id: "); var cvId = UserHelper.InputGuid(); try { var cv = CvHelper.GetCv(cvId, cvs); Console.Clear(); while (true) { var requestFromEmployer = cv.CheckEmployerRequest(employer.Guid); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(cv++); // increase view count and print. Database.Database.Changes = true; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"1. {(requestFromEmployer ? "Cancel" : "Request")}"); Console.WriteLine("2. Back"); var choice = ConsoleScreen.Input(2); if (choice == 1) { if (requestFromEmployer) { cv.RemoveRequest(employer.Guid); } else { Vacancy vacancy = null; while (true) { Console.Clear(); if (!ExceptionHandle.Handle(employer.ShowAllAds, true)) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Please add public Vacancy!"); ConsoleScreen.Clear(); break; } var vacancyId = UserHelper.InputGuid(); try { vacancy = VacancyHelper.GetVacancy(vacancyId, employer.Vacancies); break; } catch (Exception e) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogError(e.Message); ConsoleScreen.Clear(); } } if (vacancy != null) { cv.SendRequest(employer.Guid, vacancy.Guid); } } } else if (choice == 2) { if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to see other Cvs?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { loop3 = false; } break; } } if (loop3) { continue; } } catch (Exception e) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogError(e.Message); } } break; } case FilterMenuEnum.ByCategory: { Console.Clear(); cvs = ExceptionHandle.Handle(CvFilter.FilterByCategory, UserHelper.InputCategory(), cvs); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.ByEducation: { Console.Clear(); cvs = ExceptionHandle.Handle(CvFilter.FilterByEducation, UserHelper.InputEducation(), cvs); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.ByExperience: { Console.Clear(); cvs = ExceptionHandle.Handle(CvFilter.FilterByExperience, UserHelper.InputExperience(), cvs); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.ByRegion: { Console.Clear(); cvs = ExceptionHandle.Handle(CvFilter.FilterByRegion, UserHelper.InputRegion(), cvs); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.BySalary: { Console.Clear(); var input = UserHelper.InputSalary(); var salary = UserHelper.ParseSalary(input); cvs = ExceptionHandle.Handle(CvFilter.FilterBySalary, salary, cvs); break; } case FilterMenuEnum.Reset: { cvs = mainCvs; break; } case FilterMenuEnum.Back: { seeCvsLoop = false; break; } } } }
private void TrackerService_OnImageReady(object sender, EventArgs e) { OnImageReadyEventArgs args = (OnImageReadyEventArgs)e; IEnumerable <CameraModel> orderedCameras = _cameras.Cameras.OrderBy(camera => camera.Calibration.Index); foreach (CameraModel cameraModel1 in orderedCameras) { foreach (CameraModel cameraModel2 in orderedCameras) { if (cameraModel1.Calibration.ObjectPointsProjected == null || cameraModel2.Calibration.ObjectPointsProjected == null) { continue; } if (cameraModel1.Calibration.Index == cameraModel2.Calibration.Index) { continue; } if (cameraModel1.Calibration.Index > 1) { continue; } IntPtr points1Ptr = CvHelper.CreatePointListPointer(cameraModel1.Calibration.ObjectPointsProjected); IntPtr points2Ptr = CvHelper.CreatePointListPointer(cameraModel2.Calibration.ObjectPointsProjected); Matrix <double> fundamentalMatrix = new Matrix <double>(3, 3); IntPtr fundamentalMatrixPtr = CvInvoke.cvCreateMat(3, 3, MAT_DEPTH.CV_32F); CvInvoke.cvFindFundamentalMat(points1Ptr, points2Ptr, fundamentalMatrix, CV_FM.CV_FM_RANSAC, 3, 0.99, IntPtr.Zero); Matrix <double> lines1 = new Matrix <double>(8, 3); CvInvoke.cvComputeCorrespondEpilines(points2Ptr, 2, fundamentalMatrix, lines1); Matrix <double> lines2 = new Matrix <double>(8, 3); CvInvoke.cvComputeCorrespondEpilines(points1Ptr, 1, fundamentalMatrix, lines2); for (int i = 0; i < cameraModel1.Calibration.ObjectPointsProjected.Length; i++) { { Point[] points = new Point[2] { new Point(0, (int)-(lines2[i, 2] / lines2[i, 1])), new Point(args.Image.Cols, (int)(-(lines2[i, 2] + lines2[i, 0] * args.Image.Cols) / lines2[i, 1])) }; args.Image.DrawPolyline(points, false, new Bgr(255, 255, 0), 1); } //{ // System.Drawing.Point[] points = new System.Drawing.Point[2] // { // new System.Drawing.Point(0, (int) -(lines1[i, 2]/lines1[i, 1])), // new System.Drawing.Point(img.Cols, (int) (-(lines1[i, 2] + lines1[i, 0] * img.Cols) / lines1[i, 1])) // }; // img.DrawPolyline(points, false, new Bgr(255, 0, 255), 1); //} } } } }
public void ProcessData(MotionControllerModel mc) { if (_camera.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) { Vector3 rawPosition =; Vector3 fusionPosition =; PSMoveTrackerStatus trackerStatus = mc.TrackerStatus[_camera]; if (!mc.Design) { trackerStatus = PsMoveApi.psmove_tracker_get_status(_camera.Handle, mc.Handle); } if (trackerStatus == PSMoveTrackerStatus.Tracking) { float rx, ry, rrad; float fx, fy, fz; PsMoveApi.psmove_tracker_get_position(_camera.Handle, mc.Handle, out rx, out ry, out rrad); PsMoveApi.psmove_fusion_get_position(_camera.Fusion, mc.Handle, out fx, out fy, out fz); rx = (int)(rx + 0.5); ry = (int)(ry + 0.5); rawPosition = new Vector3(rx, ry, rrad); fusionPosition = new Vector3(fx, fy, fz); } else if (mc.Design) { switch (_camera.Calibration.Index) { case 0: rawPosition = new Vector3(129, 280, 8.970074f); break; case 1: rawPosition = new Vector3(180, 293, 11.9714022f); break; case 2: rawPosition = new Vector3(528, 286, 9.038924f); break; case 3: rawPosition = new Vector3(389, 275, 6.530668f); break; } } mc.TrackerStatus[_camera] = trackerStatus; mc.RawPosition[_camera] = rawPosition; mc.FusionPosition[_camera] = fusionPosition; if (trackerStatus == PSMoveTrackerStatus.Tracking || mc.Design) { // controller position -> rectangle in surrounding the sphere in image coordinates PointF[] imgPts = CvHelper.GetImagePointsF(mc.RawPosition[_camera]); ExtrinsicCameraParameters ex = CameraCalibration.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2( _camera.Calibration.ObjectPoints2D, imgPts, _camera.Calibration.IntrinsicParameters); Matrix <double> coordinatesInCameraSpace_homo = new Matrix <double>(new double[] { ex.TranslationVector[0, 0], ex.TranslationVector[1, 0], ex.TranslationVector[2, 0], 1 }); mc.CameraPosition[_camera] = new Vector3( (float)coordinatesInCameraSpace_homo[0, 0], (float)coordinatesInCameraSpace_homo[1, 0], (float)coordinatesInCameraSpace_homo[2, 0]); ex.RotationVector[0, 0] += (Math.PI / 180) * (_camera.Calibration.RotX + _camera.Calibration.XAngle); ex.RotationVector[1, 0] += (Math.PI / 180) * (_camera.Calibration.RotY + _camera.Calibration.YAngle); ex.RotationVector[2, 0] += (Math.PI / 180) * (_camera.Calibration.RotZ + _camera.Calibration.ZAngle); _camera.Calibration.ExtrinsicParameters[mc.Id] = ex; Matrix <double> minusRotation = new Matrix <double>(3, 3); minusRotation = CvHelper.Rotate( -_camera.Calibration.RotX - _camera.Calibration.XAngle, -_camera.Calibration.RotY - _camera.Calibration.YAngle, -_camera.Calibration.RotZ - _camera.Calibration.ZAngle); Matrix <double> R3x3_cameraToWorld = new Matrix <double>(3, 3); R3x3_cameraToWorld = CvHelper.Rotate( _camera.Calibration.RotX, _camera.Calibration.RotY + _camera.Calibration.YAngle, _camera.Calibration.RotZ); Matrix <double> rotInv = new Matrix <double>(3, 3); CvInvoke.cvInvert(ex.RotationVector.RotationMatrix.Ptr, rotInv, SOLVE_METHOD.CV_LU); Matrix <double> test = CvHelper.ConvertToHomogenous(-1 * R3x3_cameraToWorld); _camera.Calibration.ObjectPointsProjected = CameraCalibration.ProjectPoints( _camera.Calibration.ObjectPoints3D, _camera.Calibration.ExtrinsicParameters[mc.Id], _camera.Calibration.IntrinsicParameters); Matrix <double> cameraPositionInWorldSpace4x4 = new Matrix <double>(new double[, ] { { 1, 0, 0, _camera.Calibration.TranslationToWorld[0, 0] }, { 0, 1, 0, _camera.Calibration.TranslationToWorld[1, 0] }, { 0, 0, 1, _camera.Calibration.TranslationToWorld[2, 0] }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, }); Matrix <double> Rt_homo = CvHelper.ConvertToHomogenous(R3x3_cameraToWorld); Matrix <double> x_world_homo = CvHelper.ConvertToHomogenous(minusRotation) * coordinatesInCameraSpace_homo; Rt_homo[0, 3] = x_world_homo[0, 0]; Rt_homo[1, 3] = x_world_homo[1, 0]; Rt_homo[2, 3] = x_world_homo[2, 0]; x_world_homo = cameraPositionInWorldSpace4x4 * x_world_homo; Vector3 v3world = new Vector3((float)x_world_homo[0, 0], (float)x_world_homo[1, 0], (float)x_world_homo[2, 0]); mc.WorldPosition[_camera] = v3world; for (int i = mc.PositionHistory[_camera].Length - 1; i > 0; --i) { mc.PositionHistory[_camera][i] = mc.PositionHistory[_camera][i - 1]; } mc.PositionHistory[_camera][0] = v3world; } } } // ProcessData
private static void CvUpdateSideStart(Cv cv) { while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(cv); Console.WriteLine(); ConsoleScreen.PrintMenu(ConsoleScreen.CvUpdateMenu, ConsoleColor.Blue); var updateChoice = (CvUpdateChoices)ConsoleScreen.Input(ConsoleScreen.CvUpdateMenu.Count); if (updateChoice == CvUpdateChoices.Back) { break; } switch (updateChoice) { case CvUpdateChoices.ChangeVisibility: { cv.IsPublic = !cv.IsPublic; LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo($"Visibility changed to {(cv.IsPublic ? "Public":"Private")}"); break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Name: { Console.Clear(); cv.Name = CvHelper.InputData("Name"); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Name updated!"); break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Surname: { Console.Clear(); cv.Surname = CvHelper.InputData("Surname"); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Surname updated!"); break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Category: { cv.Category = UserHelper.InputCategory(); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Category updated!"); break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Region: { cv.Region = UserHelper.InputRegion(); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Region updated!"); break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Salary: { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Salary: "); cv.Salary = UserHelper.GetNumeric(NumericTypes.INT); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Salary updated!"); break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Education: { cv.Education = UserHelper.InputEducation(); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Education updated"); break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Experience: { cv.Experience = UserHelper.InputExperience(); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Experience updated!"); break; } case CvUpdateChoices.WorkPlaces: { if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add workplace or delete?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { Console.WriteLine("Add workplaces: "); while (true) { var companyName = CvHelper.InputData("Company"); var timeline = new Timeline() { Start = CvHelper.InputDateTime("Start time(ex mm/dd/yyyy): "), }; while (true) { var endTime = CvHelper.InputDateTime("End time(ex mm/dd/yyyy): "); if (timeline.Start < endTime) { timeline.End = endTime; break; } LoggerPublisher.OnLogError("End time must be greater than start time!"); } cv.WorkPlaces.Add(new WorkPlace() { Company = companyName, Timeline = timeline }); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Workplace added"); if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add more WorkPlaces?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } Database.Database.Changes = true; } } else { if (cv.WorkPlaces.Count > 0) { while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Delete workplace: "); foreach (var workPlace in cv.WorkPlaces) { Console.WriteLine(workPlace); } var workplaceId = UserHelper.InputGuid(); if (ExceptionHandle.Handle(cv.DeleteWorkplace, workplaceId)) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Workplace deleted"); if (cv.WorkPlaces.Count == 0 || ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to delete more WorkPlaces?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } } } break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Skills: { if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add skill or delete?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { Console.WriteLine("Add skill: "); while (true) { cv.Skills.Add(new Skill() { Name = CvHelper.InputData("Name"), Level = CvHelper.InputSkillLevel(), }); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Skill added"); if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add more Skills?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } else { if (cv.Skills.Count > 0) { while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Delete skill: "); foreach (var skill in cv.Skills) { Console.WriteLine(skill); } var skillId = UserHelper.InputGuid(); if (ExceptionHandle.Handle(cv.DeleteSkill, skillId)) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Skill deleted"); if (cv.Skills.Count == 0 || ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to delete more Skill?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } } } break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Languages: { if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add language or delete?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { Console.WriteLine("Add languages: "); while (true) { cv.Languages.Add(new Language() { Name = CvHelper.InputData("Name"), Level = CvHelper.InputSkillLevel(), }); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Language added"); if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add more Languages?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } else { if (cv.Languages.Count > 0) { while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Delete language: "); foreach (var language in cv.Languages) { Console.WriteLine(language); } var skillId = UserHelper.InputGuid(); if (ExceptionHandle.Handle(cv.DeleteLanguage, skillId)) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Language deleted"); if (cv.Languages.Count == 0 || ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to delete more Language?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } } } break; } case CvUpdateChoices.HonorsDiploma: { cv.HonorsDiploma = CvHelper.InputHonorsDiplomaStatus(); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Honors diploma updated!"); break; } case CvUpdateChoices.Socials: { if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add Social or delete?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { Console.WriteLine("Add socials: "); while (true) { cv.Socials.Add(new Social() { Name = CvHelper.InputData("Name"), Link = CvHelper.InputLink() }); LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Social added"); if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add more Socials?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } else { if (cv.Socials.Count > 0) { while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Delete social: "); foreach (var social in cv.Socials) { Console.WriteLine(social); } var socialId = UserHelper.InputGuid(); if (ExceptionHandle.Handle(cv.DeleteSocial, socialId)) { LoggerPublisher.OnLogInfo("Social deleted"); if (cv.Socials.Count == 0 || ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to delete more Social?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } } } break; } } Database.Database.Changes = true; ConsoleScreen.Clear(); } }
private static Cv CreateNewCv() { var newCv = new Cv(); newCv.Name = CvHelper.InputData("Name"); newCv.Surname = CvHelper.InputData("Surname: "); newCv.Category = UserHelper.InputCategory(); newCv.Region = UserHelper.InputRegion(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Salary: "); newCv.Salary = UserHelper.GetNumeric(NumericTypes.INT); newCv.Education = UserHelper.InputEducation(); newCv.Experience = UserHelper.InputExperience(); newCv.HonorsDiploma = CvHelper.InputHonorsDiplomaStatus(); if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add skill?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { Console.WriteLine("Add skill: "); while (true) { newCv.Skills.Add(new Skill() { Name = CvHelper.InputData("Skill"), Level = CvHelper.InputSkillLevel() }); if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add more skill?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add Workplace?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { Console.WriteLine("Add workplaces: "); while (true) { var companyName = CvHelper.InputData("Company"); var timeline = new Timeline() { Start = CvHelper.InputDateTime("Start time(ex mm/dd/yyyy): "), }; while (true) { var endTime = CvHelper.InputDateTime("End time(ex mm/dd/yyyy): "); if (timeline.Start < endTime) { timeline.End = endTime; break; } LoggerPublisher.OnLogError("End time must be greater than start time!"); } newCv.WorkPlaces.Add(new WorkPlace() { Company = companyName, Timeline = timeline }); if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add more WorkPlaces?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add language?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { Console.WriteLine("Add Language"); while (true) { newCv.Languages.Add(new Language() { Name = CvHelper.InputData("Name"), Level = CvHelper.InputSkillLevel(), }); if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add more language?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add social?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { Console.WriteLine("Add social: "); while (true) { newCv.Socials.Add(new Social() { Name = CvHelper.InputData("Name"), Link = CvHelper.InputLink() }); if (ConsoleScreen.DisplayMessageBox("Info", "Do you want to add more social?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } return(newCv); }