/// <summary>
            /// Processes a save customer order request.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="request">The save customer order request.</param>
            /// <returns>The customer order service default response.</returns>
            private static Response SaveCustomerOrder(SaveCustomerOrderRealtimeRequest request)
                if (request == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("request");

                if (request.SalesTransaction == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("SalesTransaction is not set in request", "request");

                if (request.ChannelConfiguration == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("ChannelConfiguration is not set in request", "request");

                SalesTransaction salesTransaction = request.SalesTransaction;

                if (salesTransaction.CustomerOrderMode == CustomerOrderMode.Cancellation)

Beispiel #2
        public void When_SpecialCustomer_Expect_20PercentDiscount()
            // A test case body is divided into three sections "AAA" denotes the Arrange, Act, and Assert.
            Customer specialCustomer = new Customer
                CustomerId   = 1,
                CustomerName = "Jasmine",
                CustomerType = CustomerType.SpecialCustomer

            Order order = new Order
                OrderId         = 2,
                ProductId       = 500,
                ProductQuantity = 2,
                Amount          = 1000

            CustomerOrderService customerOrderService = new CustomerOrderService();

            customerOrderService.ApplyDiscount(specialCustomer, order);
            Assert.AreEqual(order.Amount, 800);
Beispiel #3
        public void When_PremiumCustomer_Expect_10PercentDiscount()
            // A test case body is divided into three sections "AAA" denotes the Arrange, Act, and Assert.
            Customer premiumCustomer = new Customer
                CustomerId   = 1,
                CustomerName = "George",
                CustomerType = CustomerType.Premium

            Order order = new Order
                OrderId         = 1,
                ProductId       = 212,
                ProductQuantity = 1,
                Amount          = 400

            CustomerOrderService customerOrderService = new CustomerOrderService();

            customerOrderService.ApplyDiscount(premiumCustomer, order);
            Assert.AreEqual(order.Amount, 360);
Beispiel #4
        public void GetData_Object()
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();
            var res = service.getData(1000);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Customer>(res);
Beispiel #5
        public void When_PremiumCustomer_Expect_10PercentDiscount()
            Customer premiumCustomer = new Customer
                CustomerId   = 1,
                CustomerName = "George",
                CustomerType = CustomerType.Premium

            Order order = new Order
                OrderId         = 1,
                ProductId       = 212,
                ProductQuantity = 1,
                Amount          = 150

            CustomerOrderService customerOrderService = new CustomerOrderService();

            customerOrderService.ApplyDiscount(premiumCustomer, order);

            Assert.AreEqual(order.Amount, 135);
Beispiel #6
        public void GetData_100_RetStringData()
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();
            var res = service.getData(100);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <string>(res);
Beispiel #7
        public void GetData_200_RetIntegerData()
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();
            var res = service.getData(200);

            Assert.AreEqual(1900, res);
        public void GetCustomer_InvalidId_RetException()
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();

            //var res = service.GetCustomer(10);
            Assert.Throws <CustomerNotFoundException>(() => service.GetCustomer(50));
        /// <summary>Main entry-point for this application.</summary>
        /// <param name="args">An array of command-line argument strings.</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CustomerService customerService = new CustomerService();

            CustomerOrderService customerOrderService = new CustomerOrderService();

            Console.WriteLine("Getting all customers. Please wait.");

            List <Customer> customers = customerService.GetAll();


            Console.WriteLine($"Getting customer by id of {Constants.CUSTOMER_ID}");

            Customer customer = customerService.GetById(Constants.CUSTOMER_ID);


            Customer newCustomer = CreateNewCustomerAndShowResponse(customerService);

            UpdateCustomerAndShowResponse(customerService, customers.First());


            CreateNewCustomerOrderAndShowResponse(customerOrderService, newCustomer);

 public CustomersOrderController(UserManager um, CustomerService cs, CustomerOrderService cos, DictService ds)
     this.um  = um;
     this.cs  = cs;
     this.cos = cos;
     this.ds  = ds;
        public void GetCustomer_ValidId_RetCustType()
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();
            var res = service.GetCustomer(10);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Customer>(res);
        public void When_PremiumCustomer_Expect_10PercentDiscount()
            Customer premiumCustomer = new Customer
                CustomerId   = 1,
                CustomerName = "Mahesh",
                CustomerType = CustomerType.Premium

            Order order = new Order
                OrderId         = 1,
                ProductId       = 212,
                ProductQuantity = 1,
                Amount          = 300

            CustomerOrderService customerOrderServiceVar = new CustomerOrderService();

            customerOrderServiceVar.ApplyDiscount10Percent(premiumCustomer, order);

            //Assert.AreEqual(order.Amount, 270);
            //Assert.Fail("The test is failed.");
            if (order.Amount < 280)
                Assert.Fail("The test is passed.");
                Assert.Pass("The test is failed");
            /// <summary>
            /// Cancels a customer order on the headquarters.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="request">The save customer order request.</param>
            /// <returns>The customer order service default response.</returns>
            private static Response SaveCancellationOrder(SaveCustomerOrderRealtimeRequest request)
                Response             response;
                SalesTransaction     salesTransaction     = request.SalesTransaction;
                ChannelConfiguration channelConfiguration = request.ChannelConfiguration;

                // Keep all charge line references
                List <ChargeLine> chargeLines = new List <ChargeLine>(salesTransaction.ChargeLines);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(channelConfiguration.CancellationChargeCode))
                    // Get all cancellation charges
                    var cancellationChargeLines = salesTransaction.ChargeLines
                                                  .Where(chargeLine => channelConfiguration.CancellationChargeCode.Equals(chargeLine.ChargeCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    // Remove all non-cancellation charges from header - since AX will blindly use the charges to header as cancellation charges

                // Cancels order in headquarters
                response = CustomerOrderService.SaveCustomerOrderInHeadquarter(request);

                // Restore charge lines

Beispiel #14
        public virtual async Task DeleteAsync(string[] ids)
            using (var repository = SubscriptionRepositoryFactory())
                var subscriptions = await GetByIdsAsync(ids);

                if (!subscriptions.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    var changedEntries = subscriptions.Select(x => new GenericChangedEntry <Subscription>(x, EntryState.Deleted));
                    await EventPublisher.Publish(new SubscriptionChangingEvent(changedEntries));

                    //Remove subscription order prototypes
                    var orderPrototypesIds = repository.Subscriptions.Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id)).Select(x => x.CustomerOrderPrototypeId).ToArray();
                    await CustomerOrderService.DeleteAsync(orderPrototypesIds);

                    await repository.RemoveSubscriptionsByIdsAsync(ids);

                    await repository.UnitOfWork.CommitAsync();

                    await EventPublisher.Publish(new SubscriptionChangedEvent(changedEntries));

        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
            IsLoading = true;
            var result = await CustomerOrderService.GetOrder(Id);

            Order     = result.Data;
            IsLoading = false;
Beispiel #16
        // GET: /Coupons/

        public ActionResult Index()
            var customerOrderService = new CustomerOrderService();
            var customerName         = customerOrderService.GetCustomerName(lastName: "Mason");
            var model = customerOrderService.GetCustomerOrderItems(5);

Beispiel #17
        public virtual async Task SaveSubscriptionsAsync(Subscription[] subscriptions)
            var pkMap          = new PrimaryKeyResolvingMap();
            var changedEntries = new List <GenericChangedEntry <Subscription> >();

            using (var repository = SubscriptionRepositoryFactory())
                var existEntities = await repository.GetSubscriptionsByIdsAsync(subscriptions.Where(x => !x.IsTransient()).Select(x => x.Id).ToArray());

                foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
                    //Generate numbers for new subscriptions
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscription.Number))
                        var store = await StoreService.GetByIdAsync(subscription.StoreId);

                        var numberTemplate = store.Settings.GetSettingValue("Subscription.SubscriptionNewNumberTemplate", "SU{0:yyMMdd}-{1:D5}");
                        subscription.Number = UniqueNumberGenerator.GenerateNumber(numberTemplate);
                    //Save subscription order prototype with same as subscription Number
                    if (subscription.CustomerOrderPrototype != null)
                        subscription.CustomerOrderPrototype.Number      = subscription.Number;
                        subscription.CustomerOrderPrototype.IsPrototype = true;
                        await CustomerOrderService.SaveChangesAsync(new[] { subscription.CustomerOrderPrototype });
                    var originalEntity       = existEntities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == subscription.Id);
                    var originalSubscription = originalEntity != null?originalEntity.ToModel(AbstractTypeFactory <Subscription> .TryCreateInstance()) : subscription;

                    var modifiedEntity = AbstractTypeFactory <SubscriptionEntity> .TryCreateInstance().FromModel(subscription, pkMap);

                    if (originalEntity != null)
                        changedEntries.Add(new GenericChangedEntry <Subscription>(subscription, originalEntity.ToModel(AbstractTypeFactory <Subscription> .TryCreateInstance()), EntryState.Modified));
                        //force the subscription.ModifiedDate update, because the subscription object may not have any changes in its properties
                        originalEntity.ModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        changedEntries.Add(new GenericChangedEntry <Subscription>(subscription, EntryState.Added));

                //Raise domain events
                await EventPublisher.Publish(new SubscriptionChangingEvent(changedEntries));

                await repository.UnitOfWork.CommitAsync();

                await EventPublisher.Publish(new SubscriptionChangedEvent(changedEntries));

Beispiel #18
        private async Task GetOrders()
            IsLoading = true;

            Uri uri = NavigationManager.ToAbsoluteUri(NavigationManager.Uri);

            PagedResponse = await CustomerOrderService.GetOrders(uri.Query);

            IsLoading = false;
 public async Task <JsonResult> COGet()
     try {
         var oid  = Guid.Parse(Request.Form["id"]);
         var uid  = Guid.Parse(Request.Form["uid"]);
         var iS   = Boolean.Parse(Request.Form["iS"]);
         var data = CustomerOrderService.GetByOIDUID(oid, uid, iS);
         var vms  = CustomerOrderService.SetSubDatas(data);
     } catch { return(Failed(MessageUtilityService.ServerError())); }
Beispiel #20
        public void GetDiscount_CustomBasic_RetTenPerDiscount()
            Customer             cust    = new Customer(10, "Mukta", "P", CustomerType.SpecialCustomer);
            Order                order   = new Order(10, 10, 10, 1000);
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();
            var result = service.GetDiscount(cust, order);

            Assert.AreEqual(500, result);
Beispiel #21
        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
            IsLoading = true;
            var result = await CustomerOrderService.GetOrder(Id);

            Order       = result.Data;
            OrderUpdate = new CustomerOrderForUpdateDto()
                Status = Order.Status
            IsLoading = false;
Beispiel #22
        public void GetDiscount_CustomerPremium_RetThirtyPerCentDiscount()
            Customer             cust    = new Customer(10, "Sachin", "T", CustomerType.Premium);
            Order                order   = new Order(10, 10, 10, 1000);
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();

            var result = service.GetDiscount(cust, order);

            Assert.AreEqual(700, result);
Beispiel #23
        public void GetDiscount_CustomerNormal_RetFiftyPerCentDiscount()
            Customer             cust    = new Customer(10, "Sachin", "T", CustomerType.SpecialCustomer);
            Order                order   = new Order(10, 10, 10, 1000);
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();

            var result = service.GetDiscount(cust, order);

            Assert.AreEqual(500, result);
Beispiel #24
        protected async Task HandleFormSubmit()
            var result = await CustomerOrderService.CreateOrder(Order);

            if (result != null)
                ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Užsakymas '{result.Id}' yra sėkmingai sukurtas");
                ToastService.ShowError("Nepavyko sukurti užsakymo");
Beispiel #25
        protected async Task HandleFormSubmit()
            var result = await CustomerOrderService.EditOrder(Id, OrderUpdate);

            if (result != null)
                ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Gamybos užsakyms '{Order.Id}' yra sėkmnigai atnaujintas");
                ToastService.ShowError("Nepavyko atnaujinti gamybos užsakymo");
Beispiel #26
        public void GetDiscount_CustomerBasic_RetTenPerCentDiscount()
            Customer             cust    = new Customer(10, "Sachin", "T", CustomerType.Basic);
            Order                order   = new Order(10, 10, 10, 1000);
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();

            var result = service.GetDiscount(cust, order);

            Assert.AreEqual(900, result);
            //Assert.LessOrEqual(900, result);
            //Assert.GreaterOrEqual(900, result);
Beispiel #27
        public void GetCoupon()
            Customer             cust    = new Customer(10, "Sachin", "T", CustomerType.Basic);
            Order                order   = new Order(10, 10, 10, 1000);
            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();

            var res = service.GetCouponCode(cust, order);

            StringAssert.StartsWith("BasicA", res);
            //StringAssert.Contains("BasicA", res);
            //StringAssert.IsMatch("BasicA*.*", res);
            //StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase("nunit", "Nunit");
 public async Task <JsonResult> COnsert()
     try {
         var id   = Guid.Parse(Request.Form["id"]);
         var uid  = Guid.Parse(Request.Form["uid"]);
         var oid  = Guid.Parse(Request.Form["oid"]);
         var aid  = Guid.Parse(Request.Form["aid"]);
         var dtid = Guid.Parse(Request.Form["dtid"]);
         var iS   = Boolean.Parse(Request.Form["iS"]);
         var tc   = float.Parse(Request.Form["tc"]);
         if (CustomerOrderService.Insert(id, uid, oid, aid, dtid, iS, tc))
         return(Failed(MessageUtilityService.FailedInsert("Customer Order")));
     } catch { return(Failed(MessageUtilityService.ServerError())); }
Beispiel #29
        public void IsApplicableToDiscount_BasicCustomer_False()
            //Arrange : DO the arrangement for calling unit under Test
            Customer cust = new Customer(10, "Sachin", "T", CustomerType.Basic);

            CustomerOrderService service = new CustomerOrderService();

            //Call method under Test

            var Result = service.IsApplicableToDiscount(cust);

            //Assert: Check Actual output with excpected output


            Assert.AreEqual(false, Result);
Beispiel #30
        // GET api/customerorder/5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get method for customer order based on customer id parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns>A collection of customer order as JSON format (default)</returns>
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(int id)
                var dbRepository         = new CE_DB_ServiceRepository();
                var customerOrderService = new CustomerOrderService(dbRepository);
                var customerOrderData    = customerOrderService.GetCustomerOrder(id);

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, customerOrderData));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // TODO - log the exception so the app won't miss the error.
                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                    ReasonPhrase = "Error has occured"