public async Task <ActionResult> ParallelFile()
            string token_header = null;

            if (Session["token_header"] != null)
                token_header = Session["token_header"].ToString();

            CustomTranslatorAPIClient clientapp = new CustomTranslatorAPIClient();

            // Start upload single parallel document

            string sourcelanguagefilepath = @"..."; // Enter local path for source language file
            string targetlanguagefilepath = @"..."; // Enter local path for target language file

            DocumentDetailsForImportRequest documentdetails = new DocumentDetailsForImportRequest();

            documentdetails.DocumentName = "...";      // Enter document name
            documentdetails.DocumentType = "training"; //values = training/ tuning/ testing
            documentdetails.IsParallel   = true;       // Enter if this is a parallel document. values = true, false
            documentdetails.FileDetails  = new List <FileForImportRequest>();

            FileForImportRequest sourcelanguagefile = new FileForImportRequest();

            sourcelanguagefile.Name              = Path.GetFileName(sourcelanguagefilepath);
            sourcelanguagefile.Language          = "..."; // Enter source language. Example: de. //Determined from the call to GetCategories
            sourcelanguagefile.OverwriteIfExists = true;  // Enter if you want to overwrite if file exists. values = true, false

            FileForImportRequest targetlanguagefile = new FileForImportRequest();

            targetlanguagefile.Name              = Path.GetFileName(targetlanguagefilepath);
            targetlanguagefile.Language          = "..."; // Enter target language. Example: en. //Determined from the call to GetCategories
            targetlanguagefile.OverwriteIfExists = true;  // Enter if you want to overwrite if file exists. values = true, false

            string result = await clientapp.ImportDocument(token_header, Session["ws_id"].ToString(), sourcelanguagefilepath, targetlanguagefilepath, documentdetails, sourcelanguagefile, targetlanguagefile);

            string jobId = getJobId(result.Trim());

            Response.Write("<br /><br />JobId: " + jobId + "<br />");

            result = await clientapp.GetDocumentUploadStatus(jobId, token_header);

            CurrentFileUploadStatus status = getUploadStatus(result);

            foreach (FileProcessingStatus fps in status.fileProcessingStatus)
                Response.Write("<br />File Name: " +; // Use this File Is when training a model
                Response.Write("<br />File Name: " + fps.fileName);
                Response.Write("<br />Upload Status: " + fps.status.displayName);

        public async Task <ActionResult> ComboFile()
            string token_header = null;

            if (Session["token_header"] != null)
                token_header = Session["token_header"].ToString();

            CustomTranslatorAPIClient clientapp = new CustomTranslatorAPIClient();

            string filepath = @"..."; // Enter local path for combo file

            DocumentDetailsForImportRequest documentdetails = new DocumentDetailsForImportRequest();

            documentdetails.DocumentName = "...";      // Enter document name
            documentdetails.DocumentType = "training"; //values = training/ tuning/ testing
            documentdetails.IsParallel   = true;       // Enter if this is a parallel document. values = true, false
            documentdetails.FileDetails  = new List <FileForImportRequest>();

            string result = await clientapp.ImportComboDocument(token_header, Session["ws_id"].ToString(), filepath, documentdetails);

            string jobId = getJobId(result.Trim());

            Response.Write("<br /><br />JobId: " + jobId + "<br />");

            result = await clientapp.GetDocumentUploadStatus(jobId, token_header);

            CurrentFileUploadStatus status = getUploadStatus(result);

            foreach (FileProcessingStatus fps in status.fileProcessingStatus)
                Response.Write("<br />File Name: " +; // Use this File Is when training a model
                Response.Write("<br />File Name: " + fps.fileName);
                Response.Write("<br />Upload Status: " + fps.status.displayName);
