Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// For simplicity this logic is just repeated between handlers, but to
        /// reduce repetition you could use a library like AutoMapper or break out
        /// the logic into a seperate mapper class and inject it in.
        /// </summary>
        private Category MapCategory(CustomEntityRenderSummary customEntity)
            var category = new Category();

            category.CategoryId = customEntity.CustomEntityId;
            category.Name       = customEntity.Title;

Beispiel #2
        private Feature MapFeature(CustomEntityRenderSummary customEntity)
            var feature = new Feature();

            feature.FeatureId = customEntity.CustomEntityId;
            feature.Title     = customEntity.Title;

    /// <summary>
    /// For simplicity this logic is just repeated between handlers, but to
    /// reduce repetition you could use a library like AutoMapper or break out
    /// the logic into a seperate mapper class and inject it in.
    /// </summary>
    private Breed MapBreed(CustomEntityRenderSummary customEntity)
        var breed = new Breed();

        breed.BreedId = customEntity.CustomEntityId;
        breed.Title   = customEntity.Title;

        protected override CacheEntry MapEntity(CustomEntityRenderSummary entity)
            var model = (TenantCategoryDataModel)entity.Model;

            return(new CacheEntry
                Entity = entity,
                DataModel = model,
                Summary = model
        /// <summary>
        /// For simplicity this logic is just repeated between handlers, but to
        /// reduce repetition you could use a library like AutoMapper or break out
        /// the logic into a seperate mapper class and inject it in.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <Category> MapCategory(CustomEntityRenderSummary customEntity)
            var category = new Category();
            var model    = (CategoryDataModel)customEntity.Model;

            category.CategoryId   = customEntity.CustomEntityId;
            category.Name         = customEntity.Title;
            category.RootCategory = await GetRootCategoryAsync(model.RootCategoryId);

Beispiel #6
        private CategorySummary MapCategory(CustomEntityRenderSummary customEntity)
            var model = (CategoryDataModel)customEntity.Model;

            var category = new CategorySummary();

            category.CategoryId       = customEntity.CustomEntityId;
            category.Title            = customEntity.Title;
            category.ShortDescription = model.ShortDescription;

Beispiel #7
        protected override CacheEntry MapEntity(CustomEntityRenderSummary entity)
            var model = (BookingDataModel)entity.Model;

            string checkoutUrl = ContentRouteLibrary.ToAbsolute(BookingSettings.CheckoutUrlPath + "?id=" + entity.CustomEntityId + "&token=" + model.TenantSelfServiceToken);

            var summary = new BookingSummary
                Id                      = entity.CustomEntityId,
                BookingNumber           = model.BookingNumber,
                CreatedDate             = entity.CreateDate,
                ArrivalDate             = model.ArrivalDate.Value,
                OnlySelectedWeekdays    = model.OnlySelectedWeekdays,
                SelectedWeekdays        = model.SelectedWeekdays ?? new List <WeekdayType>(),
                DepartureDate           = model.DepartureDate.Value,
                Purpose                 = model.Purpose,
                TenantCategoryId        = model.TenantCategoryId.Value,
                TenantName              = model.TenantName,
                ContactName             = model.ContactName,
                ContactPhone            = model.ContactPhone,
                ContactAddress          = model.ContactAddress,
                ContactCity             = model.ContactCity,
                ContactEMail            = model.ContactEMail,
                Comments                = model.Comments,
                RentalPrice             = model.RentalPrice,
                Deposit                 = model.Deposit,
                DepositReceived         = model.DepositReceived,
                BookingState            = model.BookingState.Value,
                BookingStateText        = model.BookingState.GetDescription(),
                IsApproved              = model.IsApproved,
                IsCancelled             = model.IsCancelled,
                WelcomeLetterIsSent     = model.WelcomeLetterIsSent,
                IsCheckedOut            = model.IsCheckedOut,
                IsArchived              = model.IsArchived,
                TenantSelfServiceToken  = model.TenantSelfServiceToken,
                CheckoutUrl             = checkoutUrl,
                ElectricityReadingStart = model.ElectricityReadingStart,
                ElectricityReadingEnd   = model.ElectricityReadingEnd,
                ElectricityPriceUnit    = model.ElectricityPriceUnit ?? BookingSettings.ElectricityPrice,
                ElectricityPrice        = model.ElectricityPrice,
                TotalPrice              = model.TotalPrice,
                Documents               = model.Documents,
                LogEntries              = model.LogEntries

            return(new CacheEntry
                Entity = entity,
                DataModel = model,
                Summary = summary
        /// <summary>
        /// We could use AutoMapper here, but to keep it simple let's just do manual mapping
        /// </summary>
        private CategorySummary MapCategory(CustomEntityRenderSummary renderSummary)
            // A CustomEntityRenderSummary will always contain the data model for the custom entity
            var model = renderSummary.Model as CategoryDataModel;

            var category = new CategorySummary();

            category.CategoryId       = renderSummary.CustomEntityId;
            category.Title            = renderSummary.Title;
            category.ShortDescription = model?.ShortDescription;

Beispiel #9
        private async Task <FlowerDetails> MapFlower(CustomEntityRenderSummary customEntity)
            var model = customEntity.Model as FlowerDataModel;
            var cat   = new FlowerDetails();

            cat.FlowerId    = customEntity.CustomEntityId;
            cat.Name        = customEntity.Title;
            cat.Description = model.Description;
            cat.Category    = await GetCategoryAsync(model.CategoryId);

            cat.Images = await GetImagesAsync(model.ImageAssetIds);

            cat.Price = model.Price;
            cat.Count = model.Count;
        private async Task <PlayerDetails> MapPlayer(CustomEntityRenderSummary customEntity)
            var model  = customEntity.Model as PlayerDataModel;
            var player = new PlayerDetails();

            player.PlayerId    = customEntity.CustomEntityId;
            player.Name        = customEntity.Title;
            player.Description = model.Description;
            player.Features    = await GetFeaturesAsync(model.FeatureIds);

            player.Images = await GetImagesAsync(model.ImageAssetIds);

            player.TotalLikes = await GetLikeCount(customEntity.CustomEntityId);

Beispiel #11
        private async Task <CatDetails> MapCat(CustomEntityRenderSummary customEntity)
            var model = customEntity.Model as CatDataModel;
            var cat   = new CatDetails();

            cat.CatId       = customEntity.CustomEntityId;
            cat.Name        = customEntity.Title;
            cat.Description = model.Description;
            cat.Breed       = await GetBreedAsync(model.BreedId);

            cat.Features = await GetFeaturesAsync(model.FeatureIds);

            cat.Images = await GetImagesAsync(model.ImageAssetIds);

            cat.TotalLikes = await GetLikeCount(customEntity.CustomEntityId);

        private CustomEntityRenderSummary MapCore(CustomEntityVersion dbResult)
            var entity = new CustomEntityRenderSummary()
                CreateDate = DbDateTimeMapper.AsUtc(dbResult.CreateDate),
                CustomEntityDefinitionCode = dbResult.CustomEntity.CustomEntityDefinitionCode,
                CustomEntityId             = dbResult.CustomEntityId,
                CustomEntityVersionId      = dbResult.CustomEntityVersionId,
                Ordering       = dbResult.CustomEntity.Ordering,
                Title          = dbResult.Title,
                UrlSlug        = dbResult.CustomEntity.UrlSlug,
                WorkFlowStatus = (WorkFlowStatus)dbResult.WorkFlowStatusId,
                PublishDate    = DbDateTimeMapper.AsUtc(dbResult.CustomEntity.PublishDate)

            entity.PublishStatus = PublishStatusMapper.FromCode(dbResult.CustomEntity.PublishStatusCode);
            entity.Model         = _customEntityDataModelMapper.Map(dbResult.CustomEntity.CustomEntityDefinitionCode, dbResult.SerializedData);

Beispiel #13
 private Task<CustomEntityRenderSummary> MapCatAsync(CustomEntityRenderSummary entity)
     return Task.FromResult(entity);
 protected abstract CacheEntry MapEntity(CustomEntityRenderSummary entity);