Beispiel #1
        public void AddAndUseCommand()
            CustomCommand.CustomCommands.Add(new CustomCommand(author, commandName, commandContent));

            string result = CustomCommand.UseCustomCommand(commandName, argument, author, userList);

            Assert.Equal(result, "~~~" + argument + " " + randomUser + "!");
        private static async Task CheckForCustomCommand(MessageCreateEventArgs a)
            string[] split          = a.Message.Content.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
            string   arguments      = split.Length > 1 ? split[1] : string.Empty;
            string   senderUsername = Useful.GetUsername(a);

            string command = split[0].TrimStart(Settings.Default.commandChar);

            if (CustomCommand.CommandExists(command))
                string result = CustomCommand.UseCustomCommand(command, arguments, senderUsername, GetUserList(a.Channel.Guild, senderUsername));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                    await a.Message.RespondAsync(result).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a message is received in either a channel or DM.
        /// Checks if the message contains a banned word and purges and warns if it does.
        /// If the message is a command, checks if the guild has a bot spam channel and if it does, if the message is posted in there.
        /// Gives one gold per non-command message sent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MessageParam">Information about the message sent.</param>
        public async Task Client_MessageReceived(SocketMessage MessageParam)
            SocketUserMessage    Message = MessageParam as SocketUserMessage;
            SocketCommandContext Context = new SocketCommandContext(Client, Message);

            //Make sure the message isn't empty
            if (Context.Message == null || Context.User.IsBot)

            //Channel to send the chat logs in
            ulong channel = Data.GetChatLogChannel(Context.Guild.Id);

            if (channel != 0)
                    SocketTextChannel channelPost = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(channel);

                    //Format: Name#1111: "This is a sentence." -- #channel at 1/11/1111 1:11:11 PM EST
                    timeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    today   = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(timeUtc, easternZone);
                    if (Context.Message.Content == "")
                        await channelPost.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.Message.Author} uploaded an image. -- <#{Context.Channel.Id}> at {today} EST");
                        await channelPost.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.Message.Author}: \"{Context.Message}\" -- <#{Context.Channel.Id}> at {today} EST");
                catch (Exception)

            //If message is blank (picture/file), return after chat log
            if (Context.Message.Content == "")

            //Get the permissions of the user for use in checking for banned words and checking the bot spam channel
            SocketGuildUser User = Context.User as SocketGuildUser;

            //Make sure the message has no banned words
            //If it contains a banned word, purge the message and issue a warning
            //Three warnings and offender gets kicked
            if (Data.GetBannedWords(Context.Guild.Id).Length > 0 && User.GuildPermissions.KickMembers == false)
                foreach (string word in Data.GetBannedWords(Context.Guild.Id))
                    if (Message.Content.ToLower().Contains(word))
                        {   //get the author of the message
                            IGuildUser GuildUser = (IGuildUser)Message.Author;
                            ulong      userid    = GuildUser.Id;
                            ulong      guildid   = Context.Guild.Id;
                            string     username  = GuildUser.Username;

                            //Get the message and delete it, issue a warning
                            await(Context.Channel as SocketTextChannel).DeleteMessageAsync(Context.Message.Id);
                            await Data.AddWarnings(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id, Context.User.Username);

                            int amountOfWarnings = Data.GetWarnings(userid, guildid);

                            //For the mod log to know which moderator to put
                            SocketUser Nephry = Context.Guild.GetUser(322806920203337740);

                            //If warnings is 3 or more, kick the offender if bot has kick permissions
                            if (amountOfWarnings >= 3)
                                IRole nephry = null;
                                foreach (IRole role in Context.Guild.Roles)
                                    if (role.Name == "Nephry")
                                        nephry = role;

                                if (nephry == null)

                                if (nephry.Permissions.KickMembers == false)

                                await GuildUser.SendMessageAsync("You were kicked for accumulating too many warnings.");

                                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{GuildUser.Mention} has been kicked for accumulating too many warnings.");

                                await GuildUser.KickAsync("Accumulated too many warnings");

                                await Data.RemoveWarnings(userid, guildid, username, amountOfWarnings);

                                await ModLog.PostInModLog(Context.Guild, "Auto-Kicked", Nephry, GuildUser, "Accumulated too many warnings.");

                            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, you have been warned for using inappropriate language. Please type \"!getbannedwords\" " +
                                                                   $"to see a list of banned words in this server. " +
                                                                   $"You now have {Data.GetWarnings(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id)} warning(s).");

                            await ModLog.PostInModLog(Context.Guild, "Auto-Warn", Nephry, GuildUser, "Used inappropriate language.");

                        catch (Exception)

            int ArgPos = 0;

            //Make sure the message doesn't start with ! for the gold bonus
            if (!Message.HasCharPrefix('!', ref ArgPos))
                await Data.SaveGold(Context.User.Id, 1, Context.Guild.Id, Context.User.Username); //Add one gold per message
            //If message does not start with ! or bot mention, return
            if (!(Message.HasCharPrefix('!', ref ArgPos) || Message.HasMentionPrefix(Client.CurrentUser, ref ArgPos)))

            //Get the bot spam channel if there is one assigned
            //and make sure the command is in that channel
            if (Data.GetBotSpamChannel(Context.Guild.Id) != 0)
                //put channel bot spam here and make sure the message is either in the correct channel, has kick or admin permissions
                if (Context.Channel.Id == Data.GetBotSpamChannel(Context.Guild.Id) || User.GuildPermissions.KickMembers == true ||
                    User.GuildPermissions.Administrator == true)
                    IResult Results = await Commands.ExecuteAsync(Context, ArgPos, null);

                    if (!Results.IsSuccess)
                        CustomCommand customCommands = new CustomCommand();
                        await customCommands.UseCustomCommand(Context);
            //Search for a matching command and execute it
            IResult Result = await Commands.ExecuteAsync(Context, ArgPos, null);

            if (!Result.IsSuccess)
                CustomCommand customCommands = new CustomCommand(); //If a hard-coded command isn't found, use the server's custom commands instead
                await customCommands.UseCustomCommand(Context);
Beispiel #4
        private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            string token        = args[0];
            bool   quit         = false;
            bool   tryReconnect = false;
            string botName      = string.Empty;

            //TODO: This should be fixed once .net Core 3.0 is released

            /*if (Settings.Default.UpgradeNeeded)
             * {
             *  Settings.Default.Upgrade();
             *  Settings.Default.UpgradeNeeded = false;
             *  Settings.Default.Save();
             * }*/

            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB")) + "Starting...");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.apikey))
                string api = string.Empty;
                if (args.Length > 1)
                    api = args[1];
                    Console.WriteLine("Add api key for youtube search (or enter to ignore): ");
                    api = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(api))
                    Settings.Default.apikey = api;
                    //TODO: This should be fixed once .net Core 3.0 is released
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.CleverbotAPI))
                string api = string.Empty;
                if (args.Length > 2)
                    api = args[2];
                    Console.WriteLine("Add api key for Cleverbot (or enter to ignore): ");
                    api = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(api))
                    Settings.Default.CleverbotAPI = api;
                    //TODO: This should be fixed once .net Core 3.0 is released

            GetDiscordClient = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
                Token     = token,
                TokenType = TokenType.Bot

            GetDiscordClient.SocketErrored += async a =>
                tryReconnect = true;
                await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB")) + "Error: " + a.Exception.Message).ConfigureAwait(false);

            GetDiscordClient.Ready += async a =>
                await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB")) + "Ready!").ConfigureAwait(false);

                tryReconnect = false;

            GetDiscordClient.UnknownEvent += async unk =>
                await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB")) + "Unknown Event: " + unk.EventName).ConfigureAwait(false);

            GetDiscordClient.MessageCreated += async e =>
                if (e.Message.Content.StartsWith("!quit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    DiscordMember author = await e.Guild.GetMemberAsync(e.Author.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    bool isBotAdmin = Useful.MemberIsBotOperator(author);

                    if (author.IsOwner || isBotAdmin)
                        quit = true;
                        Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB")) + "Quitting...");

                else if (e.Message.Content.StartsWith('!'))
                    string   arguments = string.Empty;
                    string[] split     = e.Message.Content.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
                    string   command   = split[0];
                    if (split.Length > 1)
                        arguments = split[1];

                    string        nick   = ((DiscordMember)e.Message.Author).DisplayName;
                    List <string> listU  = Useful.GetOnlineNames(e.Channel.Guild);
                    string        result = CustomCommand.UseCustomCommand(command.TrimStart('!'), arguments, nick, listU);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                        await e.Message.RespondAsync(result).ConfigureAwait(false);

                //Bot Talk and Cleverbot
                else if (e.Message.Content.StartsWith(botName + ",", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (e.Message.Content.EndsWith('?'))
                        await Think(e, botName).ConfigureAwait(false);
                else if (e.Message.Content.EndsWith(botName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    await Think(e, botName).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Message.Content) && e.Message.Author.Id == Settings.Default.limid) //lims shitty id lul
                    if (e.Message.Content.Contains("wife", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        await e.Message.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(GetDiscordClient, ":regional_indicator_w:")).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        await e.Message.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(GetDiscordClient, ":regional_indicator_a:")).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        await e.Message.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(GetDiscordClient, ":regional_indicator_i:")).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        await e.Message.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(GetDiscordClient, ":regional_indicator_f:")).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        await e.Message.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(GetDiscordClient, ":regional_indicator_u:")).ConfigureAwait(false);

                //Update "last seen" for user that sent the message
                string username = ((DiscordMember)e.Message.Author).DisplayName.ToLower(CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"));
                //Ping users, leave this last cause it's sloooooooow
                await PingUser.SendPings(e).ConfigureAwait(false);

            //Register the commands defined on SekiCommands.cs

            commands = GetDiscordClient.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefix        = "!",
                CaseSensitive       = false,
                EnableMentionPrefix = false

            commands.RegisterCommands <SekiCommands>();

            //Connect to Discord
            await GetDiscordClient.ConnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            botName = GetDiscordClient.CurrentUser.Username;

            while (!quit)
                if (tryReconnect)
                        await GetDiscordClient.DisconnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                        Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] ", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB")) + "Attempting to Reconnect...");
                        await GetDiscordClient.ConnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                //Wait a bit
                await Task.Delay(10 * 1000).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await GetDiscordClient.DisconnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);