Beispiel #1
    void doUpdate()
        if (!Spline || !Spline.IsInitialized)
        // Runtime processing
        if (Application.isPlaying)
            int dir = Dir;
            // get the TF of the current distance.
            // Note: It's recommended to use the TF based methods in consecutive calls, as the distance based
            // methods need to convert distance to TF internally each time!
            float tf = Spline.DistanceToTF(mDistance);

            // Move using cached values(slightly faster) or interpolate position now (more exact)
            // Note that we pass mTF and mDir by reference. These values will be changed by the Move methods
            mTransform.position = (FastInterpolation) ?
                                  Spline.MoveByFast(ref tf, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping) :
                                  Spline.MoveBy(ref tf, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping);
            mDistance = Spline.TFToDistance(tf);
            // Rotate the transform to match the spline's orientation
            if (SetOrientation)
                transform.rotation = Spline.GetOrientationFast(tf);
            Dir = dir;
        else  // Editor processing: continuously place the transform to reflect property changes in the editor
Beispiel #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void doUpdate()
        if (!Spline || !Spline.IsInitialized)
        // Runtime processing
        if (Application.isPlaying)
            int dir = Dir;
            // Move at a constant speed?
            if (MoveByWorldUnits)
                // either used cached values(slightly faster) or interpolate position now (more exact)
                // Note that we pass mTF and mDir by reference. These values will be changed by the Move methods
                mTransform.position = (FastInterpolation) ?
                                      Spline.MoveByFast(ref mTF, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping) : // linear interpolate cached values
                                      Spline.MoveBy(ref mTF, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping);      // interpolate now
            else                                                                                              // Move at constant F
                   // either used cached values(slightly faster) or interpolate position now (more exact)
                   // Note that we pass mTF and mDir by reference. These values will be changed by the Move methods
                mTransform.position = (FastInterpolation) ?
                                      Spline.MoveFast(ref mTF, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping) : // linear interpolate cached values
                                      Spline.Move(ref mTF, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, Clamping);      // interpolate now
            // Rotate the transform to match the spline's orientation
            if (SetOrientation)
                transform.rotation = Spline.GetOrientationFast(mTF);

            Dir = dir;
        else // Editor processing: continuously place the transform to reflect property changes in the editor
Beispiel #3
    void Update()
        Vector3 moveDelta =;
        Vector3 oldPos    = mTransform.position; // store old position
        float   oldTF     = TF;                  // store old tf
        float   minY      = mLastCurveY;         // store old minimum height

        float moveaxis = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        bool  jump     = Input.GetButton("Jump");

        // Handle Left/Right movement
        if (moveaxis != 0)
            // Calculate new spline position, setting movement to x/z and storing minimum height
            int dir    = (moveaxis > 0) ? -1 : 1;
            int newdir = dir;

            Vector3 newPos = Spline.MoveBy(ref TF, ref newdir, Mathf.Abs(moveaxis) * Speed * Time.smoothDeltaTime, CurvyClamping.Loop);

            // y-position needs extra handling, so just store x/z in moveDelta
            moveDelta.x = newPos.x - oldPos.x;
            moveDelta.z = newPos.z - oldPos.z;
            minY        = newPos.y;
        // Jumping (Y++)
        if (jump && mJumpDurationLeft > 0)
            moveDelta         += new Vector3(0, JumpSpeed * Time.smoothDeltaTime, 0);
            mJumpDurationLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
        else  // Gravity (Y--)
            moveDelta += new Vector3(0, -Gravity * Time.smoothDeltaTime, 0);

        // If we would move below the spline, restrict movement to stay above it
        if (oldPos.y + moveDelta.y < minY)
            moveDelta.y       = minY - oldPos.y;
            mJumpDurationLeft = JumpDuration;

        // The actual moving
        if (moveDelta !=
            // Move and handle collision
            if (mController.Move(moveDelta) != CollisionFlags.None)
                // If we're not on top of a collider => Halt and reset to last "valid" position
                if (mStopMoving)
                    mTransform.position = oldPos;
                    TF   = oldTF;
                    minY = mLastCurveY;
                mStopMoving = false;
            // Align rotation to spline
            mTransform.rotation = Spline.GetOrientationFast(TF);
        mLastCurveY = minY;
    void Update()
        if (!Spline || !Spline.IsInitialized)

        // *** Place Player in editor ***
        if (!Application.isPlaying)
            if (Spline.Interpolate(TF) != mTransform.position)
                mTransform.position = Spline.Interpolate(TF);

        int dir = 1;

        // advance on lane. We use PingPong clamping to detect when we reach the end of a spline (in that case dir changes!)
        Vector3 newPosOnSpline = Spline.MoveBy(ref TF, ref dir, Speed * Time.deltaTime, CurvyClamping.PingPong);
        Vector3 newTangent     = Spline.GetTangent(TF);

        // Advance by spline curvation delta. We don't use newPosOnSpline directly because we don't want a snap-effect when in air or switching lanes
        mTransform.position += newPosOnSpline - mLastPosOnSpline;

        // *** Switch lanes? ***
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Horizontal"))
            if (TrySwitchLane(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < 0 ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right))
                newPosOnSpline = Spline.Interpolate(TF);
        // *** Jump? ***
        if (!mInAir && !Jumping && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))

        // Set orientation
        mTransform.forward = newTangent;

        // Oops! We've reached end of spline. Check if we can fall down onto another spline...
        if (dir != 1)
            CurvySplineBase newSpline;
            float           newTF;
            if (RaycastForFollowUpSpline(Vector3.down, out newSpline, out newTF))
                // we found a new spline underneath us. Let's use it from now on
                Spline         = newSpline;
                TF             = newTF;
                newPosOnSpline = Spline.Interpolate(TF);
                mInAir         = (newPosOnSpline - mTransform.position).sqrMagnitude > 0.001f;
                StartCoroutine(Die()); // No Spline found. Time to die...

        // When in air or switching lanes, our position isn't where it should be. So we drag the player toward the lane position
        if (!Jumping)
            Vector3 offset = mTransform.position - newPosOnSpline;
            if (offset.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)
                if (mInAir)
                    mTransform.position -= offset.normalized * Gravity * Time.deltaTime;
                    mTransform.position -= offset.normalized * SwitchSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                mInAir = false;
        else   // Perform a jump
            mTransform.Translate(0, mJumpDelta * Time.deltaTime, 0, Space.Self);

        mLastPosOnSpline = newPosOnSpline;