public void SetUpHandCursorModule()
            /* Set Module */
            HandCursorModule handCursorModule;

            handCursorModule = HandCursorModule.Activate(manager.SenseManager);
            if (handCursorModule == null)
                manager.SetStatus("Failed Loading Module");

            // Creates CurserConfiguration and returns instance
            cursorConfiguration = handCursorModule.CreateActiveConfiguration();

            if (cursorConfiguration == null)
                manager.SetStatus("Failed Create Configuration");

            // Create cursorData instance to store Dae from recognition
            cursorData = handCursorModule.CreateOutput();
            if (cursorData == null)
                manager.SetStatus("Failed Create Output");
        private Rectangle GetRectangle(Rectangle screenBounds, CursorConfiguration positionCursor)
            var x      = (int)(screenBounds.X + (positionCursor.X * screenBounds.Width));
            var y      = (int)(screenBounds.Y + (positionCursor.Y * screenBounds.Height));
            var width  = (int)(positionCursor.Width * screenBounds.Width);
            var height = (int)(positionCursor.Height * screenBounds.Height);

            return(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height));