Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// todoComment
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected Boolean Calculate()

            if (Parameters.Exists("calculateFromMethod"))
                if (!CalculateFromMethod(Parameters.Get("calculateFromMethod").ToString()))
                    TLogging.Log("ERROR: could not calculate from method (or report was cancelled).");
                TRptDataCalcHeaderFooter calcHeaderFooter = new TRptDataCalcHeaderFooter(this, -1, -1, 0, 0);
                calcHeaderFooter.Calculate(CurrentReport.pagefield, CurrentReport.pageswitch);
                TRptDataCalcLevel calclevel = new TRptDataCalcLevel(this, 0, -1, 0, 0);

                if ((calclevel.Calculate(CurrentReport.GetLevel("main"), 0) == -1) || (Parameters.Get("CancelReportCalculation").ToBool() == true))
                    TLogging.Log("ERROR: could not calculate main level (or report was cancelled).");


            // call after calculating, because new parameters will be added

Beispiel #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetSingleCurrentReport(int spotId)
            // create a new instance of the buoy finder class
            BuoyFinder buoyFinder = new BuoyFinder();

            // find the beach requested
            Beach beach = _context.Beach.Single(b => b.BeachId == spotId);

            // find buoys closest to the beach
            List <Buoy> matchingBuoys = buoyFinder.MatchBuoys(beach.Latitude, beach.Longtitude);

            // create an empty list to hold beach reports
            List <CurrentBeachReport> currentBeachReports = new List <CurrentBeachReport>();

            // itterate through the matching buoys.
            // this loop will populate our currentBeachReports list
            foreach (Buoy b in matchingBuoys)
                // generate report for current buoy
                CurrentReport currentReport = await MakeCurrentReport.GetAsync(b);

                // create beach report with buoy report data and beach data
                CurrentBeachReport currentBeachReport = new CurrentBeachReport(beach, currentReport);

                // add beach report to the list

            // return the report data
        public static async Task <CurrentReport> GetAsync(Buoy buoy)
            CurrentReport currentReport = new CurrentReport(buoy.Name, buoy.NbdcId);
            SpecData      specData      = new SpecData();

            string buoyStandardId = (buoy.NbdcId).ToUpper() + ".txt";
            string buoySpecId     = (buoy.NbdcId).ToUpper() + ".spec";

            string standardReportText = await GetBuoyData.FetchAsync(buoyStandardId);

            string spectralReportText = await GetBuoyData.FetchAsync(buoySpecId);

            string firstCharSpec     = (spectralReportText[0]).ToString();
            string firstCharStandard = (standardReportText[0].ToString());

            StandardData standardReport = ParseCurrentStandard.Get(standardReportText, buoy.NbdcId);

            if (firstCharSpec != "<" && firstCharStandard != "<")
                specData      = ParseCurrentSpec.Get(spectralReportText, buoy.NbdcId);
                currentReport = new CurrentReport(buoy.Name, buoy.NbdcId, standardReport, specData);
            else if (firstCharStandard != "<")
                currentReport = new CurrentReport(buoy.Name, buoy.NbdcId, standardReport);

Beispiel #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetClosestCurrentReport(string lat, string lon)
            // create new instances of bouyFinder and spotFinder classes
            BuoyFinder buoyFinder = new BuoyFinder();
            SpotFinder spotFinder = new SpotFinder();
            // get the closest beach by using the lat/long passed in by the user
            Beach closestSpot = spotFinder.FindSpot(lat, lon);
            // get a list of buoys that are close to the beach
            List <Buoy> matchingBuoys = buoyFinder.MatchBuoys(closestSpot.Latitude, closestSpot.Longtitude);
            // create empty list for hold current beach reports
            List <CurrentBeachReport> currentBeachReports = new List <CurrentBeachReport>();

            //  itterate through the list of buoys
            foreach (Buoy b in matchingBuoys)
                // get report from current buoy
                CurrentReport currentReport = await MakeCurrentReport.GetAsync(b);

                // compile data from closestSpot object and currentReport object into
                // currentBeachReport object with contructor function
                CurrentBeachReport currentBeachReport = new CurrentBeachReport(closestSpot, currentReport);
                // add beach report object to list

            // return reports
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 将报表转换成图片
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Image ConvertReportToImage()
            Stream imageStream = new MemoryStream();

            _currentReport.DataSource = _ds;
            CurrentReport.ExportToImage(imageStream, ImageFormat.Png);
Beispiel #6
        private void Next()
            if (_valuePane.CurrentFailure == null)

            int skipped = 0;
            int updated = 0;

                while (CurrentReport.Next())
                    var next = CurrentReport.Current;

                    //prefer rules that say we should update the database with redacted over rules that say we should ignore the problem
                    if (!Updater.OnLoad(null, next, out _))
                    else if (!Ignorer.OnLoad(next, out _))

            catch (Exception e)
                ShowException("Error moving to next record", e);

            if (CurrentReport.Exhausted)
                ShowMessage("End", "End of Failures");

            StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder();


            if (skipped > 0)
                info.Append(" Skipped " + skipped);
            if (updated > 0)
                info.Append(" Auto Updated " + updated);

            _info.Text = info.ToString();
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetCurrentBuoyData(string nbdcId)
            // retreive buoy information from database
            Buoy buoy = _context.Buoy.Single(b => b.NbdcId == nbdcId);

            // use buoy data to retreive current report data
            CurrentReport currentReport = await MakeCurrentReport.GetAsync(buoy);

            // return current report
Beispiel #8
 private void GoTo(int page)
     if (CurrentReport == null)
         _info.Text = CurrentReport.DescribeProgress();
     catch (Exception e)
         ShowException("Failed to GoTo", e);
        public override void update()

            CswNbtMetaDataNodeType ReportsNodeType = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.getNodeType( "Report" );
            if( null != ReportsNodeType )

                foreach( CswNbtObjClassReport CurrentReport in ReportsNodeType.getNodes( false, true ) )
                    if( "Deficient Inspections" == CurrentReport.NodeName )
                        CurrentReport.ReportName.Text = "Deficient Inspections (Demo)";
                        CurrentReport.IsDemo = true;
                        CurrentReport.postChanges( true );

        } // update()
Beispiel #10
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetClosestCurrentReports(string lat, string lon, int spotCount)
            // create new instances of spot finder and buoy finder classes
            SpotFinder spotFinder = new SpotFinder();
            BuoyFinder buoyFinder = new BuoyFinder();

            // create empty lists to hold matched buoys, currentBeachReports
            // and matchedBuoyReports
            List <Buoy>               matchedBuoys       = new List <Buoy>();
            List <CurrentReport>      matchedBuoyReports = new List <CurrentReport>();
            List <CurrentBeachReport> currentBeachReport = new List <CurrentBeachReport>();

            // get the list of spots corresponding to user location and spotCount int
            List <SpotDistanceFromUser> spotsWithUserDistance = spotFinder.FindSpots(lat, lon, spotCount);

            // itterate through objects containing
            // beach info and distance from users location.
            // This loop will populate the matchedBuoys list
            // with buoys near the users location
            foreach (SpotDistanceFromUser obj in spotsWithUserDistance)
                // get lat and long for current beach
                string beachLat = obj.Beach.Latitude;
                string beachLon = obj.Beach.Longtitude;

                // get a list of buoys that are within range of the current beach
                List <Buoy> matchingBuoys = buoyFinder.MatchBuoys(beachLat, beachLon);

                // itterate through the matching buoys
                foreach (Buoy b in matchingBuoys)
                    // add current buoy to list of matched buoys

            // using linq statements, eliminate duplicate buoys.
            // this groups the buoys their id, then selects only
            // one buoy if there are multiple buoys with the same id.
            matchedBuoys = matchedBuoys.GroupBy(mb => mb.BuoyId).Select(mb => mb.First()).ToList();

            // itterate through the list of buoys close to the user.
            // this loop populates the list of matched buoy reports
            foreach (Buoy b in matchedBuoys)
                // get the report for the current buoy
                CurrentReport currentReport = await MakeCurrentReport.GetAsync(b);

                // add report to list

            // itterate again through the list of beaches close to the user.
            // This loop will populate our currentBeachReport list. This logic is
            // executed independently of the first itteration of this list to avoid
            // making duplicate http calls for buoys
            foreach (SpotDistanceFromUser obj in spotsWithUserDistance)
                // get lat and long of current beach
                string beachLat = obj.Beach.Latitude;
                string beachLon = obj.Beach.Longtitude;

                // get buoys in proximity of beach
                List <Buoy> matchingBuoys = buoyFinder.MatchBuoys(beachLat, beachLon);

                // itterate through the list of buoy reports
                foreach (CurrentReport r in matchedBuoyReports)
                    // itterate through the list of matching buoys
                    foreach (Buoy b in matchingBuoys)
                        // if a buoy report matches one of the buoys in user proximity...
                        if (r.NbdcId == b.NbdcId)
                            // create a new currentBeachReport Object and return it
                            CurrentBeachReport report = new CurrentBeachReport(obj.Beach, r);
        private void ReportLoad()
            rptViewer.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote;

            ServerReport serverReport = rptViewer.ServerReport;

            serverReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri(SystemConfigurations.Settings_ReportingServiceConfigurations.ReportServerURL);

            serverReport.ReportServerCredentials = new ReportingServiceCredentials();

            serverReport.ReportPath = SystemConfigurations.Settings_ReportingServiceConfigurations.ReportFolderPath + CurrentReport.ToString();
            List <ReportParameter> parameters = SetReportPramter();

            // Set the report parameters for the report
            dvReport.Visible = true;
Beispiel #12
        internal static void LoadCurrentReport()
            Damocles2Entities de = new Damocles2Entities(); //TODO: Maybe this should be a Static?
            CurrentReport     ce = de.CurrentReports.Where(cr => cr.ReportProcessed == false).FirstOrDefault();

            if (ce == null) // Generate New Report

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.ImagePath))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ImagePath = ce.ImagePath;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.LinkUrl))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrl = ce.LinkUrl;
            Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlARCXRating = (Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ARCXRating)ce.LinkUrlARCXRating;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.LinkUrlFilename))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlFilename = ce.LinkUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.LinkUrl))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrl = ce.LinkUrl;
            Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlARCXRating = (Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ARCXRating)ce.LinkUrlARCXRating;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.LinkUrlFilename))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlFilename = ce.LinkUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.LinkUrlHash))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlHash = ce.LinkUrlHash;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.PageUrl))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.PageUrl = ce.PageUrl;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.PageUrlFilename))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.PageUrlFilename = ce.PageUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.PageUrlHash))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.PageUrlHash = ce.PageUrlHash;
            Reporting.CurrentUser.UserId = ce.ProcessingBy;
            Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ReportedBy        = ce.ReportedBy;
            Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ReportedOn        = ce.ReportedOn;
            Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ReportNumber      = ce.ReportNumber;
            Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ReportSessionTime = ce.ReportSessionTime;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.SrcUrl))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrl = ce.SrcUrl;
            Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrlARCXRating = (Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ARCXRating)ce.SrcUrlARCXRating;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.SrcUrlFilename))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrlFilename = ce.SrcUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.SrcUrlHash))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrlHash = ce.SrcUrlHash;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.TrueLinkUrl))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.TrueLinkUrl = ce.TrueLinkUrl;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.TrueLinkUrlFilename))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.TrueLinkUrlFilename = ce.TrueLinkUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.TrueLinkUrlHash))
                Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.TrueLinkUrlHash = ce.TrueLinkUrlHash;
Beispiel #13
        internal static void SaveCurrentReport()
            bool update          = false;
            Damocles2Entities de = new Damocles2Entities(); //TODO: Maybe this should be a Static?
            CurrentReport     ce = de.CurrentReports.Where(cr => cr.ReportNumber == Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ReportNumber).FirstOrDefault();

            if (ce == null) // Generate New Report
                ce = new CurrentReport();
                ce.ReportStartedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
                update       = true;
                ce.UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ImagePath))
                ce.ImagePath = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ImagePath;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrl))
                ce.LinkUrl = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrl;
            ce.LinkUrlARCXRating = (int)Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlARCXRating;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlFilename))
                ce.LinkUrlFilename = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrl))
                ce.LinkUrl = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrl;
            ce.LinkUrlARCXRating = (int)Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlARCXRating;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlFilename))
                ce.LinkUrlFilename = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlHash))
                ce.LinkUrlHash = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.LinkUrlHash;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.PageUrl))
                ce.PageUrl = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.PageUrl;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.PageUrlFilename))
                ce.PageUrlFilename = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.PageUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.PageUrlHash))
                ce.PageUrlHash = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.PageUrlHash;
            ce.ProcessingBy = Reporting.CurrentUser.UserId;
            ce.ReportedBy   = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ReportedBy;
            ce.ReportedOn   = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ReportedOn;
            if (Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.Completed)
                ce.ReportEndedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
            ce.ReportNumber      = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ReportNumber;
            ce.ReportProcessed   = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.Completed;
            ce.ReportSessionTime = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.ReportSessionTime;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrl))
                ce.SrcUrl = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrl;
            ce.SrcUrlARCXRating = (int)Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrlARCXRating;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrlFilename))
                ce.SrcUrlFilename = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrlHash))
                ce.SrcUrlHash = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.SrcUrlHash;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.TrueLinkUrl))
                ce.TrueLinkUrl = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.TrueLinkUrl;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.TrueLinkUrlFilename))
                ce.TrueLinkUrlFilename = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.TrueLinkUrlFilename;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.TrueLinkUrlHash))
                ce.TrueLinkUrlHash = Reporting.CurrentInternalReport.TrueLinkUrlHash;

            if (!update)

            de.SaveChanges(); //TODO: Probably should be using Asynchronous calls for all these