public HttpResponseMessage GetStates(string securityToken, string countryCode)
            StatesResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                ICommon commonSvc = new CommonService(this._dbContext);
                response = new StatesResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.States = commonSvc.FindStates(countryCode);

                if (null == response.States)
                    response.Status       = "Error";
                    response.ErrorMessage = string.Format("States not found for country: {0}", countryCode);
                    CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved States for Country: {0}", countryCode));
                response = new StatesResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request");

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage GetTimeTable(string securityToken, int schoolId, int classId, int sectionId)
            TimeTableVMResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                ITimeTable ttService = new TimeTableService(this._dbContext);
                response = new TimeTableVMResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Monday     = ttService.Get(schoolId, classId, sectionId, "Monday");
                response.Tuesday    = ttService.Get(schoolId, classId, sectionId, "Tuesday");
                response.Wednessday = ttService.Get(schoolId, classId, sectionId, "Wednessday");
                response.Thursday   = ttService.Get(schoolId, classId, sectionId, "Thursday");
                response.Friday     = ttService.Get(schoolId, classId, sectionId, "Friday");

                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Retrieved time for mobile view");
                response = new TimeTableVMResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request");

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string securityToken, int schoolId)
            TTCommonResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                ITimeTable ttService = new TimeTableService(this._dbContext);
                response = new TTCommonResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Subjects = ttService.GetSubjects(schoolId);
                response.Lectures = ttService.GetLectures(schoolId);

                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Common Data. Subjects: {0}, Lectures: {1}", response.Subjects.Count(), response.Lectures.Count()));
                response = new TTCommonResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request");

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage GetAll(string securityToken)
            MasterDataResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                ICommon commonSvc = new CommonService(this._dbContext);
                response = new MasterDataResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Classes    = commonSvc.GetAllClasses();
                response.Sections   = commonSvc.GetAllSections();
                response.TagDetails = commonSvc.GetAllTags();
                response.Coutries   = commonSvc.GetAllCountries();
                response.States     = commonSvc.GetAllStates();
                response.Subjects   = commonSvc.GetAllSubjects();
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Master Data"));
                response = new MasterDataResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request");

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage UploadFile()
            CommonService    commonSvc = new CommonService(this._dbContext);
            DocumentResponse res       = new DocumentResponse {
                Status = "OK"
            var SecurityToken = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["SecurityToken"];

            if (IsValid(SecurityToken))
                //var studentSvc = new NotificationService(this._dbContext);
                var result = commonSvc.UploadDocument();
                res.ErrorMessage = result.ReasonPhrase;
                res = new DocumentResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Invalid Request. Student Id: {0}", 0));
            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, res));
            //FileUploadResponse response = null;
            //var securityToken = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["SecurityToken"];
            //if (IsValid(securityToken))
            //    ICommon commonSvc = new CommonService(this._dbContext);
            //    response = new FileUploadResponse { Status = "OK" };

            //        var result = SaveFile();

            //    response.ErrorMessage = result.ReasonPhrase;

            //    response = new FileUploadResponse { Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token" };
            //    CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request");

            //return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response);
Beispiel #6
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string securityToken, int Id)
            OrganizationResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                IOrganization org = new OrganizationService(this._dbContext);

                response = new OrganizationResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                    response.Organization = org.Get(Id);
                    if (null == response.Organization)
                        response.ErrorCode    = "ERR1002";
                        response.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Invalid Organization Id: {0}", Id);
                        response.Status       = "Error";
                        CurrentLoggerProvider.Error(string.Format("Invalid Request. Organization Id: {0}", Id));
                        CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Organization. Id = {0}, Name={1}", response.Organization.ID, response.Organization.Name));
                catch (Exception e)
                    CurrentLoggerProvider.Error(string.Format("Error whiling retrieving Organization. Id = {0}", Id), e);
                    response.ErrorCode    = "ERR1003";
                    response.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Unable to process request due to technical issue(s). Organization Id: {0}", Id);
                    response.Status       = "Error";
                response = new OrganizationResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string securityToken, int Id)
            SchoolResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                ISchool schools = new StudentTracking.Application.Main.SchoolService(this._dbContext);
                response = new SchoolResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                    response.School = schools.Get(Id);
                    if (null == response.School)
                        response.ErrorCode    = "ERR1002";
                        response.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Invalid School Id: {0}", Id);
                        response.Status       = "Error";
                        CurrentLoggerProvider.Error(string.Format("Invalid Request. School Id: {0}", Id));
                        CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved School. Id = {0}, Name={1}", response.School.Id, response.School.Name));
                catch (Exception e)
                    CurrentLoggerProvider.Error(string.Format("Error whiling retrieving School. Id = {0}", Id), e);
                    response.ErrorCode    = "ERR1003";
                    response.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Unable to process request due to technical issue(s). School Id: {0}", Id);
                    response.Status       = "Error";
                response = new SchoolResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Invalid Request. School Id: {0}", Id));
            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
Beispiel #8
        public HttpResponseMessage Save(StaffRequest req)
            StaffResponse res = new StaffResponse {
                Status = "OK"

            if (IsValid(req.SecurityToken))
                var studentSvc = new StaffService(this._dbContext);
                res.Staff = studentSvc.Save(req.Staff);
                res = new StaffResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Invalid Request. Student Id: {0}", req.Staff.StaffId));
            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, res));
        public HttpResponseMessage Save(UserRequest req)
            UserResponse response = new UserResponse {
                Status = "OK"

            if (isValid(req.SecurityToken))
                ISecurity securitySvc = new SecurityService(this.__dbContext);
                response.User = securitySvc.Save(req.User);
                response = new UserResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Invalid Request. Security Token: {0}", req.SecurityToken));

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage Save(SchoolSaveRequest request)
            SchoolResponse response = new SchoolResponse {
                Status = "OK"

            if (IsValid(request.SecurityToken))
                var schoolSvc = new SchoolService(this._dbContext);
                response.School = schoolSvc.Save(request.School);
                response = new SchoolResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Invalid Request. School Id: {0}", request.School.Id));

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage GetAll(string securityToken, int schoolId)
            UsersResponse response = new UsersResponse();

            if (isValid(securityToken))
                ISecurity securitySvc = new SecurityService(this.__dbContext);
                response = new UsersResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Users = securitySvc.UsersList(schoolId);
                response = new UsersResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Invalid Request. Security Token: {0}", securityToken));

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string securityToken)
            AllSchoolsResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                ISchool school = new SchoolService(this._dbContext);
                response = new AllSchoolsResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Schools = school.GetAll();
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Schools. Count = {0}", response.Schools.Count()));
                response = new AllSchoolsResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request. School Id: {0}");

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage getEvents(string securityToken, int schoolId)
            EventResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                ISchool school = new SchoolService(this._dbContext);
                response = new EventResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Events = school.GetEvents(schoolId);
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Events: {0}", response.Events != null ? response.Events.Count() : 0));
                response = new EventResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Invalid Request. School Id: {0}", schoolId));

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string securityToken, int schoolId, int classId, int sectionId)
            AllStudentResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                IStudentDetails student = new StudentService(this._dbContext);
                response = new AllStudentResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Students = student.Find(schoolId, classId, sectionId);
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Student Details. Count = {0}", response.Students.Count()));
                response = new AllStudentResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request. Student Id: {0}");

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
Beispiel #15
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string securityToken)
            OrganizationsResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                IOrganization org = new OrganizationService(this._dbContext);

                response = new OrganizationsResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Organizations = org.GetAll();
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Organizations. Count = {0}", response.Organizations.Count()));
                response = new OrganizationsResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string securityToken, int schoolId, string userId)
            NotificationResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                INotificationService notificationService = new NotificationService(this._dbContext);
                response = new NotificationResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Notifications = notificationService.Get(schoolId, userId);

                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Notifications. Count = {0}", response.Notifications.Count()));
                response = new NotificationResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request");

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string securityToken, int schoolId, int classId, int sectionId)
            TimeTableResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                ITimeTable ttService = new TimeTableService(this._dbContext);
                response = new TimeTableResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.TimeTables = ttService.FindAll(schoolId, classId, sectionId);

                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Time Table. Count = {0}", response.TimeTables.Count()));
                response = new TimeTableResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request");

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
        public HttpResponseMessage Save()
            var studentSvc = new NotificationService(this._dbContext);
            NotificationSaveResponse res = new NotificationSaveResponse {
                Status = "OK"
            var SecurityToken = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["SecurityToken"];

            if (IsValid(SecurityToken))
                //var studentSvc = new NotificationService(this._dbContext);
                var result = studentSvc.PostFormData();
                res.ErrorMessage = result.ReasonPhrase;
                res = new NotificationSaveResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Invalid Request. Student Id: {0}", 0));
            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, res));
Beispiel #19
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(string securityToken, int schoolId, int classId)
            SyllabusResponse response = null;

            if (IsValid(securityToken))
                ISyllabusService syllabusService = new SyllabusService(this._dbContext);
                response = new SyllabusResponse {
                    Status = "OK"
                response.Syllabus = syllabusService.Get(schoolId, classId);

                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info(string.Format("Retrieved Syllabus. Count = {0}", response.Syllabus.Count()));
                response = new SyllabusResponse {
                    Status = "Error", ErrorCode = "ERR1001", ErrorMessage = "Invalid or expired token"
                CurrentLoggerProvider.Info("Invalid Request");

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));