Beispiel #1
        public async Task ShouldGetCurrentCustomerVan()
            // Arrange
            var currentCustomerId = await RunAsDefaultUserAsync();

            // Create product brand
            var brandCommand = new CreateBrandCommand {
                Name = "Test Brand"
            var brandId = await SendAsync(brandCommand);

            // Create product category
            var productCategoryCommand = new CreateProductCategoryCommand {
                Name = "Test Product Category"
            var productCategoryId = await SendAsync(productCategoryCommand);

            // Create product
            var createProductCommand = new CreateProductCommand
                AvailableToSell = true,
                // created brand id
                BrandId = brandId,
                // created product category id
                ProductCategoryId = productCategoryId,
                Name     = "Test Product",
                PhotoUrl = "Test Product",
                Barcode  = "Test Product"

            var productId = await SendAsync(createProductCommand);

            // Add unit to product
            var addUnitToCommand = new AddUnitCommand
                ProductId    = productId,
                SellingPrice = 92,
                ContentCount = 2,
                Price        = 33,
                Count        = 6,
                IsAvailable  = true,
                Name         = "Test Unit",
                Weight       = 44

            var unitId = await SendAsync(addUnitToCommand);

            // AddItem To Shopping Van
            var command = new AddItemToVanCommand
                ProductId = productId,
                UnitId    = unitId

            await SendAsync(command);

            // Act

            var getCurrentCustomerVanQuery = new CurrentCustomerVanQuery();
            var currentCustomerVan         = await SendAsync(getCurrentCustomerVanQuery);

            // Assert
            currentCustomerVan.TotalPrice.Should().Be(addUnitToCommand.SellingPrice + (addUnitToCommand.SellingPrice * 0.14f));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get(CurrentCustomerVanQuery query)
            var result = await Mediator.Send(query);
