private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            if (m_fmProgress.Cancel)
                // Set the e.Cancel flag so that the WorkerCompleted event
                // knows that the process was canceled.
                e.Cancel = true;
            string PhoneNumber = StringTools.TrimSpace(txtPhoneNumber.Text);
            string Line        = StringTools.TrimSpace(txtLine.Text);
            string nhanVienID  = StringTools.TrimSpace(txtNVID.Text);
            string phanLoai    = string.Empty;

                phanLoai = cboPhanLoaiMay.SelectedValue.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                phanLoai = string.Empty;

            g_dt = CuocGoiDi.GetDSCuocGoiDi(calTuNgay.Value, calDenNgay.Value, timeThoiGianDamThoai.Value, PhoneNumber, Line, nhanVienID, phanLoai);
            gridBaoCaoBieuMau1.DataSource = g_dt;
Beispiel #2
        //private void LoadDuLieuCuocGoiDiTuPhanCung()
        //    // Create a background thread
        //    BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
        //    bw.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bw_DoWork);
        //    bw.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bw_RunWorkerCompleted);

        //    // Create a progress form on the UI thread
        //    m_fmProgress = new fmProgress();

        //    // Kick off the Async thread
        //    bw.RunWorkerAsync();

        //    // Lock up the UI with this modal progress form.
        //    try
        //    {
        //        m_fmProgress.ShowDialog(this);
        //        m_fmProgress = null;
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {

        //    }

        //private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

        //    m_fmProgress.lblDescription.Invoke(
        //       (MethodInvoker)delegate()
        //       {
        //           m_fmProgress.lblDescription.Text = "Loading ... cuộc gọi đi";
        //           m_fmProgress.progressBar1.Value = 50;
        //       }
        //   );
        //    CaptureCuocGoiDi();
        //    if (m_fmProgress.Cancel)
        //    {
        //        // Set the e.Cancel flag so that the WorkerCompleted event
        //        // knows that the process was canceled.
        //        e.Cancel = true;
        //        return;
        //    }

        //private void bw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
        //    // The background process is complete. First we should hide the
        //    // modal Progress Form to unlock the UI. The we need to inspect our
        //    // response to see if an error occured, a cancel was requested or
        //    // if we completed succesfully.

        //    // Hide the Progress Form
        //    if (m_fmProgress != null)
        //    {
        //        m_fmProgress.Hide();
        //        m_fmProgress = null;
        //    }

        //    // Check to see if an error occured in the
        //    // background process.
        //    if (e.Error != null)
        //    {
        //        new MessageBox.MessageBox().Show(this, "Có lỗi trong quá trình xử lý dữ liệu. [" + e.Error.Message + "]");
        //        return;
        //    }

        //    // Check to see if the background process was cancelled.
        //    if (e.Cancelled)
        //    {
        //        // new Taxi.MessageBox.MessageBox().Show("Processing cancelled.");
        //        return;
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// nhan thong tin cac cuoc goi di va cap nhat vao DB
        /// </summary>
        private void CaptureCuocGoiDi()
                // lay du lieu
                DateTime  timeServer  = DieuHanhTaxi.GetTimeServer();
                string    VOCFileName = ProcessVocFile.GetVOCFileFullPath(timeServer);
                DataTable dt          = new DataTable();
                dt = ProcessVocFile.GetEarlyPhoneDialOut(VOCFileName);
                if ((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        CuocGoiDi objGoiDi = new CuocGoiDi(dr["Line"].ToString(), dr["PhoneNumber"].ToString(), (DateTime)dr["ThoiDiemGoi"], (DateTime)dr["DoDaiCuocGoi"], dr["VoiceFilePath"].ToString());
                        if (!objGoiDi.Insert())
                            //  LogError.WriteLog("Loi luu xuong DB cuoc goi di ", new Exception("[ Cuoc goi di ]"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //  LogError.WriteLog("Loi luu xuong DB cuoc goi di ", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Load phan len bieu mau
        /// </summary>

        private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (TimKiem_BaoCao.CheckTuNgayDenNgay(calTuNgay.Value, calDenNgay.Value))
                string PhoneNumber = StringTools.TrimSpace(txtPhoneNumber.Text);
                string Line        = StringTools.TrimSpace(txtLine.Text);
                string nhanVienID  = StringTools.TrimSpace(txtNVID.Text);
                string phanLoai    = string.Empty;
                    phanLoai = cboPhanLoaiMay.SelectedValue.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    phanLoai = string.Empty;
                if (phanLoai == "10")  // taat cả
                    phanLoai = string.Empty;

                g_dt = CuocGoiDi.GetDSCuocGoiDi(calTuNgay.Value, calDenNgay.Value, timeThoiGianDamThoai.Value, PhoneNumber, Line, nhanVienID, phanLoai);
                gridBaoCaoBieuMau1.DataSource = g_dt;

                MessageBox.MessageBox msgDialog = new Taxi.MessageBox.MessageBox();
                msgDialog.Show(this, "Bạn phải nhập [Từ ngày] nhỏ hơn hoặc bằng [Đến ngày].", "Thông báo", Taxi.MessageBox.MessageBoxButtons.OK, Taxi.MessageBox.MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Beispiel #4
        //private void LoadDuLieuCuocGoiDiTuPhanCung()
        //    // Create a background thread
        //    BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
        //    bw.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(bw_DoWork);
        //    bw.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(bw_RunWorkerCompleted);

        //    // Create a progress form on the UI thread
        //    m_fmProgress = new fmProgress();

        //    // Kick off the Async thread
        //    bw.RunWorkerAsync();

        //    // Lock up the UI with this modal progress form.
        //    try
        //    {
        //        m_fmProgress.ShowDialog(this);
        //        m_fmProgress = null;
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {

        //    }

        //private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

        //    m_fmProgress.lblDescription.Invoke(
        //       (MethodInvoker)delegate()
        //       {
        //           m_fmProgress.lblDescription.Text = "Loading ... cuộc gọi đi";
        //           m_fmProgress.progressBar1.Value = 50;
        //       }
        //   );
        //    CaptureCuocGoiDi();
        //    if (m_fmProgress.Cancel)
        //    {
        //        // Set the e.Cancel flag so that the WorkerCompleted event
        //        // knows that the process was canceled.
        //        e.Cancel = true;
        //        return;
        //    }

        //private void bw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
        //    // The background process is complete. First we should hide the
        //    // modal Progress Form to unlock the UI. The we need to inspect our
        //    // response to see if an error occured, a cancel was requested or
        //    // if we completed succesfully.

        //    // Hide the Progress Form
        //    if (m_fmProgress != null)
        //    {
        //        m_fmProgress.Hide();
        //        m_fmProgress = null;
        //    }

        //    // Check to see if an error occured in the
        //    // background process.
        //    if (e.Error != null)
        //    {
        //        new MessageBox.MessageBox().Show(this, "Có lỗi trong quá trình xử lý dữ liệu. [" + e.Error.Message + "]");
        //        return;
        //    }

        //    // Check to see if the background process was cancelled.
        //    if (e.Cancelled)
        //    {
        //        // new Taxi.MessageBox.MessageBox().Show("Processing cancelled.");
        //        return;
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// nhan thong tin cac cuoc goi di va cap nhat vao DB
        /// </summary>
        private void CaptureCuocGoiDi()
                DateTime  timeServer  = DieuHanhTaxi.GetTimeServer();
                string    VOCFileName = ProcessVocFile.GetVOCFileFullPath(timeServer);
                DataTable dt          = new DataTable();
                dt = ProcessVocFile.GetEarlyPhoneDialOut(VOCFileName);
                if ((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        CuocGoiDi objGoiDi = new CuocGoiDi(dr["Line"].ToString(), dr["PhoneNumber"].ToString(), (DateTime)dr["ThoiDiemGoi"], (DateTime)dr["DoDaiCuocGoi"], dr["VoiceFilePath"].ToString());
                        if (!objGoiDi.Insert())
                            new MessageBoxBA().Show("Lỗi khi thêm mới dữ liệu!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogError.WriteLogError("CaptureCuocGoiDi: ", ex);
        private void LoadData(DateTime TuNgay, DateTime DenNgay)
            g_dt = CuocGoiDi.GetDSCuocGoiDi(calTuNgay.Value, calDenNgay.Value);
            DataView dvData = new DataView(g_dt);

            gridBaoCaoBieuMau1.DataSource = dvData;
        private void LoadData(DateTime TuNgay, DateTime DenNgay)
            g_dt = CuocGoiDi.GetDSCuocGoiDi(calTuNgay.Value, calDenNgay.Value);
            DataView dvData = new DataView(g_dt);

            dvData.RowFilter = "TenNhanVien = '" + txtNVID.Text + "'";

            gridBaoCaoBieuMau1.DataSource = dvData;
Beispiel #7
        private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            if (g_fmProgress.Cancel)
                e.Cancel = true;
            string PhoneNumber = StringTools.TrimSpace(txtPhoneNumber.Text);
            string Line        = StringTools.TrimSpace(txtLine.Text);

            if ((timeThoiGianDamThoai.Value != new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) || (PhoneNumber.Length > 0))
                g_dt = CuocGoiDi.GetDSCuocGoiDi(calTuNgay.Value, calDenNgay.Value, timeThoiGianDamThoai.Value, PhoneNumber, Line);
                gridBaoCaoBieuMau1.DataSource = g_dt;
                LoadData(calTuNgay.Value, calDenNgay.Value);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// hàm trả về ký tự wildcard của
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Item"></param>
        /// <param name="WidlCard"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetFileOfCuocGoi(CSKHChiTiet Item, out string WidlCard, out DateTime ThoiDiemGoiDiDen)
            string fileName = "";

            WidlCard = ""; ThoiDiemGoiDiDen = DateTime.MinValue;
            if (radGoiDenLan1.Checked)
                fileName = Item.LAN1_FileGhiAm; WidlCard = KYTU_GOIDEN; ThoiDiemGoiDiDen = Item.LAN1_Gio;
            else if (radGoiDenLan2.Checked)
                fileName = Item.LAN2_FileGhiAm; WidlCard = KYTU_GOIDEN; ThoiDiemGoiDiDen = Item.LAN2_Gio;
            else if (radGoiDenLan3.Checked)
                fileName = Item.LAN3_FileGhiAm; WidlCard = KYTU_GOIDEN; ThoiDiemGoiDiDen = Item.LAN3_Gio;
            else if (radGoiDenLan4.Checked)
                fileName = Item.LAN4_FileGhiAm; WidlCard = KYTU_GOIDEN; ThoiDiemGoiDiDen = Item.LAN4_Gio;
            else if (radGoiCSLan1.Checked)
                fileName = CuocGoiDi.GetFileGhiAmCuocGoiDi(Item.SoDienThoai, Item.CSKH_Lan1_Gio); WidlCard = KYTU_GOIDI; ThoiDiemGoiDiDen = Item.CSKH_Lan1_Gio;
            else if (radGoiCSLan2.Checked)
                fileName = CuocGoiDi.GetFileGhiAmCuocGoiDi(Item.SoDienThoai, Item.CSKH_Lan2_Gio); WidlCard = KYTU_GOIDI; ThoiDiemGoiDiDen = Item.CSKH_Lan2_Gio;
            else if (radGoiCSLan3.Checked)
                fileName = CuocGoiDi.GetFileGhiAmCuocGoiDi(Item.SoDienThoai, Item.CSKH_Lan3_Gio); WidlCard = KYTU_GOIDI; ThoiDiemGoiDiDen = Item.CSKH_Lan3_Gio;
            else if (radGoiCSLan4.Checked)
                fileName = CuocGoiDi.GetFileGhiAmCuocGoiDi(Item.SoDienThoai, Item.CSKH_Lan4_Gio); WidlCard = KYTU_GOIDI; ThoiDiemGoiDiDen = Item.CSKH_Lan4_Gio;

Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// nhan thong tin cac cuoc goi di va cap nhat vao DB
 /// </summary>
 private void CaptureCuocGoiDi()
         DataTable dt = new DataTable();
         dt = TaxiCapture.GetEarlyPhoneDialOut(g_FileVOCPath);
         if ((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
             foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                 CuocGoiDi objGoiDi = new CuocGoiDi(dr["Line"].ToString(), dr["PhoneNumber"].ToString(), (DateTime)dr["ThoiDiemGoi"], (DateTime)dr["DoDaiCuocGoi"], dr["VoiceFilePath"].ToString());
                 if (!objGoiDi.Insert())
                     LogError.WriteLogError("Loi luu xuong DB cuoc goi di ", new Exception("[ Cuoc goi di ]"));
     catch (Exception ex)
         LogError.WriteLogError("Loi luu xuong DB cuoc goi di ", ex);
Beispiel #10
 private void LoadData(DateTime TuNgay, DateTime DenNgay)
     g_dt = CuocGoiDi.GetDSCuocGoiDi(calTuNgay.Value, calDenNgay.Value);
     gridBaoCaoBieuMau1.DataSource = g_dt;