Beispiel #1
        // for not-the-first-time-user calculate the cumulative tag result -
        // or you may say update the current knowledge status of the user
        // unique for user-domain
        public List <CumulativeTagScore> getCumulativeTagWiseResult(UserQuizDetail quiz, UserResult userResult)
            List <QuestionAttempted>    questions        = quiz.QuestionsAttempted;
            HashSet <string>            labels           = new HashSet <string>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    totalTagCount    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    correctTagCount  = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int>       questionTagCount = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <string, double> tagRatingList    = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (var item in questions)
                labels.UnionWith(new HashSet <string>(item.ConceptTags));
            List <CumulativeTagScore> newCumulativeTagScores = new List <CumulativeTagScore>();

            foreach (var item in labels)
                totalTagCount.Add(item, 0);
                tagRatingList.Add(item, 0);
                foreach (var question in questions)
                    if (question.ConceptTags.Contains(item))
                        totalTagCount[item] += 1;
                        if (question.IsCorrect)
                            tagRatingList[item] += 1 / (float)(question.ConceptTags.Length);
                tagRatingList[item] /= totalTagCount[item];
                tagRatingList[item]  = Math.Round(tagRatingList[item], 2);
            //calculated the value for the current test, now we'll calculate the aggregate

            int numOfQuiz = userResult.QuizResults.Count;
            List <CumulativeTagScore> cumulativeTagScores = userResult.TagWiseCumulativeScore;

            foreach (var item in cumulativeTagScores)
                CumulativeTagScore score     = new CumulativeTagScore();
                string             tagName   = item.TagName;
                double             tagRating = item.TagRating;

                double oldTotalTemp = tagRating * numOfQuiz;
                double newTotalTemp = oldTotalTemp + tagRatingList[tagName];
                double newTagRating = newTotalTemp / (numOfQuiz + 1);
                newTagRating    = Math.Round(newTagRating, 2);
                score.TagName   = tagName;
                score.TagRating = newTagRating;

Beispiel #2
        //Update UserQuizDetail table from the UserQuizResponse to use it in UserResult table. This is to make the code less coupled
        //so that even if the parameters of the UserQuizDetail has changed, we need not have to change everything.
        //public UserQuizDetail UpdateUserQuizDetail(UserQuizResponse userQuizResponse)
        //    UserQuizDetail userQuizDetail = new UserQuizDetail();
        //    List<QuestionAttempted> questionsAttempted = new List<QuestionAttempted>();

        //    string quizId = userQuizResponse.QuizId;
        //    int userId = userQuizResponse.UserId;
        //    string domainName = userQuizResponse.DomainName;
        //    DateTime time = DateTime.Now;

        //    List<Object> questionsList = userQuizResponse.QuestionsAttempted;

        //    int questionCount = 1;

        //    foreach (var x in questionsList)
        //    {
        //        Question item = x as Question;
        //        string questionId = item.QuestionId;
        //        string questionText = item.QuestionText;
        //        List<Result.Models.Options> options = item.Options;
        //        string questionType = item.QuestionType;
        //        string domain = item.Domain;
        //        string[] conceptTags = item.ConceptTags;
        //        int difficultyLevel = item.DifficultyLevel;
        //        string userResponse = item.userResponse;
        //        string correctOption = item.CorrectOption;
        //        Boolean isCorrect = item.IsCorrect;
        //        string taxonomy = item.Taxonomy;

        //        QuestionAttempted question = new QuestionAttempted();
        //        question.QuestionId = questionId;
        //        question.QuestionText = questionText;
        //        question.QuestionNumber = questionCount++;
        //        List<string> optionList = new List<string>();
        //        foreach (var option in options)
        //        {
        //            optionList.Add(option.Raw);
        //        }
        //        question.Options = optionList;
        //        question.QuestionType = questionType;
        //        question.ConceptTags = conceptTags;
        //        question.DifficultyLevel = difficultyLevel;
        //        question.Response = userResponse;
        //        question.CorrectAns = correctOption;
        //        question.IsCorrect = isCorrect;
        //        question.Taxonomy = taxonomy;
        //        questionsAttempted.Add(question);
        //    }

        //    userQuizDetail.QuizId = quizId;
        //    userQuizDetail.UserId = userId;
        //    userQuizDetail.Domain = domainName;
        //    userQuizDetail.Time = time;
        //    userQuizDetail.QuestionsAttempted = questionsAttempted;

        //    _context.UserQuizDetail.InsertOne(userQuizDetail);

        //    return userQuizDetail;

        //for the first time, calculate the cumultaive tag wise result for that user-domain test.
        public void getCumulativeTagWiseResultFirst(UserQuizDetail quiz, List <CumulativeTagScore> cumulativeTagScore)
            List <QuestionAttempted>    questions        = quiz.QuestionsAttempted;
            HashSet <string>            labels           = new HashSet <string>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    totalTagCount    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    correctTagCount  = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int>       questionTagCount = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <string, double> tagRatingList    = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (var item in questions)
                labels.UnionWith(new HashSet <string>(item.ConceptTags));

            foreach (var item in labels)
                totalTagCount.Add(item, 0);
                tagRatingList.Add(item, 0);
                foreach (var question in questions)
                    if (question.ConceptTags.Contains(item))
                        totalTagCount[item] += 1;
                        if (question.IsCorrect)
                            tagRatingList[item] += 1 / (float)(question.ConceptTags.Length);
                tagRatingList[item] /= totalTagCount[item];
                tagRatingList[item]  = Math.Round(tagRatingList[item], 2);
                CumulativeTagScore tag = new CumulativeTagScore();
                tag.TagName   = item;
                tag.TagRating = tagRatingList[item];
        // for not-the-first-time-user calculate the cumulative tag result -
        // or you may say update the current knowledge status of the user
        // unique for user-domain
        public List <CumulativeTagScore> getCumulativeTagWiseResult(UserQuizDetail quiz, UserResult userResult)
            List <QuestionAttempted>    questions          = quiz.QuestionsAttempted;
            HashSet <string>            labels             = new HashSet <string>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    totalTagCount      = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    correctTagCount    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int>       questionTagCount   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <string, double> tagRatingList      = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            Dictionary <string, double> taxScoreCumulative = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            Dictionary <string, double> totalDenCount      = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    taxScoreNumber     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    taxScoreNumberOld  = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            string[] taxonomyLevels = { "Remember", "Understand", "Apply", "Analyze", "Evaluate", "Create" };

            foreach (var item in questions)
                labels.UnionWith(new HashSet <string>(item.ConceptTags));
            List <CumulativeTagScore> newCumulativeTagScores = new List <CumulativeTagScore>();

            foreach (var item in labels)
                totalTagCount.Add(item, 0);
                tagRatingList.Add(item, 0);
                taxScoreCumulative.Add(item, 0);
                totalDenCount.Add(item, 0);

                foreach (var tax in taxonomyLevels)
                    taxScoreNumber[tax + "-" + item] = 0;

                foreach (var question in questions)
                    if (question.ConceptTags.Contains(item))
                        totalTagCount[item] += 1;
                        totalDenCount[item] += question.DifficultyLevel / (float)(question.ConceptTags.Length);
                        if (question.IsCorrect)
                            tagRatingList[item]      += question.DifficultyLevel / (float)(question.ConceptTags.Length);
                            taxScoreCumulative[item] += Array.IndexOf(taxonomyLevels, question.Taxonomy) + 1;
                            taxScoreNumber[question.Taxonomy + "-" + item] += question.DifficultyLevel;
                tagRatingList[item] /= totalDenCount[item];
                tagRatingList[item]  = Math.Round(tagRatingList[item], 2);
            //calculated the value for the current test, now we'll calculate the aggregate

            int numOfQuiz = userResult.QuizResults.Count - 1;
            List <CumulativeTagScore> cumulativeTagScores = userResult.TagWiseCumulativeScore;

            HashSet <string> oldTag = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var old in cumulativeTagScores)

            HashSet <string> h  = new HashSet <string>(labels);
            HashSet <string> h1 = new HashSet <string>(oldTag);

            Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", h1));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", h));


            Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", labels));

            Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", h1));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", h));

            foreach (var item in cumulativeTagScores)
                // Console.WriteLine("{}{}{}{}  " + item.TagName);
                foreach (var item2 in item.TaxonomyListAndScores)
                    taxScoreNumberOld[item2.TaxonomyName + "-" + item.TagName] = item2.TaxonomyScoreNumber;
            Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", taxScoreNumberOld));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", taxScoreNumber));

            foreach (var item in cumulativeTagScores)
                //concept common in previous and in new
                if (!h1.Contains(item.TagName))
                    Console.WriteLine(item.TagName + "====");
                    CumulativeTagScore score       = new CumulativeTagScore();
                    string             tagName     = item.TagName;
                    double             tagRating   = item.TagRating;
                    string             taxLevelOld = item.TaxonomyLevelReached;
                    string             taxLevelNew = getTaxonomyLevel(tagName, questions);

                    double taxScoreOld = item.TaxonomyScore;

                    double taxScoreNew = taxScoreCumulative[item.TagName] + taxScoreOld;

                    double oldTotalTemp = tagRating * numOfQuiz;
                    double newTotalTemp = oldTotalTemp + tagRatingList[tagName];
                    double newTagRating = newTotalTemp / (numOfQuiz + 1);
                    newTagRating               = Math.Round(newTagRating, 2);
                    score.TagName              = tagName;
                    score.TagRating            = newTagRating;
                    score.TaxonomyLevelReached = getHigerTaxonomyLevel(taxLevelOld, taxLevelNew);
                    score.TaxonomyScore        = taxScoreNew;

                    List <TaxonomyListAndScore> taxonomyListAndScores = new List <TaxonomyListAndScore>();

                    foreach (var taxx in taxonomyLevels)
                        TaxonomyListAndScore taxonomy = new TaxonomyListAndScore();
                        taxonomy.TaxonomyName = taxx;
                        taxonomy.TaxonomyScoreNumber = taxScoreNumber[taxx + "-" + item.TagName] + taxScoreNumberOld[taxx + "-" + item.TagName];
                    score.TaxonomyListAndScores = taxonomyListAndScores;

                //concept in previous but not in new
                    CumulativeTagScore score = new CumulativeTagScore();
                    score.TagName              = item.TagName;
                    score.TagRating            = item.TagRating;
                    score.TaxonomyLevelReached = item.TaxonomyLevelReached;
                    score.TaxonomyScore        = item.TaxonomyScore;

                    List <TaxonomyListAndScore> taxonomyListAndScores = new List <TaxonomyListAndScore>();

                    foreach (var taxx in taxonomyLevels)
                        TaxonomyListAndScore taxonomy = new TaxonomyListAndScore();
                        taxonomy.TaxonomyName        = taxx;
                        taxonomy.TaxonomyScoreNumber = taxScoreNumberOld[taxx + "-" + item.TagName];
                    score.TaxonomyListAndScores = taxonomyListAndScores;


            //new incoming concept
            foreach (var item in h)
                CumulativeTagScore score = new CumulativeTagScore();
                score.TagName              = item;
                score.TagRating            = tagRatingList[item];
                score.TaxonomyLevelReached = getTaxonomyLevel(item, questions);
                score.TaxonomyScore        = taxScoreCumulative[item];

                List <TaxonomyListAndScore> taxonomyListAndScores = new List <TaxonomyListAndScore>();

                foreach (var taxx in taxonomyLevels)
                    TaxonomyListAndScore taxonomy = new TaxonomyListAndScore();
                    taxonomy.TaxonomyName        = taxx;
                    taxonomy.TaxonomyScoreNumber = taxScoreNumber[taxx + "-" + item];
                score.TaxonomyListAndScores = taxonomyListAndScores;


        //for the first time, calculate the cumultaive tag wise result for that user-domain test.
        public void getCumulativeTagWiseResultFirst(UserQuizDetail quiz, List <CumulativeTagScore> cumulativeTagScore)
            List <QuestionAttempted>    questions          = quiz.QuestionsAttempted;
            HashSet <string>            labels             = new HashSet <string>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    totalTagCount      = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    correctTagCount    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int>       questionTagCount   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <string, double> tagRatingList      = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            Dictionary <string, double> taxScoreCumulative = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            Dictionary <string, double> totalDenCount      = new Dictionary <string, double>();
            Dictionary <string, int>    taxScoreNumber     = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            string[] taxonomyLevels = { "Remember", "Understand", "Apply", "Analyze", "Evaluate", "Create" };

            foreach (var item in questions)
                labels.UnionWith(new HashSet <string>(item.ConceptTags));

            foreach (var item in labels)
                totalTagCount.Add(item, 0);
                tagRatingList.Add(item, 0);
                taxScoreCumulative.Add(item, 0);
                totalDenCount.Add(item, 0);

                foreach (var tax in taxonomyLevels)
                    taxScoreNumber[tax + "-" + item] = 0;

                foreach (var question in questions)
                    if (question.ConceptTags.Contains(item))
                        totalTagCount[item] += 1;
                        totalDenCount[item] += question.DifficultyLevel / (float)(question.ConceptTags.Length);
                        if (question.IsCorrect)
                            tagRatingList[item]      += question.DifficultyLevel / (float)(question.ConceptTags.Length);
                            taxScoreCumulative[item] += Array.IndexOf(taxonomyLevels, question.Taxonomy) + 1;
                            taxScoreNumber[question.Taxonomy + "-" + item] += question.DifficultyLevel;
                tagRatingList[item] /= totalDenCount[item];
                tagRatingList[item]  = Math.Round(tagRatingList[item], 2);
                CumulativeTagScore tag = new CumulativeTagScore();
                tag.TagName              = item;
                tag.TagRating            = tagRatingList[item];
                tag.TaxonomyLevelReached = getTaxonomyLevel(item, questions);
                tag.TaxonomyScore        = taxScoreCumulative[item];

                List <TaxonomyListAndScore> taxonomyListAndScores = new List <TaxonomyListAndScore>();

                foreach (var tax in taxonomyLevels)
                    TaxonomyListAndScore taxonomy = new TaxonomyListAndScore();
                    taxonomy.TaxonomyName        = tax;
                    taxonomy.TaxonomyScoreNumber = taxScoreNumber[tax + "-" + item];
                tag.TaxonomyListAndScores = taxonomyListAndScores;
