Beispiel #1
        public static bool LoadCustomModel(string path, Shader shader)
            string file = $"{SharpCraft.Instance.GameFolderDir}/assets/sharpcraft/models/{path}.json";

            if (!File.Exists(file))

            List <string> nonDuplicateTextures = new List <string>();

            List <JsonModel> models = new List <JsonModel> {

            while (models.Last() is JsonModel jm && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jm.inherit))
                string inhertiedFile = $"{SharpCraft.Instance.GameFolderDir}/assets/sharpcraft/models/{jm.inherit}.json";

                if (File.Exists(inhertiedFile))


            foreach (var model in models)
                foreach (var pair in model.textures) //iterating over the textureMap in the Json model
                    if (!nonDuplicateTextures.Contains(pair.Value))
                             .Value);    //add the current texture name to a list of all textureMap if isn't already there

            //each texture name has it's UV values TODO - maybe make a TextureMap class where this could be used
            var id = Stitch(nonDuplicateTextures.ToArray(), 16, out var textureMapElements); //TODO - make the texture size variable

            List <float> vertexes = new List <float>();
            List <float> normals  = new List <float>();
            List <float> uvs      = new List <float>();

            foreach (var model in models)
                foreach (var cube in model.cubes)
                    CubeModelBuilder.AppendCubeModel(cube, model.textures, textureMapElements, ref vertexes,
                                                     ref normals, ref uvs);

            var customModel = new ModelCustom(id, ModelManager.LoadModel3ToVao(vertexes.ToArray(), normals.ToArray(), uvs.ToArray()), shader);

            CustomModels.Add(path, customModel);

Beispiel #2
        public void LoadBlockModels()
            string modelsDir      = $"{SharpCraft.Instance.GameFolderDir}/assets/sharpcraft/models";
            string blockModelsDir = $"{modelsDir}/block";
            string blockStatesDir = $"{modelsDir}/block/states";

            var listOfBlocks = BlockRegistry.AllBlocks();

            var nonDuplicateTextures = new List <string>();

            var blockModels = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <List <JsonModel> > >();

            foreach (var block in listOfBlocks)              // for each Block that's been registered
                var states = new List <List <JsonModel> >(); //save state models for each block
                blockModels.TryAdd(block.UnlocalizedName, states);

                string        unlocalizedLast = LangUtil.GetUnlocalizedNameLast(block.UnlocalizedName);
                List <string> stateFiles      = new List <string> {

                string statesFile = $"{blockStatesDir}/{unlocalizedLast}.json";

                if (File.Exists(statesFile))
                        string          json = File.ReadAllText(statesFile);
                        JsonBlockStates jbs  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonBlockStates>(json);

                        if (jbs.states != null)
                            foreach (var modelFileName in jbs.states)
                                var stateFile = $"{modelsDir}/{modelFileName.model}.json";

                                if (File.Exists(stateFile))

                foreach (var stateFile in stateFiles)
                    //load state
                    var models = LoadModel(stateFile, "particle");

                    foreach (var jsonModel in models)
                        if (jsonModel.textures == null)

                        foreach (var textureName in jsonModel.textures.Values) //iterating over the textureMap in the Json model
                            if (!nonDuplicateTextures.Contains(textureName))
                                nonDuplicateTextures.Add(textureName); //add the current texture name to a list of all textureMap if isn't already there


            //each texture name has it's UV values TODO - maybe make a TextureMap class where this could be used
            var id = Stitch(nonDuplicateTextures.ToArray(), 16, out var textureMapElements); // stitch all textureMap, return the texture ID of the registered texture in VRAM

            //TODO - if json doesn't contain cube model, assume it's a full cube
            foreach (var pair in blockModels) //one model per registered item
                string blockName = pair.Key;

                var states = new List <ModelBlock>();

                foreach (var state in pair.Value)
                    List <float> vertexes = new List <float>();
                    List <float> normals  = new List <float>();
                    List <float> uvs      = new List <float>();

                    List <JsonCube> cubes = new List <JsonCube>();

                    Dictionary <string, string> textures = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    foreach (var jsonModel in state)
                        foreach (var cube in jsonModel.cubes)

                        if (jsonModel.textures == null)

                        foreach (var pairtex in jsonModel.textures)
                            textures.Add(pairtex.Key, pairtex.Value);

                    foreach (var cube in cubes)
                        CubeModelBuilder.AppendCubeModel(cube, textures, textureMapElements, ref vertexes,
                                                         ref normals, ref uvs);

                    if (!textures.TryGetValue("particle", out var particleTexture))
                        particleTexture = textures.Values.ToArray()[SharpCraft.Instance.Random.Next(0, textures.Count)];
                    if (!textures.TryGetValue("item", out var slotTexture))
                        if (cubes.Count > 0 && cubes[0].faces.TryGetValue(Facing.south, out var uv))
                            slotTexture = textures[uv.texture];

                    var particleTme = textureMapElements[particleTexture];
                    var slotTme     = textureMapElements.TryGetValue(slotTexture ?? "", out var result)
                        ? result
                        : particleTme;

                    ModelBlock mb = new ModelBlock(slotTme, particleTme, _blockShader, ModelManager.LoadBlockModelToVao(vertexes.ToArray(), normals.ToArray(), uvs.ToArray()));


                BlockStateModels.TryAdd(blockName, states);

            TextureBlocks = id;
Beispiel #3
        public void LoadItemModels()
            string dir = $"{SharpCraft.Instance.GameFolderDir}/assets/sharpcraft/models/item";

            var listOfItems = ItemRegistry.AllItems();

            List <string> nonDuplicateTextures = new List <string>();

            var itemModels = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <JsonModel> >();

            foreach (var item in listOfItems)
                if (item is ItemBlock)

                string unlocalizedLast = LangUtil.GetUnlocalizedNameLast(item.UnlocalizedName);

                string file = $"{dir}/{unlocalizedLast}.json";

                var models = new List <JsonModel>();

                if (!File.Exists(file))
                    var cube = new JsonCube();
                    var uv   = new JsonCubeFaceUv {
                        texture = "item"

                    cube.faces = new Dictionary <Facing, JsonCubeFaceUv>
                        { Facing.west, uv }

                    cube.from = new[] { 8f, 0, 0 };
             = new[] { 8f, 16, 16 };

                    var bjm = new JsonModel
                        cubes = new[]
                        textures = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                            { "item", "items/" + unlocalizedLast }


                    while (models.Last() is JsonModel jm && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jm.inherit))
                        string inhertiedFile = $"{SharpCraft.Instance.GameFolderDir}/assets/sharpcraft/models/{jm.inherit}.json";

                        if (File.Exists(inhertiedFile))


                itemModels.TryAdd(item.UnlocalizedName, models); //save what block is using what model

                foreach (var jsonModel in models)
                    if (jsonModel.textures == null)

                    foreach (var pair in jsonModel.textures) //iterating over the textureMap in the Json model
                        if (!nonDuplicateTextures.Contains(pair.Value))
                                 .Value);    //add the current texture name to a list of all textureMap if isn't already there

            //each texture name has it's UV values TODO - maybe make a TextureMap class where this could be used
            var id = Stitch(nonDuplicateTextures.ToArray(), 16, out var textureMapElements); // stitch all textureMap, return the texture ID of the registered texture in VRAM

            //TODO - if json doesn't contain cube model, assume it's a full cube
            foreach (var pair in itemModels) //one model per registered item
                string name = pair.Key;

                TextureMapElement tme = null;

                List <float> vertexes = new List <float>();
                List <float> normals  = new List <float>();
                List <float> uvs      = new List <float>();

                List <JsonCube> cubes = new List <JsonCube>();

                Dictionary <string, string> textures = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                foreach (var model in pair.Value)
                    foreach (var cube in model.cubes)

                    foreach (var pairtex in model.textures)
                        textures.Add(pairtex.Key, pairtex.Value);

                    if (model.textures.TryGetValue("item", out var texName))
                        textureMapElements.TryGetValue(texName, out tme);

                foreach (var cube in cubes)
                    CubeModelBuilder.AppendCubeModel(cube, textures, textureMapElements, ref vertexes,
                                                     ref normals, ref uvs);

                ModelItem mi = new ModelItem(tme, _itemShader, ModelManager.LoadItemModelToVao(vertexes.ToArray(), normals.ToArray(), uvs.ToArray()));

                ItemModels.TryAdd(name, mi);

            TextureItems = id;