Beispiel #1
        // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        // Check if the cube string s represents a solvable cube.
        // 0: Cube is solvable
        // -1: There is not exactly one facelet of each colour
        // -2: Not all 12 edges exist exactly once
        // -3: Flip error: One edge has to be flipped
        // -4: Not all corners exist exactly once
        // -5: Twist error: One corner has to be twisted
        // -6: Parity error: Two corners or two edges have to be exchanged
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the cube definition string s represents a solvable cube.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"> is the cube definition string , see <seealso cref="Facelet"/> </param>
        /// <returns> 0: Cube is solvable<br>
        ///         -1: There is not exactly one facelet of each colour<br>
        ///         -2: Not all 12 edges exist exactly once<br>
        ///         -3: Flip error: One edge has to be flipped<br>
        ///         -4: Not all 8 corners exist exactly once<br>
        ///         -5: Twist error: One corner has to be twisted<br>
        ///         -6: Parity error: Two corners or two edges have to be exchanged </returns>
        public static int verify(string s)
            int[] count = new int[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < 54; i++)
                    count[(int)CubeColor.Parse(typeof(CubeColor), i.ToString())]++;
            catch (Exception)

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (count[i] != 9)

            FaceCube  fc = new FaceCube(s);
            CubieCube cc = fc.toCubieCube();

Beispiel #2
         * Computes the solver string for a given cube.
         * @param facelets
         *          is the cube definition string, see {@link Facelet} for the format.
         * @param maxDepth
         *          defines the maximal allowed maneuver length. For random cubes, a maxDepth of 21 usually will return a
         *          solution in less than 0.5 seconds. With a maxDepth of 20 it takes a few seconds on average to find a
         *          solution, but it may take much longer for specific cubes.
         *@param timeOut
         *          defines the maximum computing time of the method in seconds. If it does not return with a solution, it returns with
         *          an error code.
         * @param useSeparator
         *          determines if a " . " separates the phase1 and phase2 parts of the solver string like in F' R B R L2 F .
         *          U2 U D for example.<br>
         * @return The solution string or an error code:<br>
         *         Error 1: There is not exactly one facelet of each colour<br>
         *         Error 2: Not all 12 edges exist exactly once<br>
         *         Error 3: Flip error: One edge has to be flipped<br>
         *         Error 4: Not all corners exist exactly once<br>
         *         Error 5: Twist error: One corner has to be twisted<br>
         *         Error 6: Parity error: Two corners or two edges have to be exchanged<br>
         *         Error 7: No solution exists for the given maxDepth<br>
         *         Error 8: Timeout, no solution within given time
        public static string solution(string facelets, out string info, int maxDepth = 50, long timeOut = 6000, bool useSeparator = false, bool buildTables = false)
            info = "Warning, this solution builds tables at run time which is very slow. This will find a solution, however it is reccomended to use the K_SearchRunTime class only to create a local copy of the tables, then use the K_Search class to search for solutions instead.";
            int s;

            // +++++++++++++++++++++check for wrong input +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            int[] count = new int[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < 54; i++)
                    count[(int)CubeColor.Parse(typeof(CubeColor), facelets.Substring(i, 1))]++;
            catch (Exception)
                return("Error 1");
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (count[i] != 9)
                    return("Error 1");

            FaceCube  fc = new FaceCube(facelets);
            CubieCube cc = fc.toCubieCube();

            if ((s = cc.verify()) != 0)
                return("Error " + Math.Abs(s));
            // +++++++++++++++++++++++ initialization +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            CoordCubeBuildTables c = new CoordCubeBuildTables(cc, buildTables);

            //return "lol";

            po[0]            = 0;
            ax[0]            = 0;
            flip[0]          = c.flip;
            twist[0]         = c.twist;
            parity[0]        = c.parity;
            slice[0]         = c.FRtoBR / 24;
            URFtoDLF[0]      = c.URFtoDLF;
            FRtoBR[0]        = c.FRtoBR;
            URtoUL[0]        = c.URtoUL;
            UBtoDF[0]        = c.UBtoDF;
            minDistPhase1[1] = 1; // else failure for depth=1, n=0
            int  mv = 0, n = 0;
            bool busy        = false;
            int  depthPhase1 = 1;
            long tStart      = DateTimeHelper.CurrentUnixTimeMillis();

            // +++++++++++++++++++ Main loop ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    if ((depthPhase1 - n > minDistPhase1[n + 1]) && !busy)
                        if (ax[n] == 0 || ax[n] == 3) // Initialize next move
                            ax[++n] = 1;
                            ax[++n] = 0;
                        po[n] = 1;
                    else if (++po[n] > 3)
                        { // increment axis
                            if (++ax[n] > 5)
                                if (DateTimeHelper.CurrentUnixTimeMillis() - tStart > timeOut << 10)
                                    return("Error 8");

                                if (n == 0)
                                    if (depthPhase1 >= maxDepth)
                                        return("Error 7");
                                        ax[n] = 0;
                                        po[n] = 1;
                                        busy  = false;
                                    busy = true;
                                po[n] = 1;
                                busy  = false;
                        } while (n != 0 && (ax[n - 1] == ax[n] || ax[n - 1] - 3 == ax[n]));
                        busy = false;
                } while (busy);

                // +++++++++++++ compute new coordinates and new minDistPhase1 ++++++++++
                // if minDistPhase1 =0, the H subgroup is reached
                mv                   = 3 * ax[n] + po[n] - 1;
                flip[n + 1]          = CoordCubeBuildTables.flipMove[flip[n], mv];
                twist[n + 1]         = CoordCubeBuildTables.twistMove[twist[n], mv];
                slice[n + 1]         = CoordCubeBuildTables.FRtoBR_Move[slice[n] * 24, mv] / 24;
                minDistPhase1[n + 1] = Math.Max(CoordCubeBuildTables.getPruning(CoordCubeBuildTables.Slice_Flip_Prun, CoordCubeBuildTables.N_SLICE1 * flip[n + 1] + slice[n + 1]), CoordCubeBuildTables.getPruning(CoordCubeBuildTables.Slice_Twist_Prun, CoordCubeBuildTables.N_SLICE1 * twist[n + 1] + slice[n + 1]));
                // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                if (minDistPhase1[n + 1] == 0 && n >= depthPhase1 - 5)
                    minDistPhase1[n + 1] = 10; // instead of 10 any value >5 is possible
                    if (n == depthPhase1 - 1 && (s = totalDepth(depthPhase1, maxDepth)) >= 0)
                        if (s == depthPhase1 || (ax[depthPhase1 - 1] != ax[depthPhase1] && ax[depthPhase1 - 1] != ax[depthPhase1] + 3))
                            return(useSeparator ? solutionToString(s, depthPhase1) : solutionToString(s));
            } while (true);
Beispiel #3
         * Computes the solver string for a given cube.
         * @param facelets
         *          is the cube definition string, see {@link Facelet} for the format.
         * @param maxDepth
         *          defines the maximal allowed maneuver length. For random cubes, a maxDepth of 21 usually will return a
         *          solution in less than 0.5 seconds. With a maxDepth of 20 it takes a few seconds on average to find a
         *          solution, but it may take much longer for specific cubes.
         *@param timeOut
         *          defines the maximum computing time of the method in seconds. If it does not return with a solution, it returns with
         *          an error code.
         * @param useSeparator
         *          determines if a " . " separates the phase1 and phase2 parts of the solver string like in F' R B R L2 F .
         *          U2 U D for example.<br>
         * @return The solution string or an error code:<br>
         *         Error 1: There is not exactly one facelet of each colour<br>
         *         Error 2: Not all 12 edges exist exactly once<br>
         *         Error 3: Flip error: One edge has to be flipped<br>
         *         Error 4: Not all corners exist exactly once<br>
         *         Error 5: Twist error: One corner has to be twisted<br>
         *         Error 6: Parity error: Two corners or two edges have to be exchanged<br>
         *         Error 7: No solution exists for the given maxDepth<br>
         *         Error 8: Timeout, no solution within given time
        public static string solution(string facelets, out string info, int maxDepth = 22, long timeOut = 6000, bool useSeparator = false)
                info = "Already Solved";
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            info = "";

            int s;

            // +++++++++++++++++++++check for wrong input +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            int[] count = new int[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < 54; i++)
                    count[(int)CubeColor.Parse(typeof(CubeColor), facelets.Substring(i, 1))]++;
            catch (Exception)
                return("Error 1");
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (count[i] != 9)
                    return("Error 1");

            FaceCube  fc = new FaceCube(facelets);
            CubieCube cc = fc.toCubieCube();

            if ((s = cc.verify()) != 0)
                return("Error " + Math.Abs(s));
            // +++++++++++++++++++++++ initialization +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            string    currentTime = "[ a: " + String.Format(@"{0:mm\:ss\.ffff}", (DateTime.Now - startTime)) + " ] ";
            CoordCube c           = new CoordCube(cc, startTime, currentTime, out info);

            //return "lol";

            po[0]            = 0;
            ax[0]            = 0;
            flip[0]          = c.flip;
            twist[0]         = c.twist;
            parity[0]        = c.parity;
            slice[0]         = c.FRtoBR / 24;
            URFtoDLF[0]      = c.URFtoDLF;
            FRtoBR[0]        = c.FRtoBR;
            URtoUL[0]        = c.URtoUL;
            UBtoDF[0]        = c.UBtoDF;
            minDistPhase1[1] = 1; // else failure for depth=1, n=0
            int  mv = 0, n = 0;
            bool busy        = false;
            int  depthPhase1 = 1;
            long tStart      = DateTimeHelper.CurrentUnixTimeMillis();

            // +++++++++++++++++++ Main loop ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    if ((depthPhase1 - n > minDistPhase1[n + 1]) && !busy)
                        if (ax[n] == 0 || ax[n] == 3) // Initialize next move
                            ax[++n] = 1;
                            ax[++n] = 0;
                        po[n] = 1;
                    else if (++po[n] > 3)
                        { // increment axis
                            if (++ax[n] > 5)
                                if (DateTimeHelper.CurrentUnixTimeMillis() - tStart > timeOut << 10)
                                    return("Error 8");

                                if (n == 0)
                                    if (depthPhase1 >= maxDepth)
                                        return("Error 7");
                                        ax[n] = 0;
                                        po[n] = 1;
                                        busy  = false;
                                    busy = true;
                                po[n] = 1;
                                busy  = false;
                        } while (n != 0 && (ax[n - 1] == ax[n] || ax[n - 1] - 3 == ax[n]));
                        busy = false;
                } while (busy);

                // +++++++++++++ compute new coordinates and new minDistPhase1 ++++++++++
                // if minDistPhase1 =0, the H subgroup is reached
                mv                   = 3 * ax[n] + po[n] - 1;
                flip[n + 1]          = CoordCube.flipMove[flip[n], mv];
                twist[n + 1]         = CoordCube.twistMove[twist[n], mv];
                slice[n + 1]         = CoordCube.FRtoBR_Move[slice[n] * 24, mv] / 24;
                minDistPhase1[n + 1] = Math.Max(CoordCube.getPruning(CoordCube.Slice_Flip_Prun, CoordCube.N_SLICE1 * flip[n + 1] + slice[n + 1]), CoordCube.getPruning(CoordCube.Slice_Twist_Prun, CoordCube.N_SLICE1 * twist[n + 1] + slice[n + 1]));
                // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                if (minDistPhase1[n + 1] == 0 && n >= depthPhase1 - 5)
                    minDistPhase1[n + 1] = 10; // instead of 10 any value >5 is possible
                    if (n == depthPhase1 - 1 && (s = totalDepth(depthPhase1, maxDepth)) >= 0)
                        if (s == depthPhase1 || (ax[depthPhase1 - 1] != ax[depthPhase1] && ax[depthPhase1 - 1] != ax[depthPhase1] + 3))
                            return(useSeparator ? solutionToString(s, depthPhase1) : solutionToString(s));
            } while (true);