Beispiel #1
        internal CtfClockDescriptor(CtfPropertyBag bag)
            Debug.Assert(bag != null);

            this.Name = bag.GetString("name");

            if (bag.ContainsKey("uuid"))
                string uuid = bag.GetString("uuid").Replace("\"", string.Empty);
                if (!Guid.TryParse(uuid, out var id))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Unable to parse the uuid value: {bag.GetString("uuid")}.");

                this.Uuid = id;

            this.Description = bag.GetString("description");

            // According to CTF specification 1.8.2 section 8, if the 'freq' field is not present,
            // it will default to 1 ns.
            this.Frequency = bag.ContainsKey("freq") ? bag.GetUlong("freq") : (ulong)1000000000;

            if (bag.ContainsKey("offset"))
                this.Offset = bag.GetUlong("offset");
            else if (bag.ContainsKey("offset_s"))
                // todo:this might not be the best approach from an overflow perspective.
                // leaving for now until we have reason to change it
                ulong offsetInSeconds = bag.GetUlong("offset_s");
                this.Offset = offsetInSeconds * this.Frequency;

            if (bag.ContainsKey("precision"))
                this.Precision = bag.GetUlong("precision");

            if (bag.ContainsKey("absolute"))
                this.Absolute = bag.GetBoolean("absolute");