Beispiel #1
        public IEnumerable<CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp> getLayoutProps( Int32 NodeTypeId, Int32 TabId, CswEnumNbtLayoutType LayoutType, CswDateTime Date, bool PropsInLayout = true )
            string NodeTypeIdStr = NodeTypeId.ToString();
            string WhereClause = "where nodetypeid = '" + NodeTypeIdStr + "' ";
            WhereClause += " and nodetypepropid ";
            if( PropsInLayout )
                WhereClause += " in ";
                WhereClause += " not in ";
            WhereClause += " (select nodetypepropid ";
            if( null == Date || Date.ToDateTime() == DateTime.MinValue )
                WhereClause += " from nodetype_layout ";
                WhereClause += " from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql( _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, "nodetype_layout", Date );
            WhereClause += " where layouttype = '" + LayoutType.ToString() + "'" +
                           "   and nodetypeid = " + NodeTypeIdStr + @" ";
            if( LayoutType == CswEnumNbtLayoutType.Edit && TabId != Int32.MinValue )
                WhereClause += "and nodetypetabsetid = " + TabId.ToString();
            WhereClause += ")";

            return _CollImpl.getWhere( WhereClause, Date ).Cast<CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp>();

        } // getPropsInLayout()
Beispiel #2
        }     // getByPk()

        public ICswNbtMetaDataObject getByPk(Int32 Pk, CswDateTime Date, bool BypassModuleCheck = false)
            ICswNbtMetaDataObject ret = null;

            if (false == CswTools.IsDate(Date))
                ret = getByPk(Pk, BypassModuleCheck);
                string Sql   = "select * from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, _TableSelect.TableName, Date) + " " + _TableSelect.TableName;
                string Where = " where " + _PkColumnName + " = " + Pk.ToString();
                if (false == BypassModuleCheck)
                    addModuleWhereClause(ref Where);
                Sql += Where;

                CswArbitrarySelect AuditSelect = _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("MetaDataCollectionImpl_getbypk_audit_select", Sql);
                DataTable          Table       = AuditSelect.getTable();
                if (Table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ret = _makeObj(Table.Rows[0], Date, useCache: false);
        } // getLayout()

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a layout for a property on a tab.
        /// If edit, be sure to supply a valid TabId.
        /// </summary>
        public NodeTypeLayout getLayout(CswEnumNbtLayoutType LayoutType, Int32 NodeTypeId, Int32 PropId, Int32 TabId, CswDateTime Date)
            NodeTypeLayout ret = null;

            if (false == CswTools.IsDate(Date))
                ret = _Cache[NodeTypeId].FirstOrDefault(Layout => Layout.LayoutType == LayoutType &&
                                                        Layout.PropId == PropId &&
                                                        (LayoutType != CswEnumNbtLayoutType.Edit || Layout.TabId == TabId));
                string Sql = @"select * from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, "nodetype_layout", Date) +
                             "  where nodetypeid = " + NodeTypeId + " " +
                             "    and layouttype = '" + LayoutType.ToString() + "' " +
                             "    and nodetypepropid = " + PropId + " ";
                if (LayoutType == CswEnumNbtLayoutType.Edit)
                    Sql += "      and nodetypetabsetid = " + TabId;

                CswArbitrarySelect LayoutSelect = _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("getLayout_Audit_Select", Sql);
                DataTable          LayoutTable  = LayoutSelect.getTable();
                if (LayoutTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ret = new NodeTypeLayout(LayoutTable.Rows[0]);
        } // getLayout()
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a dictionary of layout by tab
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary <Int32, NodeTypeLayout> getLayout(CswEnumNbtLayoutType LayoutType, Int32 NodeTypeId, Int32 PropId, CswDateTime Date)
            Dictionary <Int32, NodeTypeLayout> LayoutByTab = new Dictionary <Int32, NodeTypeLayout>();

            if (false == CswTools.IsDate(Date))
                foreach (NodeTypeLayout Layout in _Cache[NodeTypeId].Where(Layout => Layout.LayoutType == LayoutType &&
                                                                           Layout.PropId == PropId))
                    LayoutByTab[Layout.TabId] = Layout;
                string Sql = @"select * from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, "nodetype_layout", Date) +
                             "  where nodetypeid = " + NodeTypeId + " " +
                             "    and layouttype = '" + LayoutType.ToString() + "' " +
                             "    and nodetypepropid = " + PropId;
                CswArbitrarySelect LayoutSelect = _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("getLayout_Audit_Select", Sql);
                DataTable          LayoutTable  = LayoutSelect.getTable();
                foreach (DataRow LayoutRow in LayoutTable.Rows)
                    NodeTypeLayout Layout = new NodeTypeLayout(LayoutRow);
                    LayoutByTab.Add(Layout.TabId, Layout);
        } // getLayout()
Beispiel #5
        public Dictionary <Int32, string> getPkDict(string Where = "", CswDateTime Date = null)
            if (_PkDictsWhere == null)
                _PkDictsWhere = new Dictionary <PkDictKey, Dictionary <int, string> >();

            PkDictKey Key = new PkDictKey()
                Date = Date, Where = Where

            if (false == _PkDictsWhere.ContainsKey(Key))
                DataTable Table;
                if (null == Date)
                    CswCommaDelimitedString Select = new CswCommaDelimitedString();

                    string WhereClause = Where;
                    addModuleWhereClause(ref WhereClause);

                    Table = _TableSelect.getTable(Select, string.Empty, Int32.MinValue, WhereClause, false);
                    string Sql = "select " + _PkColumnName + "," + _NameColumnName +
                                 "  from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, _TableSelect.TableName, Date) + " " + _TableSelect.TableName + " ";
                    addModuleWhereClause(ref Where);
                    Sql += Where;

                    CswArbitrarySelect AuditSelect = _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("MetaDataCollectionImpl_getpkdict_audit_select", Sql);
                    Table = AuditSelect.getTable();
                Dictionary <Int32, string> Coll = new Dictionary <Int32, string>();
                foreach (DataRow Row in Table.Rows)
                    Coll.Add(CswConvert.ToInt32(Row[_PkColumnName]), CswConvert.ToString(Row[_NameColumnName]));
                _PkDictsWhere[Key] = Coll;
        } // _PkDictsWhere(Where)
Beispiel #6

        public void fill()
            if (NodeSpecies == CswEnumNbtNodeSpecies.Plain)
                //bool NodeInfoFetched = false;
                if (CswTools.IsPrimaryKey(NodeId) && (NodeTypeId <= 0 || NodeName == String.Empty))
                    DataTable NodesTable = null;
                    if (CswTools.IsDate(_Date))
                        string             NodesSql         = "select * from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtResources, "nodes", _Date, NodeId.PrimaryKey);
                        CswArbitrarySelect NodesTableSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("fetchNodeInfo_Select", NodesSql);
                        NodesTable = NodesTableSelect.getTable();
                        CswTableSelect NodesTableSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect("CswNbtNode.fill_nodes", "nodes");
                        NodesTable = NodesTableSelect.getTable("nodeid", NodeId.PrimaryKey);
                    if (NodesTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        RelationalId = new CswPrimaryKey(NodesTable.Rows[0]["relationaltable"].ToString(), CswConvert.ToInt32(NodesTable.Rows[0]["relationalid"]));

                    CswTimer Timer = new CswTimer();
                    if (getNodeType() != null)
                    _CswNbtResources.logTimerResult("Filled in node property data for node (" + NodeId.ToString() + "): " + NodeName, Timer.ElapsedDurationInSecondsAsString);

                    if (CswTools.IsDate(_Date))
                        setReadOnly(value: true, SaveToDb: false);

            _NodeModificationState = CswEnumNbtNodeModificationState.Unchanged;
Beispiel #7
        } // getWhere(Where)

        public Collection <ICswNbtMetaDataObject> getWhere(string Where, CswDateTime Date, bool BypassModuleCheck = false)
            Collection <ICswNbtMetaDataObject> ret = null;

            if (false == CswTools.IsDate(Date))
                ret = getWhere(Where, BypassModuleCheck);
                string Sql = "select * from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, _TableSelect.TableName, Date) + " " + _TableSelect.TableName + " " + Where;
                if (false == BypassModuleCheck)
                    addModuleWhereClause(ref Sql);
                CswArbitrarySelect AuditSelect = _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("MetaDataCollectionImpl_getWhere_audit_select", Sql);
                DataTable          Table       = AuditSelect.getTable();
                ret = _makeObjs(Table, Date, useCache: false);
        } // getWhere(Where,Date)
Beispiel #8
        } // getPks(Where)

        public Collection <Int32> getPks(string Where, CswDateTime Date)
            Collection <Int32> ret = null;

            if (false == CswTools.IsDate(Date))
                ret = getPks(Where);
                string Sql = "select " + _PkColumnName + " from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, _TableSelect.TableName, Date) + " " + _TableSelect.TableName + " ";
                addModuleWhereClause(ref Where);
                Sql += Where;

                CswArbitrarySelect AuditSelect = _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("MetaDataCollectionImpl_getpks_audit_select", Sql);
                DataTable          Table       = AuditSelect.getTable();
                ret = new Collection <Int32>();
                foreach (DataRow Row in Table.Rows)
        } // getPks(Where)
Beispiel #9
        public JObject getAuditHistoryGrid(CswNbtNode Node, bool JustDateColumn)
            JObject ret = new JObject();

            if (Node != null)
                string SQL = @"select ja.recordcreated as ChangeDate ";
                if (!JustDateColumn)
                    SQL += @", x.transactionusername as Username,
                               x.auditeventname as Context,
                               np.propname as Propname,
                               ja.gestaltsearch as Value,
                               x.audittransactionid as AuditId,
                               ft.fieldtype as FieldType ";
                SQL += @" from jct_nodes_props_audit ja
                          join audit_transactions x on ja.audittransactionid = x.audittransactionid
                          join TABLE(" + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditLookupFunctionNameForRealTable("nodetype_props") +
                       @"(ja.recordcreated)) np on (np.nodetypepropid = ja.nodetypepropid)
                          join field_types ft on ft.fieldtypeid = np.fieldtypeid
                         where ja.nodeid = :nodeid
                           and x.transactionusername not in (:sysusernames)
                          order by AuditId desc";

                CswCommaDelimitedString sysUserNames = new CswCommaDelimitedString(0, "'");
                foreach (CswEnumSystemUserNames sysUserName in CswEnumSystemUserNames.getValues())

                CswArbitrarySelect HistorySelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("CswNbtWebServiceAuditing_getAuditHistory_select", SQL);
                HistorySelect.addParameter("nodeid", Node.NodeId.PrimaryKey.ToString());
                HistorySelect.addParameter("sysusernames", sysUserNames.ToString());

                DataTable HistoryTable = HistorySelect.getTable();

                //for the audit grid we want to group by audittransactionid, but show the changedate
                //also, we mask the password value column and not show the encrypted password
                string mutatingRowsAuditId = "";
                string changeToDate        = "";
                foreach (DataRow row in HistoryTable.Rows)
                    string currentAuditId = row["AuditId"].ToString();
                    if (currentAuditId != mutatingRowsAuditId)  //we're onto a new group
                        mutatingRowsAuditId = currentAuditId;
                        changeToDate        = row["ChangeDate"].ToString();
                    row["ChangeDate"] = changeToDate;

                    if (row["FieldType"].ToString().Equals("Password"))
                        row["Value"] = "[password changed]";

                CswNbtGrid g = new CswNbtGrid(_CswNbtResources);
                ret = g.DataTableToJSON(HistoryTable, GroupByCol: "ChangeDate", GroupByColType: CswEnumExtJsXType.datecolumn);
        } // _getAuditHistoryGrid()
        public override void update()
            foreach (string Abbrev in CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.Abbreviations)
                ICswDataDictionaryReader DataDictionary   = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.CswDataDictionary;
                CswAuditMetaData         CswAuditMetaData = new CswAuditMetaData();
                string AuditTable   = CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableName(Abbrev);
                string RealTable    = CswAuditMetaData.makeNameOfAuditedTable(AuditTable);
                string AuditTablePk = DataDictionary.getPrimeKeyColumn(AuditTable);
                string RealTablePk  = DataDictionary.getPrimeKeyColumn(RealTable);

                string ObjectType = "CSW_" + Abbrev + @"_OBJ_TYPE";
                string TableType  = "CSW_" + Abbrev + @"_TABLE_TYPE";
                string FuncName   = CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditLookupFunctionName(AuditTable);

                bool requiresNodeId = CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.requiresNodeId(RealTable);

                CswCommaDelimitedString Columns           = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                CswCommaDelimitedString ObjectTypeColumns = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                foreach (string ColumnName in _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.CswDataDictionary.getColumnNames(RealTable))
                    if (ColumnName != "auditlevel")
                        DataDictionary.setCurrentColumn(RealTable, ColumnName);
                        string OracleType = CswDbVendorOpsOracle._getOracleDataTypeFromPortableDataType(DataDictionary.PortableDataType, DataDictionary.DataTypeSize);
                        ObjectTypeColumns.Add(ColumnName + " " + OracleType);
                //Columns.Add( "recordcreated" );
                ObjectTypeColumns.Add("recordcreated date");

                string ObjectTypeSql = @"CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE " + ObjectType + " IS OBJECT (" + ObjectTypeColumns.ToString(false) + ");";

                string TableTypeSql = @"CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE " + TableType + " AS TABLE OF " + ObjectType + ";";

                string FuncSql = @"create or replace function " + FuncName + @" (AsOfDate in Date";
                if (requiresNodeId)
                    FuncSql += ", aNodeId in number";
                FuncSql += @"          ) return " + TableType + @" is
                                      ResultTable " + TableType + @";

                                        with audit1 as (select " + AuditTablePk + @", " + RealTablePk + @", auditeventtype
                                              from " + AuditTable + @" a
                                             where a." + AuditTablePk + @" = (select max(" + AuditTablePk + @")
                                                                                   from " + AuditTable + @" a2
                                                                                  where a2.recordcreated <= AsOfDate
                                                                                    and a2." + RealTablePk + @" = a." + RealTablePk + @"))
                                        select " + ObjectType + @"(" + Columns.ToString(false) + @",recordcreated) BULK COLLECT into ResultTable
                                        from (select " + Columns.ToString(false) + @", recordcreated 
                                                from " + AuditTable + @"
                                               where " + AuditTablePk + @" in (select " + AuditTablePk + @" from audit1)
                                                 and auditeventtype <> 'PhysicalDelete'
                                             union all
                                              select " + Columns.ToString(false) + @", sysdate as recordcreated 
                                                from " + RealTable + @" 
                                               where " + RealTablePk + @" not in (select " + RealTablePk + @" from audit1))";
                if (requiresNodeId)
                    FuncSql += " where nodeid = aNodeId ";
                FuncSql += @";

                                      RETURN ResultTable;

                                      WHEN OTHERS THEN
                                        RETURN ResultTable;
                                    end " + FuncName + @";";

                          object_not_exists EXCEPTION;
                          PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(object_not_exists, -04043);
                          execute immediate 'drop type " + TableType + @" force';
                          when object_not_exists then null;
                          object_not_exists EXCEPTION;
                          PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(object_not_exists, -04043);
                          execute immediate 'drop type " + ObjectType + @" force';
                          when object_not_exists then null;

            } // foreach
        }     //update()