/// <summary>
        /// Returns import data table names, in import order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IncludeCompleted">If true, also include table names for already completed imports</param>
        public static StringCollection getImportDataTableNames(CswNbtResources CswNbtResources, bool IncludeCompleted = false)
            StringCollection ret = new StringCollection();

            string Sql = @"select m." + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataMap.datatablename +
                         " from " + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataMap.TableName + " m " +
                         " join " + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataJob.TableName + " j on m." + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataMap.importdatajobid + " = j." + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataJob.importdatajobid +
                         " join " + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDef.TableName + " d on m." + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataMap.importdefid + " = d." + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDef.importdefid;

            if (false == IncludeCompleted)
                Sql += "  where " + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataJob.dateended + " is null";
                Sql += "    and m." + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataMap.completed + " = '" + CswConvert.ToDbVal(false) + "'";
            Sql += @"     order by j." + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataJob.datestarted + ", d." + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDef.sheetorder + ", m." + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDataMap.PkColumnName;

            CswArbitrarySelect ImportDataSelect = CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("getImportDataTableNames_Select", Sql);
            DataTable          ImportDataTable  = ImportDataSelect.getTable();

            foreach (DataRow Row in ImportDataTable.Rows)

        } // getImportDataTableNames()
Beispiel #2
        }     // getByPk()

        public ICswNbtMetaDataObject getByPk(Int32 Pk, CswDateTime Date, bool BypassModuleCheck = false)
            ICswNbtMetaDataObject ret = null;

            if (false == CswTools.IsDate(Date))
                ret = getByPk(Pk, BypassModuleCheck);
                string Sql   = "select * from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, _TableSelect.TableName, Date) + " " + _TableSelect.TableName;
                string Where = " where " + _PkColumnName + " = " + Pk.ToString();
                if (false == BypassModuleCheck)
                    addModuleWhereClause(ref Where);
                Sql += Where;

                CswArbitrarySelect AuditSelect = _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("MetaDataCollectionImpl_getbypk_audit_select", Sql);
                DataTable          Table       = AuditSelect.getTable();
                if (Table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ret = _makeObj(Table.Rows[0], Date, useCache: false);
        private void _init()
            if (Int32.MinValue != _fkDefId)
                CswTableSelect FkeyDefsSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect("fetch_fkey_def_sql", "fkey_definitions");
                DataTable      FkeyDefsTable  = FkeyDefsSelect.getTable("fkeydefid", _fkDefId);
                string         Sql            = FkeyDefsTable.Rows[0]["sql"].ToString();

                CswArbitrarySelect ListOptsSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("list_options_query", Sql);
                DataTable          ListOptsTable  = ListOptsSelect.getTable();

                _Options = new Collection <CswNbtNodeTypePropListOption>();
                _Options.Add(new CswNbtNodeTypePropListOption("", ""));
                foreach (DataRow CurrentRow in ListOptsTable.Rows)
                    _Options.Add(new CswNbtNodeTypePropListOption(CurrentRow[FkeyDefsTable.Rows[0]["ref_column"].ToString()].ToString(),
                }//iterate listopts rows
                CswCommaDelimitedString Opts = new CswCommaDelimitedString();

        public Int32 getLoadCount(ICswResources CswResources)
            Int32 ReturnVal = 0;

            _MasterSchemaResources = _getMasterSchemaResources((CswNbtResources)CswResources);

            if (null != _MasterSchemaResources)
                CswArbitrarySelect CswArbitrarySelectSessionList = _MasterSchemaResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("expired_session_list_query",
                                                                                                                 "select count(*) as cnt from sessionlist" + _SessionListWhere(CswResources.AccessId));

                DataTable SessionListTable          = CswArbitrarySelectSessionList.getTable();
                Int32     ExpiredSessionRecordCount = CswConvert.ToInt32(SessionListTable.Rows[0]["cnt"]);
                Int32     OrhpanSessionDataCount    = _getOrphanRowCount((CswNbtResources)CswResources);

                CswArbitrarySelect ArbitrarySelectOrphanedNodes = _MasterSchemaResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("orphaned_temp_nodes",
                                                                                                                "select count(*) as cnt from nodes n left outer join sessionlist s on n.sessionid=s.sessionid where istemp=1 and s.sessionid is null");
                Int32 OrphanTempNodeCount = CswConvert.ToInt32(ArbitrarySelectOrphanedNodes.getTable().Rows[0]["cnt"]);

                ReturnVal        = ExpiredSessionRecordCount + OrhpanSessionDataCount + OrphanTempNodeCount;
                _StaleDataExists = (ExpiredSessionRecordCount > 0 || OrhpanSessionDataCount > 0 || OrphanTempNodeCount > 0);
                CswResources.CswLogger.reportError(new CswDniException("Unable to get load count of sessionlist records: The master schema resource object is null"));

        private static Collection <CswNbtImportWcf.DltExistingNodesReturn.DltExistingNodesReturnData.DoomedNode> _retriveDoomedNodes(CswNbtResources NbtResources)
            Collection <CswNbtImportWcf.DltExistingNodesReturn.DltExistingNodesReturnData.DoomedNode> DoomedNodes = new Collection <CswNbtImportWcf.DltExistingNodesReturn.DltExistingNodesReturnData.DoomedNode>();

            CswArbitrarySelect NodeTblSelect = NbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("getDoomedNodes_nbtImporter",
                                                                                   @"select t.nodeid, t.nodename, t.nodetypeid, nt.nodetypename
                                from nodes t
                                join nodetypes nt on (nt.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid)
                                where nodename not in ('chemsw_admin', 'chemsw_admin_role', 'Each', 'Days', 'Ci', 'kg',
                                    'Liters', 'lb', 'gal', 'cu.ft.', 'CISPro_Admin',
                                    'CISPro_General', 'Default Jurisdiction')
                                and t.nodetypeid not in
                                    (1130, 1212, 1329, 1330, 1369, 33, 114, 659, 1052, 1053, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1293, 1211)
                                and nodetypename not like 'Design%'");

            DataTable NodesTbl = NodeTblSelect.getTable();

            foreach (DataRow Row in NodesTbl.Rows)
                DoomedNodes.Add(new CswNbtImportWcf.DltExistingNodesReturn.DltExistingNodesReturnData.DoomedNode
                    NodeId   = CswConvert.ToInt32(Row["nodeid"]),
                    NodeName = CswConvert.ToString(Row["nodename"]),
                    NodeType = CswConvert.ToString(Row["nodetypename"])

Beispiel #6
        public override void update()
            string SQL = @"select jctnodepropid
                             from (select j1.nodeid, j1.nodetypepropid, max(j1.jctnodepropid) jctnodepropid
                                     from jct_nodes_props j1
                                     join jct_nodes_props j2 on (j1.nodetypepropid = j2.nodetypepropid
                                                                 and j1.nodeid = j2.nodeid 
                                                                 and j1.jctnodepropid <> j2.jctnodepropid)
                                    group by j1.nodeid, j1.nodetypepropid)";

            CswArbitrarySelect DupeSelect = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswArbitrarySelect( "29797_select", SQL );
            DataTable DupeTable = DupeSelect.getTable();
            if( DupeTable.Rows.Count > 0 )
                CswCommaDelimitedString JctIds = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                foreach( DataRow DupeRow in DupeTable.Rows )
                    JctIds.Add( DupeRow["jctnodepropid"].ToString() );

                CswTableUpdate JctUpdate = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswTableUpdate( "29797_update", "jct_nodes_props" );
                DataTable JctTable = JctUpdate.getTable( "where jctnodepropid in (" + JctIds.ToString() + ")" );
                foreach( DataRow JctRow in JctTable.Rows )
                JctUpdate.update( JctTable );
        } // update()
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets next sequence value based on newest entry and existing values in the database.
        /// </summary>
        public void reSync(CswEnumNbtPropColumn Column, Int32 NewSeqVal)
            string SelectText = @"with seqntpids as 
                                    (select nodetypepropid from nodetype_props where sequenceid in 
                                        (select sequenceid from sequences where sequenceid = :sequenceid)
                                    select max(" + Column + @") as seqval
                                          from jct_nodes_props 
                                          where nodetypepropid in (select nodetypepropid from seqntpids)";

            CswArbitrarySelect SeqValueSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("syncSequence_maxvalue_select", SelectText);

            SeqValueSelect.addParameter("sequenceid", SequenceId.ToString());
            DataTable SeqValueTable = SeqValueSelect.getTable();

            Int32 MaxSeqVal = NewSeqVal;

            if (SeqValueTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                Int32 ThisSeqVal = CswConvert.ToInt32(SeqValueTable.Rows[0]["seqval"]);
                if (ThisSeqVal > MaxSeqVal)
                    MaxSeqVal = ThisSeqVal;
            _CswNbtResources.resetUniqueSequenceValForProperty(getDbName(), MaxSeqVal + 1);
        } // reSync()
        public CswNbtViewRelationship getLocationRelationship(string LocationSql, CswNbtView LocationsView, CswPrimaryKey StartLocationId)
            CswNbtViewRelationship LocationRel    = null;
            CswArbitrarySelect     LocationSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("populateLocations_select", LocationSql);

            LocationSelect.addParameter("startlocationid", StartLocationId.PrimaryKey.ToString());

            DataTable LocationTable = null;

                LocationTable = LocationSelect.getTable();
                Collection <CswPrimaryKey> LocationPks = new Collection <CswPrimaryKey>();
                CswNbtMetaDataObjectClass LocationOc = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getObjectClass(CswEnumNbtObjectClass.LocationClass);
                LocationRel = LocationsView.AddViewRelationship(LocationOc, false);

                if (LocationTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow Row in LocationTable.Rows)
                        Int32         LocationNodeId = CswConvert.ToInt32(Row["nodeid"]);
                        CswPrimaryKey LocationPk     = new CswPrimaryKey("nodes", LocationNodeId);
                LocationRel.NodeIdsToFilterIn = LocationPks;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Error, "Invalid Query", "_getContainerRelationship() attempted to run invalid SQL: " + LocationSql, ex);
Beispiel #9
        private bool _doesTblIdxExist(string IdxName)
            CswArbitrarySelect idxSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("ModuleRuleDirectStructureSearch.doesIdxExist", "select * from user_indexes ui where lower(ui.index_name) = '" + IdxName + "'");
            DataTable          indexes   = idxSelect.getTable();

            return(indexes.Rows.Count > 0);
        private void _setLoad(ICswResources CswResources)
            CswNbtResources NbtResources = (CswNbtResources)CswResources;

            if (NbtResources.Modules.IsModuleEnabled(CswEnumNbtModuleName.Containers))
                #region SQL
                String SQLSelect = @"with
RemainingQuantity as (
select jnp.nodeid, jnp.field1_numeric as RemainingQuantity, jnp.field1_fk as RemainingQuantityUnit
        from jct_nodes_props jnp
        inner join nodetype_props ntp on ntp.nodetypepropid = jnp.nodetypepropid
        inner join object_class_props ocp on ocp.objectclasspropid = ntp.objectclasspropid
        where ocp.propname = 'Remaining Source Container Quantity'
SourceContainer as (
select jnp.nodeid, jnp.field1_fk as containerid
        from jct_nodes_props jnp
        inner join nodetype_props ntp on ntp.nodetypepropid = jnp.nodetypepropid
        inner join object_class_props ocp on ocp.objectclasspropid = ntp.objectclasspropid
        where ( ocp.propname = 'Source Container' or ocp.propname = 'Destination Container' )
containers as (
select n.nodeid
      from nodes n
      inner join nodetypes nt on n.nodetypeid = nt.nodetypeid
        inner join object_class oc on nt.objectclassid = oc.objectclassid
        where oc.objectclass = 'ContainerClass'
dispenses as (
c.nodeid containerid,
n.nodeid dispensetransactionid,
rq.RemainingQuantity RemainingQuantity
      from nodes n
      left join RemainingQuantity rq on n.nodeid = rq.nodeid
      left join SourceContainer sc on n.nodeid = sc.nodeid
      left join containers c on sc.containerid = c.nodeid
      inner join nodetypes nt on n.nodetypeid = nt.nodetypeid
        inner join object_class oc on nt.objectclassid = oc.objectclassid
        where oc.objectclass = 'ContainerDispenseTransactionClass'
        and sc.containerid is not null
select c.nodeid, ct.dispenses
from containers c 
left join (select c.nodeid containerid, count(d.dispensetransactionid) dispenses
  from containers c
  left join dispenses d on d.containerid = c.nodeid
  group by c.nodeid) ct on c.nodeid = ct.containerid
where c.nodeid not in (select containerid from dispenses where RemainingQuantity is null)";
                #endregion SQL
                CswArbitrarySelect TransactionlessContainers = new CswArbitrarySelect(NbtResources.CswResources, "TransactionlessContainers", SQLSelect);
                DataTable          ContainersTable           = TransactionlessContainers.getTable();
                foreach (DataRow ContainerRow in ContainersTable.Rows)
                    _ContainerIdsWithoutReceiveTransactions.Add(new CswPrimaryKey("nodes", CswConvert.ToInt32(ContainerRow["nodeid"].ToString())));
                    _ContainerHasOtherTransactions.Add(CswConvert.ToInt32(ContainerRow["dispenses"].ToString()) > 0);
        public static string generateImportQueueTableSQL(ICswResources CswResources)
            string Ret = string.Empty;

            CswArbitrarySelect ImportDefSelect = CswResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("importdef_get_caf_rows", "select distinct pkcolumnname, coalesce(viewname, tablename) as sourcename " +
                                                                                     "from import_def_order io, import_def id " +
                                                                                     "where id.importdefid = io.importdefid " +
                                                                                     "and id.definitionname = '" + DefinitionName + "'");
            DataTable ImportDefTable = ImportDefSelect.getTable();
            bool      FirstRow       = true;

            foreach (DataRow DefRow in ImportDefTable.Rows)
                string CurrentDefRowSql = @"insert into nbtimportqueue(nbtimportqueueid, state, itempk, sheetname, priority, errorlog) "
                                          + " select seq_nbtimportqueueid.nextval, '"
                                          + State.I + "', "
                                          + CswConvert.ToString(DefRow[CswNbtImportTables.ImportDefOrder.pkcolumnname]) + ", "
                                          + "'" + CswConvert.ToString(DefRow["sourcename"]) + "', "
                                          + "0, "
                                          + "'' from " + CswConvert.ToString(DefRow["sourcename"]) + " where deleted = '0';";
                CurrentDefRowSql = CurrentDefRowSql + "\ncommit;";

                if (FirstRow)
                    Ret      = CurrentDefRowSql + Environment.NewLine;
                    FirstRow = false;
                    Ret = Ret + Environment.NewLine + CurrentDefRowSql + Environment.NewLine;

        } // getLayout()

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a layout for a property on a tab.
        /// If edit, be sure to supply a valid TabId.
        /// </summary>
        public NodeTypeLayout getLayout(CswEnumNbtLayoutType LayoutType, Int32 NodeTypeId, Int32 PropId, Int32 TabId, CswDateTime Date)
            NodeTypeLayout ret = null;

            if (false == CswTools.IsDate(Date))
                ret = _Cache[NodeTypeId].FirstOrDefault(Layout => Layout.LayoutType == LayoutType &&
                                                        Layout.PropId == PropId &&
                                                        (LayoutType != CswEnumNbtLayoutType.Edit || Layout.TabId == TabId));
                string Sql = @"select * from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, "nodetype_layout", Date) +
                             "  where nodetypeid = " + NodeTypeId + " " +
                             "    and layouttype = '" + LayoutType.ToString() + "' " +
                             "    and nodetypepropid = " + PropId + " ";
                if (LayoutType == CswEnumNbtLayoutType.Edit)
                    Sql += "      and nodetypetabsetid = " + TabId;

                CswArbitrarySelect LayoutSelect = _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("getLayout_Audit_Select", Sql);
                DataTable          LayoutTable  = LayoutSelect.getTable();
                if (LayoutTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    ret = new NodeTypeLayout(LayoutTable.Rows[0]);
        } // getLayout()
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a dictionary of layout by tab
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary <Int32, NodeTypeLayout> getLayout(CswEnumNbtLayoutType LayoutType, Int32 NodeTypeId, Int32 PropId, CswDateTime Date)
            Dictionary <Int32, NodeTypeLayout> LayoutByTab = new Dictionary <Int32, NodeTypeLayout>();

            if (false == CswTools.IsDate(Date))
                foreach (NodeTypeLayout Layout in _Cache[NodeTypeId].Where(Layout => Layout.LayoutType == LayoutType &&
                                                                           Layout.PropId == PropId))
                    LayoutByTab[Layout.TabId] = Layout;
                string Sql = @"select * from " + CswNbtAuditTableAbbreviation.getAuditTableSql(_CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources, "nodetype_layout", Date) +
                             "  where nodetypeid = " + NodeTypeId + " " +
                             "    and layouttype = '" + LayoutType.ToString() + "' " +
                             "    and nodetypepropid = " + PropId;
                CswArbitrarySelect LayoutSelect = _CswNbtMetaDataResources.CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("getLayout_Audit_Select", Sql);
                DataTable          LayoutTable  = LayoutSelect.getTable();
                foreach (DataRow LayoutRow in LayoutTable.Rows)
                    NodeTypeLayout Layout = new NodeTypeLayout(LayoutRow);
                    LayoutByTab.Add(Layout.TabId, Layout);
        } // getLayout()
Beispiel #14
        private Int32 _getNextAvailableRowForItem(Int32 RoleId, string ActionId)
            String SqlText      = "select max(display_row) maxrow from landingpage where display_col = 1 ";
            String ActionClause = " and (for_actionid = :actionid )";
            String RoleClause   = " and (for_roleid = :roleid )";

            if (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(ActionId))
                SqlText += ActionClause;
            else//TODO - if and when Action Landing Pages are Role-specific, remove this else clause
                SqlText += RoleClause;

            CswArbitrarySelect LandingPageSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("LandingPageForRole", SqlText);

            LandingPageSelect.addParameter("actionid", ActionId);
            LandingPageSelect.addParameter("roleid", RoleId.ToString());

            DataTable LandingPageSelectTable = LandingPageSelect.getTable();
            Int32     MaxRow = 0;

            if (LandingPageSelectTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                MaxRow = CswConvert.ToInt32(LandingPageSelectTable.Rows[0]["maxrow"]);
                if (MaxRow < 0)
                    MaxRow = 0;
            return(MaxRow + 1);
        public void threadCallBack(ICswResources CswResources)
            _LogicRunStatus = CswEnumScheduleLogicRunStatus.Running;

            CswNbtResources CswNbtResources = (CswNbtResources)CswResources;

            CswNbtResources.AuditContext = "Scheduler Task: " + RuleName;

            if (CswEnumScheduleLogicRunStatus.Stopping != _LogicRunStatus)
                    // Find which nodes are out of date
                    CswArbitrarySelect OutOfDateNodesQuerySelect = getValuesToUpdate(CswNbtResources);
                    DataTable          OutOfDateNodes            = null;

                    Int32 NodesPerCycle = CswConvert.ToInt32(CswNbtResources.ConfigVbls.getConfigVariableValue(CswEnumConfigurationVariableNames.NodesProcessedPerCycle));
                    if (NodesPerCycle <= 0)
                        NodesPerCycle = 25;
                    OutOfDateNodes = OutOfDateNodesQuerySelect.getTable(0, NodesPerCycle, false);
                    NodesPerCycle  = OutOfDateNodes.Rows.Count; //in case we didn't actually retrieve that amount

                    Int32  ErroneousNodeCount = 0;
                    string ErroneousNodes     = "The following Nodes failed to update:\n";
                    for (Int32 idx = 0; (idx < NodesPerCycle); idx++)
                        CswPrimaryKey nodeid = new CswPrimaryKey("nodes", CswConvert.ToInt32(OutOfDateNodes.Rows[idx]["nodeid"].ToString()));
                        try//Case 29526 - if updating the node fails for whatever reason, log it and move on
                            CswNbtNode Node = CswNbtResources.Nodes[nodeid];
                            CswNbtActUpdatePropertyValue CswNbtActUpdatePropertyValue = new CswNbtActUpdatePropertyValue(CswNbtResources);
                            CswNbtActUpdatePropertyValue.UpdateNode(Node, false);
                            // Case 28997:
                            Node.postChanges(ForceUpdate: true);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (false == ErroneousNodes.Contains(CswConvert.ToString(nodeid)))
                                ErroneousNodes += nodeid + " - " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + "\n\n";
                    }//if we have nodes to process

                    _CswScheduleLogicDetail.StatusMessage = 0 == ErroneousNodeCount ? "Completed without error" : ErroneousNodes;

                    _LogicRunStatus = CswEnumScheduleLogicRunStatus.Succeeded; //last line
                catch (Exception Exception)
                    _CswScheduleLogicDetail.StatusMessage = "CswScheduleLogicNbtUpdtPropVals exception: " + Exception.Message + "; " + Exception.StackTrace;
                    _LogicRunStatus = CswEnumScheduleLogicRunStatus.Failed;//last line
            }//if we're not shutting down
Beispiel #16
        //Determine the number of Nodes that need to be updated and return that value
        public Int32 getLoadCount(ICswResources CswResources)
            CswArbitrarySelect PendingEventsNodesSelect   = getValuesToUpdate(CswResources);
            DataTable          NodesRequiringUpdateEvents = PendingEventsNodesSelect.getTable();
            Int32 LoadCount = NodesRequiringUpdateEvents.Rows.Count;

        public Int32 getLoadCount(ICswResources CswResources)
            string             Sql = "select count(*) cnt from nbtimportqueue@" + CAFDbLink + " where state = '" + State.I + "' or state = '" + State.U + "'";
            CswArbitrarySelect QueueCountSelect = CswResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("cafimport_queue_count", Sql);
            DataTable          QueueCountTable  = QueueCountSelect.getTable();

Beispiel #18
 public override void update()
     CswNbtMetaDataFieldType BarcodeFT = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.getFieldType( CswEnumNbtFieldType.Barcode );
     string SelectText = "select nodetypepropid from nodetype_props where fieldtypeid = " + BarcodeFT.FieldTypeId;
     CswArbitrarySelect GetBarcodePropsSelect = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswArbitrarySelect( "Get Barcode Props Select", SelectText );
     DataTable BarcodePropsTable = GetBarcodePropsSelect.getTable();
     foreach( DataRow BarcodePropsRow in BarcodePropsTable.Rows )
         CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp BarcodeProp = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.getNodeTypeProp( CswConvert.ToInt32( BarcodePropsRow["nodetypepropid"] ) );
         BarcodeProp.ReadOnly = true;
 } // update()
        //Determine the number of props that need to be updated and return that value
        public Int32 getLoadCount(ICswResources CswResources)
            Int32 OldLoadCount = _CswScheduleLogicDetail.LoadCount;
            CswArbitrarySelect OutOfDateNodesQuerySelect = getValuesToUpdate(CswResources);
            DataTable          OutOfDateNodes            = OutOfDateNodesQuerySelect.getTable();
            Int32 LoadCount = OutOfDateNodes.Rows.Count;

            if (LoadCount == OldLoadCount)
                LoadCount = 0;//Case 31213 - If LoadCount is stuck above 0 and hasn't changed, skip running this rule
        } // removeSessionData(CswNbtSessionDataId)

        public void removeAllSessionData( string SessionId )
            if( SessionId != string.Empty )
                if( _CswNbtResources.IsInitializedForDbAccess )
                    CswTableUpdate SessionDataUpdate = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableUpdate( "removeSessionData_update", SessionDataTableName );
                    DataTable SessionDataTable = SessionDataUpdate.getTable( "where " + SessionDataColumn_SessionId + " = '" + SessionId + "'" );
                    if( SessionDataTable.Rows.Count > 0 )
                        Collection<DataRow> DoomedRows = new Collection<DataRow>();
                        foreach( DataRow Row in SessionDataTable.Rows )
                            DoomedRows.Add( Row );
                        foreach( DataRow Row in DoomedRows )
                        SessionDataUpdate.update( SessionDataTable );
                    }//there are session records

                    CswArbitrarySelect SessionNodeSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect( "removeSessionData_update_nodes",
                                                                                                    "select nodeid from nodes where istemp = 1 and sessionid = :sessionid " );
                    SessionNodeSelect.addParameter( "sessionid", SessionId );

                    DataTable NodesTable = SessionNodeSelect.getTable();
                    if( NodesTable.Rows.Count > 0 )
                        Collection<CswNbtNode> DoomedNodes = new Collection<CswNbtNode>();
                        foreach( DataRow Row in NodesTable.Rows )
                            CswPrimaryKey NodeId = new CswPrimaryKey( "nodes", CswConvert.ToInt32( Row["nodeid"] ) );
                            if( CswTools.IsPrimaryKey( NodeId ) )
                                CswNbtNode TempNode = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[NodeId];
                                if( null != TempNode )
                                    DoomedNodes.Add( TempNode );

                        foreach( CswNbtNode DoomedNode in DoomedNodes )
                            DoomedNode.delete( DeleteAllRequiredRelatedNodes : true, OverridePermissions : true );

                    }//there are nodes rows

                }//Db resources are initialzied

            }//SessionId is not empty

        } // removeAllSessionData()
Beispiel #21
        public void processUpdateEvents(CswNbtResources CswNbtResources)
            CswArbitrarySelect PendingEventsNodesSelect = getValuesToUpdate(CswNbtResources);
            Int32     NodesPerCycle        = _getNodesPerCycle(CswNbtResources);
            DataTable NodesRequiringUpdate = PendingEventsNodesSelect.getTable(0, NodesPerCycle, false);

            NodesPerCycle = NodesRequiringUpdate.Rows.Count;

            for (Int32 idx = 0; (idx < NodesPerCycle); idx++)
                CswPrimaryKey NodeId = new CswPrimaryKey("nodes", CswConvert.ToInt32(NodesRequiringUpdate.Rows[idx]["nodeid"].ToString()));
                executeNodeUpdateEvents(CswNbtResources, NodeId);
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the set of available Import Definition Names
        /// </summary>
        public static CswCommaDelimitedString getDefinitionNames(CswNbtResources CswNbtResources)
            CswCommaDelimitedString ret = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
            //CswTableSelect DefSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect( "loadBindings_def_select1", CswNbtImportTables.ImportDef.TableName );
            string             Sql          = @"select distinct(" + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDef.definitionname + ") from " + CswNbtImportTables.ImportDef.TableName + "";
            CswArbitrarySelect DefSelect    = CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("loadBindings_def_select1", Sql);
            DataTable          DefDataTable = DefSelect.getTable();

            foreach (DataRow defrow in DefDataTable.Rows)
                ret.Add(defrow[CswNbtImportTables.ImportDef.definitionname].ToString(), false, true);
Beispiel #23
        public DataTable GetDataAsTable(string NameColumn, string KeyColumn)
            DataTable Data = new CswDataTable("GetDataAsTable_DataTable", "");


            foreach (string XValue in XValues)
                Data.Columns.Add(XValue, typeof(bool));

            //if( _CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp.IsFK && _CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp.FKType == "fkeydefid" )
            if (CswConvert.ToBoolean(_CswNbtNodePropData[CswNbtFieldTypeRuleLogicalSet.AttributeName.IsFK]) &&
                _CswNbtNodePropData[CswNbtFieldTypeRuleLogicalSet.AttributeName.FKType] == "fkeydefid")
                CswTableSelect FkeyDefsSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect("YValues_fkeydef_select", "fkey_definitions");
                //DataTable FkeyDefsTable = FkeyDefsSelect.getTable( "fkeydefid", _CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp.FKValue );
                DataTable          FkeyDefsTable = FkeyDefsSelect.getTable("fkeydefid", CswConvert.ToInt32(_CswNbtNodePropData[CswNbtFieldTypeRuleLogicalSet.AttributeName.FKValue]));
                string             Sql           = FkeyDefsTable.Rows[0]["sql"].ToString();
                CswArbitrarySelect YValuesSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("YValues_select", Sql);
                DataTable          YValuesTable  = YValuesSelect.getTable();
                foreach (DataRow CurrentYValueRow in YValuesTable.Rows)
                    DataRow Row = Data.NewRow();
                    Row[NameColumn] = CurrentYValueRow[FkeyDefsTable.Rows[0]["ref_column"].ToString()].ToString();
                    Row[KeyColumn]  = CurrentYValueRow[FkeyDefsTable.Rows[0]["pk_column"].ToString()].ToString();
                    foreach (string XValue in XValues)
                        Row[XValue] = CheckValue(XValue, Row[KeyColumn].ToString());
                foreach (string YValue in YValues)
                    DataRow Row = Data.NewRow();
                    Row[NameColumn] = YValue;
                    Row[KeyColumn]  = YValue;
                    foreach (string XValue in XValues)
                        Row[XValue] = CheckValue(XValue, YValue);
Beispiel #24
        public static void CreateCafProps(CswNbtResources NbtResources, List <string> NodeTypes, string PropsValsTblName, string PropsValsPKName, CswEnumSetupMode SetupMode)
            CswNbtSchemaUpdateImportMgr ImpMgr = new CswNbtSchemaUpdateImportMgr(new CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn(NbtResources), "CAF", ImporterSetUpMode: SetupMode);

            string             sql            = GetCAFPropertiesSQL(PropsValsTblName, NodeTypes);
            CswArbitrarySelect cafChemPropAS  = NbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("cafProps_" + PropsValsPKName, sql);
            DataTable          cafChemPropsDT = cafChemPropAS.getTable();

            foreach (DataRow row in cafChemPropsDT.Rows)
                foreach (string nt in NodeTypes)
                    CswNbtMetaDataNodeType NodeType = NbtResources.MetaData.getNodeType(nt);

                    string PropName = row["propertyname"].ToString();
                    int    PropId   = CswConvert.ToInt32(row["propertyid"]);
                    PropName = GetUniquePropName(NodeType, PropName);   //keep appending numbers until we have a unique prop name

                    CswEnumNbtFieldType        propFT  = GetFieldTypeFromCAFPropTypeCode(row["propertytype"].ToString());
                    CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp newProp = NbtResources.MetaData.makeNewProp(new CswNbtWcfMetaDataModel.NodeTypeProp(NodeType, NbtResources.MetaData.getFieldType(propFT), PropName)
                        IsRequired  = CswConvert.ToBoolean(row["required"]),
                        ReadOnly    = CswConvert.ToBoolean(row["readonly"]),
                        ListOptions = CswConvert.ToString(row["listopts"])

                    string cafColPropName = "prop" + row["propertyid"];
                    string cafSourceCol   = "propvaltext";
                    if (CswEnumNbtFieldType.DateTime == propFT)
                        cafSourceCol = "propvaldate";
                    else if (CswEnumNbtFieldType.Number == propFT)
                        cafSourceCol = "propvalnumber";

                    ImpMgr.importBinding(cafSourceCol, PropName, "", "CAF", NodeType.NodeTypeName,
                                         ClobTableName: PropsValsTblName,
                                         LobDataPkColOverride: cafColPropName,
                                         LobDataPkColName: PropsValsPKName,
                                         LegacyPropId: PropId);

Beispiel #25
        private CswCommaDelimitedString _getMolsWithNoCTab(CswNbtResources NbtResources)
            CswCommaDelimitedString nonCTabedMols = new CswCommaDelimitedString();

            string             sql           = @"select nodeid from mol_data where ctab is null";
            CswArbitrarySelect arbSelect     = NbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("getNonCTabedMols", sql);
            DataTable          nodesToUpdate = arbSelect.getTable();

            foreach (DataRow row in nodesToUpdate.Rows)

        private static int _getNodeTypePropIdFromJctNodePropId(CswNbtResources NbtResources, int JctNodePropId)
            int                ret       = Int32.MinValue;
            string             sql       = "select nodetypepropid from jct_nodes_props where jctnodepropid = :jctnodepropid";
            CswArbitrarySelect arbSelect = NbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("BinaryData.getNodeTypePropIdFromJctNodePropId", sql);

            arbSelect.addParameter("jctnodepropid", JctNodePropId.ToString());
            DataTable tbl = arbSelect.getTable();

            if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0)
                ret = CswConvert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows[0]["nodetypepropid"]);
        //public void makeArbitraryNode()
        //    if( null == TestNode )
        //    {

        //        if( null == TestNodeType )
        //        {
        //            TestNodeType = _CswTestCaseRsrc.makeTestNodeType( TestNodeTypeNamesFake.TestNodeType01 );
        //            BuiltInProp = TestNodeType.getNodeTypeProp( "Name" );
        //            AddedProp = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.makeNewProp( TestNodeType, CswEnumNbtFieldType.Text, "AddedProp", 0 );
        //        }

        //        CswNbtMetaDataNodeType LatestVersionNT = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.getNodeTypeLatestVersion( TestNodeType.NodeTypeId );
        //        TestNode = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.Nodes.makeNodeFromNodeTypeId( LatestVersionNT.NodeTypeId, CswEnumNbtMakeNodeOperation.DoNothing );
        //    }//if we haven't already made a node


        public DataTable getJctAuditRecords()
            DataTable ReturnVal = null;

            CswCommaDelimitedString CswCommaDelimitedString = new CswCommaDelimitedString();


            CswArbitrarySelect CswArbitrarySelect = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswArbitrarySelect(Purpose, "select * from jct_nodes_props_audit where jctnodepropid in (" + CswCommaDelimitedString.ToString() + ")");

            ReturnVal = CswArbitrarySelect.getTable();

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes all rows flagged isdemo=1
        /// </summary>
        public void RemoveDemoData()
            if ("1" == _CswNbtResources.ConfigVbls.getConfigVariableValue("is_demo"))
                String                  AllDemoTablesSQL = " select distinct tablename from data_dictionary where columnname='isdemo' and tablename <> 'nodes' and tablename <> 'statistics' order by tablename ";
                CswArbitrarySelect      AllDemoTables    = _CswNbtResources.makeCswArbitrarySelect("Fetch Tables With Demo Data", AllDemoTablesSQL);
                DataTable               DemosDataTable   = AllDemoTables.getTable();
                CswCommaDelimitedString TablesToPrune    = new CswCommaDelimitedString();

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < DemosDataTable.Rows.Count; i++)

                //As of 01H-17, executing this in alphabetical order (minus nodes/statistics) will work
                foreach (String TableName in TablesToPrune)
                    String NukeDemoDataSQL = "delete from " + TableName + " where isdemo = '" + CswConvert.ToDbVal(true) + "'";
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Error, "Before records from the " + TableName + " table can be deleted, child records must be deleted first.", "Oracle threw an " + ex + " exception.");

                // We just happen to know that these are the only 2 tables which have constraints and need to be dealt with separately
                    _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.execArbitraryPlatformNeutralSql("delete from nodes where isdemo= '" + CswConvert.ToDbVal(true) + "'");
                    _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.execArbitraryPlatformNeutralSql("delete from statistics where isdemo= '" + CswConvert.ToDbVal(true) + "'");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Error, "Before records from the nodes/statistics table(s) can be deleted, child records must be deleted first.", "Oracle threw an " + ex + " exception.");

                _CswNbtResources.ConfigVbls.setConfigVariableValue("is_demo", "0");
            }//if( "1" == _CswNbtResources.ConfigVbls.getConfigVariableValue( "is_demo" ) )
Beispiel #29
        public override void update()
            CswTableUpdate LayoutTabUpdate = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswTableUpdate( "layout_tab_update", "layout_tab" );
            DataTable LayoutTabTable = LayoutTabUpdate.getEmptyTable();
            CswArbitrarySelect OldLayoutTabsSelect = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswArbitrarySelect( "layout_tab_update", 
  n.nodeid design_nodetype_nodeid,
  n3.nodeid design_nodetypetab_nodeid
from nodetype_layout l
left join nodetype_tabset t on l.nodetypetabsetid = t.nodetypetabsetid
left join nodes n on n.relationalid = l.nodetypeid and n.relationaltable = 'nodetypes'
left join nodes n3 on n3.relationalid = l.nodetypetabsetid and n3.relationaltable = 'nodetype_tabset'
group by l.layouttype, t.tabname, t.taborder, l.nodetypeid, l.nodetypetabsetid, n.nodeid, n3.nodeid
order by l.nodetypeid, l.layouttype" );
            DataTable OldLayoutTabsTable = OldLayoutTabsSelect.getTable();
            foreach( DataRow OldLayoutRow in OldLayoutTabsTable.Rows )
                DataRow LayoutTabRow = LayoutTabTable.NewRow();
                LayoutTabRow["layout_type"] = OldLayoutRow["layouttype"].ToString().ToLower();
                if( LayoutTabRow["layout_type"].ToString() == "table" )
                    LayoutTabRow["layout_type"] = "search";
                LayoutTabRow["tab_type"] = "main";
                if( OldLayoutRow["tabname"].ToString() == "Identity" )
                    LayoutTabRow["tab_type"] = "identity";
                LayoutTabRow["tab_name"] = OldLayoutRow["tabname"];
                LayoutTabRow["tab_order"] = OldLayoutRow["taborder"];
                if( LayoutTabRow["tab_order"].ToString() == "" )
                    LayoutTabRow["tab_order"] = 1;
                LayoutTabRow["metadata_nodetypeid"] = OldLayoutRow["nodetypeid"];
                LayoutTabRow["design_nodetype_nodeid"] = OldLayoutRow["design_nodetype_nodeid"];
                LayoutTabRow["design_nodetypetab_nodeid"] = OldLayoutRow["design_nodetypetab_nodeid"];
                LayoutTabTable.Rows.Add( LayoutTabRow );
            LayoutTabUpdate.update( LayoutTabTable );
        } // update()
Beispiel #30
        } // update()

        private void _getCounts( out Dictionary<Int32, Int32> NodeCountsForNodeType, out Dictionary<Int32, Int32> NodeCountsForObjectClass )
            NodeCountsForNodeType = new Dictionary<Int32, Int32>();
            NodeCountsForObjectClass = new Dictionary<Int32, Int32>();

            // Look up the object class of all nodes (deleted or no)
            string SqlSelect = @"select count(distinct nodeid) cnt, firstversionid, objectclassid 
                                   from (select n.nodeid, t.firstversionid, o.objectclassid, n.istemp
                                           from nodes n
                                           left outer join nodetypes t on n.nodetypeid = t.nodetypeid
                                           left outer join object_class o on t.objectclassid = o.objectclassid
                                         select n.nodeid, ta.firstversionid, o.objectclassid, n.istemp
                                           from nodes_audit n
                                           left outer join nodetypes_audit ta on n.nodetypeid = ta.nodetypeid
                                           left outer join object_class o on ta.objectclassid = o.objectclassid)";
            SqlSelect += "where istemp = 0";
            SqlSelect += "group by objectclassid, firstversionid";

            CswArbitrarySelect NodeCountSelect = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswArbitrarySelect( "CswNbtActQuotas_historicalNodeCount", SqlSelect );
            DataTable NodeCountTable = NodeCountSelect.getTable();
            foreach( DataRow NodeCountRow in NodeCountTable.Rows )
                Int32 ThisObjectClassId = CswConvert.ToInt32( NodeCountRow["objectclassid"] );
                Int32 ThisNodeTypeId = CswConvert.ToInt32( NodeCountRow["firstversionid"] );

                Int32 NodeCount = CswConvert.ToInt32( NodeCountRow["cnt"] );
                if( NodeCountsForNodeType.ContainsKey( ThisNodeTypeId ) )
                    NodeCountsForNodeType[ThisNodeTypeId] += NodeCount;
                    NodeCountsForNodeType.Add( ThisNodeTypeId, NodeCount );

                if( NodeCountsForObjectClass.ContainsKey( ThisObjectClassId ) )
                    NodeCountsForObjectClass[ThisObjectClassId] += NodeCount;
                    NodeCountsForObjectClass.Add( ThisObjectClassId, NodeCount );